Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 245 Easy Pass

It turns out that this 108 statues are the first test in this palace. 108 entry-law monarch-level stone statues form a huge array in this 10,000-mile-sized outer hall. These statues can move freely in this hall, and the runes on the ground are moving routes.

Even if you pass the first level, you can enter the inner hall to break through the array formed by these stone statues. There are two levels inside and outside, all of which are arrays composed of stone statue puppets.

Because this stone palace is only a place to test the strength of the monarch, not a place for the secret king to select disciples, so the requirements are very simple, as long as the strength is enough, it can pass.

After all, the previous Sea of Warcraft and the Fear Array are the places for big screening. The people who can pass these two places will not be bad in strength or realm, except for Xia Bing.

Obviously, it is impossible to use the magic power of space law in this hall. It is impossible for the immortal king to leave loopholes for you to drill.

108 statues are divided into nine columns, 12 in each row, and the distance in the middle is thousands of miles wide. If you are fast enough, you can even rush out before these statues react.

Of course, this is impossible. The Secret King will not make people speculative. When Xia Bing stepped into this, he felt that the gravity in the hall was a hundred times that of the outside world, and there was a strange energy field permeating the whole hall, constraining the speed of the people entering the hall. Obviously, the Secret King wanted people to break through.

People who enter the stone statue array will be trapped in the array and besieged. If they are not strong enough, only the monarch of the elementary law will enter the hall to participate in the test, and they will definitely die without a whole body. Even the monarch of the medium law will be in danger under the siege of so many entry-level monarch puppets, only high Only those above the monarch will have the possibility to pass this test.

Obviously, the secret king chose his apprentice and cared too much about talent and strength. Otherwise, he would not have set up such a special test to eliminate the weak, or he wanted to choose one or two disciples among those high law monarchs, peak law monarchs, and even half-step emperors to teach them the experience of breaking through to the law emperors. Cultivate one or two law emperors as their right-hand man.

As for the so-called geniuses, those who are talented but not strong enough, he can't like them at all, or the geniuses without strength in the eyes of the secret king are nothing, and the dead geniuses are also nothing, or the secret king who has lived for countless years, this old antique, the strong man in the late period of the ancient law emperor has seen He has known too many talented masters and masters of laws, and geniuses are worthless to him.

Xia Bing has a deep understanding of this. Isn't the Pangu god who opened up the world of flood and famine a genius? He is also the top genius of the chaotic universe. He can defeat the law monarch at the peak of the law world and even kill the entry-level monarch.

But what? It's not that he died under the calculation of the road.

Up to now, even the world he opened up has turned into the nourishment of Xia Bingyu's light world. His heart has been absorbed by Xia Bing and made into a specimen. There is no trace of Pangu in the universe. Maybe in billions of years, no one will remember his name in chaos.

Although he was a genius, he died prematurely and was killed by the road. If he died, he was nothing.

The Secret King never cares about geniuses. Even if he is a genius among the monarchs, who is to blame if he is not strong, blinded by greed and falls into the test field?

After receiving the information contained in Xuanguang, Xia Bing understood that this was only a test of the outer hall, and there was also a stone statue array test in the inner hall. He understood everything related to it. Looking at these cold statues, Xia Bing smiled.

The body flashed and turned into a streamer rushing into it, hundreds of miles between his fingers, which was still because the king deliberately aggravated the gravity in the hall and added a binding force field, otherwise Xia Bing would have rushed out of the stone array between his fingers.

Boom! Boom!

As soon as Xia Bing broke into the array, the huge statue puppets standing on both sides of him moved. The four thousand-foot statues around the front and right turned their bodies to look at Xia Bing. Their closed eyes opened, and purple light spewed out of his eyes and turned into eight lasers to sweep Xia Bing.

Xia Bing, who was running fast, sensed the danger and immediately began to escape.

"Damn, what is this? Can it be a little more excessive? The laser gun has come out!" Xia Bing shouted in his heart and was obviously dissatisfied with the purple laser beam attacks fired at him.

Each laser is comparable to the blow of the entry-level law monarch. If he does not dodge, there is no doubt that he will be injured. One or two lasers are acceptable, at most minor injuries. Even if dozens of lasers are shot together, the monarch of the medium law will burt.

However, what makes Xia Bing more angry is still ahead.


A series of vibrations sounded, as if the four statue puppets that had just woken up caused a chain reaction. All the statues began to open their eyes, and a pair of purple-red eyes lit up in the not bright hall, like a pair of ghost lights, which made people shudder.

Xia Bing passed through a pair of stone puppets again. At this time, he had entered a large array of nearly 2,000 miles, with two rows of statues on the left and right. Four statue puppets in each row had been left behind by him, and 20 statue puppets were waiting for him in front of him.

Just as he quickly dodged the purple laser beam emitted by the awakening statues with the ghost lamp-like eyes, the four stone puppets closest to him seemed to teleport, and appeared around Xia Bing along the rune route on the ground and surrounded Xia Bing in an instant.

The sword that was originally pestleed on the ground has been raised high.

brush brush!!!!

Four billions of catties, hundreds of feet long stone swords were waved by four stone statue puppets, turned into four gray lightnings and cut at Xia Bing, fiercely slashing and tearing the airflow, making a huge hiss.


Xia Bing suddenly stamped his feet and shot up. His body soared into the air to avoid the four big swords that were cut. At the same time, he turned upside down and stepped on the body of a statue puppet and shot up. The power of the emperor in his palm condensed to form a huge gray blade, and cut the body of the statue puppet between the lightning and flint.

With a bang, the huge statue puppet instantly turned into two sections under the cutting of the power of the emperor and fell to the ground. The purple eyes of the statue puppet also seemed to have lost their lives with the destruction of the statue puppet. They dimmed in an instant and no longer emitted purple lasers to attack Xia Bing.

At this time, the swords of the other three puppets came one after another, and Xia Bing had to retreat. However, the three statue puppets accompanied them like shadows, and the speed was comparable to that of Xia Bing. The heavy and huge stone swords were extremely flexible in their hands and cut into Xia Bing like a storm.

The rumble impact sounded in the hall. Xia Bing dodged the attack of the three puppets while resisting the lasers emitted by other statue puppets and fell into a bitter battle for a while.

As Xia Bing destroyed a puppet, the nearest puppet immediately filled the position of the puppet, so that the puppet besieging Xia Bing always kept four.

Countless red lasers shrouded Xia Bing. Those lasers were ineffective for the statue puppets, but they were effective for Xia Bing. With the passage of time, even if Xia Bing's speed of avoiding was not slow, they were slightly injured by those lasers. Hundreds of purple-red light attacked Xia Bing at the same time, and four huge rock puppets of a size of 1,000 feet were waving. Attack Xia Bing with a big sword.

Compared with those purple beam attacks, Xia Bing is even more afraid to let these rock puppets cut down. Although these rock statues are just puppets made by the king at will and have no intelligence at all, it does not mean that their attacks are unorganistic.

Although their sword moves against Xia Bing are not exquisite, they are also regular and have moves. Coupled with the terrible speed and flexible snake-like reaction, they sweep away all the power. Once they are cut, although they will not lose their lives, their combat power will be greatly reduced.

In particular, their swords are forbidden by the secret king, and the power of chopping is even more terrible than the attack of the general primary law monarch.


Another rock puppet was split in half by Xia Bing, and a black stone bead full of cracks rolled out of the head of the puppet that broke on the ground.

"Is that the core of these puppets? As long as they are destroyed, these statue puppets will die automatically?" Xia Bingshen swept the cracked stone beads and thought up in his heart.

I dare to think of it. Anyway, the current situation is bad enough. Although it is dangerous to attack the heads of these puppets head head and are likely to be attacked by their purple beams, Xia Bing still did not hesitate to attack their heads.

In this hall, Xia Bing could not fly, so he could only attack the puppet's head with the power of the emperor with his strong body and quick reaction.

Soon Xia Bing found that this did not work at all. These puppets did not have any slowness that the puppets should have. Their heavy bodies showed the speed and agility that made Xia Bing stunned, and easily avoided Xia Bing's attack on them.

It seemed that he could feel the threat of the emperor's power to them. Seeing this situation, Xia Bing had to use the last card in advance.

He no longer attacked these puppets with the power of the emperor. Although these puppets had no intelligence, they saw that Xia Bing killed two companions with the power of the emperor. As long as Xia Bing attacked them with the power of the emperor, they would immediately dodge.

In this case, Xia Bing can only rely on the cheating device of Yuguangjie. Although King Mi has set various restrictions in this hall, obviously these restrictions have no effect on Xia Bing's Yuguangjie. He can still return to Yuguangjie anytime and anywhere. It is for this reason that Xia Bing will pass through this puppet array. Full of confidence.

He waved his sleeves and emitted the gray light formed by tens of millions of original forces to hit the puppets. Although this hall limits the speed of the entrants, it does not limit their long-range attack ability. Although their original attacks are not as powerful as in the outside world, they can hit tens of millions. Liyuan, but there is still no problem in attacking puppets thousands of miles away.

However, they will certainly not provoke other puppets in the face of four puppet attacks and other puppets like this.

The light formed by the original power emitted by Xia Bing shot forward, and the rock puppets hit directly on the Tongtian Column in front of them. Other original forces hitting the puppets were wiped out by the forbidden forces on them. Only a few original forces that hit the pillars were left behind and formed The original imprint.

"It's so close that these puppets can automatically wear out the power of the source. If it weren't for these pillars, it wouldn't be feasible to rely on the Yuguang world to cheat. It seems that I have to prepare some spatial coordinates by myself!" Xia Bing felt the original mark formed on the Tongtian sky pillar, but he made up his mind to make some items that can fix the original mark as spatial coordinates, and just throw them out at that time.

Don't worry about the expulsion of the original power.

Relying on the role of the original imprint, Xia Bing kept transmitting through the Yuguang world as the midpoint, and passed through this puppet array three or five times.

Although the reaction speed of those puppets is fast enough, it is not as fast as Xia Bing's transmission through the Yuguang world. After all, Xia Bing only needs to move an idea to and from the Yuguang world, while those puppets still need to move to the place where Xia Bing appeared through the rune route, wave the sword in their hands to cut people, one by one. Naturally, even the shadow of Xia Bing can't be caught up.

Often before they have time to move, Xia Bing has appeared in another place, and their reaction has to retreat.

As for the rock puppets who had just attacked Xia Bing, they could only put away their swords, return to their original positions, twist their heads and look for Xia Bing's figure with red eyes, and wanted to shoot Xia Bing into a sieve with purple beams.

But he didn't know that Xia Bing had passed the remaining eight thousand miles in a breathless time and broke through this stone statue puppet array.

As soon as he passed through the array, Xia Bing felt that the original mark he left on the Tongtian god pillar was about to dissipate. It turned out that there was also a prohibition on these Tongtian god pillars. It should be used by the secret king to protect the Tongtian god pillar. Although Xia Bing's original power hit it did not cause any damage to the pillar, but The prohibition is still slowly expelling the original power above.

"It seems that we need to prepare the spatial coordinates now."

Although Xia Bing easily passed this puppet array, he did not feel wronged for the war with those rock puppets. If he did not fight with those puppets, how could Xia Bing know their specific situation and how could he know that he could not form an original mark on them?

Thanks to his cautious behavior, if he had become complacent and began to transmit directly with the Yuguang world, he might have fallen into the siege of a large number of rock puppets.

Returning to the Yuguang world, Xia Bing quickly refined thousands of space coordinates at will with some ores that refined chaotic sacred objects to prevent him from falling into a crisis in the future.