Wind moves the world

Chapter 31 Dungeon Outbreak!


The outermost mercenaries gritted their teeth and stepped forward fiercely. They raised the blade in their hands, as if they had exhausted all the power of life and gathered on the blade of the sword, such as a non-duraiful meteor without shining, and suddenly bumped into the same fierce blood and fire wolf!!


The blade hit the loud noise of the blood and fire wolf!

In an instant, I saw the fur flying and blood drifting away!

The fur is naturally the fur of the blood and fire wolf, but 99% of the blood is not from the blood and fire wolf at all! It's from the mercenaries who are torn or bit or caught or swallowed by the blood and fire wolf!! The blood and fire wolf was cut by the blades of the mercenaries, but it just flew some fur and added a few blood stains!

But all the mercenaries who fought against the blood and fire wolves, the rest are just broken limbs and legs, bleeding into rivers!

After only one round, all the mercenaries who were supported by Sylvia actually died!? And the process of fighting with the blood and fire wolves is only one round?!

All the rest of them, except for Feng Xuan's plain and calm appearance, instantly turned pale! Even pale! Especially Sylvia!

Silvia's body has even stiffened to the point where she can't move! That's because her mind is completely blank! And her white and delicate face is now completely free of blood! It seems to be in the cold abyss of minus 100,000 degrees!!

She finally realized the seriousness of the situation! That is, the combat effectiveness of their team can't stick to the position at all, so as to fight with the blood and fire wolves!! Even if they have two high-level magicians here!

Sylvia, a high-level magician, has been so frightened, not to mention those mercenaries?! Even if they have the consciousness of living for a day, and even if they know that there will be a tragic death, at this time, almost all of them have their legs trembling involuntarily! And their hands with weapons are getting weaker and weaker!! I'm afraid that if it goes on like this, there is no need for the blood and fire wolf to attack, but they have committed suicide first!!

Garson's performance is worse than those mercenaries! If not everyone is looking at the surrounding blood and fire wolf and the tragic limbs and broken legs in fear, but one person is a little relaxed and will find that Garson's crotch smells from time to time!! Garson was scared to death by incontinence!

"I don't want to die... I can't die... I can't die..." Garson suddenly stared at the hell-like scene outside and kept shouting in his heart. He was not like a mercenary, but a young master of a large family power. He has never had the awareness that living a day is a day. Garson has even always thought that he could Have an extremely beautiful tomorrow! Garson's hand holding the magic wand kept shaking. He thought of the petite and lovely maids in his family and the spring building in the city, and shouted harder in his heart...

The limbs of the peripheral mercenaries broke their legs, which made all the blood and fire wolves crazy! For a while, they temporarily gave up the desire to continue to attack the people inside, but scrambled to bite the human flesh on the ground!

Every time you bite a piece of flesh and blood, there is a low wolf roar! After each wolf roar, it seems that the eyes of the bloody wolf will be more bright red!

The madness of the blood and fire wolves has given some blank time! Otherwise, if the blood and fire wolves rush up and the people inside are still in fear, they can easily kill everyone!

The blood and fire wolves are very efficient, but for a moment, there are no bones left on the ground! Only those soil and fallen leaves permeated by blood!

The blood and fire wolf roared low, looked up, looked away from the ground, and stared at the surrounding remnants!

Almost everyone felt a stronger murderous atmosphere than before!

The murderous spirit is like thousands of sharp and cold knives, scratching everyone's souls fiercely!

At this time, Sylvia, the superficial leader of the team, woke up in fear! But at the next moment when she woke up, the blood and fire wolves were already roaring, kicking their vigorous limbs and rushing to the mercenaries crazily with bloodthirsty eyes!

"It's over!" An idea flashed in Silvia's mind. The blood and fire wolves rushed so fast that they didn't even have time to wave their magic wands!

"Instant Earth Fort!"

At this time, a fearful and sharp voice pierced the night! And at the next moment, almost at the same time, there was a violent impact sound and a miserable wolf howling around!!

It's Garson! At the most critical moment, Garson reacted first! He took advantage of the remaining magic metal balls! Instantly launched the high-level magic of the earth system! Earth Fort!

Looking out from the inside of the earth castle, the blood and fire wolves who sprinted quickly seemed to hit an invisible barrier! Then the surrounding earth shook, and the blood and fire wolf was all howling in pain!

But if someone looks over from the outside, it's another scene! He will find the blood and fire wolf rushing towards the unstopped mercenaries, and then after a sharp sound, a brown castle up to three feet high suddenly appeared on the earth!

And the castle happened to appear in front of all the blood wolves, isoling them from the mercenaries! From the outside, you don't even know what the mercenaries are doing at this time! Because you can only see a brown castle!

But inside, it is transparent! There is no visual impact at all!

Did you instantly emit high-level magic with magic metal balls? Feng Xuan took a faint look at Garson, who was now so tired that he was sweating all over.

"Is the outbreak or exceeded the limit?" Feng Xuan thought calmly.

Feng Xuan just glanced at Garson lightly, but others, looking at Garson at this moment, seem to look at their reborn parents! How much respect you are, how much you are! Even, they all seem to feel that the smell of shit in the air has become so friendly now!

Even if Sylvia looks at Garson with great surprise at this moment, she really can't figure out why a standard dil reacts so quickly at that critical moment just now! Is it a change of sex?

Turning? Joke!

Of course, Garson is not transsexual! And the result is exactly the opposite!! Garson is a dage, so he can achieve the so-called "explosion"! Because of the strong will to "don't want to die"! And only Garson himself knew that in order to launch the earth-based high-level magic that came out at that moment, he had completely consumed the magic of his whole body!

The appearance of the earth castle greatly reduced Garson's fear of death, so after discovering such a situation, Garson immediately returned to the appearance of a villain!

Gasen moderately showed that he was tired. He gasped fiercely, and then said in that strong supportive tone, "For the time being... we... are safe!"

All the mercenaries nodded gratefully, and even several mercenaries wanted to help Garson, but in the end, only two mercenaries succeeded in supporting him, left and right. Other mercenaries expressed their regret for their unsupported position.

Sylvia withdrew her surprised sight and looked at the situation around her, but after a moment, her eyes became worried again.

Sylvia looked outside and said, "Get ready. I'm afraid we have to break through."

Silvia's voice is not loud and there is no heavy tone, but everyone, including Garson, has no objection, because they also feel the crisis from outside!

"Bum!" Bang!" Bang!"

Outside, all the blood and fire wolves' eyes seem to be full of blood, as if they will burn in the next moment! Obviously, the blood and fire wolves were very angry at the earth-like wall in front of them!

The first blood fire wolf hit the earth castle fiercely with its head!

Then the second one, the third one! In the back, more and more and more dense! It's like a pouring rain, crackling in the ears!

Even some blood and fire wolves keep spitting out red fireballs from the wolf's mouth!

Under such a crazy attack, the earth castle was just shaking gently at the beginning, but as time went by, just a quarter of an hour, the earth castle was shaking violently!

There are even continuous sand and dust blocks falling from the top of the earth castle! After that, soon, the transparent wall blocking the blood and fire wolf is gradually revealing its original appearance at this moment! From above, you can even see increasing cracks!

Obviously, anyone can see that the earth castle will collapse soon! Then they will be torn into broken legs by the blood and fire wolf!

Garson's heart gradually calmed down after he thought the situation was safe, but at this moment, he beat violently with fear! He widened his eyes and looked outside in horror!

At this moment, there were desperate shouts in Gassen's heart: "You can't die... you can't die here! What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? ......”

Gerson turned his head blindly. Under the shadow of extreme fear of death, his mind began to be highly active again!

Soon, he thought of a way out...