Wind moves the world

Chapter 157 What on earth are you going to do???

When he really had to choose the right one in millions of channels, Feng Xuan immediately found a big problem.

This giant spirit cat is too fat!

Feng Xuan's plain eyes patrolled the whole body of the giant spirit cat, thinking lightly, as if thinking about how to stuff the giant spirit cat into the channel.

amputation? Or liposuction?

The giant cat was looked at by Fengxuan, and the cold hair was blown up!

"Meow!" The giant cat cried weakly and shrank.


Unexpectedly, it shrinks smaller and smaller, until it shrinks into a big fat cat that can be picked up!

Feng Xuan was stunned, and then suddenly woke up. His eyes narrowed slightly, and the dangerous light flashed endlessly.

This damn fat cat! It's not as good as a beast! It turned out that it could freely control the size of its body, but it had never changed. It let itself carry such a fat one for two and a half days!

Giant spirit cat, oh no, looking at its fat and round appearance, it should be called "fat spirit cat".

The fat cat showed an aggrieved expression and looked at Feng Xuan with tears in its appearance. It was as if it was wronged. Just like saying that although I could control the size, you carried me directly without saying a word before. First, there was no time to change, and secondly, you didn't say that you wanted me to change.

Feng Xuan took a deep breath. Now that the matter has happened, it is meaningless to pursue the responsibility of the fat spirit cat.

"Hey, I didn't expect that your fat cat could make Feng Xuan suffer! What a cow! Do you have a name? Why don't you call me Niu Niu, Niuniu from now on!" Pascal gloated and picked up the fat cat and forced it to give it a name despite its weak resistance.

Since Niunu's problem was solved, Feng Xuan immediately let Kunxiong ape lead the way, and he didn't pay attention to Pascal's jokes to himself.

Soon, under the leadership of Kunxiong ape, Feng Xuan and his party quickly walked towards Qiandao Mountain in his mouth.

The passage in the Xumi maze is intricate. Feng Xuan was a little lucky. Fortunately, he did not choose to move forward rashly, but waited for the "bell man" Kunxiong ape to come. Otherwise, he would have to get lost in it to death.

At first, Kunxiong Ape was a little worried that he might be killed by knives when he went to Qiandao Mountain, but on second thought, since he would die if he didn't go, he might as well choose to believe in the young human behind him who won him.

Thinking about this, Kunxiong ape's heart widened, and suddenly seemed to open a chatter box and pulled up with Pascal.

On this level, the only creature is the Kunxiong ape. This kind of loneliness is several times more profound than Pascal, who is accompanied by little Haster Eagle, but Pascal has experienced life from a young man to alone, so he also has a deep understanding of loneliness, which makes a beast give birth to each other. The feeling of pity for the same illness and the late meeting.

One person and one beast chatted for half an hour, and suddenly became an iron buddy who said nothing!

"Didi, since you yearn for the outside world so much, why don't we walk out of the Dragon Pavilion together!" From the discussion just now, Pascal knew that the Kunxiong Ape also has a name, called "Dibin", and it has been in the Xumi maze since its memory, and has long yearned for the human world described by his mother.

Dibin shook his head sadly and explained helplessly, "It is impossible to get out of the Dragon Pavilion. If I could go out, I wouldn't have stayed in the Xumi maze all the time. For you outsiders, although the bondage of the Dragon Pavilion is there, it is not too big, but for me who is not only a guardian, but also a suppressed person, the bondage of the Dragon Pavilion is really irresistible.

At this time, the passage of the Xumi maze could only happen to pass through one person. Dibin led the way in front of him, while Feng Xuan walked behind him, and then Pascal holding Niuniu. Feng Xuan did not say a word in the process of action, so he was automatically ignored by a beast before and after like a transparent person.

Although Feng Xuan did not speak, he listened to the useful information between Dibin and Pascal. At this moment, when he heard Dibin say his hardships, there was a trace of surprise on his face, and he turned his head slightly and glanced at the girl who was still tremblingly cleaned up by himself.

According to Dibin, Niunyu should also be the guardian and suppressed of one layer of the Dragon Pavilion, and if it is, then it should not be possible to escape the shackles of the Dragon Pavilion from the penultimate level to the other floor!

However, the fact is that Feng Xuan brought the girl down!

And what makes Feng Xuan wonder more is that according to the crazy Apa, Niun's body also contains a "dragon key" to get out of the trapped dragon pavilion, but will the "dragon key" be owned by the guardian and the suppressed?

The crazy Apa has repeatedly stressed the need to protect Niunyu well. Is there any other reason besides its "dragon spoon"?

Doubt! There are a lot of doubts on the fat cat!

But now is not the time to think about these problems, because Dibin's next words burst out a message that surprised Feng Xuan even more!

"Ha ha, but don't worry too much. It may not be long before we can drink and chat in the human world." Dibin's eyes flashed with the light of Xiyi, which swept away the previous helplessness and said excitedly, "A human being came some time ago. He said that he had a plan to talk to my mother, but unfortunately he came at the wrong time and didn't see my mother."

Feng Xuan was shocked to hear it!

A human some time ago? Is it the madman Apa? Since he said that the penultimate five floors in three days would be his expectation, the previous person is likely to be him! Just, what did he do to see Dibin's mother? What is that plan? Can Dibin enter the human world after realization? What is the reason why the crazy Apa worked so hard to do it!?

Many questions flashed in Fengxuan's heart, leaving deep traces.

"Who is that human? What's his plan? Feng Xuan, who had never spoken, suddenly interrupted and asked Dibin in a low voice.

Feng Xuan's sudden answer made Dibin stunned, but it still quickly answered Feng Xuan's doubts. After all, the young human behind him was the person who defeated himself. Dibin still admired and cherished this friendship.

"I don't know who he is, but he looks nagging and looks like a madman! And I don't know what the specific plan is. I just know that he waited for a long time in the Xumi maze until my mother appeared for five years. After talking about the human, he left, and my mother was very happy and kept saying that he could see the sun again. Dibin recalled the past and quickly explained.

Dibin's mother is an adult Kunxiong ape. According to its previous account with Pascal, this layer was specially set up to trap its mother, and in order to limit Dibin's mother's mother's strength, it can come out of the bleak seal every ten years and stay for five points. Bell, and then it will be sealed.

After listening to Dibin's words, Feng Xuan fell into meditation.

For the guy Dibin said that he was nagging like a madman, Feng Xuan could be sure that he was a crazy Apa, but even so, Feng Xuan's questions in his heart were still not gone.

Feng Xuan was a little annoyed. If he was not in the Dragon Pavilion now, he would not care about these messy things. However, the reason why Feng Xuan is in the Dragon Pavilion at this moment is because of the crazy Apa and his transaction!

And now it seems that this is still a trap that has been calculated and deliberately embarrass Fengxuan and wants him to be trapped here forever!

If the mad Apa hadn't calculated that there would be Pascal and Little Haster Eagle, Feng Xuan would have died in Dannubei's claws or would have been trapped on the upper floor forever.

The crazy Apa deliberately led himself to the Dragon Pavilion and planned some secrets in the Dragon Pavilion, which had to make Feng Xuan doubt whether it would be related to him.

But I have never met the crazy Apa before, and even the crazy Apa doesn't know his name! In this case, why did he plan himself?

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't say it. Feng Xuan's eyebrows unconsciously frowned together.

And at this moment, Dibin exclaimed, Qiandao Mountain, right in front of him!