Wind moves the world

Chapter 158 Thousand Knife Mountain

Qiandao Mountain has arrived!

Sure enough, a small light suddenly appeared at the end of the originally dark passage, which was the exit of the Xumi maze and the light of Qiandao Mountain.

The further you go to the end of the passage, the wider the passage will be. Soon everyone will be able to walk side by side and then come to the mouth of the cave.

Pascal raised his eyes and looked out. At a glance, his face changed wildly. He hurriedly withdrew his head and took a cold breath!

Even Feng Xuan, who was determined to see the scene outside the cave, changed slightly, but more, he still had a surging fighting spirit.

Good place!

Outside the cave, there is a winding mountain road, which is small and can only be passed by one person. I don't know where the end of the road is.

But the real focus is this huge mountain that carries the mountain road!

The whole mountain is still very ordinary in front of the cave, but from a distance, it is getting taller and wider, and soon towering into the sky, wide and boundless, and boundless.

And on this mountain, every ten feet, there is a huge knife of all kinds that stands straight into the sky. On each huge knife, there is a fierce murderous intention that makes people tremble and collapse at a glance.

Even Feng Xuan, who has always been immune to killing, felt frightening!

Thousands of knives mountain...Thousands of knives!

It is said to be a thousand knives, but in fact, the whole mountain is more than trillions of big knives!

There is such a magical place in the world. Feng Xuan only feels that his vision is too low.

Qiandaoshan's spiritual impact on Fengxuan directly shifted Fengxuan's attention from many doubts about the crazy Apa.

This is really a good place!

It's simply better to practice yourself.

Since Dibin can survive with the "Guardian of the Earth Bear", it shows that the attack limit encountered by Dibin in Qiandao Mountain is not greater than the defense power of the "Guardian of the Earth Bear", which is naturally a very good place for Fengxuan, who happened to defeat Dibin.

The fighting spirit in Feng Xuan's eyes surged endlessly.

"Uh-huh!" Pascal pretended to cough, quietly took two steps back, away from the hole, and then secretly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said with lingering palpitation, "Mom! In this damn place, Dibin, you have to pass by every day. If it were me, I would have collapsed..."

Dibin nodded and stood at the entrance of the passage. Even if he was used to the scene of Qiandao Mountain, his face was still pale at this time: "There is no way. No one can stay all day in the Xumi maze. If he wants to live, he has to cross Qiandao Mountain to the small open space in front of him to rest."

After crossing Qiandao Mountain, there will be a small piece of absolutely safe open space, where Dibin rests every day. Unfortunately, the open space is only deserted and there is no food at all. In order to find food not to starve to death, Dibin must return through Qiandao Mountain again and return to the Xumi maze. The only blessing is that when you return, you will not be "thousands of knives" by Qiandao Mountain.

"Unfortunately, although I have magic power now, the 'Guardian of the Bear of the Earth' can only be used once a day..."

Speaking of this, Dibin, Pascal and Nibune suddenly focused their eyes on Fengxuan.

Although this ragged and slightly thin teenager has never spoken, he has always been the backbone of this industry.

If you have difficulties, find Fengxuan!

In the dark, this has slowly become an unbreakable truth.

Feng Xuan nodded slightly and naturally took over the difficulties.

In Feng Xuan's view, difficulties are nothing at all. On the contrary, only after experiencing more difficulties can he jump more rapidly and be more likely to realize his dream.

Fengxuan will never use the word "escape" on himself!

"Dibin, tell me more about the rules of Qiandao Mountain and don't miss them." Although Dibin once said about his experience in Qiandao Mountain during the journey, Fengxuan still took the trouble to remind Dibin in order to prevent important information from missing.

Grind the knife and don't miss the firewood cutter.

Dibin nodded, thought for a moment, and then said carefully: "Qiandao Mountain only attacks once an hour. In its non-cooling time, people who come out of the Xumi maze will face the attack from Qiandao Mountain from the first step of entering Qiandao Mountain. Qiandao Mountain's attack is very simple, that is, magic knives of various colors, and each color represents a magic attribute. However, the total number of magic knives is several thousand, so it is still very difficult. Even after my original magic "Guardian of the Bear of the Earth" has survived, it has almost been completely broken. The way to pass Qiandao Mountain is also very simple, that is, to withstand the attacks of these magic knives, and in Qiandao Mountain, you don't have to walk, even if you stand still and rely on the magic boundary to survive. And as long as it survives, it means that there is no danger to Qiandao Mountain within an hour. However, there are a few points that must be paid attention to!"

Dibin looked solemn and continued to say, "First, when she was in Qiandao Mountain, she could only walk on that mountain road. Once she stepped out of the mountain road, I don't know what kind of situation she would face, but I once heard my mother's experience. She was seriously injured less than a quarter of an hour after walking out of the mountain road! If she hadn't grown up and walked fast when she saw danger, she would have been a white bone!"

Dibin's mother, the adult Kunxiong ape! That's the world's top monsters, and one move is enough to kill tens of thousands of people! But when it walked out of the mountain road, it was seriously injured in less than a quarter of an hour! And this is still because of running fast...

Dibin's words directly made Fengxuan make up his mind to walk the mountain road obediently.

"Second, in the mountain road, if you can't move, you'd better not move. You just need to rely on the magic boundary to survive. Once you move, the attack from the magic knife will be even crazier! At that time, even my 'guardian of the earth bear' can't survive.

"Yes, that's right! Don't move!" Pascal shook his head in the back and muttered in a low voice, "If you move and die unjustly, if you can't get a thousand knives, it's equivalent to death..."

"Third, the most important point that needs to be paid attention to!" When Dibin said this, there was great panic in his eyes. This expression was the first time he saw from this top warcraft: "When you survive the thousands of magic knives and pass through Qiandao Mountain, you will face a choice. At that time, you must definitely choose - don't go!"

Choice? The choice after passing Qiandao Mountain? What is that?

Fengxuan was not scared by Dibin's expression at all, and his expression was still plain with a trace of war.

Feng Xuan said lightly, "What choice?"

"You will know after passing Qiandao Mountain." Dibin shook his head in horror and was unwilling to answer the question at all.

Feng Xuan nodded slightly. Although Dibin did not answer his question, not knowing the answer did not prevent him from breaking through Qiandao Mountain. According to Dibin, as long as you successfully survive the thousands of magic knives, the whole Thousand Knife Mountain will not be threatened at all in an hour - of course, this can only be met when you are on the mountain road. Outside the mountain road, even if you have the same strength as the adult Kunxiong ape, you will be seriously injured.

Fengxuan began to prepare for himself before breaking through the mountain.

The hole in this channel was so big that Fengxuan did not hesitate to throw aside the best alchemy materials collected from under the trees of heaven and earth in the space ring. Although the space ring can easily store items, it will not offset the gravity of the items. In a place like Qiandao Mountain, which will be accidentally killed by thousands of knives, it is the king to be prepared to face with the strongest strength.

When there were few things, Feng Xuan suddenly felt much lighter. But this is not enough. Feng Xuan immediately waved his magic wand.

Suddenly, I saw a series of dark shadows.

Soon, the four auxiliary and defensive magics of flying, wind, wind galloping and earth thousands of bases were supported by Fengxuan.

But the magic wand did not stop there.

After waving for a while, an ordinary flame like a small fireball appeared on the magic wand.

Dibin was stunned. He remembered this magic deeply, because he had been fooled once not long ago!

It's just that Feng Xuan used the magic boundary to resist the magic knife and release the reconnaissance magic of "Zhu Rong's Eye"!?

Pascal beside him also found this and was also puzzled.

"Feng Xuan, what are you going to do?" Seeing that Fengxuan seemed to be ready, Pascal asked.

A faint fighting spirit surged on his face, but Feng Xuan's tone was very calm: "Break through."

After saying that, Feng Xuan directly flapped the wings behind him and stepped out directly towards Qiandao Mountain!


Break through!?

After realizing the meaning of these three words, Dibin and Pascal turned pale.

They wanted to stop Feng Xuan immediately, but when they looked up, Feng Xuan had already stepped into Qiandao Mountain!

It's over! ......