Wind moves the world

Chapter 346 Power

Countless head-sized bubbles emerged from every elite soldier trapped in the forest.

Each bubble is translucent. In the bubble, there are various scenes. Some of these scenes are happy, some are painful, some can be shown off to others, and some are difficult to speak.

They are like bubble-shaped crystals, broadcasting various movies.

It's just that this is not a movie!

Soon, Warcraft woke up. The content of this bubble is simply what they have experienced since childhood. The joys and sorrows are all in front of them.

This is their own memory! A life that has been passed!

All the elite soldiers were stunned, and the scene in front of them subverted their imagination.

The scene is dead.

Finally, several monsters couldn't resist their curiosity and shock, and reached out and gently pressed down on a bubble around him.


A few soft sounds attracted the attention of all the monsters. They suddenly turned their heads and saw--

Those who reached out and touched the bubbles all turned into a green smoke and sucked into the middle of the bubbles.

Disappearing without a trace!

Neijia immediately reacted and roared, "Don't touch these bubbles!!!"

The elite soldiers are worthy of being elite soldiers. The order was banned. Immediately, many monsters withdrew their outstretched hands and did not turn into smoke.

All the elite soldiers stood still, quietly waiting for the order of Nejia or Kakar.

But it's too late!

You don't move bubbles, but it doesn't mean that these bubbles won't touch you either!

has already surrounded the bubbles of every warcraft, suddenly like a ** red-eyed warcraft, bursting force, and the speed suddenly brings a shadow.

Countless monsters, without even reacting, immediately turned into smoke and were sucked into the bubbles.

"Damn it! All raise the magic mask!"

When Kakar saw the disappearance of a famous soldier, he felt that he was getting farther and farther away from killing Fengxuan and capturing the task reward. Suddenly, panic and anger surged up and roared loudly.

The remaining monsters immediately raised the magic mask. For a moment, the magic mask of various colors and shapes in the forest lit up.

Bubbles hit these magic masks, and immediately became like a bubble hitting the wall, turning into foam, together with the images inside, and disappearing into the invisible.

Kakar had a watermelon-like magic mask on his head. His angry eyes swept over all the surviving elite soldiers and found that there were only 800 soldiers left.

One fifth went away, but in an instant, 200 high-level magic mentors disappeared invisibly.

Who is it!? Who the hell!? Get out of here immediately!" Kakar roared.

Suddenly, his voice echoed endlessly in the forest, shaking countless ancient trees and falling countless green leaves.

For a while, the fallen leaves were like a rainstorm.

"It's not good! Everyone, fly away from this forest immediately!"

Neijia's face suddenly changed, and in horror, he even forgot that those elite soldiers were monsters, not people.

And just as he finished speaking!

As if to confirm what he said, mutation and regeneration!

The fallen leaves that were originally brushed down suddenly turned into sharp arrows with roaring!

Wan Ye Qifa!


Many monsters, who had not yet reacted from Neijia's "everyone" order, were immediately stunned to find that their strong body, even under the protection of a magic mask, was still easily pierced by countless leaves.


With the sound of falling, these monsters pierced by leaves turned into pieces of meat.

In an instant, 400 bodies appeared.

And the rest, because they were close to Neka and Kakar, they were lucky to escape this round of attacks and flew into the forest sky.

However, they looked at the voice under their feet and looked pale!


Under the actual combat, Feng Xuan immediately felt that there were many strange things in the mysterious world he used.

Compared with the mysterious world used by Ruyou before, Fengxuan has the last spiritual ring, so this mysterious world is now the same as the real world. One grass and one tree, touching and smelling are extremely real.

Of course, because Fengxuan has only initially mastered this magic, he can still find some traces when using it. For example, Kakar found that they had walked for half an hour, but he was still wandering in the forest. This is the reason why Fengxuan has not used it yet. Otherwise, Fengxuan would not have made such an obvious mistake.

However, with the increase in the number of uses, this magic is really likely to eventually turn into a world according to its original idea.

A world belongs to the world of Fengxuan!

Moreover, in the process of using it, Feng Xuan immediately keenly realized that this mysterious world was more powerful than he thought.

It's not just an illusion!

Because it can use magic weapons while maintaining illusions, and transform the functions of magic weapons into magic, which has an impact on the whole mysterious world.

Feng Xuan, who found this point, immediately took out Qiandao Mountain.

This long-lost black hill is finally going to shine its darkest light in actual combat.

Fengxuan did not hesitate to launch the intermediate function of Qiandaoshan to change the time!

Soon, Feng Xuan felt that the time ratio of the whole metaphysics had changed compared with the real world!

One-to-hundred changes!

So, when Neka and Kakar found that they had been wandering in the forest for half an hour, the real world was only a few seconds later.

The time change of Qiandao Mountain is enough to be regulated to one thousand, but at present, the maximum effect attached to the metaphysical world is only one hundred.

But this has also made Fengxuan extremely happy!

Because this means that the time magic of Qiandao Mountain can not only be used for cultivation, but also be sent to actual combat.

Soon, good things became double, and Feng Xuan discovered another ability in the mysterious world.

It can accommodate the magic of other attributes! And these magics, at the same time, have turned into an attack that integrates with the mysterious world.

The bubble that emerged from the mysterious world before is the attack of the mysterious world itself. It is a high-level magic, called "disillusion bubble", which can show the past of the warcraft in the mysterious world, thus interfering with judgment and being killed by bubbles.

Then the ten thousand leaves appeared together, which was Feng Xuan's attack of integrating his plant magic with the mysterious world!

This attempt shows the effect.

However, if you need to exert greater power in the mysterious world, you need more training.

Feng Xuan set his eyes on the remaining enemies flying over the forest as if facing a big enemy.

A black light flashed in his eyes, and then waved his magic wand again...


Nega and Kakar led only 400 elite soldiers to stand in the sky.

However, they have long lost their power. They are pale and look at their feet, just like ants seeing human beings who can easily trample them to death.

The death of 600 elite soldiers suppressed their morale to the lowest point.

The hearts of many elite soldiers have sprouted the idea of escaping to save their lives.

If they are not well-trained, they may not be able to suppress their inner fear at this time and run away directly. The farther away from this place, the better.

The demon talents Neijia and Kakar of [Honghuang] are not comparable to those who are also called demon talents by other forces. The two of them immediately found that the team they led began to be lax.

Neither of them is a waste. Naturally, they understand that if the military spirit is really lax, what will happen next?

"This is a magic array! But as you know, the magic array has a magic power to prevent us from leaving, but!" Neijia's tone paused, and her calm eyes swept over every beast. "We left the forest easily and did not encounter any obstruction at all!" What does this mean! It means that we haven't left the magic array at all!"

Neijia's words caused some ** of the elite soldiers.

But soon this ** calmed down in Neijia's calm eyes. By now, these elite soldiers also know that they are facing a dead situation, and even if they escape, they are of no use at all.

It's better to die!

"That's right! We are trapped here! But, brothers, think about the promise I once gave you! 100 best maids of each beast, inexhaustible wealth, endless life! Have you ever thought that I have never eclipsed my promise!? For your own future, a bright future, we must kill!" Kakar immediately incited.

"Kill out!"

All the warcraft eyes turned red, and for a moment, it was murderous and full of sky!

This time, all the morale of Warcraft not only did not decrease at all, but rose to the peak, which was crazier and more murderous than at the beginning!

The strength of such a team is more powerful than the previous 1,000 Warcraft elite soldiers!


The change of the enemy was immediately discovered by Feng Xuan.

A trace of solemnity appeared on his face. If this team with soared morale really wants to deal with it, it may be more difficult than when it is full.

Moreover, because he killed 600 high-level magic tutors before, Feng Xuan has also used most of his current magic power.

Although the magic in Fengxuan's body is very large due to body variation, and even the magic added every minute is massive, the object to be killed is a high-level magic mentor.

High-level magic mentors, even in the human world, may not be able to list a whole thousand armies. This shows how much they cherish.

For high-level magic mentors, even if they don't release magic, the improvement of magic in the body alone is enough to kill the first-level magic mentors, so you can imagine how difficult it is to kill them, especially those who use magic masks.

What's more, killing a high-level magic tutor by others is likely to exhaust the magic of the whole body. Fengxuan kills at one time, but with a 100-digit base.

So, although it has just released two magics in the mysterious world, it has used up a lot of Fengxuan's magic.

But now, because of the characteristics of Fengxuan's body, he can absorb magic very quickly!

What Fengxuan is most afraid of now is the protracted war!

However, it is impossible to fight a protracted war now! Because in addition to this enemy army, there is also a strong and weak team in the other three directions rushing towards the nest.

So Fengxuan must fight quickly!

The black mang in his eyes swallowed endlessly, and the magic wand was waved up...


"The other party's attack has stopped for the time being!" A smile appeared on Neijia's face.

"Hum! If this magic array is maintained, it must consume a large amount of crystals and stones to maintain such a huge attack and cage, and it must be quickly replaced to avoid loopholes. Kakar's face was full of ferocious smiles, "Such a magic array may not be able to do it even in our place. Although we don't know how the other party did it, there is no doubt that they have a blank period."

"That's right! Once this blank period is over, I'm afraid we won't have such good luck! Kakar, give the order and attack with all your strength!" Nejia said.

"All of them, [God bless the morning star array]!"

As soon as Kakar roared, he saw a black and white chessboard flying out of his space ring.

The chessboard grew with the wind, and in an instant, it filled the sky and became kilometers long and wide.

One by one, the elite soldiers stood staggered on a black and white grid on the chessboard.

They have different shapes, but all the elite soldiers and the magic in their bodies are surging, and their eyes are full of fanaticism.

When all the elite soldiers fell on the chessboard, a huge word "you" composed entirely of elite soldiers was formed!

At the same time, Neijia looked solemn. He took out a magic weapon from the space ring with sacred eyes.

Turn the wheel!


The turning wheel is like an old cow pulling a broken car, making one creaking sound after another.

Shaking the wheel with one hand, Neijia waved the magic wand at the same time.

Soon, stop!

"High-level Motong · Wanhai Huiyi!"

As soon as Neijia drank in his mouth, he immediately saw the whole chessboard, suddenly shining blue light in the sky.

The blue light is getting brighter and brighter, and soon, I saw these lights all gathered on Kakar's body!

I don't know when Kakar had a long sword in his hand.

This sword is extremely gorgeous. At a glance, it is enough to make many collectors and millionaires in the world feel that the treasures and wealth they have collected in their lives are the light of fireflies against the sun and the moon. This gap is large enough to make them die.


Kakar was like an emperor, and a trace of fanaticism appeared on his indifferent face.

When the words fell, I saw all the blue light on the chessboard gathered on Kakar's body, which made him look like a god.

And the long sword in his hand seemed to feel the power from Kakar's body. Suddenly, there was a tremor and a long sound, and the whole sword body emitted a dazzling light!

The trembling of the long sword made Kakar's whole body shake uncontrollably. He saw that his body was shaking more and more, and the sword in his hand was about to fly away!

And just when Kakar's body shook the most violently!


He suddenly let go, and the gorgeous sword suddenly cut through the sky, like a color training, flying in one direction!

Neijia sat on a huge chessboard with his legs cross-legged. All the magic in his body had just been used on the high-level magic, so now his body is extremely tired.

However, contrary to physical fatigue, Neijia's face is full of smiles!

"Insword! Yinchen Sword! This magic sword, which no one can control, finally emitted its light! Hahaha, Yinchen Sword is like a strong man with a soul, who can find loopholes and complete all attacks by himself! And if you want to defeat it, it is impossible! Because even in high-level magic weapons, it is extremely powerful! Compared with that, the rotating wheel in my hand and the black and white chessboard in Kakar's hand are like children's toys..."

In Neijia's heart is extremely fanatical.

He is full of confidence in Yinchen Sword!

If you come out with a sword, you will see blood! If you see blood, you will die!

Inducing the sword, attracting the sword of the stars!

No magician has ever escaped under its sword!

Color practice in the sky! Yinchen Sword drew its most brilliant brilliance.

There was a triumphant smile on the faces of Nejia and Kakar.

However, it is at this time!

A huge black knife with thousands of knife shadows suddenly appeared and cut in the air!

"The remaining moon and cold sun!"



The sun above the sky was completely frozen! Countless moons, like fragments separated by swords, are scattered all over the sky!

The whole sky has lit up a kind of cold light!


A burst of frozen sound kept coming from the training brought by Yin Chenjian.

The big black knife, at this time, smashed at the tip of the sword!


There was no loud noise from my ears, but there was a shocking thunder in everyone's heart!


Countless monsters spit out a mouthful of blood and are completely unconscious.

Even the powerful demon talents Neijia and Kakar were pale and stunned under this impact.

They stared at the war situation above the sky.

In the sky, a long stick-shaped sword that was completely frozen fell from the air...

Then, it was picked up by one hand.

When Kakar saw his most proud magic weapon, he was taken away by the enemy, and on the other hand, the enemy now seems to be the target of this time - Fengxuan!

He was entangled and depressed, and his heart was like a thousand words that could not be said, and finally turned into four words.

"The disabled...month...cold...yang..."

After saying that, Kakar spit out a mouthful of blood, and then completely lost his breath...


"Hey hey! Brother, this sword is really **. It hangs on my waist. It's really suitable for me as a military division! If you go out in the future, it will be extremely majestic! It's so windy! Even if it is hung in my room, it is a super good decoration!"

After receiving Feng Xuan's magic voice, Cranford, who rushed over, looked at the gorgeous Yinchen Sword with drooling and said to Feng Xuan.

aside, Nejia and Kakar, who had woken up but were captured, looked at Cranford with a black line on their faces.

Unexpectedly, such a precious magic weapon will be used as a gorgeous decoration in this mouth...

The two of them swore that if their eyes could kill people, then this Cranford would definitely have died thousands of times!

"Do you like it?" Feng Xuan took a look at his brother.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Cranford nodded.

"Then I'll give it to you." Feng Xuan threw it casually and didn't care how precious this Yinchen sword was.


Neijia and Kakar beside them stared and were speechless. Such a precious magic weapon, he actually gave it to others like this!

"Hey hey! Great, I'll use it to pick up girls in the future!"

Cranford stroked the Yinchen Sword, and his saliva flowed wildly. Then he raised his head nervously and said solemnly to Fengxuan.

"Brother! In order to express my admiration for your surging river, I have decided to tell you a good news!"

Huh? What good news?" Feng Xuan asked.

"Look!!!" Cranford pointed his hand.

"This is..."

As soon as Feng Xuan saw it, he smiled on his face.

This news is wonderful!