Legend of the beacon

Chapter 8 Fate Reincarnation [Section 2]

[Section 2||Reincarnation of Destiny]

On the wide Imperial Capital Avenue, the Yulin soldiers dressed in golden armor besieged the city with soldiers.

The teenager reached out and grabbed the sleeve of the girl in purple and said helplessly, "Even if you don't believe it, you have to let me finish speaking, okay?" There seemed to be some sadness in his expression.

The girl in purple looked back coldly and looked at him. After a long time, she nodded slowly.

On the teenager's face, a bright smile finally bloomed again, like the fragrant flowers of this midsummer season. He smiled and quickly walked to the opposite of the girl. After brewing for a long time, he said with a helpless smile, "There are too many people here. Why don't you take me to go to a place? How about we go there?"

The girl in purple nodded coldly and said coldly, "Okay."

The teenager was immediately overjoyed and pulled the sleeves of the girl in purple and walked forward, but saw the girl in purple struggling hard. However, the teenager had already pulled her to the front of the steed. He gently jumped on the horse, then stretched out his hand to the girl in purple standing on the ground and said with a smile, "If you want, come with me!"

The girl in purple nodded faintly, reached out to hold the young man's white palm, and then jumped on the horse's back with his help.

Then, the teenager ran wildly and took a group of feather forest troops to the distance. After only a few breaths, he had disappeared on the long street, leaving only a touch of smoke and dust, which surprised the previous onlookers, and no one could describe in detail what had just happened.

But the teenager rode a girl in purple and galloped out of Chang'an City, but the Yulin army did not follow him, but walked solemnly in the other direction under the command of another person.

The wind roared by in his ear and smelled the strong fragrance of flowers in the wild. The teenager seemed to be extremely happy. He said with a smile while riding a horse, but he didn't say anything. The girl in purple sat behind him and said nothing, allowing him to ride a horse to take him to an unknown distance.

After a long time, when he came to a clear stream, the teenager suddenly stopped walking, but turned over and got off the horse, and the girl in purple jumped down with his steps.

The teenager shook his head with a smile, then let go of the reins in his hand and let the white horse walk slowly on the riverside grass. He pulled the sleeves of the girl in purple and sat on the grass with a smile, but did not say anything, but stared at her with a smile.

The girl in purple stared at his smile indifferently. After a long time, she was finally stared at and said coldly, "If you have anything to say, just say it quickly. Otherwise, be careful that I dig my eyes."

"Ah?" Hearing this vicious word, the teenager suddenly reacted, scratched his head shyly and said apologetically, "I think too much about the past. Please forgive me."

The girl still had an indifferent face and did not answer his words. She only said coldly, "Didn't you say that you knew where I came from and where I was going? If you can't say it, be careful that I will kill you directly?"

"Kill it directly?" The teenager suddenly stood up and looked at the girl in purple with a surprised look. The expression on his face made people laugh. However, the girl in purple who was still sitting on the ground answered coldly, "Yes, if you don't say the answer I want, I will kill you directly!" On her right hand, a purple scabbard sword suddenly turned out, staring at the teenager standing on her feet coldly.

The teenager did not seem to see her cold face, but stared at the purple scabbard sword in her hand with an obsessive look. After a long time, he sighed and said, "This rainbow is still the same as it used to be. Nichang, you are finally back!"

Rainbow? Do you mean this long sword? Huo Ran, a girl in purple, pulled out the long sword in her hand, threw the scabbard on the grass, looked at the dazzling sword carefully, and asked lightly. Her expression was half confused and half confused.

The teenager nodded faintly and said with a smile, "Have you forgotten that this rainbow was the gift I gave you on the top of the towering Kunlun 644 years ago?"

When the girl in purple heard this half of the words, she immediately said coldly, "Humph! 674 years ago? You can't lie to me! Although I don't know my age, I also know that before such a long time, there can never be you and me in the world.

"Isn't it really possible?" The teenager stood with his hands behind his back and looked coldly at the distant sky. After a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "Nium, in fact, this is the biggest secret between us. No one in this world can live so long except God. However, in this world, there is fate and reincarnation..."

"Fate? Reincarnation?" The cold face of the girl in purple gradually became confused again.

I only heard the teenager standing with his hands behind his back and continue to say, "In the distant ancient times, there was a pair of immortal couples who lived in seclusion on the top of the mountains, never fought with the world, and lived a happy life. They lived in their own small world, allowing time to pass ruthlessly, but they could not take them away. Love. Until one day, a catastrophe suddenly came to the place where they lived, and countless people died and injured, but they could no longer live their own happy lives. Finally, they came to the world again and came to the world again.

Speaking of this, he paused, but saw that the girl in purple was still staring at him coldly. However, her eyes were no longer as indifferent as before, but a little confused and at a loss.

The teenager shook his head and continued to say, "But it turned out that they were a great enemy before they lived in seclusion and finally found their place. However, they did all kinds of magic powers, but still could not find their traces. The cruel enemy was actually conscienceless and displayed endless destruction, and faith. Their people brought darkness and death from peace to an instant. Although these people who believe in them are not gathered by them, they finally come because they admire their merits. They are all kind-hearted people, and naturally they don't want their people to die because of this, so they finally stood up.

"Surprisingly, the cruel enemy was actually a huge conspiracy waiting for them. After a shocking war, all three of them were seriously injured, and the great enemy suddenly cast out a vicious curse at the moment of the end of the battle, cursing the fairy couple. From then on, eternal life will fall into the sinking of reincarnation. Every hundred years, one of them will definitely die, and the reincarnation of life and death will never end.