Phoenix Empire

Chapter 172 Abstention

Hua Che did not return to the palace overnight. Lingyue called all the servants to ask him where he was going, but failed. In a large palace, no one saw him or knew where he had gone. They waited until the third update. The maids waited and went to bed, but she couldn't sleep alone. She couldn't help but feel a little worried and scared in her heart. Now Wangcheng Surrounded, she only had such a pillar that she could rely on. If even her teacher left her, she really didn't know how to face this disaster. When she closed her eyes, Hua Che's smile and what he had said to her and what he had done for her kept coming to her.

"In the future, don't mention another dead word in front of me. I want you to live. How long as I live, how long will you live?"

"So, teacher, how long can you live?"

"Maybe I won't die until the landslide cracks, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, and the mountain has no diamond horns..."

The mountains collapsed and the rocks were broken, and the sea was withered and the rocks were rotten. It turned out that he had already made such a vow to love her and protect her with his life, but will he really not die? Can you really live with heaven and earth?

"I condone you and tolerate your betrayal again and again, but in the end, I still leave you by my side. Do you know why?"

"There are many people who want to kill you, but no one in the world has enough ability to protect you..."

"Lingyue, have you ever thought about my feelings? Do you really think my tolerance and geneaty are inexhaustible? Do you really think that I am the most powerful man in the world?

Thinking of this sentence, Lingyue's eyes can't help but be filled with tears. Yes, even a man as powerful as his mentor will feel tired, sad and sad. After all, he is a human being, not a god!

So now, can he still get through the difficulties with her?

In this musk moon country, he is already the target of public criticism. There will be no fewer people who want to kill him than those who want to kill her. Maybe no matter where he goes, there will be deadly poison arrows pointing at him. Can he successfully come out of the dangerous trap every time?

I never thought that my teacher would die like a mortal, but now, she will be scared.

"Qianli..." Near dawn, Lingyue got up and called the most careful maid sent to her. The maid answered and immediately ran over to help her up and asked softly, "Lord Moon, what can I order?"

"What time is it now?" Lingyue looked out of the window, and some bright light pierced her eyes. She asked worriedly, and Qianli immediately replied, "It's time. Moon Lord, it's still early. Why don't you rest a little longer!"

"Master... Hasn't the emperor come back yet?"

She has asked countless times in one night. Qianli was really difficult to answer, so she had to smile and comfort him: "The emperor must have something important to do, so I didn't have time to tell the moon lord. Please rest assured that the emperor will be the first to see the moon owner when he comes back."

"I know he will definitely come to me as soon as he comes back, but if he doesn't come, it proves that he hasn't come back, doesn't he? Qianli, do you think he will?"

"No..." Qianli waved his hand repeatedly and smiled, "Don't say unlucky words. The moon lord still doesn't know who the emperor is. He is the most powerful man in our musk moon kingdom. He has an eternal myth. No one will do anything to him! However, the moon master..."

Looking at Qianli's unclear smile, Lingyue said puzzledly, but the maid made a joke on her boldly: "You seem to care about the emperor now? I'm afraid the moon owner has fallen in love with him, right?

Ling Yue was stunned and blushed a little. She looked at Qianli in consternation and immediately looked away. The grinful maid only covered her mouth and smiled secretly. She didn't look like a subordinate at all. No wonder the teacher would rest assured that she would take care of herself. Qianli, change your clothes for the lonely king!" Qianli smiled vigorously, and Lingyue suddenly gave the order seriously. Qianli was shocked, looked at Lingyue's eyes and asked, "So early, where is Yue mainly going?"

"The Lone King wants to come to the battlefield in person!"

"What...what! This, this is absolutely not allowed. The emperor ordered the maidservant to take good care of the moon lord. The moon is weak and can't stand the cold, let alone..."

Qianli jumped on his feet in a hurry, but Lingyue said firmly, "The lonely king wants to see my cousin, Ling Yufei."

Unable to resist her, Qianli finally put on a Fengluan robe for her, put on a silver helmet and armored potassium for her, accompanied her out of the city, led 10,000 iron cavalry to fight against the enemy on the battlefield of Xingyang City.

The cold wind blew across the ground and rolled up the dust. The fishy smell of blood almost made her vomit, but she put up with it and walked forward and met the spirit wind of the enemy's main general. The spirit wind was also covered with silver armor and potassium. Her eyes were handsome and eyebrows were bright. Although she was young, she did not lose the demeanor of a general and had her own heroic posture. With the momentum, he saw Lingyue's dress, and his eyebrows bent, and he actually laughed provocatively. He ran to Lingyue's front of the horse, leaned down on the horse's back, and said loudly, "I didn't expect that Sister Yuezhu was so beautiful and touching in this body. Brother Wang, I'm really happy! What, Hua Che is incompetent. Did you let Yuezhu lead the troops to fight with me in person?

Lingyue looked at his joking smile and felt that the words were ironic and smiled faintly. She also said calmly, "Since she claims to be Wang's younger brother, she should obey the lonely king. Since ancient times, those who conspired against the throne will be scolded thousands of people in history. Wang, we are all members of the Ling clan. Why do we have to fight with each other and hurt each other? Killing, causing the people of the musk moon to flee everywhere, my wife and children are scattered, and the mourning is everywhere. What about the life?

"There is nothing we can do about a meritorious minister." Ling Safeng smiled and sighed, "Sister Yuezhu, why can you tolerate the throne of the enemy prince Hua Che until today? We actually want to help you now.

"Help me?" Lingyue only felt ridiculous, "Are you helping me under the banner of overthrowing the Hua family's government and avenging my Lingyue? Brother Wang, as long as the people live a good life in a country. Although Hua Che is the prince of the Royal Dragon Kingdom, he is now a citizen of my musk moon country. If you judge a person as a father, my father of Lingyue is also a person from the Royal Dragon Kingdom in the Central Plains. However, we love our own country as much as Hua Che or the lonely king. I We are all dedicated to revitalizing our musk moon country. Have you ever seen me, Lingyue, do anything that hurts my people and harms my musk moon country? But you, do you know what you have done wrong now? You actually colluded with Prince Yaoguang of the Central Plains and used the enemy's hand to slaughter your relatives and your own people. Even if you kill me, Lingyue, what can you do? If the people know that you have conspired with the enemy to occupy our musk moon country, do you think you can get the support of the people of my musk moon country?

Ling Safeng looked gloomy and sighed: "Sister Yuezhu's words are not unreasonable. However, after Ling's country is stable, my sister and mother and I will drive Prince Yaoguang out of the Muyue Kingdom. Moreover, Yuezhu, you misunderstood. We don't want to kill you, but Please stand on the same line with us. As long as Hua Che dies, we will still hold you as the moon lord. All we want is to take back the country and dignity of the Ling family!"

"Good words and discernment!" Lingyue smiled bitterly and said coldly, "Huache is the husband of the lonely king and the moon king of the moon kingdom. As long as my Lingyue is the moon lord of this musk moon kingdom, he is the only man of my Lingyue. Therefore, as long as I, Lingyue, will not die!"

"You--" Ling Safeng raised his eyebrows angrily and said angrily, "Sister Yuezhu, you have changed. You are no longer the former Lingyue. He treats our Ling family like this. Why do you still confess to him?"

"Because...because everything he did was right, and you were wrong!"

Lingyue clenched her lips and said, maybe there is a secret reason in her heart. Now, she has become reluctant and attached to him, and she can't leave him...

Ling Safeng's eyes widened, a little disappointed and angry. He angrily clenched his fist and beat the horse, making the horse roar. At this time, Ling Yufei walked out of the barracks, rode the horse forward, and answered with a smile, "Dare to ask the Lord of the moon, where is our mistake?"

Seeing Ling Yufei's gentle smiling face, Ling Yue only felt very heartache. Obviously, she was a very soft, compassionate and even heart-warming face. Why did she hide such a misfortune? She calmed herself and said harshly, "You are in collusion with Prince Yaoguang of the Central Plains. Don't you know your fault?"

"If we collude with the Central Plains, aren't you the same, sister? Hua Che is also the prince of the Central Plains. Isn't it embarrassing to be with him now? And you just said that your father is also from the Royal Dragon Kingdom of the Central Plains. Your own bloodline is not pure. Do you remember what the people said about you when you first ascended to the throne of the moon? You are not recognized at all. Your accession to the throne is the beginning of a mis knowledge, a bloody storm!"

"Couse Yufei, you..." Lingyue's eyes moistened, and she didn't want to believe it, and she was a little ashamed. She looked dark. Ling Safeng looked at her, as if she couldn't bear it. She pulled Ling Yufei's sleeve and whispered, "Sister, don't talk too much. Sister Yuezhu's body has always been very good. I'm afraid of her..."

Ling Yufei hit his brother's hand, gave a white look, and smiled at Lingyue again: "Sister, I didn't mean to hit you. If you really love your country and love your own people, why don't you spread it to the capable, and you are not in good health. It's really not suitable for you to work in the position of the Lord of this month, sister I also feel sorry for you!"

Do you feel sorry for me? Lingyue smiled astringently. Why did everyone who wanted to kill her put on a compassionate look and say that it was all for her good, that they all loved her and loved her?

"Is it passed on to the capable?" Lingyue smiled faintly, looked at Ling Yufei and asked, "What does cousin mean, do you want me to pass it on to you?"

Ling Yufei smiled dignifiedly and elegantly: "If my sister has this in mind, it's better to obey than to obey!"

"Cousin Yufei, can you truly love your country and your people? Instead of just loving the throne that conquers the royal power of the Ling clan?

"Of course." Ling Yufei always smiled gently, but Lingyue shook her head and said, "No, you don't love it. If you really love the musk moon country and love the people, why did you create this chaos, causing our people to struggle with life and death in the hot water? If you really love my country, you will think of the people and you won't start a coup..."

Ling Yufei's expression is complicated and changeable. Ling Yue smiled silently and looked up and said, "Cousin Yufei, I admit that you are indeed better than me. Like your mother, you are also erudite and talented, intelligent, and fully capable of being the lord of this country. It is also very likely that you will be better than me and make the country stronger than me. Rich, will be a good lord..." The strong wind on the battlefield dried her tears, and the snow fell again. Lingyue looked at the sky, thought for a long time, and suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, I would like to be in you..."

Ling Yufei and Ling Sa Feng suddenly smiled happily and rushed to say something. Ling Yue interrupted again and added, "Tomorrow Fengyu Mountain Moon Temple, I will officially pass on the position of moon lord to you according to the ancestral rules of my Ling family, but... I want you to withdraw your troops immediately and make a truce!"

"Withdraw troops immediately, truce!" Lingyue repeated again, and the soldiers were shocked after hearing this. Ling Yufei's expression finally turned into a smile after several changes, "Okay, I will follow your order for the last time... What is the proof?"

"Hip as an oath!"

Ling Yufei smiled, whipped the horse forward, stretched out his hand to Ling Yue, and shook each other. After the last high-five, Ling Yufei pushed the horse back and shouted: "Withdraw! Truce!"

Back to the barracks, as soon as the withdrawal order was issued, the soldiers were released. As long as there was no war, no blood, no death, no permanent separation from their families, it was better than anything else! Tens of thousands of soldiers withdrew from the tent and left with Ling Yufei. Ling Safeng followed his sister and looked back at Ling Yue from time to time. Ling Yufei knocked his brother's face hard and scolded angrily, "Fenger, when have you become as romantic as Hua Che? People have gone far away. Are you still looking back. Is that Lingyue so beautiful?"

"It's not particularly amazing, but it's also very beautiful, but now it seems to be a little haggard. Feng'er really likes her. My sister promised me to reward her after the throne, okay?"

"A promising guy, love the beauty but not the country!"

"Whatever my sister said, but I'm definitely going to decide her. How about it? Do you want to give it or not?"

"All right! My mother originally wanted me to kill her to eliminate future troubles, but since Fenger likes it, just give it to her!"

"Ah... That's almost... You have to keep your word... Then I'll wait for that day... Haha..."