Wind moves the world

Chapter 32 The Arrangement of the Task!

Just as Garson's heart was crazy, Sylvia finally showed the performance that a tutor of a normal magic college should have!

Sylvia was looking, her eyebrows were slightly raised, and her eyes were calm. Almost every mercenary swept away by her eyes was infected by the firmness in her eyes, and her anxious face gradually became quiet.

"First of all, I am deeply ashamed to lead everyone into such a crisis situation!" Sylvia bowed deeply to all the mercenaries, then stood up straight and continued, "At such a moment, I can't guarantee more, but Sylvia promises that as long as you get through today's crisis and see tomorrow's sun, you will have the commission for this mission!"

Martin and other mercenaries heard Sylvia say this and exchanged eyes with each other. Soon, Martin took a step forward, bowed slightly to Sylvia, and said, "Dear Sylvia magician, it is absolutely not your responsibility to this crisis! I am here, on behalf of all the members of the Stone Mercenary Regiment here, and promise that in the face of this crisis, I will work together and do my best!"

Sylvia nodded repeatedly and said gratefully, "Thank you, thank you! Time is running out. I think we have to make a complete plan! What can we do?"

Martin and other mercenaries shook their heads, saying that there was nothing they could do. At the same time, Martin also said that everything was to follow Silvia's instructions!

Silvia nodded, glanced at the crowd, and finally stopped on Feng Xuan, whose expression had been extremely calm.

"Mr. Witt, pour out all the non-essentials in the space ring! This can reduce its weight!" Sylvia said with a little sincere concern in her tone.

As soon as Sylvia finished her words, Feng Xuan had not said anything before he saw Gassen, who was active, reach out with the very-shaped space ring in his hand. At the same time, Garson said, "The ring is here, here, here I am... Victor, take it, take it..."

Gason did not continue to hand over the gray ring used to hold the heavy weight to Fengxuan after taking out the magic metal ball, because in his opinion, Fengxuan, who is about to enter the middle of the taboo forest, is about to die in the mouth of a high-level warcraft. Why do he need a space ring to be buried?!

So Garson did not return the space ring to Fengxuan for safekeeping. But no one expected that the situation would change so fast! Before entering the middle of the forbidden forest, they are facing a situation that is almost dead!

In fact, Gasson, a dage, did something in Silvia's mission, so that he was the only high-level magician who accepted the task, he did not think of completing this task at all! In his opinion, as long as he gets to a place, when Sylvia faints or has no strength, he will move her home, and then things will not be at his mercy?! He can even justly go to Sylvia's proud body! Because he can fool the world with the title of a life-saving hero!

But things are changing too fast! Directly destroy Garson's plan! And now, the space ring with a heavy weight is simply a drag bottle in such a crisis situation! It will only bring the effect of dragging your legs!

How can a space ring compare with your own life?! So Gasson naturally and comfortably handed over the space ring to Feng Xuan.

It's more natural for Fengxuan to take it! He doesn't even have any idea! Just take the ring and walk aside to empty all the things that are not necessary in the ring!

On the other hand, Silvia is also constantly discussing with mercenaries and even Garson to make plans on how to escape the crisis.

Fengxuan cleaned up the unnecessary things in the space ring according to the instructions of his client Sylvia. At the same time, he stared faintly at the situation outside the earth castle. Among them, his eyes occasionally passed through Sylvia's face.

Don't be surprised, because whether Feng Xuan has fallen in a fancy to Sylvia, I guess only he knows it. But the reason why he occasionally looks at Sylvia is constantly analyzing Sylvia's current performance:

"My heart finally calmed down and finally became like a tutor of the Magic Guide College, but this person's psychological quality is poor, and maybe it can make sense...

But... she is obviously a high-level light magician. From what happened to now, she has only released a middle-level and high-level magic, and...

These two magics are magic that does not consume much magic. Is this saving magic? ......

At such a time of crisis, it is still saving magic?! What on earth is it for? ......โ€

Fengxuan had such a question in his heart, and at the same time, he kept taking out the useless but heavy things in the space ring. I don't know if I don't take it. I will be shocked by the mercenaries!

After retaining the necessary grain, water and weapons, part of it is dry food, and some of it is damaged blades, but most of them are daily necessities! Gasson's daily necessities! All kinds of luxury daily necessities! Sofas, washing utensils, cups, tableware, hundreds of men's and women's clothes, among which there is even a huge padded bed made of heavy wood!

What's more, the color of these things is actually ambiguous pink or light red!

It's fucking heavy!

This idea flashed in the hearts of all the mercenaries and collectively forgot the previous "respect" for Garson...

There were only three people on the scene, and there was no change because of the daily necessities on the ground. The first is naturally Feng Xuan, and his face seems to always be calm and plain; the second is Gasson. Maybe when the situation does not endanger his own life, he will be a little embarrassed in the face of such a scene, but now, his mind is filled with how to escape and how to be embarrassed?! The third, of course, is Sylvia. With her heart calmed down, she fully embodies the quality that a tutor of the Magic Guide College should have!

At this time, Sylvia's discussion with the mercenaries has come to an end, and the earth castle is becoming more and more critical!

There is not much time.

Silvia walked to Fengxuan. She looked at him whose face had not changed at all. Involuntarily, a trace of hesitation flashed in Sylvia's firm eyes, but then she still walked to Fengxuan.

"Mr. Witt..." Sylvia stood still in front of Feng Xuan, paused slightly, organized the words, and then said, "Your initial judgment... is indeed correct. I'm very sorry for my stubbornness. It's not until now that I really woke up. I hope it's not too late... โ€

While Sylvia was talking, Feng Xuan had cleaned up the contents of the space ring, put it on again, and then listened to Sylvia quietly, but Feng Xuan listened quietly and did not respond to her so-called "sorry" or anything.

If you have to say something, maybe Feng Xuan will think that Sylvia's words are a waste of time! It should not be said at all, but should go straight to the point! Especially in such a critical situation!

Sylvia and Feng Xuan got along with each other for a period of time and seemed to know something about Feng Xuan's temper. Seeing that Feng Xuan did not react at all to his apology, she smiled awkwardly, but then recovered and went straight to the topic:

"The earth castle has not lasted long. We decided to break out to the east at the moment when the castle collapses! At that time, due to the collapse of the earth castle, there should be a lot of dust blocking the view, which is a good opportunity for us, because it will affect the vision of the blood and fire wolf! And the bloody fire wolf has a poor sense of smell, so as long as we keep breaking through to the east, we should be able to succeed!"

"But the time to break through is very short. Once you don't grasp the time, someone may be swallowed up by the blood wolf! So the beginning and end of the team are very important! Garson's magic has not recovered now because of the previous earth castle, so I will stand at the top of the team, and as the tail of the palace, Mr. Witt..."

"I need you to take responsibility!" As soon as Sylvia finished speaking, before Feng Xuan could say anything, she urgently added, "Please give me a message, don't say anything, because I need to make sure whether you really agreed to be in this important place at the end of the team!" Because it's about everyone's lives! Sorry...thank you!"

After Sylvia finished speaking, she didn't know what it was like in her heart! To be honest, I just discussed with the mercenaries that the tail of the team will be Feng Xuan, and I have been worried, because whether the team tail is successful or not, it is the most dangerous place in the team. It is possible to be attacked by the blood and fire wolves at all times! Moreover, Fengxuan is just a mid-level wind magician! Maybe Sylvia herself would not agree! So, how will Feng Xuan answer and what conditions will he have? Sylvia is really worried, but she is looking forward to it. All kinds of complicated moods come together...

Feng Xuan glanced at Sylvia with a complicated face, as if without any consideration, and said directly, "Okay."

Good? OK?!

When Sylvia heard Feng Xuan's words, she said it twice before she was sure that Feng Xuan promised to be at the end of the team! But...

Silvia looked at Fengxuan in surprise again, and she was so relaxed and simple that she promised the most dangerous task! The more you look at this person, the more difficult it is!


In the earth castle, due to the crazy attack of the blood and fire wolf, the earth blocks built the earth castle have fallen more and more. Now, the inside of the earth castle can barely see things!

Everyone knows that the moment of breakthrough is coming!

Sylvia inspected the crowd again: she was at the head of the team, followed by Martin, then Garson and the two mercenaries supporting him, followed by more than 20 mercenaries in three rows, and the last of the team was Feng Xuan!

Everyone is ready!

And it has been calculated beforehand that the east will be the first place to be broken! So the breakthrough will start from there!


There was a crisp sound in the east, like a charge, and Sylvia's seductive voice also sounded the next moment: "Go..."