Legend of the beacon

Chapter 8 Destiny Reincarnation [Section 3]

[Section 3||Eternal Curse]

At a certain point in the long river of history, it was a momentary look back.

Under the warm sunshine, on the bank of the shallow stream, the girl in purple suddenly looked back, but saw the vicissitudes of time that should not have appeared in the eyes of the teenager.

Is everything he said true?

But how can she believe it?

The rainbow is still between the two, and the teenager's eyes are still smiling and looking at her, waiting for her reply. After a long time, she slowly put down the sword in her hand and said confusedly, "How can I believe what you said?"

The teenager slowly took a step forward, came to the other foot in front of her, and said with a smile, "Isn't the rainbow in your hand the best proof? 674 ago, that life was the life that we were most likely to break the curse. We stayed on the top of the illusory Kunlun in the legend and practiced supreme power together, hopeing to break through to a realm that we had never had before, and then we could break this fateful shackle curse. However, after all, we still failed and failed, and we could only fall into the fateful cycle again.

"Hmm!" When the teenager was talking sadly, he only heard the girl in purple snorting heavily. The confusion in her eyes was gone forever. She replied with a sneer again and said, "Is this what you want to tell me, the answer to the so-called 'Where am I come from and where am I going'?"

The teenager looked up at her. After a long time, he shook his head slowly and said quietly, "Yes, this is the answer. You came from reincarnation because of fate, so you came to the imperial capital Chang'an and came to my side. Nishang, you have to believe me. In this life, we will definitely break the curse and lift the shackles attached to us by the fate of reincarnation.

"Hmm! Why should I believe you? Do you think I will stupidly go with you if you say these nonsense? It's just a dream!" The girl in purple looked at the teenager coldly, and the rainbow sword in her hand emitted sporadic strange light.

The teenager's look became extremely strange. He stared at the girl in purple and said slowly after a long time, "Nion, Nishang, how can you forget me?" After saying that, he walked forward excitedly and reached out to touch the cheek of the girl in purple.

However, the girl in purple suddenly took a step back, and the rainbow sword in her hand suddenly stretched forward an inch, which stabbed the teenager's left chest, and some blood stains came out of the wound.

"Nion..." The teenager still looked at the girl in purple, as if his eyes could not see the rainbow sword with colorful brilliance.

When the girl in purple saw his appearance, she was shocked and threw the sword in her hand to the ground, "bang..." with a particularly crisp sound.

The teenager still kept a faint smile, and then fell down softly. Although the girl in purple did not seem to have any magic power, the rainbow sword in her hand was a rare magic weapon. With just a little, it had seriously injured the teenager.

"You, what's wrong with you?" The girl in purple took a step forward, caged the teenager in her arms, and asked softly.

The teenager only shook his head with a smile and said weakly, "Ni Zhang, I'm fine." After saying that, he fell into a coma, and when he woke up again, it was already full of stars.

After the teenager woke up, he immediately looked around and saw that the girl in purple was still standing not far from him, looking at him with a sad look, and his white horse was crawling beside him at this time.

The teenager nodded with a smile to the girl in purple, then stroked the mane of the white horse and said softly, "Horse, horse, do you still remember her?" The horse was still lying there and was not going to pay attention to him. He laughed at himself and whispered, "Oh, I have forgotten that there was no you when she left!"

The horse still lay on the ground and ignored him.

But the girl in purple suddenly said, "Are you... really more than 100 years old?"

The teenager did not answer directly, but struggled to stand up and asked with a smile, "Look at me, how old should I be?"

The girl in purple turned her head and thought for a moment and said, "It should be 50 years old at most!"

The teenager shook his head slightly, and the girl in purple said strangely, "Have you really lived to more than 100 years?"

The teenager smiled and said, "I'm not even 50 years old now, just in my early twenties! If nothing unexpected happens, it should be the same age as you.

The girl in purple shook her head and said, "I... I don't know my age, and I don't even know what my name is and where I come from."

The teenager nodded gently and said with a smile, "I know." But without waiting for the girl in purple to inquire, he continued, "Don't talk yet, and let me tell you a story."

The girl in purple was stunned, then nodded slightly, frowned at his wound, and said, "Your injury..."

The teenager smiled and said, "It's all right, Nei Zhang, don't worry." After a pause, he continued to say, "This story begins with a large family in Chang'an, the imperial capital. This family is rich and powerful, and the head of the family is one of the few bigwigs in the empire. However, life is like him, but after all, there are things that don't go well. Their family is prosperous, but he is over 100 years old, but he is still on his knees. No children. This matter has been bothering him. He even married many concubines, but it still doesn't work.

"Later, suddenly one day, one of his concubines suddenly became pregnant. He naturally protected himself like a treasure, but for some reason, other people's children were pregnant after 16 months of pregnancy, and his child did not show any sign of giving birth after three years, so in In the upper class of the empire, rumors began to spread in private, and many people said that his child must be a demon after birth.

"Evil, evil! Naturally, the powerful head of the family did not want to believe it, but from then on, he became more suspicious and even began to doubt whether his concubine had an affair behind his back, otherwise how could he anger the gods and bring disaster in his home? Finally, one day, he came to the concubine's room with a sword and saw the concubine talking to a servant. He looked slightly strange and angry. He immediately raised his sword and hit the concubine and the servant, but he saw that the servant immediately hit the pillar and died, and the concubine was directly scared and fainted by his fierce appearance.

"At that moment, an unexpected change happened. Just as the concubine passed by, she saw a light blue glow slowly flashing in her abdomen. The owner immediately felt very strange and even sent people to call the doctor, but the doctor In the future, the concubine has already given birth and gave birth to a baby, but at the moment the baby was born, she died in pain on the bed. The owner of the family was heartbroken and secretly explored the twists and turns while taking care of the newborn child.

"When the child was three years old, he was still silent, his eyes were dull, and he looked like a demented child, because his status was too prominent, and no one was disrespectful to him. His appearance made the owner happy and hate, but after all, he had no choice but to scold him as a nemesis who was born to restrain him and raised him in the courtyard of the deep house. Few people knew his existence.

"Thirteen years later, the head of the family finally secretly found out the truth of that incident. It turned out that the servant was not a simple servant, not even a human being, but a kind of supernatural that existed in illusion and reality. His appearance was only to guide the birth of the dementia child. His eyes Even the concubine himself did not know that he was an ordinary healer. After the supernatural goal was achieved, he immediately hit the pillar and died, but it made the owner have a good misunderstanding.

"These things are not actually the result of the owner's own investigation, but one day, a mysterious figure suddenly appeared outside the mansion, and then seduced the owner to go out, so as to tell him the truth, and then immediately disappeared. The owner still had many doubts. Unexpectedly, he can no longer find any trace, which can only be hated in his life. However, at this time, he already knows that he is an extraordinary person with dementia.

"Later, a few months later, when the dementia's sixteenth birthday was approaching, his behavior became more and more normalized. Finally, he woke up on his sixteenth birthday and became extremely intelligent. Unexpectedly, no one could defend it, and the owner immediately cited it as the first blessing in his life. However, a few days after the dementia woke up, he decided not to stay in this deep house again. He did not know the magic power he had learned from there. It turned out that the imperial sword had gone away, so that the owner could no longer find him. Until later when the father and son saw each other again, he saw that the dementia had joined a team he had never liked, and But he can't even say a word, and even the father and son have said little since then.

"He said that more than a year before the dementia woke up, he often had all kinds of strange dreams. Those dreams haunted him and made him almost unable to distinguish between dreams and reality. It can be said that he had been living in his dreams until he was 16 years old, and had never woken up."

"Those dreams are extremely strange and strange, but they are related to each other, so he can't believe them. In the dream world, he did not appear as a human, but a strange extreme shape. Later, after waking up, he knew that it was the so-called primitive state of the Phoenix clan, which was the primitive state before the Phoenix clan met human beings. He is a phoenix, wandering between heaven and earth, unable to distinguish time and space, only knowing how to fly freely, and walking naturally in the sky with his own will, carefree.

"Until one day, he suddenly met a phoenix that wandered freely in the sky like himself, and then the two phoenixes traveled together. Later, they traveled all over the world, and then they became a pair of fairy partners on a very high mountain. Live a free life. I don't know that hundreds of thousands of years have passed since such happy days, until they found their people, the people living under the towering Phoenix Peak, suddenly died in large numbers because of the plague. They immediately jumped from the Phoenix Peak with pity, but unexpectedly, everything was just a conspiracy and trick of the great enemy!"

"I have told you everything after that! In tens of thousands of years, the immortal couple can no longer get together to be a fairy couple because of the eternal curse of fate, but they have never given up the hope of unlocking the curse.

In a long paragraph, the teenager finally said it slowly and completely. After saying that, he stood quietly and looked at the girl in purple with confused eyes on the opposite side.

After a long time, the girl finally woke up from her confusion and slowly said, "Is the dementia in that story you?"

The teenager nodded gently and said with a smile, "Nian, this is our 333rd reincarnation! With the memory of reincarnation, I finally waited for you at the place we agreed.

"Three hundred and thirty-three reincarnation? Why is it so permanent? You said that you have been waiting for me for more than 100 years, but you also said that you are only more than 30 years old in this story. Which one is true and which one is false? How can you believe me?"

The teenager looked at the distance with a melancholy look. After a long time, he sighed gently and said, "Because in the last life, I waited for you for a hundred years, and then we got together. When the reincarnation cursed my death, you no longer wanted to abide by the law of fate and fell into the nothing with me. In the midst of reincarnation. Therefore, I woke up before you, and I also carried the memories of my previous life, but you directly lost all the memories because you broke this rule, but what you should have in my previous life is still by your side, such as this rainbow sword.

The girl in purple looked down at the rainbow sword on the ground and muttered, "Yes, when did this sword come to me? When did I appear in this world again? But why did it appear directly on that street? Like your dream, I seem to have dreamed many times, but why can't I remember it at this time?

The teenager smiled and said, "Nishang, we will eventually be together, and in this life, I am sure that we will definitely break the curse of fate. From then on, we will be together forever."

However, what he said was too far. The girl finally promised to go with him to the place where he was at this time, but she did not believe his words at all, but in the dead of night, she often fell into endless confusion.

After dawn, the two of them rode the white horse together again and slowly entered the imperial capital Chang'an City again in the warm sunshine.

Maybe it's because the reincarnation of the fateful curse was destroyed in the previous life, maybe the girl in purple won't recall many things in this life! The teenager comforted himself like this, and from then on, he quietly waited for the girl in purple to wake up.

The girl in purple finally failed to wake up as slowly as he expected. Since then, she has gradually regained her cold appearance. He took her to the place where he lived, and then she gradually integrated into his world as he wished.

Although she still hasn't woken up, her attachment to him can be seen by everyone. Maybe it's just a matter of time for them to get together again!

Later, half a year later, another important figure, a woman with a always cold face, returned to their place. The cold-faced woman regarded the girl in purple as her own sister. Later, two years later, they came to this place.

And now, the young man who smiled shallowly is about to die at this moment, and still seems to be unable to escape the curse of fate.

The reincarnation of fate, eternity, seems to be untied. They will fall into reincarnation again, and in the curse of fate, they can no longer be together forever.


The wind roared gently in her ear, and she hugged the feather coat that had fallen into a coma in her arms. There was inexplicable pain in her heart. At this moment, she seemed to finally recall the memories of her previous life and all the past with Yuyi.

However, it seems that everything is very late, and Yuyi's body is gradually getting lighter. Not far from them, a strange and energetic rain arrow is galloping in their direction.

Since you can't escape from the curse of fate, just die here! Nishang hugged the feather clothes in his arms tighter, then slowly closed his eyes and fell down like a meteor.

"Be careful!" A quick cry suddenly sounded behind him. It was the voice of Xiao Muzhi, the deputy commander of the Yulin Army. However, at this time, the Neon clothes and feather coats falling quickly seemed to have never hear his voice again.

"Boom!" A loud noise, in the endless darkness, suddenly burst out a trace of gorgeous brilliance, but it was the dark golden sword in Xiao Muzhi's hand, which collided with the galloping rain arrow. The rain arrows turned into water spots all over the sky and splashed everywhere, while Xiao Muzhi was seriously injured and weakly returned to the rear with his sword.

The wind roared gently in his ear, and his eyes seemed to see through the traces of the years, as if he suddenly returned to the distant past.

Back in time, everything seems to have returned to tens of thousands of years ago. It was a turbbling and unpredictable era.

In that era, he and she, they were a pair of immortal couples. They lived a happy life forever, without curses, no reincarnation, no hatred...

PS: Sorry, it's almost too late to update today. Please forgive me!