Phoenix Empire

Chapter 173 Alliance with the enemy

"Okay, I agree to your request and withdraw the troops--"

At the moment when Lingyue and Ling Yufei high-fiveed and vowed, Hua Che and Prince Yaoguang also drank the alliance wine and reached an agreement with each other. When the sun shined on the barracks, another day began. Yao Guangtai let Hua Che leave and dispatched the army as promised. Xingyang City, which was originally full of soldiers, turned into an empty city for a while.

"Why let him go?" After Hua Che left the enemy camp, the white counselor wearing a bamboo hat beside Prince Yaoguang suddenly asked, "Why didn't you take the opportunity to kill him? Is it possible that His Royal Highness still cares about his brotherhood?

"Let him go, but because there is still a chess game to take, and it is necessary to take him as my assistant."

"Oh? What kind of chess is His Royal Highness going to play now?

"My second brother has completely lost his fighting spirit for women. There is no fear, but what really worries me is that woman--"

"That woman?" The counselor in white was shocked and asked in a low voice, "Is it the Lord of the Palace?"

"Not bad. This woman is the most powerful and vicious woman I have ever seen. She can even kill the person she loves the most. It's hard to guarantee that he won't kill me secretly..."

"So, His Royal Highness should do it first and use Hua Che's hand to remove her first?"

"Not bad. Since this request was put forward by my second brother Hua Che, why don't I sell this favor first, completely eliminate the spirit clan, and then let my second brother give up the country of musk moon? Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?

"Your Highness is far-sighted, and Ziyi really admires it!"

"After the Lingshi Jiangshan is in my hand and the world is stable, Yushu Ziyi, I will give you whatever you want!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!" A pair of stars under the bamboo hat flashed, and there were imperceptible waves in Yu Shuzi's look. He has been lurking here for so long, and it's time to do something...

"Hahaha... With the two of you as my assistants, the Ling clan of the Muyue Kingdom is just around the corner..." Prince Yaoguang laughed openly. After withdrawing from the army, he drank happily with the soldiers. Yu Shuzi followed him silently and quietly. Occasionally sang with Prince Yaoguang, but after drinking, he was still silent, as if he was waiting for something. .

A war has calmed down, and the royal city has returned to tranquility, but there is only a little more desolation. After all, the cold winter is approaching, and the snow is still falling one after another, pulling the sky and the earth, covering the red bricks and green tiles.

Lingyue was supported by Qianli and walked one footprint after another on the snow. There was helplessness and melancholy in her heart, but no one could tell her. She still remembered from time to time: "Where did the teacher go? Why don't you come back?"

"Lord Moon, let's go into the house! OK? The maidservant has raised the fire for you. It's too cold. It will be more comfortable to sit by the fire to warm up. Qianli took her hand and said softly as if her sister comforted her sister, "Come on, Yuezhu, let's go back to Yue Palace!" Maybe the emperor has been waiting in the Yue Palace..."

Is that right? Has the teacher come back..." Lingyue said like a dream and was led all the way to the Yue Palace. The jade fence ice tiles, silver makeup wrapped, and the waist of the corridor was winding and long. Even the lake under the gallery was frozen. The Yue Palace rebuilt for her was like a paradise, and it was arranged around. Like a picturesque scenery, he also took great pains to make her live a happy life. He really did a lot for her. Now, he is also willing to listen to her opinions, respect her will, and don't deceive her anymore...

He has also changed a lot for her. In fact, now that I think about it, he is the only one who has really walked the long road with her! Many people have come and walk in her life, like watching flowers, making her love, hate, and die, and only one person has always accompanied her, and has been holding up a sky for her, giving her the most plump wings, so that she has lived safely in this complex political struggle until now.


It was like a dream. When she walked on a gallery in front of the Yue Palace Hall, she inadvertently looked up and saw a white robe standing at the end of the gallery, staring at her with a smile.

"Teacher, you're back--" She couldn't help exclaiming with great joy, lifting her skirt and ran to him, and Hua Che also opened her arms and hugged her tightly in her arms. "Teacher, where did you go last night? Why can't Yueer find you everywhere? Where the hell have you been? Lingyue cried softly. Hua Che didn't make a sound for a long time, but patted her on the shoulder, and then picked her up as domineeringly as before and walked to Yue Palace step by step!

"Green ant new pickled wine, red mud small stove. If it snows late, can you have a drink? Yueer, can you drink some wine with your teacher?" There are still snowflakes on Hua Che's skirt, a piece of white, almost blending with his white robe. His eyes looking at Lingyue are very affectionate and dedicated, as if he had met again after a long separation or was about to leave, cherishing every moment with her very much.

"Of course. If the teacher wants to drink, Yue'er will definitely accompany him." Lingyue had tears in her eyes, and her eyes were shining brightly. She also became a little brighter. She poured a glass of wine for Hua Che, poured another glass of wine for herself, and then raised a glass to invite him to drink with a smile. Hua Che took the wine, smiled, stroked Lingyue's cheek with one hand, and said softly, "But you can't drink too much. You're not in good health..." After drinking a glass of wine, the firelight reflected the blush on his face. He looked at Lingyue's eyes quietly and suddenly asked, "Yue'er, if there is no book flying city in the afterlife, you will fall in love. Me?"

Is the name of Shufei City always an indelible mark in their hearts? Naturally, Lingyue can't forget, but what does he mean in addition to doubling his pain? If fate comes, he will gather, and if fate goes, he will disperse. What's put it down. What's more, she has nothing else to ask for now. She just wants to... Just want to repay the people in front of her and accompany him for the rest of her life.

"Teacher, why do you care so much? I, Lingyue, have been just your people from beginning to end of my life. We have walked such a long road together. We have experienced everything and experienced all kinds of pain. Everything Yueer has in this life is inextricably linked to your teacher. Our lives have long been locked together by heaven..."

"Yes, our lives have already been locked together by heaven..." Hua Che laughed while drinking, "But I forcibly locked you with me. You will still blame me, hate me, and give me anything, but the only thing I can't get is your sincerity, your love..."

"Master... Master..." Lingyue's eyelashes burst into tears and couldn't help jumping into his arms and crying, "Master, shall we leave the palace? We leave here and return to the mountains and forests. I, Lingyue, am willing to be only the wife of a teacher, like an ordinary person..."

Huache stroked her shoulder and looked at the jumping firelight. The corners of her lips hooked, and there was an unpredictable light in his eyes. He replied, "Yueer, you know, my ideal is not like this..."

Lingyue's voice stagnated, let go of him, and looked at him worried and confusedly, "Teacher, do you still want to..."

"I said, I must promise you the crown and the world..."

He said seriously, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were terrible ambition and fierce light. Lingyue shook her head and cried, "But I don't like these. I don't want these, teacher. Why can't you understand what Yueer wants? I don't want the crown, and I don't want the world. I really hate this palace. I really hate it... I have promised my cousin Yufei to give up the throne of the moon lord to her. Teacher, don't want to be an emperor. Let's leave here together, okay? Let's get out of here together..."

"Gun to the throne of the moon to Ling Yufei, Ling Yun's daughter?" Hua Che's eyebrows moved and held Lingyue's hand, "Yeer, how can you succumb to them so stupidly? If you give up the throne, you will have nothing. That woman Lingyun, she will definitely kill you..."

"However, if I don't give in, this war will last for a long time, and the people of my musk moon country will die more. Even if we are lucky enough to win this war, my musk moon country will become poorer and backward. At that time, if the Central Plains Royal Dragon Kingdom wants to occupy my musk moon country, it will be really easy, Yue'er would rather not be the moon lord of this country than watch her motherland fall!"

Hua Che's eyes moved and held Ling Yue in his arms, but said firmly, "Yue'er should believe that as long as I am here, the musk moon country will not die!"

Lingyue cried silently in his arms and kept crying. Hua Che wiped away her tears, kissed her cheek, and comforted, "Yeer, don't be sad, don't be afraid, you don't do anything, just leave everything to me."

You don't have to do anything. I will pave the way for you. Those who want to kill you and cove over my enemies of the Moon Kingdom will all disappear from the world. I will definitely let you sit safely on the throne of the moon lord and let you spend the rest of your life calmly!

I'm sorry, Yueer, it's not that I don't want to take you back to seclusion, but that there is no place for us except here. The palace is full of enemies who want to kill us! At that time, my mother and I escaped from the palace of the Royal Dragon Kingdom and thought that we could find a place to settle down outside, but in the end, my mother still died at the hands of the eldest brother. Therefore, this royal city is the place that really belongs to us. We can only be here, and even here, I can make you live a happy and happy life. Go down!

It must be possible!

On this day, Hua Che was naturally in a bad mood. He did not tell Lingyue about the alliance with Prince Yao Guang. For an eighteen or nine-year-old girl, all this made her bear too much. He didn't want her to worry too much, so he deliberately drunk her and let her sleep well.

The next day, Lingyue slept until the sun. When she woke up, Hua Che was no longer by her side. She nervously grabbed her servants to ask, and finally asked that Hua Che had gone to the Fengyu Mountain Moon Temple. What did he do there? Is it possible to meet her cousin Ling Yufei and take back the Zen throne?

"Qianli, Qianli, prepare horses for me quickly. I'm going to Fengyu Mountain Moon Temple!"

Lingyue urged the servants while dressing, but the maidservant Qianli stopped her, wrapped the quilt around her delicate body, and comforted her: "Don't worry. The emperor said that he would come back all morning. He asked me to serve you well, especially telling you to take good health and rest more!"

"No, I'm going to the Moon Temple. Qianli, my teacher must be very dangerous to go there. Don't stop me. Prepare a fast horse for me quickly. I'll go to find him immediately. Prepare a horse for me quickly!"

Looking at Lingyue's panicked and anxious look, Qianli lost his mind for a moment and sighed, "Lord, the emperor also expected that you would stubbornly want to find him, but the emperor was not worried about your safety, so he invited a reincarnation magician to protect you, and I will definitely accompany Qianli. Even if you are on the way, you have to take good care of Yue at all times. What do you think of the Lord's body?

"Anything is fine, as long as you send me to Fengyu Mountain now!"

"Okay, the moon lord will wait for a moment, and Qianli will call the reincarnation magician immediately!"

As soon as Qianli's voice fell, as soon as he opened the door and was about to run out, a voice came in from outside the door and said coldly, "No, I'm already here--"

"The reincarnation of the magician?" Illuminated by the strong light outside, Qianli was stunned and quickly made way to let the teenager in plain robe come in.