Wind control

Chapter 41 Popular Array

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-11-1 15:37:59 The number of words in this chapter: 2965

"See your uncle!"

At this moment, with the appearance of the old man in Xuanyi, a group of disciples of Tianji Academy in the Tianji Hall quickly got up to salute, and Feng Ruo also saluted him. Although the old man had no hope of hitting the golden elixir period, it was also the existence that these people looked up to.

The old man in Xuanyi looked kind and waved to Feng Ruo and others casually. His eyes, like a deep pool and a sea, swept quickly. Perhaps because Feng Ruo came here for the first time, the old man in Xuanyi looked at him more, but he didn't say anything.

But the momentum flowing from the old man's hands and feet can make people feel involuntarily afraid, and even Ningyuan and others have become respectful.

Sitting on the futon at the top of the Tianji Hall, the old man in Xuanyi sighed softly, as if he was talking to himself: "Yesterday, one of the three generations of disciples of Tianshuyuan entered the late stage of qi refining. So far, there are more than ten disciples in the later stage of Tianshuyuan. Is ?"

The old man in Xuanyi shook his head and sighed, and then said, "What I explained today is the popular formation method of one of the four basic formations. Those who have no potential to lay the array can leave by themselves!"

"No way! Is it a formation again? After the old man in Xuanyi finished speaking, many disciples of Tianjiyuan who were sitting below began to complain in a low voice, and then left one after another. Because the auxiliary immortal cultivation is divided into many kinds, it is impossible to spend all the power on it, especially the array, which has always been the most complex auxiliary immortal cultivation and can have high potential. The quality is really rare!

So in a blink of an eye, there are only seven or eight people left here, including Feng Ruo.

At this time, the old man in Xuanyi looked at Feng Ruo again, but he was not surprised, because these professors who assisted in immortal cultivation were completely free. As long as they wanted to learn, no one would take care of it.

"The popular array is like a mountain array, back to the ūn array. The Qingyang array is the four most basic arrays in the immortal world. The function is to increase the speed and improve the dodge ability. The most commonly used place is the cloak of the suit, and various levels of combat boots. Of course, if you are lucky enough to advance This formation is engraved when refining the flying sword, which can greatly improve the speed of the flying sword!"

The old man in Xuanyi didn't care about the Feng Ruo people below, but said to himself above. Feng Ruo even suspected that if there was only one person left, the old man would explain without any difference.

"The first thing you need to arrange the popular array is the five elements stone. Generally speaking, the five elements stone of the five genera of gold, wood, water, fire and earth can be used to arrange, but the effect can only barely reach 50%, and only the five elements stone of the wind can play the greatest effect, but this kind of five elements stone of Scarce, I have lived for nearly 300 years, and I have never seen one with my own eyes!"

As the old man in Xuanyi explained, his eyes also followed the god of remembrance, which made Feng Ruo feel that the old man's experience in the past three hundred years must be very colorful.

"The second is the characterization of the popular array method, but there are two methods about the characterization. The first one is the simplest, which is made of specialized meén instruments, indexed by its own mana, and portrayed little by little. The advantage of this method is that it is easy to practice and the requirements are not high, but it can only

"The second kind of characterization is a device that does not need to be dedicated to mén, but is directly portrayed in the void with mana. The advantage of this method is that it is easy to make mistakes, and the power will be greatly improved, but the person who can use this method has a very high array. The man of the gift!"

"Wait and take a closer look!"

When the old man in Xuanyi said this, he suddenly had a little more than a foot long in his hand, and the whole was dark gold, which seemed to be a little like a má pen in the mortal world, but the front end was very hard, and there was a piece of light blue paper in his other hand.

He didn't see any movement. He saw that the light blue paper rose without wind and floated vertically in the air, and then the dark gold pen in the old man's hand was quickly engraved on the paper, but there seemed to be no trace left on the paper.

But Feng Ruo and others did not dare to question at all. They all remembered it desperately, but when the old man's characterization was completed, Feng Ruo also wrote down half of the trajectory of the dark gold pen, which made him very frustrated!

At this time, the old man put down the dark gold pen, took off the light blue paper, and began to fold it quickly. Only for a few breaths, a lifelike light blue paper crane appeared in front of Feng Ruo and others.

"It's a popular crane!" Feng Ruo couldn't help exclaiming at this time. This thing is the best choice for short-distance transmission of information. For example, his cheap master Mu Hanyan once sent him a message with a more advanced popular crane, but ordinary three generations of disciples are not qualified to use this thing at all, because the price is too high, but he did not think of it today I'm lucky to see the process of making a popular crane!

It was only Feng Ruo's words that fell, and the other disciples of Tianji Academy immediately looked at him with a very idiotic look. Obviously, he seemed to have said something stupid!

"Hehe! This is not a popular crane, because the popular crane is portrayed by a more advanced popular array, and it requires all kinds of means. The paper crane I made is just to show you the effect of the popular array!"

The old man in Xuanyi said and casually threw the light blue paper crane into the air. Suddenly, the lifelike paper crane flew quickly in the Tianji Hall by itself. The speed was actually about the same as that of the flying mount white feather crane, but unfortunately, because it was not embedded in the five-eground stone, the paper crane only flew a circle After that, it turned into a piece of paper and floated down again.

This scene is not only very funny, but also the other people are eager to try. After all, they are not very old, and this kind of fun thing will not be missed.

"I'll wait for another demonstration for you. If you can't learn it, it's enough to prove that you have nothing to do with the formation!" The god of the old man in Xuanyi is still calm and indifferent, but the disciples of those Tianji Academy looked at Feng Ruo provocatively. They all have some formation foundation. As long as they read it again, they can definitely learn it, but Feng Ruo is a newcomer. This popular array, such as the mountain array, is more complicated, so you don You can't learn it either!

Feng Ruo was calm in his heart. He had already remembered half of the old man's demonstration before. Originally, he felt a little regret, but now as long as he demonstrated it again, he can definitely learn this popular formation!

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