Legend of the beacon

Chapter 8 Masked Man

The empire was in 1973, and the northwest border of the Yunling Kingdom was Mousse Forest.

A tall boy was dancing a long sword in the forest at this time, and his black sword was shining brightly in the sun.

This year is the tenth year of his rebirth, and he has been using the name "Ancient Star River" in this world for ten years.

At this time, he was already nearly 1.6 meters tall, holding a long sword and was powerful. If he had been in his previous life, he would definitely look like a god of war, but in the current world, he could only be a little one.

It should be known that the Zhongzhou Empire rules the whole land world, with hundreds of thousands of miles of land. On this vast land, there are at least billions of people of his family. He, a small genius in the Mousse forest, can only become a small one in the whole ethnic group.

After nearly ten years of exploration, he finally figured out that there were really human beings in this world, who were exactly the same appearance and characteristics as in his previous life. However, human beings only have the lowest third-class citizenship in the empire, and even the vast majority are slaves and servants of the aristocracy.

It is said that in the tribal plain surrounded by the mountain of clouds, there are countless human beings living there, where human beings are still in the era of barbaric tribes, because their power is extremely weak and surrounded by the mountains of clouds, so they can hardly have any impact on the vast and great empire.

In this great imperial world, one of the Phoenix is the god and the absolute and only ruler...


For nearly ten years, because of his two completely different identities, Gu Xinghe, the nameless man code-named 001 in his previous life, has never been able to truly integrate himself into this world.

Sometimes, he will sit on the top of the tree and watch the sunrise and sunset calmly and coldly as in his previous life.

Sometimes, he will follow his father and mother, pretending to be a clever child, learning to imitate the child's expression, and saying what the child should say, as if he is really a child of the world.

He has no friends, and the people he knows are just father, mother and gentlemen in the college, and several children of no different age. And those children, in front of his exquisite swordsmanship and superb bow and arrow skills, have long been reduced to his followers. They call him "big boss", but he is never willing to talk to these peers.

His heart is mature enough, and maybe there is some aging!

His face is still like a child, so he has to remind himself at any time: you are a child, and you are no longer the 001 of your previous life. The memory of your previous life can only be buried in the depths of memory and can never be shown by outsiders.

Even father and mother can't let them find any of your secrets.

He goes to learn to laugh like a child, and he will also learn to pull the corners of his mother's clothes to act coquettishly, blink his naughty eyes at his father, and ask young questions to the teacher...

He feels more and more tired, as if his body and soul have been divided into two halves. He doesn't know which half is his true self now.

So, more and more time, he will run alone to the extreme depths of the Mousse forest, then climb up dozens of meters or hundreds of meters of tall trees, sit on the trees to watch the sunrise and sunset on sunny days, watch the rolling clouds on cloudy days, or the dripping rain.

He likes such a day when a person howls in this world that only belongs to him, or practices swords all day long, or sits cross-legged on a branch to absorb the abundant vitality between heaven and earth.

This kind of life is something he never dreamed of in his previous life, but now he can be so happy every day, which teaches him how not to be happy?

Because of the troubles brought to him by rebirth, he was gradually washed away in this forest. Even the lonely nature in his previous life was not as isolated as before in this world.

There are no other people in this forest, no human beings, and even beasts are far away from him, but there are countless trees, flowers and plants in the world, with endless heaven and earth. These are his friends and his closest friends in the past decade.



He jumped from a sixty-meter-high tree, and then he seemed to be a gorilla. When he was about to land seven or eight meters away, he saw his two hands climbing on the branches and vines across the air, and then gently exerted it to land on the ground as usual.

This is a fun game and a good way for him to exercise his flexibility.

He wants to become strong enough to protect his father and mother, get out of this forest and go out into the vast world, or walk well in this imperial world, or find a way back.

The heart of the fallen leaves returning to the root has been weak but still has not been extinguished...

According to past experience, after 0.24 seconds, your feet will first fall to the ground, then your hands will fall to the ground and then roll on the ground, which can resolve the momentum brought by the rapid fall.

He has practiced this method countless times. Except for falling blue at the beginning, there has been no mistake in the past six months. If one day, he can fall smoothly from a tree more than 100 meters high to the ground without the help of any branches or vines. At that time, he should be able to walk out of this Mousse forest!

However, this time it was slightly different. When he slipped down the vine for only three meters, a short branch suddenly shot in.

The thin branch was so fast that he was caught off guard and was successfully attacked. He fell to the ground from nearly five meters in the sky with his hands loose, and then fell into the soft land. The soil and rotten leaves immediately filled his mouth, nose and ears.


"Sneeze!" Sneeze!"

He sneezed and rolled over like a carp, holding an iron sword and looking around vigilantly. He could be sure that the short branch was definitely deliberately done by someone.

"Bang! Pa!" The sound of slapping sounded after a huge tree, and a man in black came out from behind the tree with the sound. The man obviously did not want to be seen by others, and even his hair and face were covered with black scarves.

The man in black is tall, at least two or four meters tall, and more than 30 centimeters taller than his father. Such a height can be regarded as a giant. Fortunately, he doesn't look strong and even looks a little thin. If he wears the Confucian clothes of his previous life, he must be a gentleman!

What if it's a woman, er, a female giant who is 1.6 meters tall? The ancient galaxy is a little unimaginable...

To contain the nonsense in his mind, he shouted with a sword, "Who are you? Why are you here and why do you sneak up on your little man and me?

The word "little master" was learned from Jiang Cheng, the right sword of his eldest brother in his previous life. At that time, Jiang Cheng called himself "grandfather", and then stubbornly ordered him to call himself young master in front of a group of his brothers. He did not like this name very much, but he never disobeyed the meaning of the eldest brother. The reputation of "little master" slowly spread on the road. Later, Jiang Cheng saw that he was not interested in bullying the market, so he was no longer embarrassed to call himself "little master".

Unexpectedly, after reincarnation, he began to call himself "little master" in this world. He said to the grass and trees, and said to the air, and now he also said the same to the man in black in front of him.

Maybe the word "little master" is the only way he can remind himself of his previous life, or perhaps the only way he can commemorate the eldest brother in his previous life!

The masked man did not answer, and there was no movement, but he was close to his side. The movements in his hand were far faster than his brain's thinking. He had not yet figured out why the masked man was so fast. The long sword in his hand had suddenly waved out, and his body immediately jumped aside.

The man in black seemed to have extremely strong magic power and came to him while breathing. He couldn't help but be scared. His right hand seemed to appear in the void like lightning. His index finger and middle finger gently pinched the sword in mid-air. Poor he was holding the sword and jumping aside at this time, when the sword was fixed in the air. His figure staggered and was gently taken by the hand of the man in black holding a long sword. As a result, he lay on the ground like a dog.

Once again, the mouth is full of soil and rotten leaves...


"Bah! Bah!" Gu Xinghe put his hands on the ground and stood up gently without slapting the dust and dirt on his body. He only leaned his body to the front for defense, staring at the man in black like a poisonous snake. At this time, his long sword still reflected a dazzling black light between the fingers of the man in black.

The man in black no longer moved, but held the black iron sword with his fingers, circled him twice, and shook his head while watching, as if he was extremely dissatisfied.

Gu Xinghe was extremely afraid of the sudden man in black. Seeing him circle, he also turned in place. He was afraid that he would be teased by the man again if he was not careful at all. It was not his opponent who could accept defeat and be teased continuously. Even if he was as calm as his previous life, he would be very unhappy!

The man in black saw that he turned his body with his pace, raised the long sword between his fingers and slapped him on his head like lightning. He sneered, "Silly boy, I slap you like a fly mosquito. It's useless for you to hide." The voice is hoarse, making it impossible to tell whether it is a man or a woman.

Gu Xinghe was shocked to the ground again by the power of the beat. He dared not stand up in a hurry and scolded angrily, "The scholar can be killed but not humiliated. Why do you tease people!"

The masked man lowered his head and thought for a moment, as if he was carefully savoring this sentence, and then said, "Can a taxi be killed or not humiliated? Who taught you this sentence? I'm bullying you, I'm arrogant, you little boy, what can you do with me? Jie Jie..."

The laughter was extremely hoarse and unpleasant. Gu Xinghe couldn't wait to block his ears with cotton cloth. Who is this strange man who suddenly appeared? He lay on the ground and rubbed his pounding head, but his eyes stared at the masked man motionless: Obviously, he was extremely powerful, but he had no murderous intention, but he was just constantly teasing himself. What was the purpose of the sudden appearance of such a strange man?

I only heard the masked man in black smile and said, "Kid, don't guess who I am there. I'm afraid you can't think of it even if you want to break your head. If you are lucky, maybe you will know it in 20 years. Look at you little guy, you are quite qualified to practice magic power. Why don't you practice a few hands with me? We are only better than magic power.

Gu Xinghe's eyes suddenly lit up, and his plain and stable heart began to be a little excited. Even if he had not read those YY time-travel novels in his previous life, he also knew that this must be a rare adventure, but he didn't know what this strange man valued about himself?

A drink and a peck are predetermined. The cause and effect of the reincarnation of heaven follow each other. There is no ordinary good thing in the world. The appearance of this masked man in black has his own reasons, but the ancient Xinghe has not figured it out at this time!