Wind moves the world

Chapter 23 My chapter is almost zero seconds.

In the Warcraft building area, the information introduced is naturally all kinds of Warcraft.

For example, Feng Xuan is reading the book "Introduction to Animal Warcraft on the Land in the Forbidden Forest" signed by "Sophie", which briefly introduces the animal warcraft on land in the forbidden forest. However, the records of this book are not complete, and even some content is not very reliable. The first reason is that the date of the book has passed for a period of time. The second reason is that the author's shortsightedness has not walked through the forbidden forest, and even many of the monsters in the Introduction are from others. I heard it.

But Feng Xuan still kept these contents in mind.

When it comes to "Warcraft", it will make all magicians melancholy and excited.

It is said to be melancholy, because some Warcrafts are too aggressive, causing many magicians who are eager to get the power of Warcraft to die on the spot!

The origin of Warcraft is because of the effect of magic elements on ordinary animals and plants, which leads to the mutation of those ordinary animals and plants, making them have abilities similar to magicians - strong bodies and the application of magic elements!

Even some monsters have as much wisdom as human beings!

And a warcraft with a strong body that can release magic and apply its own mind has a strong attack power and desire to attack. Do you think so, can magicians not be melancholy?!

But many magicians are more excited about this!

Because Warcraft can also be used! For example, some of their body parts can be used to decorate, and can also be used as some magic props, such as magic arrays and the most necessary magic wands or magic wands!

In addition to this, magicians are more interested in taming a powerful warcraft! Because once you tame a powerful warcraft, it means that you have a strong combat power! And often the reason why many people can live until now is that he has a better warcraft than the enemy!

Of course, in addition to these, there are also some people who are also interested in Warcraft, because for them, Warcraft is a way to improve their own strength!

Warcrafts are generally divided into two types, plants and animals. Generally speaking, animal warcrafts are relatively common on the magic road. As for plant warcrafts, although the number is large, the high-level and even top-level varieties are very scarce!

Once plant-class warcrafts appear, they usually sell several times more than the high mountains of animal warcrafts, because they are popular among plant magicians!

Of course, high-level animal warcrafts are also in high demand, and they are often priceless, but plant warcrafts are even more popular! Because it's too scarce!

In fact, Fengxuan also has a lot of things from Warcraft. The most common is his black magic wand that can't be seen!

Although you can't see the material, you can imagine that it comes from an extraordinary warcraft!

Fifteen minutes later, Feng Xuan wrote down all the books of this magic building!

"The 154th seat. Next is the last one." Feng Xuan walked out of the door of the magic building and thought faintly.

The last Warcraft building is an ordinary bungalow, with an area of 100 square meters.

But Fengxuan does not underestimate this bungalow at all, because the more it goes inside, it means that the importance of books is getting heavier and heavier!

Of course, even if Feng Xuan has a condescentive mentality in his heart, you can't see it from Feng Xuan's plain expression!

Fengxuan walked into the bungalow and glanced at the surrounding environment: although it was not big, it was spotless. There were ten rows of bookshelves side by side in the house, and the bookshelves were neatly.

Except for Fengxuan, there is only one girl in the house wearing a bright green magic robe. The girl's beautiful short hair, which is as green as her clothes, her delicate face, fair skin, and her young but well-developed figure all firmly attract the attention of ordinary men. But at this moment, she frowned and kept wandering between the bookshelves, as if she was looking for some important books.

Fengxuan did not pay more attention to the girl. He just took a look and threw himself into the ocean of books. I'm afraid that for Feng Xuan, these books are much better than the girl's!

Each row of booksshelf has only one layer of books, and above each layer, there are only more than a dozen books. After a while, Feng Xuan came to the last book in the first row.

"The medical record of high-level Warcraft cubs", Feng Xuan glanced at the title of the book and reached out to the book.

"I found it!" On the other side of the bookshelf, opposite Feng Xuan, the girl shouted in surprise and almost reached out to the "High-level Warcraft Cub's medical record" at the same time as Fengxuan!

Two hands, one delicate and white, one finger slender but slightly yellow complexion, almost holding the "High-level Warcraft Cub's Disease Record" at the same time!

"Huh?" The surprised girl didn't expect this to happen. Her big eyes flashed and she was stunned for a moment.

But in the next moment, she will be in a state of "stupid" and become "more dull"!

Because the book has been taken away by Fengxuan! And Feng Xuan also said a faint explanation:

"My, I'm two seconds faster than you."

After saying that, Feng Xuan ignored the girl in front of him who didn't even blink his eyes and turned over the book.


Lulu simply feels that today is the most tragic day of her life!

Early this morning, before dawn, she suddenly heard the moan of the magic pet by the bedside. Lulu opened her eyes and was directly shocked by the sweat: the skin of the little cub with white fur turned red!

This is a situation I've never heard of! Even the parents in the family who gave her Warcraft did not say anything about this! This is good. Lulu usually likes her Warcraft. As a result, the little cub is no longer as cute as usual, but keeps moaning in pain, which hurts Lulu's heart!

So Lulu quickly found the tutor of her class! The tutor also hurriedly checked Lulu's cub, but he could only shake his head and tell Lulu that he didn't know the situation of the cub. Now the best situation is to let Lulu put the cub with him to maintain it, while Lulu went to the bookstore to find a book called "The medical record of the High-level Warcraft Pups"!

So, Lulu was hungry and came to the Warcraft buildings area of the Book City, and looked for 154 houses one by one!

Finally, the last bungalow was in. Lulu entered the house, ran directly to the end, and began to look for it at the door from there. As a result, the book was in the first row, but after all, Lulu found it, didn't it?

So Lulu couldn't help but be surprised, but what she didn't expect was that almost at the same time, there was a boy's hand holding the book she urgently needed!

But what really made Lulu feel sad and angry was that the book was taken away from his own hand by the boy! And the reason turned out to be: he is 12 seconds faster!?

"What's the reason?" Lulu simply felt that her chest was about to explode, and because the magic robe was very prominent, Lulu was so excited that the two beautiful objects on her chest kept beating. If someone saw it here, her eyes would certainly be firmly attracted.

Of course, if Feng Xuan sees it, he must look plain and unmoved at all. What's more, he is quickly turning over the book at this moment.

"Hmm! Still a man? How dare you rob a girl's stuff!" Lulu didn't notice anything at all. In seconds, she still felt that Feng Xuan had robbed her book! However, she couldn't breathe now, so she didn't swear, but only scolded Feng Xuan in her heart.

However, if you really take a slow motion for the actions of the two just now, you will find that Feng Xuan did get the book first! And the time is really faster than 12 seconds!

The book was turned to the bottom by Feng Xuan, and he closed his eyes again. A second later, a wise light flashed in his eyes, but it was not found by Lulu.

Feng Xuan lightly put the book back in place, and then turned around and walked to the next bookshelf.

Lulu looked at Feng Xuan's movements, and her big eyes were about to fall to the ground! She even felt that the lively heart that was beating with Feng Xuanqi suddenly stopped at this moment!

Lulu took a few breaths!

She raised one arm and trembled up and down with her white jade hand, pointing to Feng Xuan who did not pay attention to him at all for a long time.

Lulu's mouth opened and closed, closed and opened, and closed for a long time. She stared at Fengxuan and didn't say a word!

It took Lulu to put down her arm for a long time, then suddenly held the "High-level Warcraft Cub's Disease Record", clamped it fiercely under her armpit, and rushed out of the door!

She is so angry that she has nothing to say!

"This...what kind of person is this?! I deliberately robbed my book, but I rolled my eyes and stopped reading it!? Who is it? Is this still a man? It's really not human..." Lulu lowered her head and left the bungalow far away and was still thinking angrily. Feng Xuan, who was wronged, has risen to the level of "consideration"!

"Ah!" Lulu lowered her head and walked in a hurry. She accidentally bumped into a person's arms.

As a result, both of them took a step back and shouted together.

"Huh? Why is the sound so familiar? Before Lulu could touch her head, she heard a familiar shout. She looked up, and her face showed joy in an instant, shouting:

"Silvia Mentor!"

Sylvia, who was hit by Lulu, stopped rubbing her chest when she heard the words. When she saw Lulu, she also smiled and said, "Little sister Lulu!"

Lulu nodded with a smile and looked carefully at Sylvia: Her gray hair floated straight to her waist like a waterfall, wearing a light red magic robe, outlining the figure that was enough to make beautiful women jealous. There was no special dress on her face, but it still looked extremely delicate, especially that Zhang is full of **, mature little mouth, even women want to bite gently!

"What an amorous woman!" Lulu praised Sylvia again in her heart and said with a smile, "My sister is more beautiful again!"

"Ha ha. So is Lulu! By the way, is there anything urgent for Lulu to walk in such a hurry? Sylvia smiled modestly and asked softly.

"Ouch!" Lulu's fierce eyes said anxiously, "Sister, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me! My little white is still sick**! I... I have to go quickly! See you next time, sister!"

Lulu said, hurriedly bypassed Sylvia, then turned around and waved goodbye to her, then turned her head and ran away.

"Alas! By the way..." Sylvia saw Lulu running away and wanted to say something, but as soon as she arrived, she swallowed it back.

"Forget it... Lulu is just a middle-level magician, and she has to prepare for the middle-level magic competition! Alas...what should I do?" Sylvia frowned, lowered her head and walked into the building.

At the same time, on the other side, Feng Xuan has arrived at his last stop in the bookstore.

"Time and space magic. The last stop."

Feng Xuan looked at the mysterious building area in front of him, and a dark light suddenly flashed away in his eyes, and then his eyes changed back to their original state.

But if someone keeps staring at Feng Xuan's eyes carefully, they will find that his pupils have narrowed a little...