Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 246 The Heart of the Emperor

is said to be a spatial coordinate, but in fact, it is just to take out a piece of ore and add a power of time to it as a positioning point for Xia Bing's transmission.

The shape is all some fist-sized stones, which look inconspicuous.

This is also what Xia Bing needs the spatial coordinates. Only inconspicuous things no one cares about and are easy to be ignored. If he directly refines into chaotic sacred objects, and even uses the divine material that can refine the original spiritual treasure as space coordinates to throw around.

When seen by those chaotic strong people, they certainly won't mind bending down and picking them up and storing them into their own storage cave.

After breaking through the rock puppet array of the outer hall, Xia Bing was ready to retain the spatial coordinates of his original power mark for a long time and quickly came to the inner hall.

This inner hall is several times larger than the outer hall, with a length of 36,000 miles and a width of 8,000 miles, forming an extremely wide passage.

However, this channel is getting narrower and narrower inside, and the innermost width is only 800 miles.

There is not even a pillar in the hall in the shape of the channel, and there are 100-foot-sized humanoid diamond puppets around, dense 108 on each side. The crystal diamond puppets stand on both sides of the channel with crystal swords, like the imperial guards lining up to guard the royal palace.

From time to time, these crystal diamond puppets have mysterious light flowing and runes beating. Although they are only a hundred feet in size, they make Xia Bing feel more dangerous than those thousand feet-sized rock puppets in the outer hall.

For good, Xia Bing did not intend to fight with them directly.

The ground of the inner hall is also dense and full of a large number of rune routes, ensuring that those diamond puppets can reach anywhere and attack enemies anywhere. The strange energy field that permeates the whole inner hall also limits the speed of intruders and makes them unable to move slowly and unable to fly.

As soon as Xia Bing entered the hall and stepped on those runes, the crystal puppets began to wake up one after another, with dazzling white light in his eyes.

Xia Bing has long found that those puppets sense the position of the intruder through the runes on the ground, but this is only part of it. If you think of them as a rigid puppets that can only sense the position of the intruders through those runes on the ground, you will be in big trouble.

To be precise, whether these runes on the ground or the prohibitions on the surrounding walls and columns are just the conditions for activating these puppets. The whole hall has been set by the king of secrets. The strong under the emperor can't fly here, use space to move, and the speed is greatly reduced.

In this case, they can only break through the barrier honestly. Once those puppets are activated, they can really see the intruders and no longer need to sense the position of the intruders through any runes and prohibitions.

Therefore, if you don't have a cheater like Yuguangjie like Xia Bing, it's better to break through the barrier obediently. You should believe that it is impossible for the Secret King to leave any loopholes for you. If you see any popular loopholes, it must be a trap.

The crystal diamond puppet in the inner hall is obviously an upgraded version of the rock statue puppet in the outer hall. Both in quantity and quality are better than the rock puppet in the outer hall. The difficulty of passing through this channel, which seems to be only 36,000 miles long, is obviously much more difficult than the rock puppet array in the outer hall.

Although these puppets are only made by the secret king at will and can't compare with the intelligent robots imagined by Xia Bing, at least they can still exert great power in this assessment hall. Although they are only statues without this hall, at least they make their materials. It's still good.

After all, the Secret King is not good at puppetry. With the incompetent puppetry of the three-legged cat and his strong strength, it is quite rare to get these guys who are more like sculptures than puppets. Compared with the Secret King's talent in other fields, his puppetry is really terrible.

The puppet created by the real puppet master can even have its own wisdom and constantly cultivate and evolve to become stronger.

Seeing that the crystal puppets began to resurrect, Xia Bing knew that they would shoot a powerful beam at themselves the next moment, and naturally he did not dare to waste any more time.

A space coordinate that looked no different from an ordinary stone was thrown forward by Xia Bing, and flew thousands of miles between his fingers. The next moment Xia Bing's figure had disappeared in place, and when he appeared again, he was already at the place where the space coordinates fell.

Before his feet stood firmly, hundreds of white beams came like Xia Bing. It turned out that the space coordinates touched the runes on the ground and attracted all the diamond puppet attacks.

Although those diamond puppets know that it is just an ordinary rock, they still want to attack the spatial coordinates of Xia Bing. Obviously, there must be an attack on all items that touch prohibitions and runes in their settings.

So Xia Bing was very unlucky to usher in hundreds of horrible white beams as soon as he appeared, which scared him and shouted. He quickly threw out a space coordinate containing his original mark to run away. At this time, he found that the sinister old immortal king actually exerted the space technique for the whole space channel. The gate seemed to be only There is a 3,000-mile-long channel, which is actually 360,000 miles long.

This journey has nothing to do with ordinary times. For Xia Bing, it is just a step, just a step, but at this moment it has become a terrible thing. If Xia Bing hadn't been able to use the Yuguang world, there would have been ten * to explain here today.

He was so angry that he wanted to curse, but when he saw that the white beams had fallen, he quickly ran away.

This time, he appeared directly from the space world without waiting for the space coordinates to land and appeared in the air thousands of miles away. In this way, he threw out the space coordinates every time before landing. Those space coordinates were still in mid-air, he began to transmit through the space world. Although the distance of each transmission became shorter, it was safer and would not be affected. Those white beam attacks.

Those crystal drill puppets who wanted to attack Xia Bing didn't even have time to react, and Xia Bing disappeared in mid-air. In their view, Xia Bing is equivalent to constantly flashing in the air, which is equivalent to an alternative flight.

Flashing hundreds of times, Xia Bing safely passed this channel like a Jedi for other ordinary law monarchs, and the spatial coordinates behind him ushered in the horrible beams of those crystal drill puppets after landing, which were beaten into flying ash, leaving no slag.

Seeing the end of those spatial coordinates, Xia Bing fought a cold war. Fortunately, those horrible white beams did not hit him, hundreds of beams hit him together, or the monarch of the higher law would be beaten into flying ashes, not to mention his master of the law. If he was hit, he would definitely die miserably.

Of course, with the strength of the monarch of high law, it is not difficult for them to avoid these beam attacks. The difficulty is how to resist these puppet attacks while avoiding the beam attacks of other puppets until they pass through this 360,000-mile-long channel, which is for ordinary It is not generally difficult for high law monarchs. Only those high law monarchs can pass it.

Of course, if they include their own original spiritual treasures and various defensive treasures, it is really not difficult to pass through here. If there is a defense original treasure, they can completely ignore those white beams and swagger through here. Of course, they must be able to break through the entanglement of those crystal puppets.

It is normal for only the spatial coordinates made of ores refining chaotic sacred objects to be beaten into flying ash by white beams.

After passing the test of the inner hall, Xia Bing finally saw the qualification to enter the inner city. The key on the jade case at the end of the passage can pass through the gate and enter the inner city.

The key is just an ordinary original spiritual treasure, which is of no use for Xia Bing. What is useful is that the ban left by the secret king on it can open the gate of the inner city. This key is equivalent to a pass to enter the inner city.

Compared with the key of the lower-grade original spiritual treasure, there are ten pieces of Chinese-grade original spiritual treasures emitting gorgeous treasures next to it, and a top-grade original spiritual treasure is much more precious. Looking at the strong * fluctuation and strong original breath emitted by those original spiritual treasures, Xia Bing almost couldn't help but put them all into the Yuguang world. After a while, he regained his clarity. He sighed and turned around with the key and stepped on the transmission array beside him.

The light flashed, and when he opened his eyes, Xia Bing had already appeared at the door of the Shihuang Hall.

After all, Xia Bing still resisted the ** of the original spiritual treasures to him and went to the inner city to find the heart of the emperor. He was worried that if he took away the emperor's heart, he might be found by the secret king along those original spiritual treasures. After all, those original spiritual treasures were refined by the secret king himself. If he took those spiritual treasures with greedily for a while , it is likely to be small and big.

At the east gate of the inner city, Xia Bing directly threw the key in his hand to the gate. The gate and the key rose red light at the same time. The next moment, the red light of the key was lost and the gate was opened.

Xia Bing immediately dodged into the inner city, and then the gate was immediately closed. From the opening of the gate to the closing of the gate, it took only half a breath. If he did not enter quickly, he would lose the qualification to enter the inner city.

The inner city is 50,000 miles wide. Like the outer city, in addition to the four huge palaces, there are only the largest imperial halls and other pavilions used to decorate the inner city, flowers and trees and other spiritual roots. As for the streets and residential buildings that should be in normal towns, there is nothing.

It is impossible for the Secret King to refine and make such things in the giant cities used to select apprentices at this boring time. Xia Bing knew from the black demon monarchs that the other three huge cities in the purred imperial world had been transformed into streets, residential houses and so on, and the leaders of those forces even made several street offices. Things.

It is really a wasteless development and utilization of the imperial world of the King of Secret.

Entering the inner city, Xia Bing ran directly to the largest imperial hall, not to go to the imperial hall to find treasure, not to go to the imperial hall to receive the inheritance test, not even to enter the imperial hall, but just for the emperor in the secret space of the emperor's palace. Heart.

It took tens of thousands of miles to reach half a cup of tea. The gravity and speed limit of the inner city are stronger than that of the outer city, and the speed of Xia Bing is greatly reduced here.

Fortunately, there were no traps outside the palace, but Xia Bing arrived outside the emperor's hall safely.

The whole imperial palace is towering and domineering, as high as 129,000,600 feet, and the number of one yuan. Standing outside the hall and looking up at the whole hall, Xia Bing even felt a magnificent and domineering spirit of the universe coming to his face, and the majesty of the ancient emperor was vividly displayed on this palace.

There are 18,000 metal statues neatly arranged outside the hall, which exude an ancient atmosphere and obviously have experienced a long time.

Unlike the stone sculptures composed of chaotic demon gods, chaotic monsters, chaotic spiritual roots and original spiritual roots that Xia Bing saw outside the Stone Emperor's Hall, the metal statues outside the emperor's hall are all humanoid creatures like Pangu. They are neatly armored with swords, arrayed in front, like an invincible and invincible attack. The army guarded the imperial palace.

These metal statues are all covered in a simple bronze color. Of course, their materials are certainly not bronze. Although Xia Bing does not know the materials of these statues, he also knows that these materials are rare metals that can be used to refine half-step original spiritual treasures.

There are three 99 continuous steps in front of the Imperial Hall. There are three wide rest platforms between these continuous steps, dividing these white jade steps into three sections.

There are also bronze sergeant statues guarded on both sides of the steps, and there are two rows of strange beast statues on both sides of the ruby-like gate of the emperor's hall.

Xia Bing observed the most magnificent and magnificent temple in this giant city from afar. After making sure that there were no traps and organs around the emperor's hall and the prohibition of arrays, he began to look for the entrance to the emperor's secret place.

After half a month of carpet-style search, he finally found the switch to enter the emperor's secret land in the army of statues guarding the palace. When Xia Bing pulled out the sword of a general-like statue from the scabbard, the entrance to the emperor's secret place automatically opened.

Carefully entering the emperor's secret realm, what you can see is a huge sun, hanging high in the sky, and the golden light illuminates the whole secret realm with a wide space of tens of millions of miles.

There is nothing in the golden secret space. It looks so desolate. Only the golden sun in the sky hangs high and shines to the fullest.

The continuous breath of the power of the emperor has shown the identity of the golden sun - the heart of the emperor.

It is said to be the golden sun, but it is not spherical. It is still a diamond-shaped crystal like the heart of the world, but it is too huge, as high as 100,000 miles, and its waist circumference is close to 100,000 miles. In addition, it emits a hot golden light, which is much more dazzling than the real sun. Therefore, if you don't look carefully, the emperor's The heart is more like the sun than the sun. If Xia Bing hadn't also had the power of emperor, he couldn't see its true shape at all.

Feeling the power of the emperor's heart, Xia Bing's desire in his heart is stronger and stronger. If this emperor's heart is really like his guess, it can assist him to practice like the heart of other worlds, provide him with a lot of original essence and enhance rune elements. God's ability to communicate with the long river of time quickly improves the understanding of the origin of the law of time.

Once this emperor's heart can be used for him, and after being digested by him, he can become a real law monarch. His strength has greatly increased, even in the face of ordinary laws, emperors can fight.