Wind moves the world

Chapter 161 Break through Qiandao Mountain!

Five minutes, only five minutes later.


It's so hard!

Indescribable suffering!

Fengxuan felt that he was about to fall off. Now he is like a "honeycomb", and those "bees" crawling all over his body are magic knives of different colors.

In just five minutes, Feng Xuan didn't even know how many times he had been stabbed. Originally, he was "thousands of knives", but now I'm afraid it has been more than a thousand knives.

At the beginning, Feng Xuan was still using his brain to calculate where to release the primary magic, but soon, the number of magic knives that attacked Feng Xuan increased greatly. In the face of the surrounded scene, Feng Xuan now does not need to think at all. He directly waved the magic wand slightly, and then did not need to look at it, and directly used it in any direction around. .

Don't guess, the first-level magic will never fail.

However, if it goes on like this, Feng Xuan's body will be broken sooner or later, and then he will be killed by a knife.

In the face of thousands of magic knives, the best decision Feng Xuan made is to make enough preparations in advance, and secondly, he chooses to release primary magic instead of high-level magic.

If it is the high-level magic released by Feng Xuan at the beginning, although he can get a little breathing space at the beginning, this is to drink poison to quench his thirst. In the face of the continuous flow of magic knives around him, Feng Xuan, who has no time to release the second or third high-level magic, will soon die soon.

Although the first-level magic could not break the magic knife, it at least delayed Feng Xuan's offensive, which also delayed Feng Xuan's survival by about a minute.

At such a critical moment of life and death, the extension of time means that there are more opportunities to find hope.

But five minutes after being attacked, it has reached its limit, because thousands of bases are finally going to be cut down!

Feng Xuan's brain instantly calculated his remaining time.

There are 12 seconds left!

After 12 seconds, you will either die or make a breakthrough.

What should I do?

The unprecedented death pressure came to Fengxuan.

The brain seems to stop rotating in an instant.

Subconsciously, the next magic track of the magic wand in Feng Xuan's hand suddenly turned a corner.


A fiery red fireball draws a curve, straight into the handle of a red magic knife.


With a soft sound, the red magic knife immediately turned into a faint red light spot and quickly disappeared.

Feng Xuan's pupils suddenly shrink!

What just happened!?

Feng Xuan carefully recalled his own every move.

Is it...

An idea crossed Fengxuan's mind like lightning.

Time is life, and Feng Xuan immediately chose to confirm his inner thoughts without hesitation.

The next magic track of the magic wand, a bend in the trend and memory.

An ice arrow immediately drew the same curve as a fireball and accurately hit the handle of a red magic knife.

However, without the unexpected light sound, the red magic knife still trembled slightly like other magic knives that were hit in the first five minutes.

Time, only seven seconds left!

The pressure is getting greater and greater, and the sense of crisis is even freezing all over the body.

Feng Xuan tried his best to calm himself down, and he died in seven seconds. In this case, he had to force himself to calm down. Only Feng Xuan knew the pressure and difficulty. But he still forced himself to recall the strangeness of the fireball and the red magic knife like a slow motion in the same scene.

Red, red...

Isn't it!

The black mang in Fengxuan's eyes suddenly rose sharply!

Time, only five seconds left.

But Feng Xuan's face suddenly calmed.

He has an intuition, which must be his own guess!

The magic wand waved again, and the last track also turned a corner.

The cyan wind blade draws a curve.

At this moment, because of the large number of magic knives, the relative position is fixed, becoming the best target. Feng Xuan controlled the wind blade and easily hit the handle of a cyan magic knife.


The same soft sound as before reappeared!

The cyan magic knife turned into a little light and disappeared.

That's true!

A trace of excitement appeared on Fengxuan's face.

At this time, there are only three seconds left.

But with hope, three seconds can also become immortality in an instant!

Feng Xuan continued to wave his magic wand without hesitation.

Five series of magic, all instantaneous!

The magic knife handle corresponding to the magic colors of each series.

Light spots, colorful flashes.

The pressure around Fengxuan suddenly decreased greatly.

Soon, all the magic knives within one meter around his body disappeared. Victory is just around the corner.

But at this time, the magic knives learned the previous lessons as if they had life, and they suddenly danced disorderly, so fast, bringing a long string of shadows, making Fengxuan in the center suddenly seem to be in a huge light cocoon.

Would you like to trap yourself?

Feng Xuan sensed the other party's intention and smiled.

What better than this to exercise your magic control?


Waiting is the most painful, not to mention that the result is related to your own life.

Dibin and Pascal saw with their own eyes countless magic knives covering Feng Xuan. None of them knew whether Feng Xuan could withstand these attacks, but kept praying.

Time passed by, but there was still only a magic knife in my vision, and I didn't know what Fengxuan was trapped in the middle.

At this moment, Dibin exclaimed and broke the silence:

"What...what's the situation?"

Dibin's face was full of doubts, and the scene in front of him was beyond his knowledge.

The thousands of magic knives of Qiandao Mountain suddenly moved from the original stillness and suddenly in a lightning-like mess, as if they had turned into a group of fish chased by sharks in the deep sea, which was fast and dazzling.

"Wait! Well, that... no way! I won't be dazzle! No, no, I'm not dazzle. They are indeed moving forward! It's really moving! Oh my God! How did Feng Xuan do it!"

Dibin's face was incredible, and his expression was as if he had seen God.

not far away, it can be clearly detected with the naked eye that the large number of magic knives are rapidly changing their positions, and the trajectory is exactly the same as the narrow mountain road!

If you think about it for a moment, you will know that this must be Feng Xuan, who is surrounded in the middle. What action has been made to let the magic knife group move with him.

But how on earth did he do it?

Dibin has only heard this in his mother's narrative, but he hasn't seen it yet! Even the crazy human last time was trapped in the middle and survived the attack of the magic knife before passing through Qiandao Mountain.

Feng Xuan's strength is obviously weaker than that of that madman. How can he do what only his mother's level can do?

It's incredible!

The small mountain road was winding and rugged, and Fengxuan moved very quickly. It didn't take long for him to disappear from the vision of Dibin and Pascal with the magic knife group.

But this time, the pressure in their hearts disappeared and a smile appeared on their faces.

Obviously, if it goes on like this, Fengxuan will definitely be able to break through Qiandao Mountain!


Countless magic knives roar back and forth around the body, and their speed is getting faster and faster. Now Feng Xuan wants to hit their handles with primary magic, which is not as simple as at the beginning.

What's more, in addition to the five series of Fengxuan's body, there are also three series of light, darkness and thunder and lightning. These three magic knives Fengxuan cannot be eliminated with primary magic, and can only withstand their attacks.

However, this situation is several times better than when it was besieged by all magic knives before.

Feng Xuan even regarded them as objects for practicing magic control.

A preliminary magic needs to find the one that is paired with itself among many high-speed moving magic knives. The difficulty of this magic control, even if the magic control power has soared, is a little overstretched.

What's more, Feng Xuan still controls multiple magics at the same time!

If you want not to be attacked, Fengxuan can only release the primary magic faster, and only more accurately control the magic to find the handle of the paired magic knife.

The challenge of magic control to Fengxuan has reached the highest point in history!

Now Feng Xuan is a little lucky that he has been using the first-level magic, so that magic can be supplied, otherwise the magic would have bottomed out by this time.

While constantly releasing and controlling the primary magic attack magic knife, he continued to withstand the attack from the three series of light and dark thunder and lightning magic knives. On the other hand, Feng Xuan did not stand still. He kept stepping on the mountain road and moving towards the end.

One heart and three uses!

Fengxuan was physically and mentally exhausted, but not chaotic at all.

An hour later.

Fengxuan suddenly felt a slight pressure around him.

Aware of this, Feng Xuan has guessed what he has encountered.

Step out without hesitation.

The magic knife disappeared!

is the end.

Thousands of knives, break through!

Strongly supporting his body from falling down, Feng Xuan's face smiled.

At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in Fengxuan's mind without warning:

"Confirmation of customs clearance! ...It has been detected that Qiandaoshan has not recognized the Lord yet. Do you choose to participate in the test of recognising the Lord?

The choice mentioned by Dibin has appeared!