Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 334 Origin of the Beast

In the days when these evil beasts move forward, all the chaotic strong people have a feeling of living like years. It is not that they have not experienced the crisis of life and death, but they have never let the crisis of life and death wander in front of them for so long.

In front of this terrible torrent of evil beasts, the chaotic strong men who stood in their way turned into snacks in their mouths, and the scalps of the chaotic strong men hidden around them were numb.

When all the huge mountains in the inner region entered the core area of the fallen ruins, all the chaotic strong, from the emperor of the law, to the master of the law world, all gave birth to a feeling for the rest of their lives after the disaster and breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when they just felt a breath and thought they had escaped, there were earth-shaking noises from the invisible barrier between the inner and outer world.

Then a terrible black torrent surged again in the sound of barrier rupture, and the evil spirit overwhelmed them. Although these breaths are not as powerful as those evil beasts that have just entered the core area, the number is obviously seven or eight times more, reaching millions.

Such a large number of monarchy beasts gathered together, and the black torrent formed to deter those chaotic strong is not much worse than the black beast torrent formed by the internal beasts.

Under the panic, all the chaotic strong men restrained their breath again and took the initiative to get out of the way. Even those ancient emperors did not rise up.

Although these monarchy beasts cannot threaten them, they are numerous. In addition, they have seen the attack methods of those beasts. The black negative energy is more restrained by them, and it is better to avoid fighting as much as possible.

Therefore, all the laws and emperors are wisely silent, not only because they are afraid of these beasts, but also because they are afraid that fighting with these monarchic beasts will lead out those evil beasts that have entered the core area.

All the chaotic strong are silent, as quiet as good babies.

Although their hearts were full of doubts and fears, they all chose to be silent.

Only the previous ancient emperors gathered together to find ways to deduce the origin of these evil beasts. However, no matter how they deduce, they only find that the sky is chaotic, the laws of heaven and earth are chaotic, and nothing can be calculated.

I don't know why these evil beasts appeared and where did they come from?

Is it possible to be bred by these huge mountains?

They don't know that these evil beasts have actually existed for a long time, and their existence is only longer than these huge mountains, and even these huge mountains appear because of them.

It turns out that these beasts are the core of those huge mountains, which is the reason for the terrorist explosion after the huge mountains are devastated. They are all exotic creatures sealed by the aborigines of the fallen ruins. These creatures are naturally evil and only know how to destroy them, but their strength is almost endless and difficult to kill. Later, the aborigines of the fallen ruins came up with a way to seal these evil beasts in huge mountains through Special seals extract their energy, weaken them, make them slowly weaken, and destroy them when their energy weakens and can be killed.

The reason why these huge mountains in the ruins of the fallen mountains are so huge is also due to the continuous absorption of the energy of these evil beasts as nutrients.

The energy in the body of the evil beast is full of endless negative breath, which can be said to be completely a force opposite to the energy in the chaotic demon gods and chaotic beasts in the chaotic universe. If the chaotic demon god, the law energy in the chaotic beast body, the original power is a positive energy, then the energy of these evil beasts is It is a kind of negative energy.

is full of destructiveness, which does not come from the power of the law of destruction, but from a force that erodes all laws.

As long as they rely on positive energy to survive, the strong people who cultivate the positive energy of the universe will be disgusted with this negative energy.

If a large amount of negative energy begins to appear in the universe, it means that the universe is coming to an end, and naturally there will not be such energy in the chaotic universe in adolescence.

This negative energy does not refer to the original forces such as killing, death, decay, and darkness. The two are completely unmatched. The original forces such as killing, death and decay are still the positive energy of the universe, because they are also one of the many laws that make up the universe, and there is also a place in the origin of the universe.

And the negative energy of these evil beasts is completely different from the power outside the law energy. It does not belong to the law. It exists to destroy the law and then destroy the universe. After all, the law is the foundation of the universe. Without the law, the universe will collapse.

There is no such energy in the place where the universe originated.

This energy will appear only when the end of the universe comes and the whole universe comes to an end, so this black negative energy can also be called the power of the end.

The beasts that are completely the final power in their bodies cannot be destroyed so easily, because they themselves represent the end. As long as the black negative energy in their bodies is still sufficient, it is extremely difficult for the rule controllers to kill them. It is precisely because of this that the aborigines who have fallen mountains choose to seal them. .

Create a special array, slowly transform the final power in their bodies into harmless positive energy, nourish and seal their huge mountains, wait for them to fall into a weak state, and then kill and destroy them.

Who knows that before that time, the aborigines of the fallen ruins were attacked by a terrorist strongman and wiped out in an instant. On the contrary, these evil beasts fell asleep and survived because of the weakening of energy.

Until the aftermath of the Thunder King's battle broke the seal hidden in the blood moon and black sun, causing all the evil beasts to wake up and break out.

Now, these black beasts have devoured a lot of energy into the final power they need to supplement themselves. Although they have not returned to their heyday, they have been out of their weak state, and the chaotic strongmen have lost the best time to kill them.

After all, although they are almost invincible end beasts, they can still be killed once they fall into weakness.

In fact, if the emperors who come to explore the ruins of the fallen mountains are willing to take risks to attack those huge mountains and destroy all the huge mountains of the ruins of the fallen mountains, these evil beasts will not appear. Unfortunately, they missed the best time to kill them. When they are sleeping, it is their weakest moment and the only thing they can The moment to kill them.

But at this moment, with the broken seal, they woke up in time, absorbed a lot of energy, and got out of the weak state.