Wind moves the world

Chapter 162 Select Selection

"Confirmation of customs clearance! ...It has been detected that Qiandaoshan has not recognized the Lord yet. Do you choose to participate in the test of recognising the Lord?

The voice repeated in Fengxuan's mind.

Fengxuan remained calm enough and did not immediately pay attention to it.

Whether this choice is good or bad, now it is the best way to restore the magic as much as possible.

Feng Xuan took out the magic stone and naturally and quickly absorbed the magic before thinking about what to choose.

The voice in my mind is very interesting. It says that "Qiandao Mountain has not recognized the Lord" and the word "recognizing the Lord" may be more appropriate to be used on a warcraft, but on a mountain?

Either the other party is too stupid and the parents' education is too poor, or the truth is just like this!

Feng Xuan never thinks that others are stupid, and he would rather believe in the latter.

However, Qiandao Mountain is obviously a mountain. Will a mountain "recognize the Lord"? Or, "Qiandao Mountain" is not a mountain, but if it is not a mountain, what would Fengxuan see "Qiandao Mountain"?

Is it a Warcraft?!

It's possible!

Think about the legendary Kunxiong ape, isn't it equivalent to a moving Mount Tai?

Then it can be considered that "Qiandao Mountain" is also equivalent to a huge thing like Kunxiong ape.

If this is really the case, doesn't it mean that Fengxuan may subdue a warcraft that can seriously injure the adult Kunxiong ape!? You should know that Lian Dibin's mother, such an adult Kunxiong ape, still escaped quickly after walking out of the mountain road and did not die.

If "Qiandao Mountain" is really such a warcraft and is really subdued by Fengxuan, then there is no doubt that Fengxuan is equivalent to ascending to the sky in one step, and Fengxuan's dream can be easily realized.

But will it be that simple?

Feng Xuan remembered Dibin's frightened expression when he mentioned this choice, which was definitely a deep panic from his heart.

Obviously, Dibin must have chosen "yes" and experienced the "test of recognition of the Lord", so he left such a big impression.

Unfortunately, Dibin did not describe what he faced with the "test of recognition of the Lord". However, Feng Xuan knew that no matter how dangerous the "test of recognizing the Lord" is, it will not threaten his life! Because after Dibin chose to "recognize the Lord test", he is still alive!

Since Dibin can survive the "test of recognition of the Lord", of course Fengxuan can also do it.

There seems to be no possibility of choosing a "no" for such a thing to have a chance to subdue a warcraft that has been seriously injured by an adult Kunxiong ape and not to die.

But Feng Xuan remained calm enough.

As far as Feng Xuan knows, there are at least one creature or two beasts that have passed the test of the Thousand Knife Magic Knife, among which Dibin and his own strength are almost the same, but the other one beast, one is an adult Kunxiong ape, and the other is the world's top strongman crazy demon Apa!

Feng Xuan has every reason to believe that the next person and one beast participated in the "test of recognition of the Lord".

But today he can still choose whether to participate in the "test of recognition of the Lord". Obviously, these two peak strong men have not succeeded in recognition of the Lord.

I'm afraid it's unimaginable how difficult it will be to make the two top strong men recognize the unsuccessful test.

What's more, Feng Xuan calculates the time, which is not much from the three-day time limit mentioned by the crazy Apa. At this time, he will participate in the "test of identifying the Lord". Not to mention whether he can succeed, the time it will take is an unknown number.

Once the time spent has passed, Fengxuan is likely to lose the fish, and it is more likely that the fish and bear's paw will be lost.

If Fengxuan doesn't make a choice, at least he can get the fish. But this also means that Feng Xuan missed an opportunity to get the top Warcraft recognition, and even if Feng Xuan can come back to the Dragon Pavilion in the future, he may not be able to return to the Xumi Maze.

Choose or not, this is destined to be a big gamble.

"Confirmation of customs clearance! ...It has been detected that Qiandaoshan has not recognized the Lord yet. Do you choose to participate in the test of recognising the Lord?

The voice repeated for the third time in my mind, and finally added another sentence.

If there is no reply within ten seconds, it will be regarded as a waiver. Ten, nine, eight..."

Choose the time, there are five seconds left.

But Feng Xuan seemed to be asleep, with his eyes slightly opened, and still didn't make any choice.

The time of choice is coming to an end.

Suddenly, Feng Xuan opened his eyes gently, turned over the magic stone, put it into the space ring, and moved like flowing water.


With a flat opening, Feng Xuan had made a choice, and his tone was extremely firm. Opportunities without risks never come, and opportunities often pass away. If you let it slip away from your eyes, Feng Xuan believes that he will have trouble sleeping and eating.

The voice just fell.

It was dark in front of Feng Xuan, and he came to a dark space.

Here, Feng Xuan's night vision ability worked again, and he looked around carefully.

The body is surrounded by void on three sides, only a dozen steps on the front. The highest point of the steps leads to a purple-black flat stone, and at the bottom of the steps stands a stone tablet engraved with several lines of words, which is saying the rule of "recognizing the test of the Lord".

The rule is very simple. As long as the participants climb the steps, then participate in the test and persist to the end, they can successfully recognize the Lord. However, Fengxuan was not confused by the word "simple". Although the rules seemed simple, it did not say what the test was, nor did it say how long it would last.

Simple, sometimes it means more confusing.

The rules also say that as long as participants want to leave during the test, they only need to say the word "I give up" and can go out of this place called "infernal space". Feng Xuan looked at this and felt awe. This rule seems to be for the participants to consider and guarantee them the back road, but in fact it is extremely sinister, because people often dare not move forward in the face of danger when there is a back road. Sometimes it is only by breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat that can win against the sky.

At the bottom of the rule, the record after the participant's recognition test is listed.

The first line is "Dilas", his identity is Kunxiong ape, and he is Dibin's mother, and the record is 30 seconds.

The second line is "Dibin", with a record of only 12 seconds.

In the third line, a name that Feng Xuan didn't know appeared. A human named "Clanford" recorded 160 seconds! It is several times more than the record of the adult Kunxiong ape.

The fourth line is the real name of the crazy Apa Rapos, and the record is 75 seconds.

The last line is "Fengxuan", which has not been recorded yet.

The rules do not say how long the final recognition will last, but since Qiandaoshan is still a period of ownerless, this shows that Feng Xuan must successfully recognize the Lord for at least one hundred and sixty-one seconds.

This truth, the crazy Apa came to participate in the test after "Cranford" will not know, and the crazy Apa is also the top person in the world, but even so, the crazy Apa only persisted for 75 seconds, which shows the difficulty of the test.

What exactly is it?

After reading the content on the stone tablet and making sure that it was correct, Feng Xuan withdrew his eyes and stared at the purple-black platform on the steps.

As long as you go up, you will know!

Now that the decision has been made, Feng Xuan will never procrastinate. He has always carried out his actions to the end.

Feng Xuan walked up step by step.

Soon, he came to the last step.

The area of the purple-black platform is very small, and I'm afraid the five people standing on it are full. There is nothing on it, and there is no dust clean.

Fengxuan checked the magic on his body, and there were thousands of bases and other magic.

Holding the magic wand tightly, Feng Xuan did not hesitate and stepped in.

The body suddenly tightened!

Can't move!

First second——

Feng Xuan's face suddenly turned pale!