Legend of the beacon

Chapter 24 Wave East

Three years of King Mu, in the palace of King Mu.

"Your Majesty, the former patriarch of Qilian has something important to ask to meet." The soldier who knelt on one knee said respectfully.

The high-ranking King Mu was silent as usual. After thinking for a moment, Fang said, "Please come in!"

"No!" The soldier was surprised, but he still bowed and agreed without hesitation. Then he stood up, saluted King Mu respectfully, and then turned around and walked out of the palace.

Since the departure of Mr. Xinghe, King Mu has only sat in the palace almost every day, dealing with national government affairs every day, never stepped out of the palace, and did not receive any courtiers who came to meet him. His favorite princes Yunsheng and Xiwu have not seen him for months!

In just over half a year, King Mu's black hair has been mixed in black and white, but whenever he looks at the rough territory map of Mu behind him, he can't help but feel a trace of pride: such a vast territory was created by him with one arrow and one shot. This is his land, and he, He is the king of thousands of people above this territory.

It's just that the sky is so hateful!

When he was full of ambition and tried to build the most powerful country, annex the four directions, unify the tribal plains, and build a big empire that used to appear only in ideas. From then on, all the human races on the plain will no longer be afraid of the existence of beasts and the light of the gods. Ring, and himself, will become the only god on the whole plain, unifying the plain and building the foundation of the world.

However, all this was hindered by a continuous drought, and even forced him to stop sending troops to expand out. He could only focus all his energy on China and how to deal with the continuous drought.

He believes that after the year of the drought, he, who holds powerful soldiers, will be able to conquer the tribes of the whole plain and unify the world in the shortest time, although he still does not know how big the Great Plain will be.

His ambition has not been polished by the drought at this time, and his ambition is still outside the Kingdom of Damu, in the depths of the endless plain.

"To the king, the original patriarch of Qilian has been brought." The voice of the guards outside the palace interrupted his thoughts.

"Let him in!" King Mu's solemn voice sounded softly in the afternoon of King Mu's palace.

A thin man in animal skin came in. As soon as he entered the gate of the palace, he immediately fell to the ground: "Haoray King Jin'an!"

Mu Wang only waved his hand gently, asked him to stand up, and then said, "What on earth is the patriarch doing here?"

But when he saw the tall and thin man, he immediately choked and said, "Please send troops to kill the rebels. The old and young of our clan have been slaughtered. Please make the decision for me!"

Although these tribes have surrendered to the Kingdom of Mu and automatically disbanded the ethnic group and joined the State of Mu, the patriarch's feelings for the people could not be worn out in just a few months. Therefore, King Mu did not feel too strange about the choking appearance of the tall and thin man. Instead, he was angry because of the word "rebellion" in his words.

Is it because of this drought that my Great Mu Kingdom finally rebelled?

I tried my best to be a king who knew the people, but why did I still suffer the betrayal of the people?

Why is this? Is it just because of this drought?

As a king, he has been trapped in the nine palaces for nearly a year. How did he know how many people died and how many families died because of this drought? Even if he knows the exact number, it is just a number for him. Naturally, he who has never walked out of the palace does not know the hungry ground outside the palace.

"Which old family dares to betray the lonely king?" King Mu asked in a low voice, not angry and majestic.

The former patriarch of Qilian lay on the ground and choked and said, "It's the people of the old family of the party ring clan. They seduced the foreign people and tried to take advantage of this great drought to disintegrate the rule of our Great Mu Kingdom. The old clan was suddenly attacked by them on the road of migration. Before they were organized to resist, they were rich by them. Everything, water and food were all looted.

"Can there be casualties?" King Mu asked, no one could tell if he was angry at this time.

"There are no casualties..." In the tone of the former patriarch of Qilian, there was a hesitation.

"That?" Mu Wang asked curiously.

However, the former patriarch of Qilian continued to say, "Although there were no casualties at that time, since water and food were taken away, almost all the people in our family have died of thirst and starvation. The bodies are covered on both sides of the road. If I have to come to plead with the king to make the decision for my family, I'm afraid I have died on the road!"

"The patriarch doesn't need to be too sad. I will decide for you. You can go down and take good care of yourself. If something happens, I will call you to the palace in the future." After thinking for a moment, Mu Wang waved his hand to send away the former patriarch of Qilian.

Although the patriarch was still full of complaints and hatred that had never been vented, he had no choice but to retreat due to the majesty of King Mu.

"How can that be!!!" After the tribal chief of Qilian left, Mu Wang suddenly patted his hands on the table in front of him and shouted angrily.

In his territory, there was an existence that dared to betray him. How could he not be angry?

"It is said that Yunsheng, Mozhi, Helian and Rongbei entered the palace, which means the lonely king." Mu Wang announced that a guard came in and ordered so.

"No!" The guard bowed and answered, and then turned away.

How good would it be if a gentleman was still in Wangcheng?

In King Mu's heart, a man in white suddenly appeared and immediately dispersed. Since the man had chosen to leave, he would definitely refuse to come back!

"King, Prince Yunsheng, please see me." Outside the door, an escort said loudly.

"Let him wait outside the door!" There was no trace of joy, anger and sorrow in Mu's words.

"King, General Mo has arrived."

"Your Majesty, Lieutenant Helian has arrived."

"Your Majesty, Prince Rongbei has arrived."


"Let them all come in!" King Mu's voice finally sounded again, making the four people waiting outside the door breathe a sigh of relief, and then enter the palace in turn under the leadership of the guard.

Mu Wang was high, but the four of them could only stand side by side in the empty hall, and did not dare to look up at Mu Wang Weiyi, and only bowed and knelt on the ground to salute:

"Children see their father!"

"See the king at the end!"

"Weichen, see the king!"

"See Brother Wang!"

"Congratulations on your longevity and longevity!"

"There is no need to be polite, just get up!" After the crowd saluted, King Mu raised his hand and motioned everyone to stand up.

Although he is still confused about this official system, it does not prevent him from enjoying the feeling of superiority brought to him. He said, "There is no need to be polite", but he has never stopped anyone from salute him, except for Gu Xinghe.

This official system was originally formulated with the participation of Gu Xinghe. With this complex official system, after the establishment of the Kingdom of Mu, he constantly consolidated the rule of King Mu, making the authority of King Mu far more prosperous than in the tribal era, and he himself was authorized by King Mu not to worship.

"I don't know what happened when my father called me to come here?" Wang Ziyunsheng said.

King Mu was slightly displeaous, but he did not reveal it at all. He only said lightly, "Recently, there have been rebellions in China. I don't know if you know?"

The four people looked at each other, and finally knelt down on the ground and said in fear, "I don't know where it is to rebel. How dare I offend the king Tianwei."

Mu Wang was angry, "Hum!" He turned around and said, "Wait and stand up first. I just learned about this, and I don't blame you. Humph, I've not led the army for more than a year. Do you really think I can't hold weapons in my hand?

The last sentence was full of anger. The three people who had just stood up almost knelt on the ground again and could only look carefully at King Mu and wait for him to say anything else.

"My son Yunsheng, this time I will grant you the position of supervising the country. No matter how big or small the country is, you should ask carefully and don't delay the national affairs." King Mu stared at Wang Yunsheng and said slowly.

Yun Sheng immediately fell to the ground and said respectfully, "I will definitely live up to my father's heart."

But King Mu said again, "If there is anything that can't be handled, you can send it to the far west of the State of Mu and ask Mr. Gu Xinghe, and he will definitely help you with all his strength."

Yun Sheng didn't think so, but he couldn't say respectfully, "The child will follow his father's teachings." After that, at the sign of King Mu, he got up and retreated to one side.

But he heard King Mu say again, "General Mo, Lord Helian, Rongbei, my brother, this time, I will lead the army to rebel. Who of you three would like to go with me?"

"The last general is willing!" General Mo was the first to answer that he was a warrior who fought in the south and north with Mu in the era of Mu's tribe. Since the war ended, he has been stationed in Muwang City. At this moment, he was afraid that he was the most eager for the war.

"I am willing to!" Wang Di Rongbei, a biological brother later sought back by King Mu, is also a bloody man who can fight well. He is very willing to lead troops to fight.

Mu Wang nodded and turned his eyes to the last person, the lieutenant Helian, but heard Helian say, "Weichen...willing..." In his tone, there is helplessness.

But he heard Mu Wang smile and say, "Helian, you'd better avoid it. Your body is too weak to take care of state affairs with Yun Sheng. In the battle between the south and the north, you don't need a weak person like you, but you have to govern such a big country, but you have a head. ."

Helian knelt down and thanked him.

King Mu said again, "In this way, you two will go with me and lead the army to the east."

"No!" Rongbei and Mo Yi fell to the ground and answered loudly.