Wind moves the world

Chapter 217 Are you? Cranford!

A place where there is no one in the inner courtyard.

"Hey! By the way, Feng Xuan, it's not easy for me to see you!"

Feng Xuan looked coldly at the young man in ordinary linen and star-like eyes, and calmly did not take action: "Who are you?"

Just now, when Feng Xuan promised the elder to take over the task and agree with Sean on how to solve the task, the voice of the man in front of him suddenly came to his ear.

Then, at the prompt of this sound, Feng Xuan found here and met the young man in front of him, who was also the one who swaggered into the inner courtyard in front of Samantha.

"Hey, you've met me! Think about it, is there a name you don't know in the space? The young man said with a smile on his face.

Infernal space?

Feng Xuan's pupils shrank, and with his unforgettable memory, he naturally remembered that a name he did not know was engraved on the stone tablet in the space, and the record of that name in the space was twice as much as the crazy Apa, one of the three giants of the thugs.

"Are you? Cranford? Feng Xuan asked.

Cranford nodded with some joy, as if he was happy that Feng Xuan could remember his name: "Hey hey, that's right, Cranford is me! Hey hey, Fengxuan, you are really strong enough to break through the infernal space!"

Hmm? Feng Xuan raised his eyebrows faintly, and only Pascal and Kunxiong Ape Dibin knew about what he had broken into the space. How did this Cranford know?

"Hey, I didn't know that you passed the space through prophecy. By the way, I really want to thank you, because you helped me a lot." Cranford seemed to know Feng Xuan's inner thoughts and said the answer first before Feng Xuan asked.


Feng Xuan's pupils shrank slightly and was surprised again. He chewed the information brought by these two carefully.

Prophecy is a mysterious magic, which is rumored to be a kind of time magic, usually called prophecy. In the whole magical world, on the one is because of the scarcity of the owners of time magic attributes, and on the other, because of the extremely harsh cultivation, there are only a few people who have mastered it.

But there is no doubt that the power of prophecy is very powerful. It can not only predict the future, but even rumors that a magician with prophetic skills can even penetrate your attack and put himself invincible.

"Do you know prophecy? Rumor has it that prophecy is an absolute defensive magic? Feng Xuan's face showed some curiosity and looked at Cranford and asked.

Cranford nodded directly without hiding: "That's right! I can predict! And it's still a great prophecy..."

"If you don't believe it, just try to greet me with magic, hehe!" Cranford suddenly said with a hehe.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a black knife suddenly in Feng Xuan's hand!

"This Fengxuan is so fast! Don't even say hello, you can do it if you want!"

With "Zhe Tian" in hand, Feng Xuan split directly towards Cranford.

Fengxuan has always done things vigorously. Since this Cranford is so confident that prophecy is an absolute defense, of course, Fengxuan has to give it a try, and this is really his best.

But soon, Feng Xuan was really surprised, because the scene in front of him was really terrible!

Fengxuan saw Cranford smile and moved slightly under the combination of thousands of knives that rose in the wind.

One step, two steps.

Feng Xuan's pupil suddenly shrank!

The two steps looked slow and relaxed, but these two steps happened to be extremely subtle when Fengxuan's "Zhe Tian" hit his head to split him in half.

And more importantly, Feng Xuan felt that he had lost his sense of Cranford, but what was shocking was that Cranford was standing in front of you.

The black light rose in his eyes, and Feng Xuan's body suddenly gushed out with a substantial murderous atmosphere, rippled on the surface of his body like tiny cilia.

Feng Xuan broke out all his strength without hesitation!

A hundred black knives flew out of the "Zhetian" and shot at Cranford under the control of Fengxuan.

However, something strange happened. No matter how Feng Xuan commanded the black knife to attack, Cranford took that slow step and could always avoid the dense attack.

"If you lose a little, you will fall for thousands of miles!"

This idea suddenly flashed in Feng Xuan's mind, and then Feng Xuan collected the magic of "Zhetian" and looked at Cranford faintly.

This young man who records twice as strong as the crazy Apa in the infernal space is really strong! At least, Feng Xuan can't hurt him at present, unless Feng Xuan uses the last spirit ring.

"Hey, if you use that spiritual ring, I will indeed not be an opponent!" Cranford once again saw through Feng Xuan's heart and said with a smile, "However, you don't need to use that monster, because I'm not your opponent. I'm here to help you."

"Help me?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Feng Xuan's eyes.

"That's right! Brother, take me as your younger brother!" Cranford suddenly showed a pitiful appearance, like the eyes of the stars shining.


"God said that if Feng Xuan doesn't come back, I will practice under God's guidance." Carl stroked the thick book in his hand and said helplessly.

Johnio nodded: "Feng Xuan has been out for too long. Looking at the timing of his departure, it seems that something urgent happened."

"Well... God said it was very possible! In this case, Ga Johannio, shall we leave first? Carl gave Ga Johnny a look and said.

"Let's not! Look at these two people..." Ga Johannio motioned Carl with his eyes and looked at the two people not far away.

There, Sean closed his eyes and sat motionless, while Fei Zi stood quietly, looking intently through a book about the magic array.

These two people can enter cultivation anytime and anywhere.

Carl looked at the two people and nodded with a wry smile, thinking that since they didn't leave, it would be too bad for him to go first.

And just then, Sean suddenly opened his eyes! Almost at the same time, Feizi also included the magic array books into the space ring.

"Huh? Is Feng Xuan back? Who is behind him? After a while, Johnny and the two saw Feng Xuan and Cranford flying back and back, and couldn't help but be surprised.

"His name is Cranford." Feng Xuan and Cranford fell from the air, and then introduced Cranford briefly and directly.

"Hey! Hello, everyone, I'm Feng Xuan's younger brother!" Cranford swept through three men and one woman like the eyes of the stars and smiled happily, "Ha ha, they are all talents! Well, this is the right to be my eldest brother's partner..."

"From now on, Cranford will fully plan our next task of destroying the top ten groups of [Magic Guide]." Feng Xuan left a few words and directly confirmed Cranford's position in the team.

(First update~please collect~)