Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 244 Stone Emperor's Hall

The palace is as high as 108,000 feet and covers an area of 10,000 miles.

The palace is full of various stone carvings, with different shapes and varieties, with a variety of 108,000, separated at the gate of the palace, like an army guarding the palace.

These sculptures are chaotic demon gods, chaotic monsters, chaotic spiritual roots in strange forms, original spiritual roots, and many special creatures that Xia Bing has never seen before.

The chaotic universe is infinitely vast and boundless. Naturally, there can't be only chaotic demons, chaotic monsters, chaotic spiritual roots, and original spiritual roots.

There are also many special lives that do not belong to these categories. They are rare in number, and some are even just one race. They are accidentally born in the chaotic universe. They may have extremely high wisdom, powerful strength, or they may have no wisdom, only instinct and low strength.

Like the insects and beasts that Xia Bing saw before that parasitized in the body of chaotic monsters do not belong to the above categories, and can also be called special life. They are conceived in the body of chaotic monsters and are born by absorbing the nutrition of chaotic monsters. They cannot directly absorb the energy of chaos. If they leave the chaotic monsters, they will die, which is true. A special life with extremely poor power.

Special life, like chaotic monsters, do not need to improve their strength by practicing the origin of the law like chaotic demon gods. They all improve their strength through growth and have their own growth limits. The growth limit of some special life is the master of the law, but occasionally there will be strength to achieve the special life of the emperor of the law. Life appears.

Of course, that kind of situation is so rare that even those ancient law emperors have not seen it many times in their lives.

These stone carvings are hundreds of feet tall. Whether they are chaotic demons, spiritual roots, chaotic monsters, or special creatures, their stone carvings are the same size.

There are many of them that Xia Bing has seen. The chaotic demon stone carvings of the two monarchs, the two * monarchs, the reduced stone carvings of the dark star holy wood, and the reduced stone carvings of chaotic monsters such as the chaotic magic dragon, the Huntian ice silkworm, the original sin dragon python, the octagonal golden bull, and the colorful sky butterfly.

Every stone sculpture is lifelike, as if alive. Xia Bing even felt a trace of real chaotic warcraft from the stone carvings of those chaotic warcrafts.

Except for a small number of stone carvings that Xia Bing knew, other stone carvings Xia Bing did not know them at all, even in the memory he got from the Lord of War.

This is not surprising. After all, the Lord of War is just a law monarch. Of course, it cannot be compared with the oldest law emperor, the King of Secret. Their knowledge is not at all a level, that is, the chaotic warcraft known by ordinary law emperors. There are more special lives than the Lord of War, let alone There is such an ancient existence as the Secret King.

It's normal for Xia Bing not to know those stone carvings. Although Xia Bing's current strength is barely comparable to that of a medium-law monarch, his practice time is too short after all. His strength is basically obtained by taking shortcuts by Rune Yuanshen. His knowledge is far from proportional to his strength.

If he hadn't got some memories from the split of the Holy Lord of War, his knowledge would not even be comparable to that of the ordinary law world, and the memory of the Holy Lord of War was only part of the memory of the Holy Lord of War after all. Many memories of the Holy Lord of War did not know it. Xia Bing did not get it when he forcibly read the memory, which naturally caused Xia Bing. In terms of knowledge, it is far inferior to the ordinary law monarch.

Although he knew that it was impossible for King Mi to install the precious gate there like this, Xia Bing couldn't help bombarding this precious jasper gate and wanted to see if he could smash the gate and collect it into the Yuguang world.

Of course, the result was ineffective. As expected, the secret king was on the gate. No, a ban was placed on the whole palace. Xia Bing's attack made a slight muffled sound on the gate, and even the door frame did not shake.

Seeing that the door could not be removed, Xia Bing could only honestly push the door in.

Fortunately, there is no test or strength requirement on this gate. As long as you have enough strength to push it away, it is not difficult.

Although such a huge jasper gate is extremely heavy, this weight is nothing for Xia Bing, and the ordinary master of the law can easily push it away.

Even the slightly stronger original servant can move it. After all, jasper is not a high-density divine material.

As the huge stone gate was opened, the whole stone palace seemed to suddenly come back to life. The quiet and simple huge palace suddenly emitted a golden dark light. The light was very soft and not dazzling, but Xia Bing felt a terrible murderous and a strong dangerous smell from this light.

Xia Bing stepped into the hall and saw rows of neatly arranged huge statues. The gray-black rock statues were lifelike and quietly guarding the center of the hall. Each of them was thousands of feet high, ten times larger than the stone carvings on the square outside the hall.

However, the difference between them and those stone carvings is not only reflected in the height. Their shapes are complete human figures, with huge stone swords in their hands, standing there like generals guarding the palace gates, exuding a domineering atmosphere of contempt for everything, and a strong smell of danger permeates them. It seems that what is listed there are not statues, but powerful warriors at the monarch level.

The whole hall is supported by 108 divine pillars. The materials used in these huge divine pillars are only more precious than the gate of the palace, and there are all kinds of vivid strange beasts engraved on them.

Those thousand-foot-high humanoid statues stood neatly. There were 108 statues in the hall thousands of miles wide. There were many strange runes on the ground of the hall, spreading from the foot of the statue to the whole hall.

Or you may think that the vast hall is only 108 statues, which should look very sparse, but that is from the perspective of mortals, at the height where Xia Bing is currently located, thousands of miles is even a small cave, and there are actually 108 monarchs in a small cave. No one will think that the powerful statue of the level of breath is as sparsely distributed as ignorant mortals.


As soon as he entered the hall, as Xia Bing stepped on a rune closest to the gate, the whole hall lit up, and the huge stone gate naturally closed. The 108,000 stone carvings outside shot out a mysterious light one after another, forming a strange array to close the gate. Xia Bing tried to bombard the gate and the door. If you don't move, you can't open it at all. It seems that you can only leave here if you pass the test. As for not being able to get through, of course, you will die.

A mysterious light flew from the rune to Xia Bing. Xia Bing panicked and was about to stop it, but he found that the mysterious light did not bring him a sense of danger. The next moment, it was reflected in his sea of knowledge. It turned out to be an inspiration that recorded information. Anyone who stepped on the rune would Trigger.