Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 333 The Beast Moving Forward

After the nine-headed evil beast king appeared, he made bursts of roars and roared throughout the ruins of the fallen mountain. When the evil beasts heard the roar of the evil beast king in the inner and outer regions, they suddenly gathered into a black torrent and went to the core area of the fallen mountain ruins one after another.

Seeing these many horrible and dark beasts suddenly appear, all the chaotic strong men showed panic, with fear and confusion on their faces, and exclaimed in their hearts, "What's the matter? What the hell is going on? What kind of creatures are these terrible beasts? Is it possible that the end of the universe is coming?

"It's over, it's completely over." Seeing the evil beast moving like an army, all the chaotic strong men shouted desperately in their hearts.

In the face of this huge army of evil beasts, these chaotic strong men have all raised a sense of despair. Many weak masters of the law world, and the monarch of the law are like dead ashes, as if they are in the hell of death.

The horror of these evil beasts even the law emperor feels powerless, even the weakest evil beasts, although they give these chaotic strong people the feeling of the law monarch level, the endless strange negative energy in their bodies makes all the chaotic strong feel that the other side is far from as simple as they see.

Although the breath is not strong, the energy is extremely magnificent, even deeper than the chaotic monsters of the same level.

You should know that the reason why chaotic beasts have far more energy than chaotic strongmen is because of their huge size and their innate advantages, and these strange dark beasts have more negative energy than chaotic monsters of the same level, which makes the chaotic strongmen in the ruins of the mountains like Why not despair?

The huge amount of energy gives Chaos Warcraft the ability to fight beyond the level, and the energy of these evil black beasts is deeper than Chaos Warcraft, which means that they are more difficult to deal with than Chaos Warcrafts of the same level. In addition, they can see the extremely horrible defensive scales at a glance, their combat effectiveness It can only be described as a dick.

If you want to kill the weakest evil beasts in the outer world, it is estimated that they must have at least the cultivation of the half-step emperor. As for those half-step emperor-level evil beasts in the inner region, you can't even think about them without the strength of the law emperor level, and those emperor-level evil beasts in the core region are ordinary law emperors. If you want to escape, even the weakest of them must be the emperor of the medium law to be able to fight. If you want to kill the strength of the emperor who does not have the peak of the medium law, don't even think about it. The nine-headed horrible and scary invincible beast king is completely at the peak level of the law emperor, and the whole chaotic universe can't find one. The strong against them.

Even the most powerful people among the ancient emperors, such as the King of Zhou, the puppet king, etc., have to run for their lives in the face of them. If you want to kill any of them, it is only possible for more than ten ancient emperors to form a large array to surround and kill them.

And the three strongest of the nine beast kings, without the cooperation of about 20 ancient emperors, it is impossible to kill them.

This is still the case that these beast kings don't have many means to save their lives and can kill them. If they have some immortal talent, there is nothing they can do. Kneel down and beg for mercy.

Moreover, there are only more than 20 ancient emperors in the chaotic universe, and it is not enough to fight against the nine beast kings.

Those 100,000-foot-level evil beasts in the outer region and hundreds of millions of feet of evil beasts in the inner region went to the core area to listen to the dispatch of their great beast kings after hearing the call of the nine beast kings. Their heavy bodies moved forward at a high speed. Even the weakest beasts in the outer world are comparable to the speed of law. Then the emperor's flight speed, even wrapped in the black smoke formed by the endless negative energy, is faster. Flying in the ruins of the mountain is like a fish swimming in the water, turning most of the resistance into help and pushing them forward.

The speed of the inner evil beast is even faster. Although it is far less than the speed of the law emperor's space shuttle, it is more than 100 times faster than the medium law emperors such as the King of Light Thunder, or even faster.

Covered with the black smoke that the chaotic strong can't avoid, it moved forward in the dark void, like a migrating herd. The huge body rushed on the road at dozens of times the speed of light, but it did not produce any sound. There was not only no sharp friction, the air burst caused by tearing the air, but also the roar of shaking the void, and the roar. They all disappeared cleanly.

At this moment, they seem to have become a group of ghosts, quietly rushing like a cloud, but their speed is amazing.

Although there is no earth-shaking movement and silence, it is because of this that it is even more depressing.

Think about it, hundreds of thousands of evil beasts that can threaten their lives rushed to their faces, and it is too late to escape quickly, which makes it possible for millions of chaotic strongmen such as the King of Light Thunder and other law emperors, law monarchs and law masters to be unrepressed and despaired.

With the continuous approach of those evil beasts, the stunned chaotic strongmen can no longer stand it. Those chaotic strongmen with poor psychological quality can no longer stand this feeling of depression. Under extreme panic, they are crazy and desperate to kill like those horrible evil beasts, regardless of the two at all. The power gap.

And when those frightened chaotic strong men attack the evil beasts like crazy, it is naturally impossible for those evil beasts not to fight back. At this moment, they can peacefully go to the inner realm only because they have the deterrent of the nine beast kings and hear the call of the nine beast kings.

Naturally, they can't be polite to those ants who dare to provoke them. When the law lords and the law monarch attacks them with a series of original divine light against them, those evil beasts open their mouths and spit out a piece of dark negative energy, and those sources The divine light was corroded by those negative energies before it approached.

As soon as the beasts opened their mouths, they sucked those frightened masters of the law and the monarchs of the law into their stomachs and turned them into nutrients to nourish themselves. Those crazy law monarchs were killed even if they could not resist.

In this scene, all the chaotic strong men took a deep breath. Those law monarchs who were still barely rational, and the emperor of the law sweated coldly on their foreheads, and they felt glad that they did not act rashly.

secretly sighed that fortunately, he did not take action rashly, otherwise there would be himself among those who died tragically just now.

Now even those ancient emperors dare not take action easily. Although their strength is strong, there are too many evil beasts. In addition, their speed is faster than that of the law emperors, that is, the speed of the ancient emperors does not have much advantage in front of them, and the negative energy spit out by those evil beasts can be light. It is easy to corrode the power of the source, which makes several ancient emperors afraid of these evil beasts.

Seeing that these evil beasts did not attack other chaotic strong people after killing those chaotic strong people who attacked them, they returned to the team and still rushed to the core area. Everyone, including the ancient emperors, gave way and dared not to take action against these evil beasts.

"It's terrible. The power of the source is like paper in front of the black energy. I'm afraid that the power of the emperor can't stop the black energy for a long time. This black energy is too restrained by our original power. In the face of them, we have no strength. How can we resist it?"

"Yes, the black energy is full of negative breath. I don't know what kind of energy it is. I have lived for hundreds of millions of years and have never seen it. Where did these black beasts come from? How could they suddenly emerge from those huge mountains? I have never heard of these giant mountains before. There are evil beasts.

"Especially the nine terrible beasts in the core area. Even if I have understood the origin of the law of cause and effect, I feel that I am far from being their opponent when I can step into the realm of the emperor. In the face of them, I even have a feeling of life and death, and my heart has even been born for countless years. I have never experienced the death crisis. I really didn't expect that there was such a terrible existence hidden in this fallen ruins. Thinking of the unscrupulous treasure hunting expedition here before, I really don't know it!"

In an inconspicuous corner, the two ancient emperors who had just retreated from the core area of the fallen mountain ruins suddenly showed a frightened look when they saw the dark beasts. They whispered and talked, and did not even dare to speak too loudly for fear of shocking the dark monsters.

In the frightened eyes of all the chaotic strong in the ruins, all the black beasts flew to the core area of the ruins. The horrible black torrent floated forward like a migrating beasts, and hundreds of thousands of half-step emperor-level breaths gathered together, forming a turbulent weather flame, black torrent, look Those chaotic strong people were stunned.

Fee the terrible threat from the black torrent, and many chaotic strong men were furry and involuntarily gathered together, as if this would increase their sense of security.

As time goes by, although those black beasts are extremely fast, how huge the inner domain of the whole fallen ruins is. Even if they want to pass through the inner domain at their speed, it will take years.

In the past few years, all the chaotic strong in the ruins did not dare to act rashly, and even those law emperors did not dare to act rashly. They restrained their breath and tried to reduce their sense of existence as much as possible to avoid letting those evil beasts pay attention to themselves, causing disaster and dying away.