Wind moves the world

Chapter 347 Hit the muzzle

"It seems that you are ready to do a big job?"

Feng Xuan looked at the group of people in front of him who had already taken out the magic weapon.

They are Pascal and others who have just come out of the retreat.

At the critical moment, they came out of the retreat and each had their own progress.

This is also the effect of accumulating over time.

"Hey! Brother, you can have a good rest, and then we will beat the bastards of [Honghuang]. Pascal laughed.

When the lockdown came out, Pascal and others had an extra momentum.

They have grown a lot, and more importantly, because they are not in retreat, so they have solved the biggest problem of this battle.

Now, even if you can't beat it, you can withdraw at any time.

However, if it is really withdrawn like this, it is estimated that everyone will be extremely unwilling, so Feng Xuan decided to give some unexpected surprises to the [Honghuang] team in the other three directions.

Feng Xuan told the plan in his heart to Cranfo Pascal and others.

"Hey!" Cranford couldn't put down his hand and stroked the Yinchen sword he had just got, and his eyes flashed. The thief smiled and said, "Good plan! What a plan!"

After saying that, I saw everyone turn their eyes and stare at Neijia and Kakar, with a sneer.

"What do you... want to do..."

The cold hair on Neka and Kakar almost exploded, with a frightened face.


"It's the distress message from Nega and Kakar..."

In a certain direction, Menuli of [Honghuang] suddenly stopped. Behind him, 1,500 high-level magic tutors gathered their steps neatly without a trace of chaos.

"It's not good!" Menuli's face changed wildly, "That Fengxuan seems to have learned the news that he wants to kill the team in the direction of Neijia and Kakar, and then escape! Damn it! You absolutely can't let the target walk like this!"

Menuri was very anxious. He didn't say anything at all. He stepped directly into the void, broke his body in the air, and flew over at the place where Nejia and Kakar asked for help at maximum speed.

And behind him, the undirected team also followed Menu far behind him at the fastest speed.

Menoli flew very quickly. He learned from the news from Nejia and Kakar that when Feng Xuan led his men to break through the siege, although he succeeded, he was already exhausted and had no strength.

As soon as he knew the news, Menuri keenly found that this was a great opportunity!

This opportunity means that whoever arrives first can catch Fengxuan!

So, on the one hand, he is worried that Feng Xuan will escape like this, and on the other hand, Menoli is very worried that this opportunity will be given the first place by others.

So Menoli flew so fast that he almost exerted his whole body strength.


Soon, he arrived at the place where Fengxuan used Xuanjie to fight with Neijia and others.

"Hmm! The traces have obviously been dealt with, but they still can't be hidden from my eyes! Neijia and the others really had a war with Fengxuan!" Menuli's face showed a proud sneer, and he looked up at the sky again, "And it seems that I was the first to get here!"

He was so proud that he immediately took out his magic weapon and instantly released a magic power, completely destroying the surrounding environment.

"In this way, you can't see that Feng Xuan has fled there! Ha ha..."

Menouri quickly finished all this, and then stopped staying. He immediately took off the air and shot out suddenly to the east.

Then, his team also quickly followed him and quickly passed eastward.

And just when they left the sky and disappeared into the distance!

"Quick, hurry up!"

The members of the wind camp, under the command of Cranford, jumped out of nowhere. They quickly released Motong and restored the destroyed scene to its original appearance.

Of course, it is still a little different from the original. If someone will judge Fengxuan's direction based on this trace, they will find that Fengxuan is not withdrawing from the east at this time, but the opposite west!

"Hey! I'm going to trouble you two again!" Cranford looked at the imprisoned Nejia and Kakar with a smile.

Neka and Kakar immediately wanted to cry without tears, but they did not dare to neglect it. After all, their lives were in Cranford's hands, so they could only honestly send out magic.

Immediately, a scene similar to the previous Menoli took place in the team in another direction.

Soon, this team came to this place under the leadership of a [Honghuang] demon talent.

"It seems that Menori is not as fast as me!" The demon also showed a happy smile on his face. He was the same as Menuri. He took out a magic weapon and destroyed the environment here fiercely.

Then, he hurriedly flew to the west.

At this time, the demon talent has been separated from Menoli, who flew to the east. Even if the two of them want to reunate, it will take some time. And more importantly, if they meet Feng Xuan, they will not contact others at all, because they are very afraid that the task reward of killing Feng Xuan will fall on others.

And it is also because of this that Fengxuan made this plan.

First, let Nejia and Kakar magically transmit sounds to the enemies in different directions in batches. After attracting them separately, they will be guided to different directions and each will be defeated.


"Menuri, your speed is really slow. We have been waiting for a long time." Pascal and Ga Johannio stood side by side, and behind him was the 500 wind camp.

"God said, your future is only death." On the other side, there are Carl and Sean, and behind them are 500 prisoners.

In the middle, Fengxuan, who sat cross-legged on the magic stone and recovered his magic.

He consumed his magic power when he fought against Neijia and Kakar, so now he must make up for it.

Of course, the role he plays now is bait!

"It seems that you have subdued Neka and Kakar, but do you think you can deal with me as easily as Neka and Kakar?" As soon as Menoli saw Pascal and others and the two intact teams, he immediately realized that he had been deceived by Nega and Kakar.

However, there was no tension on his face at all. On the contrary, he showed ecstasy!

His eyes looked greedily at Fengxuan sitting on the magic stone: "Fengxuan! And... it's such a big magic training stone! This kind of stone, such as a large as a thumb, is already priceless! I didn't expect that there would be such a big piece here!"

"Hahaha! This is God's help to me! After a while, when I kill Feng Xuan, complete the task, and then get the magic stone, my strength will inevitably grow greatly. Even if it is the title of strong, it will be nothing more than you!" Menoli's eyes are full of madness.

As soon as he finished speaking, his body moved directly!

He used the killing trick directly! It's completely unexpected!

Spatial high-level magic · Instantly move!


I didn't find out how his figure disappeared at all. When you found out, he was already standing ten feet away from Fengxuan!

He waved his magic wand again!

Spatial system high-level magic · space bondage!

A circle of twists and turns of light and shadow suddenly about to be enveloped around Fengxuan. Once this magic is released successfully, Fengxuan will also become a prisoner.

However, in the face of such an attack, Feng Xuan did not even open his eyes and continued to absorb the magic element with a faint expression.

He completely trusts his partner!

"Magic Array · Elemental Stripping!"

Sure enough, at this time, a light voice sounded beside Feng Xuan.

I immediately saw a pair of exercises sticking to the surface of the winding light and shadow.

Immediately, the light and shadow slowly became transparent and finally disappeared without a trace.

It's Feizi, it's up!

"High-order magic · Wind Blade!"

"High-level magic · Fire Dragon Roaring Sky!"

At the same time, Pascal and Sean also took action!

In a fire dragon, there is a translucent wind blade that is not fast but extremely difficult to find.

"Hmm! Little skill of carving insects!" Menuli curled his lips, looked disdainful, and waved his magic wand, "High-level magic power · Wankong Shield!"


Layers of beehive-like ice crystal objects stopped in front of the fire dragon.


Like a fart, the fire dragon touched the ice crystal hive, like a deep pit, and its body gradually disappeared into the ice crystal from beginning to end.

"Haha! Idiot! Under my space magic, any attack will be transferred to another space. Menori is extremely proud.

But he obviously didn't find that a translucent wind blade was extremely spiritually faint, and then turned a corner, bypassed the ten thousand empty shield, and quietly flew towards his neck.

Menuri, who was laughing, suddenly burst into cold hair!

He sensed a huge sense of danger!

At this time, he had no time to observe where the threat came from. Years of instinctive battles played the most important role!

"High-level magic · Instantly move!"


His figure suddenly disappeared, and then appeared a hundred feet away.

However, what made him want to go crazy happened!

The sense of danger has not retreated at all! It is like a shadow!

"Move in an instant!"

Menuli was so scared that he released Motong again, but soon he was shocked to find that no matter how he released it in an instant, the sense of danger still followed him like a shadow!

And at this time!

"Hey! That's called Menoli. Do you want to see your own team? Hey, what a miserable death!" Pascal's laughter reached Menori's ears.

At the same time, a smell of blood also spread to Menu's nose.

He subconsciously looked at his team.

However, the scene he saw directly drove him crazy! My own team is holding against the Fengdong camp and the prison camp, and there are no casualties at all!

And the so-called bloody smell is just the body of Warcraft taken out of the space ring, which was cut out by blood.

"You are so despicable!"

Menuli wanted to roar, but at this time, he suddenly felt his throat licking, and then he saw that his head was getting farther and farther away from his body.

When fighting, any negligence is enough to change the situation.

"" Menuli's eyes widened and said a difficult sentence.

"Shadow Blade."

Standing in front of him, Sean put the translucent wind blade into his arms and smiled faintly.