Wind moves the world

Chapter 345 The Coming of War!

"Brother, hey, I made a preliminary count. Combined with all of us, our points are about 1,000."

Cranford found Feng Xuan, who had just come back from cultivation, and reported to him.

The reason why they came to Chiyouzhong is to win the top six of the competition, and there is only one rule, that is, whoever has more points, will rank higher. Although [Honghuang] Zeus is extremely domineering and dares to directly interfere with the rules, but he is not the only one who has the final say in the magical world, otherwise he would have long He directly became the emperor of the magical world.

So Fengxuan and others are still carrying the mission of competing for the top six. This also requires a large number of beast list waist cards to accumulate points.

"Now that we are just starting out, there will be more and more points in the future. By the way, have all the relevant resources been used? Feng Xuan asked.

"Hey! Of course!" Cranford quickly said, "This time, I got 50 million crystals from the Fujiwara family, one-fifth of the crystals used to build this twin mountains, and one-fifth of the crystals were used in the wind camp and the prison camp."

Since I know that Gladys is doing some conspiracy and tricks on her side, and there is a special thing like meteorism to restrain Cranford's great prophecy, so these days, Cranford has bought a lot of strange things with crystals like crazy, and then arranged them in this Gemini in some way. Mountains and various places with a radius of 300 miles.

This is not to build the Twin Mountains into a copper wall, because if you really want to do this, it requires not only a large amount of crystals, but also a lot of time, and the latter is extremely lacking for Feng Xuan.

No one will believe that Gladys will let Feng Xuan, whose current defense system has not been established, not attack, instead of giving Feng Xuan a few months before coming to die.

As long as Gladys is not an idiot, her next attack must be fast and extremely fierce, and she is likely to win the battle.

Therefore, although there is no time to build a defense system now, at least a set of early warning system can be made. If the defense is not good, at least the enemy's information can be warned in advance. This is what Cranford has done these days.

Of course, this early warning system is also a money-burning action, but is there a more cost-effective deal than keeping a life?

Not to mention building a wind camp and a prison camp, because at present, the backbone of Feng Xuan's hands is these two camps. And the Twin Mountains is just a temporary residence. As long as people are still there, even if they are temporarily evacuated, it means that they can be called back.

"Hey! I also inquired about some information about the green tomb 300 miles to the east. Cranford laughed.

"What is there?" Feng Xuan asked.

The Qingcang tomb appeared a few months ago, which directly led to the influx of forces, but Feng Xuan did not know much about it.

And this location is not too far from Gemini Mountain, only 300 miles, so it is very likely that any change there will have a huge impact on Gemini Mountain.

"I heard that the Qingcang tomb was born three months ago. This tomb is identified as the real Qingcang tomb, because its signs are exactly the same as what Qingcang said when he died, so this also means that who entered the tomb and who You can get the true biography of Qingcang, and even unify Chi Youzhong. Cranford said.

"So you can imagine how many forces and monsters have gathered there in order to get the inheritance of Qingcang! However, although many powerful monsters gathered there, they did not find a way to enter the tomb at all. So these forces have been staying there all the time. However, it is indeed a big whirlpool, which not only attracts thousands of Warcraft strong men every day, but also has countless battles. Under incomplete statistics, there are 30,000 Warcrafts that die there every day!"

30,000 people die every day, and this is still an incomplete statistic! You can imagine how fierce and cruel the war there was!

I'm afraid a look is enough to trigger a life-and-death battle.

"However, although the war situation there is fierce, it does not seem to affect here for the time being. If we have time and opportunity, we can also try our luck and see if we can enter the Qingcang tomb, hey hey!" Cranford smiled.

Feng Xuan also nodded with it. He may have a better chance than others, because he still wears the mask transformed by the spirit ring on his face, and this mask has a lot to do with Qing Cang.

Maybe, with this mask, you can really enter the tomb of Qingcang and get his inheritance.

But it's still a little early to think about this, because what Fengxuan needs to face now is the upcoming strong attack on Gladys and her who don't know when they will come.

Cranford smiled and was about to continue talking, but at this time, his face suddenly changed!

"Someone touched the 'Earth Mother Mujian'!" Cranford's face is as ugly as it is.

Because this mother tree is the most hidden early warning method in the early warning system just established by Cranford, which means that it is extremely difficult for the enemy to find it and then destroy it.

But it also shows on the other hand that the earth mother treejian does not issue warning under all circumstances. It is actually the best defense in the Cranford early warning system. Only when other early warning methods fail, the earth mother woodjian will be activated to warn.

"There are no less than 500 early warning methods I have laid, but none of them has worked, that is to say..."

Clanford's face is very ugly, because there is only one possibility that this situation will be a very powerful enemy, which will crack all the other 500 early warning methods arranged by Cranford.

The black light flashed in Fengxuan's eyes. In this case, there is such a powerful enemy, and the other party must be Gladys of [Honghuang].

Although Fengxuan and Cranford don't know how [Honghuang] is mixed in Chiyouzhong, it is far less than the foot basin teaching of [Honghuang] in the magical world, which is enough to mix into second-class forces in Chiyouzhong. It is obvious that [Honghuang] will not be worse than the first-class power in Chiyouzhong.

"The situation is a little critical. Now Pascal and the five of them are closed, only fighting." Feng Xuan said.

At this time, not many days after the battle with the foot basin, the five people, including Pascal and Fitz, are in a closed state. In this state, even if they are struck by lightning, they cannot go out. Otherwise, it will not be good for the growth of magic, but may fall.

There is no doubt that Fengxuan does not want them to happen.

So, there is only the battle!

Cranford's face is very solemn. If Gladys attacked at other times, the situation is definitely not as serious as it is now, because even if he can't beat it, he can run away at any time, and now, he can only choose a positive attack.

Moreover, because it was Gladys who attacked this time, she must have a meteorite, which limited Cranford's great prophecy, so she didn't know anything about Gladys.

How many of them are there? How strong is it? How on earth do you want to attack?

I don't know anything!

"Cranford, you stay here, the wind camp and the prison camp, and the whole power is given to you." In this critical situation, Feng Xuan decisively attacked, "I'll investigate the situation of the enemy."

"What!?" Cranford shouted, "The other party's target is the eldest brother. How can you send him to the door by yourself!" Moreover, the enemies this time are extraordinary. They can crack almost all my early warning systems. Obviously, they are powerful people. Brother, if you are not careful, you are likely to..."

Cranford didn't say the rest of the words, but obviously he was very worried that Feng Xuan would never return and fall.

"Moreover, brother, you are the soul of our team. If something happens to you, I'm afraid we will be self-defeated." Cranford urgently dissuaded Fengxuan.

"But..." Feng Xuan smiled faintly, "Do you think there is anyone more suitable to go out than me now? Or is there something more suitable for me to do?

"This..." Cranford hesitated, and he didn't know how to answer Feng Xuan's two questions.

"Trust me." Feng Xuan patted Cranford on the shoulder, then shook his body and disappeared.

He didn't order Cranford to stay here and do exactly what he wanted to do, because Cranford was the military division. He knew what he was going to do and what he didn't do.

"Brother, don't worry!" Cranford looked at the direction in which Fengxuan disappeared and said firmly.


Fengxuan's speed is extremely fast and silent.

He is now a high-level magic mentor, and the growth of magic every day is also extremely terrible, so he doesn't know how strong he is now.

Now there are three magic weapons on his body, one of which is the last spirit ring. This last spirit ring is likely to be related to Qingcang. Its function is the tenization of the last spirit. Previously developed by Fengxuan, it is only two changes: the end spirit change and the end spirit devour, but their effect on Fengxuan is already very huge.

And the second magic weapon is Qiandao Mountain. This magic weapon obtained from the trapped Dragon Pavilion can be said to be Fengxuan's favorite magic weapon, because it is so powerful that even the proportion of time can be changed, and Fengxuan's strongest killing move "Zhe Tian" is based on the attack power of Qiandao Mountain.

After coming to Chiyouzhong, Fengxuan has never had the opportunity to use Qiandao Mountain. Even if there is a chance, it is only an instant. But now, he has completely mastered the huge magic in his body, so he has gone further to use Qiandao Mountain.

The history of Qiandaoshan is also very mysterious. Feng Xuan himself guessed that it was probably related to Chiyou Emperor or Chiyouwei. However, it seems that it has not been confirmed yet.

The third magic weapon is the turtle shell that Fengxuan got from the magic hall. This turtle shell Fengxuan has not been used since he got it, but this turtle shell is likely to be the magic weapon once used by Emperor Chiyou.

Because of the existence of this tortoise shell, Fengxuan, who used the last spirit ring to lose consciousness, is equivalent to completely controlling the end spirit ring, except that he can't take it off his face.

Therefore, with the help of these three magic weapons, Feng Xuan does not know how strong his current strength is, because he has never had a chance to show it.

Moreover, after killing the foot basin clan, Feng Xuan found that the last spirit ring was developed by himself!

Thirdification, the last spirit thief!

As the name implies, this ability is a word: theft!

It can not only help Fengxuan steal a lot of material things, but also use it to steal other people's abilities!

For example, Fengxuan does not have the magic attributes of lightning and space-time, but once the spirit steals, he can steal the abilities of these people.

Even Fengxuan can steal those magic that has been cracked by himself and does not belong to him from his memory.

And Fengxuan had experimented with one before.

That is because there is no magic power of Dacheng because there is no last spirit ring!

The mysterious world!

As a result, the Xuanjie directly emitted a complete light in Fengxuan's hands! Because don't forget that there is a final ring on his face!

It is also waiting for a chance to fight!


Soon, Feng Xuan arrived at the place where the enemy triggered the earth mother woodjian. A black light flashed in his eyes, and then he hid.

"Hmm! These early warning measures are not enough. If it weren't for the fact that he would have run away in advance in order to be discovered by Feng Xuan, then we could have killed all the way.

In a hidden cave in the Twin Mountains, a team of about 1,000 people stood silently.

The speaker was an ugly man sitting cross-legged in the middle of the cave.

"Yes, Kakar, these early warning measures are quite bad, which cost us 50 million crystals." The speaker was another man in mid-air.

The two men in mid-air are obviously the commanders of this thousand-person team. They are all wearing sun, moon and star magic robes, which is obviously the demon talent of the young generation of [Honghuang].

"However... we attacked in four directions this time, and it cost not 50 million crystals, but 200 million crystals!" The man then said very dissatisfiedly.

"Hmm! Nejia, what is crystal? At worst, you can grab it again! The only unpleasant thing is that when we were in a group, we didn't split into a group with Gladys's prodigal hooves!" Kakar licked his mouth and looked lonely and had nowhere to vent his fire.

Another man, Neijia, also flashed a lust in his eyes, but he shook his head: "Kakar, it's just a bus that everyone can get on. You don't need to be too nostalgic. As long as we complete this goal and return to the magical world, my god, I can reward you with 10,000 virgins more beautiful than Gladys! Because by then, the magical world will be completely my god!"

Speaking of Zeus, the enthusiasm in Nega's eyes is enough to boil the eggs.

"That's right! As long as we complete the task and kill Feng Xuan, the benefits will be really huge!" Kakar is not a fool, and the lust in his eyes immediately disappeared.

"Yes! Kakar, although we are divided into four ways on the surface, in fact, we are now in a state of competition. Each of us is a high-level magic mentor, and every elite soldier under us is also a high-level magic mentor. So no matter from any direction to Fengxuan, it is enough to kill him a thousand times. So now, it depends on which direction is fast! Whoever is fast can kill Fengxuan and be appreciated by Zeus, and even the next successor of Zeus will be confirmed!" Nejia said.

"But Kakar, I, Neijia, sincerely hope that you can become the next heir of Zeus, so my beloved brother, I will not kill the title of Feng Xuan from you. You can completely trust me!" Neka then explained.

"Of course! Of course! You are my best brother, and of course I trust you! From now on, when I become Zeus, brother, I will give you whatever you want!" Kakar patted his chest to guarantee.

"Then let's go now!"

Neka and Kakar immediately commanded their men to move, and their speed was also extremely fast and disappeared into the cave.

And as soon as they left, Feng Xuan's figure appeared in a wall of the cave.

Four directions? There are a thousand elite soldiers in every direction, and every elite soldier is a high-level magic mentor!" Feng Xuan's face was solemn. He really didn't know where these [Honghuang] guys got these powerful Warcraft masters.

But now is obviously not the time to think.

Because instead of thinking, it is better to explain the answer directly and ask clearly.

Feng Xuan reached out and grabbed it, waved the magic wand, and a magic sound came to Cranford's ear.

Fengxuan now has a plan that is not planned!

He prepared a man to destroy a unit in one direction first! By the way, try your own strength and how strong it is.


"Wait! Half an hour has passed. At our speed, we can go back and forth hundreds of times to the Qingcang tomb. How can we still be in this ghost mountain!" Kakar roared.

They took a thousand elite soldiers and originally wanted to kill Fengxuan directly, but as a result, half an hour later, they were still shuttling through the empty mountains and forests.

"It's likely to be a magic array! There is a man named Fei Zi in Fengxuan, who is very good at magic arrays!" Nejia said in a low voice.

"But what kind of magic array can trap more than 1,000 of our high-level magic mentors for half an hour!" Kakar couldn't believe it, because as far as he knew, Feizi's strength had just entered the middle-level magic mentor before entering Chiyou Tomb.

"Yes, even if there is such a magic array, Fengxuan and others can't release it! Kakar, you ordered the elite soldiers to be divided into eight directions and powerfully break this magic array!" Neijia said with a gloomy face.


Kakar also gritted his teeth and ordered directly.

Suddenly, the men of a thousand high-level magic tutors moved.

But just when they want to release the magic power! Suddenly, there was an unforgettable scene that made them die!