Wind moves the world

Chapter 24 Magic Mercenary Hall

In a closed room.

The room covers an area of nearly 100 square meters. It can be seen that the doors and walls of the room are specially made, emitting a faint color light all the time.

The interior of the room is relatively empty, with only some scattered colored sticks.

This is a magic test room provided by the Book City of the Magic Academy. It is the most basic and simplest one.

In the magic test room, generally speaking, the function is to understand the content of the books you see in time, which can help you master what you are reading better and faster. Therefore, in the magic test room, you can release magic as much as you want. Of course, there is still a premise that the magic level released cannot exceed the high level, that is, the highest level.

Otherwise, the door wall of the room will not be able to withstand the damage it brings!

Feng Xuan is cross-legged in this room at this moment, and there are scattered colorful sticks beside him.

Feng Xuan stayed in this room almost all day. If you are hungry, eat bread, and if you are thirsty, drink the water in the space ring.

Feng Xuan slowly and calmly opened his slightly closed eyes.

There seemed to be a dark light in his eyes, rendering the already dark pupils more mysterious.

After a while, the dark light in Feng Xuan's eyes finally faded and returned to the calm eyes.

Fengxuan stood up slowly, moved his body, adapted to it, and then walked towards the door without nostalgia.

I spent a day in the eight magic building complex, and then in the Warcraft building complex and the space-time magic building complex for another day. Next, I combined what I learned in the personal magic laboratory!

What Feng Xuan has to do next is actual combat!

In the magic guide city.

A noisy street. Fierce men with ferocious faces can be seen everywhere on the street. Men are strong and carry metal swords with them. When they look at their peers who are also with blades, they are slightly murderous.

Indisting, the streets shuttled through the exposed girls, swaying their postures, back and forth between the strong men, eye-catching and fiddling with their own physical capital.

The street is hundreds of meters long, but there are only two houses.

Two houses have doors facing the door: one is three floors, located on the west side of the street, and one is only one floor, located on the east side of the street.

The length of the house is almost the same as the length of the whole street.

The first floor house is just a stone house, but the three-story house is obviously different. It is drawn by a superb magic material. The walls outside the house still emit a faint color light, the same as in the magic laboratory.

On the door of the house on the first floor, there is also a magic word, saying: rest hall.

And on the door of the three-story house, there is a magic mercenary hall.

The Magic Mercenary Hall is an organization in large towns on the mainland. It is run by local forces and protected by local forces. For example, the magic mercenary hall in [Magic Guide] is run by [Magic Guide] itself and is protected by [Magic Guide].

In the hall, generally speaking, there will be two kinds of tasks: private or public. If you have any difficulties, you can announce the task inside and hand in the rewards mentioned in the task, which will be kept by the magic mercenary hall, and when the magicians complete the task, the magic mercenary hall will give the rewards to the magicians. At this time, the magic mercenary hall will charge a certain item preservation fee from those who hand in the task.

And the so-called "magic mercenaries" refer to those magicians with the ability to release magic and accept the tasks announced by others in the hall. At this time, the magician who accepts the task is a "magic mercenary".

But when doing tasks, there are often low-level but a large number of creatures. At this time, magicians have the contradiction between "saving magic in order to complete the task" and "must kill a large number of but aggressive creatures". Based on this contradiction, those people standing on the street were born. ——Sword mercenary!

or mercenary for short. Because they are not like magicians, they are professional people who specialize in accepting tasks or commissions for a living! Magicians are different. Few magicians can work and accept entrusted tasks all their lives. Most magicians are temporary mercenaries.

The birth of sword mercenaries solves the contradiction of magicians, because those creatures with low attack power can be handed over to them, thus saving the magic of magicians.

"It's just about to be used on the blade." A magician said about his views on "sword mercenaries": "Although we have to pay some gold coins, the chance of survival will be greatly increased."

Indeed, for many magicians, money is nothing, but what matters is their goal - the things on the Warcraft!

The gate of the magic mercenary hall is 50 meters wide and is divided into several small doors. At this moment, there is an endless stream of people, some with ecstasy on their faces and some are gloomy.

The world is full of washing utensils and cups.

At this time, a 30-year-old middle-aged man with a beard and a plain appearance came in at the gate.

It is very simple for men to wear gray magic robes made of the most common materials. Perhaps the most precious thing in a man's hand is the black magic wand in his hand.

However, the man's black magic wand looks more exotic, because from its appearance, it is like a half-height round wooden stick, without any decoration, except for the light silver pattern on the round wooden stick.

In addition to the magic wand, looking at the man's whole body, perhaps the most precious thing is the dark gold ring on the index finger of the left hand, which may be a valuable space ring!

The man entered the magic mercenary hall and did not enter the hall immediately like others, but stopped. His eyes seemed to be full of the vicissitudes of countless things. He glanced at the surrounding environment with his deep eyes:

The magic mercenary hall is very large! There are many people, but in such a large hall, it still looks loose!

In the hall, on the other side of the door, there is a counter hundreds of meters long. Behind the counter, there are beautiful girls with unified professional clothes. They are all waiters who introduce tasks, almost every ten meters.

In front of each beautiful girl is a half-meter-long crystal suspended above the counter. The crystal is densely filled with a pile of information, which is almost invisible to the naked eye.

However, it is not very complicated for magicians. As long as you extend your magic wand or magic wand and click on the surface of the crystal, you can easily know what tasks have been released recently, and you can understand the details of the tasks you need, so as to choose the tasks you need.

Of course, not everyone who comes to find a task has a magic wand or magic wand, so there is also a magic book with changing information at any time on the counter in front of the waiter.

The cost of this magic book is very expensive. Some cities don't even have a book like this, but in the magic mercenary hall, there is such a magic book every ten meters, which is enough to see the wealth of [Magic Guide]!

And there are five such rich forces in addition to [Magic Guide]!

Of course, you can accept the task or publish it before the counter. And the requirements for publishing tasks are also very simple. As long as you can afford a gold coin, you can publish any task you want! Even if the content of the mission is destruction [magic guide]!

However, your release is released, and you have to pay the corresponding value, otherwise few people will accept such a "devaluation" task, and then someone will be able to complete the task!

The middle-aged man standing at the door with his eyes full of vicissitudes. After watching the indoor environment, he did not miss it, but quickly plunged into the crowd.

In an unnoticed corner of the hall, two well-dressed men were quietly hiding there. One of them, half squatted as if he could attack at any time, staring closely at the surrounding environment, as if alerting for the other person; while the other, stared at the middle-aged man who plunged into the crowd, and then After observing for a while, he took a gentle breath, took out a palm-sized notebook and wrote on it:

"At 12 noon on XX, XX in the magic calendar, Feng Xuan used the camouflage taught by the organization to disguise himself as a middle-aged man, whose appearance is as follows..." The man described the appearance of the middle-aged man just now, and quickly and perfectly depicted it. Looking at the appearance of his painting, it was simply vivid!

After drawing, the man continued to write: "Feng Xuan studied himself in the library of the Magic Guide College three days. This action was speculated to consolidate the knowledge he had learned, with no threatening intentions and no intention of betraying."

After writing these, the man took a gentle breath to relieve the tension in his heart, and then took out a black magic wand from his chest with the hand holding the pen and clicked the palm-sized notebook.

Then, the book emitted a faint black light. The duration of the light was very short, but after a while, it gradually faded away, and the font portrait that had just been recorded on the notebook also disappeared with the light!

If someone knows the goods here, they will find that the material of the book is exactly the same as the magic book on the counter!

Seeing the light of the book disappear, the recorded man was completely relieved and signaled to the vigilant companion. The two looked at each other, nodded, and disappeared into the darkness of the corner...

However, what the two people who monitored Fengxuan did not find was that in another more secret corner, a person wearing a coat, wearing a loose windbreaker, huddled in his clothes, couldn't see their appearance and gender clearly were also observing them...