A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 149 Transformation of Identity

"Come and have a look. The authentic Qing Dynasty jade, the jade pendant once brought by Emperor Yongzheng, can't be missed..."

In the lively antique market, there are all kinds of enthusiastic vendors with a dazzling array of porcelain, calligraphy, paintings and jade. Each of them is under the banner of antiques, and the number of old things in it may be less than 1%.

The well-intention collectors just smiled when they heard the hawker's boasting. If any thing was an antique and it was used by the emperor, the antique would not be so valuable.

However, some novices and tourists who have just been involved in this industry will still be attracted by those obviously exaggerated shouts, and there will always be some people who will be deceived.

Dai Zhi looked at this familiar scene and just smiled faintly. As an insider who is clearly in it but can be seen clearly bystanders, although she has not been in contact with her for a long time, far from those who have studied for several years or even more than ten years but still still can't figure out, she will not be fooled at all. Worried about cheating, anything comes into her hands, whether it is true or not, whether it is a fairy or a demon, and it can be identified in a moment, and it can't escape her fiery eyes.

"Xiaozhi, you said that these hawkers didn't bragging and make a draft. He simply said that "On the River during the Qingming Festival" was in his hands."

Shu Ya couldn't stand complaining that even if she is a half-baked antique enthusiast, and she has been deceived many times above. She is also an unscrupulous vendor like this kind of unscrupulous vendor who never stop blowing her cowhide, so if she listens to it now, she will inevitably be a little angry.

Dai Zhi smiled and comforted,

"They are just making a living. If the collection was not so popular now, they wouldn't have worked so hard, would they?"

She was pulled by Shu Ya to accompany her to Taobao today, saying that she had a "Teacher Dai" to lead the way, and she had a much better chance of finding the baby.

Originally, Dai Zhi didn't want to come. First, her current identity is different from the past. It is not as convenient as before to pick up leaks in a low-key and quiet way. Even if she is a broken iron, people will say that her object is "Teacher Dai" and will say that she has a long history of treasure. Second, the emerald in her secret room has not been solved, and the buyer is also I haven't found it yet. I really don't have the extra mind to pick up leaks, and picking up leaks are encounterable but not sought. It depends on opportunities. Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer real antiques. Antiques are non-renewable things, and there will be one less when they are collected, so this is why antiques are so valuable.

And there are very few valuable antiques, but Shu Ya persuaded her for a long time, and she also wanted to breathe. Besides, she had to find an opportunity to share the matter between her and Heliandong with her good sisters, so it came out.

When she said this to Shu Ya at the beginning, her reaction was exactly the same as Dai Zhi expected, and her chin was eager to fall to the ground.

She didn't believe it at first, but it's no wonder that even Dai Zhi himself was a little erratic. Several times she thought it was a dream. All of this came too fast, but the emotional thing itself was not clear.

"My Zuo Marshal, so pitiful, so miserable..." Shu Ya's sad face.

Dai Zhi frowned helplessly, "It's as if someone had driven a crane fairy..."

"What kind of magic did Heliandong use to coax our little one? Poor General Zuo, who died in the battle."

Dai Zhi rolled his eyes unbearable and decided to ignore the girl.

Seriously, since she has come to the antique market, she has to have a good look. Such a good opportunity can't be wasted, and she is now raising funds. She is ready to start immediately when she encounters colored emeralds. Otherwise, if she finally finds the baby she wants but has no money to buy it, she will really cry to death.

"Mr. Dai, you are here!"

"Mr. Dai, come to my store and have a cup of tea."

"Mr. Dai, I just bought a batch of new goods in my store, which is very good. Can you help me take a look?"

One morning, every time Dai Zhi passed by a store, he would be warmly received by the owner. Everyone hopes that his things can be recognized by the well-known Mr. Dai. Her recognition represents authority to a certain extent, so that he naturally doesn't have to worry about things that can't be sold, and the price will also be because of Mr. Dai's words. Suddenly, there was a difference between clouds and mud.

In fact, Dai Zhi looked at so many things all morning, but he didn't find a real antique. His powers and knowledge are mixed. Some of them have to touch and rely on powers to distinguish old age, and others are fakes that don't need power identification.

In addition to disappointment, Dai Zhi also sighed that it was not so easy to pick up leaks.

She still politely and carefully deals with every enthusiastic shop owner. Although her identity is indeed different now, her attitude and mood are no different for her, and she will not pay attention to nothing because of the different treatment she has suffered.

It's true that because she also came from a small vendor, she is more considerate of everyone who is forced by life. Although the antique street environment she grew up in can't be compared with this large and prosperous antique market at all, she is more familiar and kind about this job.

Her father often teaches her that she can't forget to be a man, and she remembers every word he says.

"Xiaozhi, is there really no such thing?" Shu Ya asked in surprise.

Dai Zhi nodded, "In my opinion, there is basically no such thing. Occasionally, there are one or two pieces, which are not worth mentioning. There is no collection value."

Shu Ya sighed helplessly,

"Oh, I was going to buy something good to congratulate my grandfather on his birthday, but it seems that I will come back to no success..."

"Grandpa Shu's birthday?" Dai Zhi was surprised.

"Yes, it's next week, that's why I'm so anxious to pull you out."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Dai Zhi blamed him.

"Hey, it's not too late to say it. Next week, I just remembered it yesterday, and I called him. He said it would be simple. The family will have a meal together and I don't plan to set up a drink, so I respect his intention. He also told me to ask you to have a regular meal together. However, I have a headache from gift-giving. You know his old man's vision. He is very picky. If he gives him millions of jade, he definitely doesn't want it, so I think he will like what you choose.

Shu Ya chattered and looked at the antique shop on the roadside without giving up, but Dai Zhi's mind was running fast. Grandpa Shu's birthday. She must take some time to give gifts. Grandpa Shu and Grandpa Jin were so good to her. When she was half a granddaughter, she also sincerely took this The two elderly people are highly valued but like children as relatives, so the birthday gift must be ingenious, not shabby, nor just valuable but unintentional, so she has to think about it.

"Then let's take a look. Maybe you are lucky enough to meet good things." Dai Zhi muttered.

"Well," Shu Ya answered and said casually, " By the way, next month will be the Myanmar public market. At that time, Tengchong and Ruili will be very lively, and there will be a lot of wool flowing out of Myanmar. Many jewelers will admire the name and hope to get a piece of the pie. Do you want to go?"

Burmese public market?

Dai Zhi was stunned and suddenly excited. She was waiting for such a day, but she didn't expect it to come so soon.

In Myanmar, the government opened the jade mining restrictions 20 years ago, stipulating that private bosses can obtain the mining rights of jade-producing mountains through bidding.

The size of the "court" is determined by the size of the bid. After winning the bid, the boss can hire a machine to go up the mountain to dig, but the jade dug out must first be handed over to the government and then transported to Yangon, the capital of Myanmar, where the government organizes a "public plate" auction.

There is a journey of more than 1,000 kilometers from the "field entrance" on Mount Pagan to Yangon. Along the way, people have to carry elephants, pull cars, and transport them by train. Nevertheless, there are still some "stones" that have been quietly left behind, passed through the mountains and transported to Thailand or Tengchong and Ruili in China.

Dai Zhi also thought that if she could go to Myanmar in person and see the real gambling stone grand event with her own eyes, it would be more exciting, but in fact, she knew that it was useless to go. The goods extracted from the jade mine would be publicly auctioned by the Myanmar government, and the jade ore stolen in private could only be through private channels. If If you catch it, the punishment is also very severe. Of course, if there is no fish that doesn't steal fish, no matter how tight the wall is, it will be breathable. There are still many government officials in charge of this aspect who also engage in fraud.

However, if you can go to Tengchong and Ruili, it is also good. The quality of the wool flowing out of the real Burmese old pit must be much better than that in the wool factory of the private boss she has been to now!

Maybe you can also see the colorful emerald she dreams of...

It is already very rare for the two colors to coexist, Fu Lushou, bloody red jade... At the thought of this, Daizhi's blood also began to boil!

Dai Zhi almost subconsciously opened his mouth and said, "I want to go, of course I want to!"

But when the words came to her mouth, she was blocked by her.

Next month, it's only more than half a month before. In the past, she must have begun to prepare immediately without thinking about it, but now, she is not as carefree as before. She has worries, worries, and things that she can't let go of.

It's not a safety issue. With Feng's guarantee, she doesn't have to worry about safety anymore.

Her concerns are naturally Heliandong.

Now she is no longer alone. She can't go wherever she goes. Moreover, Heliandong is still in the hospital and will definitely not be discharged within half a month. Even if she goes to the hospital every day to help him heal his wounds, she can't completely heal his wounds within half a month. After all, if she really does this, It will definitely be suspicious.

She helped him heal, but only slightly speed up the healing of his wound, otherwise he would have pain or complications and ensure that his wound would not leave scars.

When he thought of this, Dai Zhi was slightly disappointed, but he pretended to be relaxed.

"Hehe, I'm not busy. Let's talk about it in a couple of days..."

Don't be lost, don't be a pity, Heliandong is worth his own efforts, isn't it...


Sorry, I didn't update it yesterday. I will update it in advance today.