Legend of the beacon

Chapter 7 The Orion


is the piercing and beautiful sound of bows and arrows.

"Dun!" With a loud noise, a fat wild boar fell to the ground and howled desperately with its hooves on the ground. However, this arrow penetrated his brain, and no matter how much it how shouted, it could only die slowly.

"Dad, you are so awesome!" A young child's voice sounded not far away, where there was a towering giant tree. A little boy stretched his head out from behind the huge tree, and then his whole body, clapped his hands and jumped to the wild boar.

"Xinghe, be careful!" A beautiful voice sounded from another place, where there stood a beautiful woman, gentle and generous, beautiful and touching. With a gentle smile, there was an elf like the world.

There stood a man standing next to her, dressed in blue coarse linen clothes, with lazy hair tied behind his head, tied with a silver ribbon, with a slight whiskers on his face, but he smiled extremely cheerfully. He held a huge bow in his hand and carried an arrowhead on his back. Obviously, he was obviously a hunter.

The man pulled the woman into his arms and laughed, "It's okay. Don't you believe in my archery?"

The woman gently punched the man in the chest and whispered, "I know you are good at archery, okay? It's just that Xinghe is too young to suffer here.

The man gently held the woman's hand and comforted him, "I think our son is willing to be with us. Even if it is so bitter, isn't he still happy? When I make enough money, our family of three will move to the nearest capital city together.

Gu Xinghe, who is nearly eight years old, is now kicking his feet on the head of the wild boar, holding the back end of the arrow in both hands and pulling it back hard, trying to pull the arrow out of the body of the wild boar.

However, the child's strength is limited after all. He screamed "wow" and couldn't pull out an inch of the arrow. He could only stop and keep kicking the newly dead wild boar with his feet, kicking and talking in his mouth.

The two people watching from a distance saw him keep kicking the wild boar's head and smiled gently. Then the man stepped forward a few steps in front of him and squatted down, stroked his forehead and smiled, "Xinghe, you are still young and have no strength. When you are as old as your father, you must be more brave than your father. Dare to be powerful, our little galaxy will be the bravest warrior and the most powerful general!"

Gu Xinghe stopped kicking the wild boar and asked softly, "Is it true?"

The man laughed loudly and said, "Of course it's true. How could I deceive our lovely and powerful Xinghe?"

Gu Xinghe clapped his hands and said, "Then Dad, you must teach me archery, spells and swordsmanship. I want to be the most powerful person in the world."

The man stood up and said, "Of course, I will definitely teach you swordsmanship and spells. If you just want to learn archery, you must practice your strength first, otherwise I won't teach you. Even if you beg your mother, I will eat a few less delicious meals at most, but I still won't teach you this kid."

Gu Xinghe raised his head and said, "I'm not a kid. I asked my mother not only not to cook delicious food for you, but also not to sew clothes for you. What do you do?"

The man shook his head and turned his head to look at the woman, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, as if to say, "Look at you spoiled your son like this."

The woman stared, and the man immediately put away his strange smile, as if the smile did not appear at the corners of his mouth at all.

The woman said, "Don't talk nonsense. I'll go back to the house to cook first. You can get rid of this wild boar. Let's eat wild boar in the evening."

Gu Xinghe immediately jumped and said, "There is wild pork to eat. Mom is the best!" The man smiled and said, "Yes, follow Madam's orders."

Hearing this, the woman scolded gently, "You are getting more and more improper, and you are becoming more and more different from the simple appearance you met for the first time."

The man replied calmly, "But, my wife, this is me!"

The woman whispered, "You, I'm almost speechless!" You and your son should get rid of the wild boar quickly. I'll go back to cook. If I make lunch and your grandfather hasn't come back, there will be no lunch.

The man immediately looked bitterly: "That's not the case. I really didn't eat lunch. Son, work harder, or your mother will starve your father!"

At this time, Gu Xinghe secretly blinked his mischievous eyes at his mother in his life, but quickly resulted in the silver dagger handed over by the man, and then a dagger stabbed into the rough meat behind the wild boar.

The woman shook her head and turned away.

The man looked at Gu Xinghe's proficient anatomy of wild boars, with a smile on his face, and then sighed bitterly, "When I have saved enough money, I will definitely take your mother and son to live in the city."

"Dad, is Wangcheng fun?"

The man raised his head and seemed to recall something, but his hand movements were not slow at all. He said with a smile, "It's fun. There are delicious food, delicious fruit wine, and many people can talk and play together."

At this time, Gu Xinghe thought of many playgrounds and high-end restaurants in his previous life. Although he had never been to those occasions, he suddenly thought carefully: If the two are compared, I really don't know which one is better?

When the man saw that his son stopped talking, he took the short knife in his hand and quickly dissected the wild boar. Then he put the cut wild boar in a bag, and the rest was dug a deep pit and buried. The man carried the bag containing wild boar meat behind his back, holding the mouth of the bag in one hand and holding the ancient Xinghe in the other hand. The two rushed home quickly.

Fortunately, the two were not slow. When they arrived at their home, a small cabin, the woman happened to be fiddling with bowls and chopsticks after lunch. The fragrant smell circled around the wooden house. The man pinched Gu Xinghe's nose and smiled and said, "Little Xinghe, Dad is blessed with your light!"

The woman's eyes stared: "Put the wild boar in the storage room. You two go and wash your hands quickly. Don't come back if you can't wash it clean!"

"Yes!" Two large and small people lowered their heads and walked to the storage room. When they came to the woman, the man whispered, "I really want to swallow two bites now, Xinghe, do you want to?"

Gu Xinghe wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. He just stood there pretending to be wood. His father and mother must have a long story. He had a lot of curiosity in his heart, but he had never heard his father or mother talk about it once.

The woman reached out and twisted the man's ear: "If you mutter again, I won't let you eat it!" The man covered his ears, and the two of them rushed to the storage room.

The dining table is made of a huge tree stump with two pots of fragrant dishes, a pot of broth and three stone bowls, a large bowl and two small bowls.

The man and Gu Xinghe quickly grabbed a bowl and pulled it in front of him, and then waited for the woman to give orders, swallowing saliva. The woman looked at the two men and said with a smile, "Look at you two greedy people, let's eat!"

The two quickly picked up the chopsticks on the table, then picked up the dishes in the basin, and quickly fed them to their mouths while taking advantage of the gap in the woman's bowl.

Gu Xinghe looked at the wild pork pieces in the bowl, but missed the rice he hadn't eaten for a long time. He really missed the delicious taste of rice.

After the meal, the woman began to clean the room, and then went to the storage room to sort out the fruits and wild vegetables inside, as well as the newly harvested wild boar meat. The man took out one big and two small iron swords and taught Gu Xinghe to dance swords in the open space.

Nearly an hour later, the two stopped practicing swordsmanship for a day. The man put two iron swords aside, and then sat on his knees cross-legged. He wiped the sweat on Gu Xinghe's forehead with his sleeves and said pitifully, "When I was as old as you, I was not as diligent and eager as you. You He will definitely be the most powerful ranger in our Tang Empire in the future!"

Gu Xinghe gasped and thought: Ranger? In his previous life, he was just a Lone Ranger, but now he is just a stranger. In the previous life, there was no father or mother, but now there are fathers and mothers who love themselves very much. For them, they also want to live a wonderful and brilliant life in this world!

Seeing his father's implicit admiration, Gu Xinghe looked up and replied, "I want to be the most powerful person in the empire, and then protect your father and aunt. I want to earn more money and let you live in the royal city or the imperial capital and live the best life."

He thought to himself that he must let his father and mother live the best life.

For the first time, the root and sense of belonging in his heart were shaken. He clenched his small fist and began to absorb the endless vitality between heaven and earth.