Wind moves the world

Chapter 25 Sylvia's Mission

As recorded by the man who monitored Fengxuan, the middle-aged man was indeed disguised by Fengxuan.

Fengxuan did this, just two words: safety!

For Fengxuan, in this world full of dangers, only by hiding his strength as much as possible can he better ensure his survival rate!

And Feng Xuan is doing secret tasks in the Magic Guide Academy. Naturally, he can't excessively expose his strength in [Magic Guide]!

So he made some adjustments to his face and made minor changes to the items on his body that could be used as identification.

Now, I'm afraid that unless he is extremely familiar with Fengxuan, he will not believe that a 16-year-old teenager will have the vicissitudes of 40 or 50 years old!

Of course, if you are 30 years old, then you still have to say it.

Feng Xuan is now dressed as a classic magician: a ring, a magic wand, and the cheapest gray magic robe.

Feng Xuan came to a service point with relatively few people.

After the two, it was finally Fengxuan's turn. He came to the counter, stretched out his magic wand and clicked the crystal.

In an instant, his vision seemed to extend past, and he could see that countless information was arranged in front of him!

Feng Xuan glanced at this information and looked extremely proficient, so he began to look for the tasks he needed.

Feng Xuan needs to find some tasks that are a little difficult for him, and the reward of the task doesn't matter to him. The important thing is to be able to improve your strength! Feng Xuan thought.

There are too many tasks, tens of thousands of tasks, many of which are strange, such as finding lost livestock, helping to chase girlfriends, killing their parents, etc.

Feng Xuan had no interest in this kind of task, so he just glanced at it and skipped it. Feng Xuan looked for a task and seemed familiar. Soon, but in a moment, he found the task he needed.

Mission Name: Butterfly Dog's Blood.

Mission sponsor: Sylvia. Relevant information: female, tutor of magic guide college, high-level magician of the Department of Light, with a good reputation.

Mission reward: 1,000 black amethyst coins.

There is still 30 minutes to receive the task.

Task code: XEWY-516.

Feng Xuan looked at the code and made the magic wand leave the crystal surface.

He looked at the pure girl with a professional smile and said faintly, "XEWY-516."

Feng Xuan's tone is still so plain. Even after pretending, his tone and personality remain unchanged.

The waiter behind the counter nodded with a smile, then turned up the task book in her hand, and then found the task code-named "XEWY-516". However, when she saw the task, the smile on her face hardened, and then asked Fengxuan a little unnaturally:

"Have you really decided to choose this task? Is this a high-level Warcraft butterfly dog? And the reward of this task is only 1,000 black amethyst coins! And there is only one person participating in this mission! Do you really don't think about it anymore?"

The waiter's voice is very gentle, but Feng Xuan, who has been paying close attention to the surrounding environment, how can he ignore the unnatural smile on the girl's face? What's more - usually, the waiter will not interfere with the person receiving the task! Unless - there is something wrong with it!

But for Feng Xuan, anything wrong is nothing more than that. Of course, he knows that the goal of the mission is the high-level Warcraft butterfly dog, and even knows that a high-level warcraft can often resist several magicians of the same level!

However, if the goal he chose is not challenging, how can he improve his strength? However, Feng Xuan challenged not only the butterfly dog, but also knew that a girl did not mention the information, that is, the butterfly dog, and the high-level warcrafts around him had a good relationship!

This seems to be very special, because ordinary high-level warcrafts have a bad relationship with the same-level warcrafts, and even the well water does not violate the river!

And if you want to get the blood of a butterfly dog, it means that as long as there is a carelessness in action, it will escape and call for the help of high-level warcraft around it! Unfortunately, butterfly dogs are generally wind beasts!

You should know that wind is the most successful escape magic in addition to space magic!

Feng Xuan heard the waiter's obstruction and did not say anything, and there was no physical expression. His character has always been like this. What's more, he has already said it!

The girl wanted to see something from Fengxuan's eyes, but a pair of Fengxuan's vicissitudes of eyes suddenly felt uneasiness and dared not continue to talk more. She said a little dodgedly, "Okay...Okay. Please give me your magic registration card."

Feng Xuan handed her a light yellow waist card.

The girl looked at the color of the waist card, breathed a sigh of relief and thought, "It turned out to be just a mid-level wind magician, which should have little impact on this mission... Humph! Looking into his eyes, I thought he was a high-level magician!"

The waiter took out a pen with a colorful light and wrote the words "XEWY-516" on the magic registration plate.

"Please keep your magic registration card. And please go to No. 516 in the lounge to find the client. Thank you."

Feng Xuan took over the magic registration card and turned around and left the magic mercenary hall without any expression.

Through the bustling street, Fengxuan stepped into the "rest hall".

The lounge deserves to be a lounge. You never know what it looks like from the outside. In the hall, there is a white felt bag that can't be seen at a glance (Note: felt bag, looks like a yurt)!

Outside each tent, there is a number plate to distinguish each felt bag.

These felt bags are provided to the client's temporary residence, so as to inspect or welcome the person receiving the task. The area of the felt bag is very large, about four times that of Fengxuan dormitory. Of course, you have to pay a certain fee to live there temporarily.

Although there are many people outside the felt bag, everyone whispers deliberately or suppressed, and even carries things lightly, so some people come in from the noisy street outside and encounter the environment in the hall for a while, they are a little dull and can't react.

Feng Xuan didn't have any discomfort at all. He just looked at the surrounding environment and went to find the client's felt bag.

516. Row 5, Room 16.

Fengxuan found it easily. He felt outside the felt bag for a while, and then opened the cloth and walked in...

In the house.

In the center sits a mature woman with long gray hair, with a concave and plump figure and a delicate face, especially the slightly red and slightly open mouth, straight to all sentient beings. This woman, naturally, is Sylvia, the tutor of the Magic Academy who met Lulu yesterday. And it was the task she released.

There is a magic clock on the felt bag. At this moment, the deadline for the task is only 25 minutes, and Sylvia's face is even stronger.

On Sylvia's left side, there sat a noblely dressed young man with golden shawl hair, a slightly white face, slightly raised chin, deep sunken eye sockets, and five dazzling rings on ten fingers.

At this moment, the young man's face had a little imperceptible pride. He gently tasted the tea in his hand and peeked at Sylvia next to him. A greed and lust flashed in his eyes. When he saw the melancholy on Sylvia's face, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised and he was proud.

On the other side, on the right side of Sylvia sits a bald old man, about 60 or 70 years old. He is probably very tall and needs to stand up at least 1.8 meters. The old man crossed his legs and put a broad sword with both hands flat in front of his legs. At this moment, he is closing his eyes to refresh himself and trying to adjust his state.


The sound of gently lifting the door cloth.

Almost at the same time, three people in the room who were thinking about different things stared at the door of the felt bag.

Feng Xuan bent down slightly, got in, and stood up again.

Seeing a middle-aged man coming in with a magic wand, all three people in the room showed different expressions.

Silvia's face showed joy. She almost praised all the immortals in heaven, because in the last few minutes, God actually sent her a magician! Sylvia stood up almost at the same time and greeted Feng Xuan.

The noble young man's face was completely opposite to Sylvia's, with a little black depression. When he looked at Fengxuan, he showed a trace of murderous intent, but this murderous intention soon disappeared. Get to know the specific situation first..." The young man thought about it and was not in a hurry to do it. He looked at Sylvia, who quickly walked towards Fengxuan, and also stood up and walked towards Fengxuan.

And the old man's expression was a little panicked. First, he looked at the noble young man with some horror, and then looked at Fengxuan with a little pity. Instead of moving, he stood up.

And Fengxuan here also glanced at the expressions of the three people in an instant. He, who was always wary of the surrounding environment, naturally would not ignore the murderous intention in the eyes of the noble young man, let alone the abnormal look of the old man. Even the joy on Sylvia's face can explain many things!

However, there is no fluctuation on Fengxuan's face at all. I'm afraid that no one can know what Feng Xuan's heart thinks from this face...