Legend of the beacon

Chapter 23 Year of the Great Drought

Tribal Plains, the Kingdom of Mu, King Mu for three years.

"Have you packed the cigarettes?" A man dressed in cloth stood next to a carriage and asked loudly with a smile on his face.

Behind him are many people of Mu who come and go. In the eyes of these people, they are either full of curiosity or hatred. Some people are full of excitement, while others are expressionless and indifferent. But after all, most people's eyes have been attracted by him at this time, because no one knows what kind of existence the huge thing behind him is?

A horse, two wheels, and a small house-like existence is how strange it is, but all people are not surprised, but all of them are full of curiosity.

It's not surprising because they have always known that Mr. Gu Xinghe, who lives here, has always been a person who is good at making miracles.

And full of curiosity is because no one can know what kind of miracle this strange thing is? Everyone is waiting for his answer.

But at this time, Gu Xinghe was waiting for the appearance of Yunyan. In his heart, there was a helpless bitter smile. Unexpectedly, it turned out that the woman in the primitive tribal era had begun to spend time on dressing up, so that he had to become a monkey to stand. People around appreciate it.

"Star, is this the carriage you mentioned?" After thousands of calls, Yunyan finally came out of the wooden house, looked at the huge thing behind him, and asked curiously.

Gu Xinghe said helplessly, "Yes, yes, yes, this is indeed a carriage, smoke. Can you waste some more time and let me see it for my husband?" In the tone, there is helplessness and speechlessness.

However, when he saw Yunyan smile, the people around him thought that they had seen the fairy. Only Gu Xinghe began to complain in his heart and felt infinitely regret for what he had just said. He only heard Yunyan say, "Sure enough, you still understand me. It's so good. I'll go back and sort it out carefully..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gu Xinghe: "No, no, Yaner, please forgive me. If I continue to wait, sooner or later, it will become the first laughter of our State of Mu. Look at them, which one doesn't look at monkeys?" Gu Xinghe pointed to the people behind him and was helpless.

"Hahaha!!!" Many people behind him laughed when they heard him complaining in front of his wife.

Since Gu Xinghe married Yunyan, many Mu's people have settled around their houses. Today, it has gradually developed into a larger market. I'm afraid this is completely unpredictable by Gu Xinghe, who sought purity at the beginning. Maybe this may also be the reason for his departure. yi.

However, no matter how the people outside have slandered and abused Gu Xinghe in the past two years, the people around his house have always regarded him as a god, mixed with a sense of pride in awe, and because of the warmth and politeness of Gu Xinghe's marriage, he is even less afraid of respect and only treats him as his neighbor. Ju.

"All right!" Yunyan smiled, then held the smiling hands stretched out by Gu Xinghe, gently jumped to the "drawn carriage", and then, under the gaze of Gu Xinghe, entered the body after entering the animal skin, and slowly sat down, but curiously stared at the ancient Xinghe outside the "horse carriage" through the windshield.

However, the people of Gu Xinghe jumped and also came to the huge "drawn carriage", then raised their hands to hold the reins of the steed, and only gently shook them, and drove the steed forward at high speed, and passers-by all gave way one after another.

Only then did everyone understand that this huge thing turned out to be a moving house, and it was thanks to Mr. Gu to have such a fantastic idea. If it were someone else, they would not be able to come up with such a clever method anyway.

The clouds and smoke in the carriage did not feel uncomfortable because of the bumps of the carriage at this time. Instead, he smiled and said to Gu Xinghe sitting outside, "So this is the carriage!"

Gu Xinghe didn't look back, but said with a smile, "Yan'er, what I designed is okay to sit down!"

Yunyan smiled and said, "It's really amazing, but Xing, since you designed such a thing, why didn't you leave a servant who could be used to do it? In that case, how good it would be for you and me to sit in the car together!"

Gu Xinghe only shook his head and said helplessly, "You and I will definitely not be able to take away any servants. If you want others to drive, you can ask your father's people to do it for you. After the carriage, I dare to expect that there will be more than 30 bodyguards to protect us."

Yunyan nodded sadly. With her understanding of her father, she knew that the man sitting on the Golden Hall was not very relieved that the two of them would leave like this. The more than 30 bodyguards behind the car were not only protection, but also supervision.

After running for two days and one night, the carriage finally arrived at its destination. Gu Xinghe got out of the carriage with Yunyan, led the horse, and walked slowly forward, which will be the place where the two of them will live in the future.

Because of the drought, the Great Mu Kingdom has not dropped a drop of rain for nearly two consecutive years. People who are forced to make a living can only leave their hometown helplessly. The old man leads the children, the man leads the woman, carries the family's family's property, and goes in the direction of Muwang City together. All their hopes are gathered there. Li.

No one knows what the belief is that still supports their trust in King Mu, but the trust at this time has made King Mu, who is immersed in state affairs, deeply feel the heavy pressure on his shoulders.

When the sun sets in the west, the ancient Xinghe led the clouds and smoke. The two stood next to a dry river, staring at the distant direction with sad faces. There, you can still see one after another carrying heavy objects and staggering back, which is so sad and desolate...

"Star, is there really nothing we can do?" Yunyan raised her head and looked at Gu Xinghe. Her eyes were full of hope. In her impression, there would never be a problem that Gu Xinghe could not solve.

Gu Xinghe's eyes were impenetrable sadness. He could only shake his head helplessly to show his powerlessness.

Yunyan held Gu Xinghe's hand tightly and stared at the distance. How could she not know about those rumors? However, she has never shown anything in front of Gu Xinghe. She has always hidden her worries in the depths of her bones. She has never let Gu Xinghe know the slightest. In front of Gu Xinghe, she will always be a smile, but who knows how much she is looking forward to sharing Gu Xing in her heart. What about the pressure on the river?

Only Gu Xinghe can vaguely know something about this deep mind, but he can only do nothing about this. In the end, he can only carry her, and the two fled to this place together.

However, the severity of the drought in the Kingdom of Mu has far exceeded their expectations. After living in King Mu for more than a year, they can deeply realize how much disaster and trouble the year of the drought has brought to the people of Mu and Mu.

I don't know how many people have lost their wives and their families due to the drought.

I don't know how many families have left their hometowns because of the drought for more than a year.

Many tribes that have just joined the State of Mu have not been able to get rid of the crisis of extermination, so they can only watch their compatriots leave them forever because of drought and hunger.

On both sides of the road, not only the iron-blooded master of King Mu, but also the bodies of countless refugees were buried.

Walking down the path beside the broken river, Gu Xinghe supported Yunyan and tried not to touch the bodies of the people in chaos by the roadside, but Yunyan stubbornly got out of his help and was extremely determined to walk alone on this road paved with blood and tears.

Gu Xinghe looked at Yunyan's slender back and could only shake his head helplessly, and then took small steps and carefully followed her.

In front of them, there are still countless refugees running back. They support each other. Young and strong men, most of them carry a heavy package on their backs, or a young baby or teenager, old people and women, also help each other to prevent them from tripping over bodies on the road.

No one can know if it falls down this time, will there be another time to stand up?

Everyone's faces are expressionless, sadness, fear, and unlikely to be happy. On this migration road that has lasted for more than a year, they have seen too many joys and sorrows, so that they can no longer have the slightest sympathy to sympathize with others, because who will sympathize with them?

Someone fell down, and someone immediately fell down and tried to help him up, but found that the person who had just fallen had died. He could only choke and move his body to the side of the road, and then continued to walk towards the endless front with the team that had not slowed down, staggering and sad. .

Another person fell to the ground and splashed dust and smoke on the ground, but no one tried to help him up. Obviously, his relatives had completely died, and his death could not be exchanged for anyone's sadness.

This is a road paved with blood and tears, and it is also a road paved with corpses, but who knows where the end of this road is?

Is it in Muwang City?

Is it in the Mu Palace?

Or is it the place where it has rained outside the Kingdom of Damu?

A drought in the Great Plain of the tribe has made countless people realize the importance of water, because countless tribes have disbanded or perished, and countless beasts and animals have died because of it. Even the Great Mu Kingdom, which has only been established for less than two years, has also had a shaky trend...