A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 150 A clear trap

Since Dai Zhi said so, Shu Ya won't say anything more. She believes that Dai Zhi has her own reasons for this decision, and as long as she decides, she will support her unconditionally.

Two people strolled in the antique market. Dai Zhi thought about what Mr. Shu would like. He is a veteran in this field and must have collected a lot of good things in his hand. General antiques must not be in his eyes, and he doesn't know what kind of antiques he likes. Today, he doesn't even have a decent thing. See, let alone valuable and special treasures.

Thinking about it, he saw that a store by the roadside seemed to be very lively. Dai Zhi subconsciously stopped to look at it. The owner of the store was selling something to a young man with a bright tongue.

"Little brother, look at this jade, but it is ordinary on the surface. Let me tell you that its origin is not afraid to scare you to death. This is the royal jade jade of Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of Tang! I recovered my blood from the antique dealer. Look at this pattern. This craft, you can see at a glance that it is a characteristic of Tang Dynasty jade. Today, you are lucky. This is a valuable treasure!"

It was the boss's sentence "Tang Taizong Li Shimin's royal jade jade" that made Dai Zhi stop. It was not surprising that this ubiquitous self-blown shouting was in the antique market, but it was the first time she heard such a fresh word, Tang Taizong Li Shimin's royal jade jade? If it is true, it will definitely be worth more than 10 million!

The young man is obviously not a veteran in the industry, and the boss catches the smallpox because he is young. Generally, those who study antiques are all elderly people, and basically all men. Such a young man must be a fat sheep that all vendors and bosses compete for, because It is concluded that he is definitely not a senior insider. The success rate of such an object is much higher.

The young man was obviously a little moved by the boss's enthusiastic introduction. In addition, his own experience is not very rich. If he is fooled by the boss, he will naturally more or less believe that this jade is a treasure.

"Boss, please make an offer." The man thought for a moment and said to the boss.

When the boss saw that the fat sheep seemed to be hooked, he was happy, but on the surface he pretended to be fleshy.

"Little brother, I won't offer you a price. This Yubi is indeed a baby. Look at your sincerity. Well, you give me 200,000 yuan, and I'll give it to you!"

"Twenty thousand?" The young man was stunned, and several onlookers around him also whispered secretly. Everyone knew that the boss saw him as a novice, so he caught him, but it was clear in his heart, but no one would open his mouth to break it. There are rules, and there are many people in antiques that don't have clear regulations but let everyone be silent. Observe the rules.

If it is really Tang Taizong's royal jade, not to mention 200,000, 20 million people are rushing for it.

"What? Do you think it's expensive? Let me tell you, little brother, you can take a good look at the texture and material of this jade. It can't fool people. 200,000 yuan will definitely not want more from you.

The young man was silent for a moment and seemed to be thinking about it.

At this time, another middle-aged man in the crowd jumped out and asked curiously,

"Is it really used by Emperor Taizong of Tang? Can you show me?"

Yubi has not yet determined the buyer. Since it is a commodity, anyone can see it. The boss quickly piled up a smiling face and handed Yubi to the middle-aged man.

"This gentleman, you really know the goods. You are not afraid that everyone will see the real thing. You can look carefully. It is indeed the real thing of the Tang Dynasty, which was used by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty!"

The middle-aged man took it in his hand and observed it carefully. He also took out the magnifying glass he carried with him to look at it. Then he gently knocked on the glass counter and listened to the sound. As soon as he looked at his series of movements, he knew that he must be an enthusiator.

When he did this, the young man beside him also looked at the middle-aged man nervously, as if he wanted to hear some opinions from more experienced veterans so that he could decide whether to buy it or not.

After careful examination, the middle-aged man nodded,

"Well, the jade is exquisite and handmade. The decoration and material are the characteristics of Tang Dynasty jade. As for whether it is used by Li Shiming, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, I dare not be sure. However, based on the jade of the Tang Dynasty, it is worth collecting. Boss, you just said, how much is this jade?"

The boss immediately repeated with a smile, "This gentleman is indeed an savator, with a price of 200,000 yuan."

"Twenty thousand?" The man frowned, took another look at Yubi and shook his head. "I can't be sure it's Tang Taizong's thing. It's not worth this price. I'll take it."

"Oh, I said, this gentleman, I really don't want more than 200,000 yuan. 150,000 yuan really can't be done. Well, let's give in one step, 180,000 yuan, for good luck."

The boss made great concessions.

The middle-aged man still shook his head, "It's too expensive. The price is 160,000 yuan. I can't do anything more."

The boss was depressed for a moment and subconsciously glanced at the young man next to him. Seeing that the man was silent, he agreed.

"Good! For the transaction, 160,000 is 160,000, but cash is required.

The middle-aged man had no objection. He just said, "Opin, boss, please wait for me for a few minutes. I will come to withdraw the money from the ATM, but please keep it for me!"

With that, he disappeared into the crowd.

All this is just a simple deal, but in Dai Zhi's eyes, it is just a child's family. She knows at a glance whether it is true or false.

There are many tricks and scams in the antique market. Even ordinary fruit stalls may have a support, not to mention the tens of thousands of antiques. Most people may not be able to escape this kind of cage. Unless they are some experienced veterans, otherwise ordinary people are blinded by this round-and-off bargaining. Most people in the scene may not see that this is a game. The actors are too realistic. If Dai Zhi hadn't had a pair of fire-eyed crystals that could not be blinded, he would have believed that this was a real antique of the Tang Dynasty.

Seeing that the middle-aged man who was obviously a veteran was so sure, the young man seemed to be a little panicked and whispered something in the boss's ear. No one could hear this, but he naturally fell into the deaf ear.

As expected, the young man stepped into the trap step by step. He saw that this thing was indeed a treasure, and of course he wanted to get it back.

"Boss, how about selling me 160,000 yuan?"

The boss was a little embarrassed, "This is not good. They have decided it."

"He didn't make a deposit, did he? Besides, I just came here. The cash check of 160,000 yuan, please nod and we will trade immediately!"

Dai Zhi had to smile secretly. She knew that the young man was trapped by others, but she couldn't say it clearly. At least it had nothing to do with her. She didn't know how many people were deceived in this antique market every day, and she could not have the ability to change this atmosphere or change it. Change, this is the law of survival in this industry. Although it is cruel, it has its own laws, just like the food chain of nature, which cannot be easily broken.

Besides, even if she is "Teacher Dai" who dismantles her signboard, she will not be forgiven.

However, the young man's voice seems to be a little familiar...

"Xiaozhi, it seems that this jade is really real? Why don't I pay 180,000 yuan and buy it?"

Even Shu Ya was blinded by the illusion. The middle-aged man must be an artist. Since he is sure and is willing to spend more than 100,000 yuan to buy it, it should be real, right? Maybe it's really Tang Taizong's royal jade, so he really picked up the treasure. He will be happy to give it to Grandpa.

If it had been before, she would have bought it without saying a word. For her, it would be more cost-effective to buy her favorite things with more than 100,000 yuan. Even if the thing has a buyer and the transaction has not been completed, it cannot be regarded as a transaction. Besides, she paid 180,000 yuan, 20,000 yuan higher than others. The boss is not a fool. I'm sure Will sell it to her.

However, now that she has the military division of Dai Zhi, she is used to asking her opinions. If even Xiaozhi is true, she will definitely buy it without saying a word, and Grandpa's birthday gift will be settled.

Dai Zhi smiled faintly and did not answer positively. He just said, "I don't think so. Since I have a buyer, it's not convenient for me to express my opinion."

The voice of this sentence was not loud, but it just fell into the boss's ear. As soon as the boss saw "Mr. Dai", his eyes immediately dodged like a thief.

Dai Zhi's words did not expose him, but of course he understood the meaning, and these tricks were naturally recognized by "Teacher Dai", but she did not embarrass him in person.

He cast a grateful look and then greeted respectfully,

"Mr. Dai, when did you come here? If you don't mind, come to my store and have a cup of tea?"

Everyone saw Dai Zhi standing in the corner and greeted him politely.

"Teacher Dai!"

"Mr. Dai, you are here just in time. Can you help me take a look at this jade?"

Dai Zhi smiled slightly and waved his hand, "I have something else to do, so I won't bother you."

No one forced it and made way one after another.

Shu Ya also enjoyed such treatment. She smiled happily and quietly asked in Dai's ear, "It seems that Yubi is a little strange?"

If it's really old, Dai Zhi won't let her buy it, and he doesn't seem to want to express any opinions on Yubi.

Dai Zhi was trying to make fun of Shu Ya. It seemed that she also had a pair of fiery eyes, but he heard the voice of the young man just now from behind--


This voice made Dai Zhi feel more and more familiar, especially the sentence "sister-in-law".

Dai looked back consciously and couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the young man's face clearly.

It turned out to be... Mo Shengyu?