Wind moves the world

Chapter 218 Start the Sweeping Journey

"What? Do you mean to want him to be a military division? Ga Johannio was shocked and didn't know where Feng Xuan got another younger brother. Did he just say that he would leave later to find this young man named "Cranford"?

"Cough! God said, let's decide together about the task..." Carl coughed, and he didn't dare to casually give his life to the person who killed halfway.

Do you have some doubts about Cranford's ability?

Feng Xuan didn't say anything. Cranford is a prophet. Feng Xuan believes that he can definitely solve such a problem with his hands.

Sure enough, Cranford smiled like an old fox: "Hey, brother, there are objections in the team! In this case, I suggest democratic voting!"

Democracy voting?

Carl and Ga Johannio looked at each other. In this case, it seems that this is the only way.

And the result came out soon, 3 to 2!

Fizi received Fengxuan's territory and is still grateful. Of course, she does not hesitate to stand on Fengxuan's side, and Sean? Ga Johannio and Carl looked at him helplessly. Sean, as if he hadn't heard the conversation of several people, stood there coldly without any statement, that is to say, Sean abstained.

The resolution was passed, and Cranford was appointed as the military of this temporary small team, who will directly command the next five people.

"Hey hey hey... Since democracy determines me, my first resolution is like this! ..." Cranford smiled thieves as if he were planning some shocking conspiracy.


"Hey! Have you heard? We are finally going to send someone to clean up the thieves and hooligans in the city!" In the teahouse and restaurant, this atmosphere of joy can be seen everywhere.

"What? Is it finally time to clean up those hateful scum? Great! My mother can finally go for a walk!"

"Really! I heard about it too! And it seems that the publicity this time is very extensive, as if it is claimed that the top ten thieves will be annihilated in three days!" Someone said excitedly.

"Wow! So strong! It seems that our good days are finally coming! What kind of troops have we sent?"

"Inside! He is a master of the inner courtyard of the Magic Guide Academy!"

"The inner courtyard of the Magic Guide College? Why haven't I heard of such a place? Is it a secret force!?"

"Hey! Are you ignorant? This inner courtyard is not a place where ordinary magicians can enter. Those who can enter are all the strong men of the magic guide college. There are even rumors that these strong people who come out of the inner courtyard are likely to become the next controller of the [magic guide]!"

Really? Great! We really have hope!"

Similar chat content spread all over the streets and alleys of [Magic Guide] in less than an hour. Every resident is looking forward to it and waiting for better news with a fierce mood.

And at the same time, in a mansion of [Magic Guide].

In the magnificent hall, many charming women are dancing, and sitting at the head is a burly man with scars on his face.

In addition, next to him, there is a eagle-eyed man shaking a feather fan, with squinting eyes flashing cunning from time to time.

This is exactly one of the top ten thieves teams that have been criminally committed in the city this month, and the seventh-ranked "peak blood thief group". The scarred face is the leader of the thief group, called Starbucks, and the one shaking the feather fan is the army of the thief group. The teacher is called Fuli.

"Big boss, boss! The big thing is not good, the big thing is not good!" A man suddenly ran into the hall, stumbled away the dancing woman, and then bowed down in front of the scar man, saying with a frightened face.

"FUCK!" Starbucks, known as the boss, saw that his men actually disturbed his good play, and suddenly became angry and slapped him, "Your sister! Disturbing the elegance of Laozi and the rich military division! If you can't say anything bad later, I will cast off your wine and vegetables!"

"Yes, yes..." His men sweated with fear and nodded quickly.

"Hmm! Say, what's the big deal that makes you look like a dog? Speak out and let the rich army and my staff.

"Yes, yes! Boss, the big deal is really bad. I heard from the outside that [Magic Guide] is going to deal with us!" The man was afraid of being slapped by Starbucks again, so he quickly said the rumors he heard in the streets and alleys.

"Oh? Inner courtyard?" A trace of doubt flashed in Starbucks's eyes, and then looked at his military division, Fuli.

It is precisely because of this military division that the Peak Blood Thieves can rise up in the [Magic Guide] and show off their power in the city. Therefore, in the heart of Starbucks, the whole band of thieves and all the others together are not important.

"Ha ha, boss, it's just a small inner courtyard, there's nothing to be afraid of!" Fuli shook the feather fan leisurely and said faintly.

"Oh? Military division, explain quickly?" Starbucks' attitude towards Fuli is completely different from that of other subordinates, and there is even a flattering look in its eyes.

"I have also heard about the inner courtyard. It is said that it is a place to train magic tutors, and there are only some students in it. Unfortunately, there have been no outstanding talents in recent years, which is the most fundamental reason why I say I am not afraid. If those native chickens and dogs dare to jump in front of us, boss, if you go down, I'm afraid they will all die. Fuli said and continued to explain, "What's more, the people in the inner court are going to deal with the top ten thieves, but we are ranked seventh. Ha ha, if it were me, I would definitely start with the weakest, that is, the tenth th thieves group, and will never challenge the stronger seventh first. So in this way, we can also send scouts first to understand the students in the inner court.

"So, combining these two points, the inner court is not afraid at all." Fuli concluded.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! It's really wonderful! The military division is so right. Well, come on, send three teams to scout and go to the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Regiment, the Blood Thieves Regiment and the World Extinction Thieves Regiment to see if there is any news. Starbucks immediately understood what Fuli meant, his eyes lit up, clapped his hands and praised, and sent his men down to scout.

The Crazy Dragon Mercenary Corps, the Blood Thieves Group, and the World Destroying Thieves Group are all ten lower than the seventh-ranked Peak Blood Thieves Group. According to the speculation of the Fuli Military Division, ten * in the inner court will attack these three weaker teams first, so Starbucks will let their men go to these three places separately.

And at this time, it is in the sky of this mansion.

"Well, God said, are we really going to start from this seventh-ranked thief group?" Carl took a look at the large mansion under his feet and had some doubts. In fact, according to his opinion, it was better to start from the tenth-ranked group of th thieves.

"Hey, I'm afraid that ordinary people will think that we should attack the tenth thief group at this time, but under my wisdom, I found that this seventh-ranked peak blood thief group is the most suitable for us." Cranford smiled, like a fat cat waiting for a fish to be hooked.

Carl was speechless when he heard Cranford's words. He looked at Feng Xuan next to him and saw that the latter had nothing to say, so he stopped talking.

"Someone came out!" Suddenly, Feizi exclaimed.

Sure enough, in the gate of the rich garden, there were about 30 magicians lined up, as if to leave in three directions.

"Do you want to do it?" Ga Johannio and Carl, as well as Fei Zi, looked at Feng Xuan, who had been silent.

At the most important juncture, Feng Xuan, who has always been silent, decided to act.

If Cranford is a military division, then Fengxuan is the coach! This has been agreed before everyone left.

"Do it."

Feng Xuan opened his mouth faintly and directly flapped his huge wings and rushed down. Ga Johannio and Carl's eyes flashed and immediately followed Feng Xuan.

The speed of the three was extremely fast and did not hide it at all. The scream caused by the speed immediately aroused the vigilance of the guards of the Peak Blood Thieves Regiment.

"Hey! You guys, stop quickly! This is the peak blood... uh..."

A guard leader who was obviously the captain took off with three men. As soon as he took off, he felt that his head was light and then couldn't say anything.

And the scene he saw before his death was his men, and a head flew out of his neck.

Four people, all dead!

Moreover, no one noticed how the other party did it!

Other alert guards took a breath of cold air. In their opinion, the other party was still on the high sky, but their own people had just spoken, but they had died, and four people died at the same time.

It's too strange!

Even Fengxuan, who attacked the peak blood thief group, was a little surprised. Of course, he knew whose attack it was, because among his six people, there was only one person who could do it so quickly and silently, and only Sean!

Avenger Sean's blade is sharper than ever.

A trace of fighting flashed in Feng Xuan's eyes, and he suddenly waved his magic wand.

Middle-level magic · falling stone!

Pieces of grinding disc-sized falling stones appeared out of thin air, and then hit the gate of the peak blood thief group and the thieves gathered there fiercely!

Similarly, Feng Xuan also tried to add a trace of the power of Qiandaoshan to the magic.

Son of a sudden, the originally ordinary-like falling stone took on a strange change...

(Second update~please collect~red ticket~)