Wind control

Chapter 42 Popular Mount

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-11-1 15:37:59 Words in this chapter: 3119

The old man in Xuanyi didn't say more. He directly used the dark gold pen to quickly carve it on the paper, and the people below Feng Ruo stared at it without blinking, for fear of missing a little detail.

Soon, the popular array was finished, and the old man in Xuanyi demonstrated how to fold it into a paper crane. Then he calmly looked at Feng Ruo and others, and then took out a pile of light blue paper and distributed it to everyone.

"These are ten green crane papers. You can practice by yourself. If you can depict successfully and inlay the five elements stone, the best quality, I will reward a popular mount!"

After saying this, the old man in Xuanyi waved his long sleeves and sat his green crane and drifted away!

"Ha! Popular mounts! It's only me!" At this time, a ten-year-old disciple of Tianji Academy laughed proudly. Obviously, he was very confident in himself.

"Hey! Brother Xu is the array genius of this court. There must be no problem, but I don't know what the popular mount is? If it were a green crane, Brother Xu, you would have made a lot of money!" Another disciple of Tianji Academy was a little flattering.

"Hmm! Thinking of you, the green yù fairy crane is the best popular mount, and the uncle only made such one. How can he reward us? But even if it's not a green crane, it shouldn't be too far away!" Brother Xu thought complacently.

Listening to the conversation of these people, Feng Ruo just silently put away his ten green crane papers. For the popular mount mentioned by the old man in Xuanyi, he understood that this kind of mount is completely made of popular array. The flight speed is extremely fast and he will not be tired. As long as there are enough five elements stone to consume, he can Keep flying, so if the monks in the immortal world travel long distances, they will use this kind of popular mount if they have the conditions.

However, the only drawback of this popular mount is that it cannot fight, so in generally dangerous areas, monks still prefer to use flying spirit beasts as mounts.

At this time, Brother Xu and others saw that Feng Ruo put away the ten pieces of green crane paper, and they all made a sarcastic expression. Although they were afraid of the strength shown by Feng Ruo before, they had an absolute advantage in terms of formation.

"Hey! Who is that, Feng Ruo, right? The cost of green crane paper is not low. You don't have to spend it. I bought it with five five elements stones. If you want to talk about the array, you need to talk about talent. You haven't even learned the mountain array. How can you portray the popular array?

Brother Xu said with some authority, and the rest of them nodded repeatedly, looking very reasonable.

"Oh, isn't it?" Feng Ruo glanced at them faintly. If he hadn't written down the popular array, he might have really sold these ten green cranes to them, but now, it's another matter!

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. In fact, I also want to play with a popular mount!" Feng Ruo smiled politely at Brother Xu, turned around and left.

"You--" Brother Xu pointed to Ruo's back, but he was so angry that he didn't say anything for a long time.

He didn't pay attention to this little song at all. What he is thinking about now is how to portray the successful popular array. This is not to get the popular mount of the reward, but he is really interested.

Unfortunately, Feng Ruo doesn't have the tools to portray it at all now. Even if he runs to Tiandengshan Market now, it is useless.

"Otherwise, try to carve your mind by yourself?" This idea suddenly came to Feng Ruo's mind.

After thinking about it, he decided not to go to Dongfeng today, but returned to his newly owned courtyard. After opening the protective array, he entered the quiet room to start painting.

For this mental portrayal, even the old man in Xuanyi said that it was extremely difficult. Feng Ruo was not sure at all. Fortunately, he just thought it was interesting, so it didn't matter if he could make it.

After revisiting the characterization steps of the popular array, Feng Ruo released his mana little by little without distractions, and then carved it on the green crane paper. This process was like an invisible pen on the green crane paper.

But this mana is not as good as the real pen, because the purity of jīng is different, and the amount of release is different, so the invisible pen is changing every moment. If the traces left can be seen, you can see the strange appearance of thickness and crookedness!

If it's just a simple line, or there is no big problem, but the popular formation is very complicated, so Feng Ruo just portrayed it for a while, and the green crane paper turned into ashes with a sound.

"It's really hard!" Feng Ruo shook his head and sighed, but he didn't stop at all. He still controlled the mana and portrayed it. Soon, the second green crane paper also turned into ashes.

"It doesn't seem to work like this. The number of green crane paper is not enough!" After thinking about it, Feng Ruo found more than a dozen broken animal skins from the storage belt, which were the results of his previous hunting of first-class spirit beasts. Because there were too many wounds, the animal skins were fragmented, but now it can be used to depict the wind formation. Anyway, this formation only needs to have a carrier. As for success I don't expect it at all. It's just to improve my proficiency.

These broken animal skins are indeed tougher than the green crane paper. Each piece can be portrayed four or five times, and finally turned into ashes. After he has exhausted more than a dozen pieces of animal skins, his mana is completely exhausted, but it is not fruitless. He can now successfully portray half of the popular array, thinking If he had a special characterization tool, he would have already finished it.

The second layer of the heart formula of the running Qingyun formula. After sitting cross-legged for several hours, most of the mana in his body recovered, but he didn't have time to rest, and directly carved it on the remaining eight green cranes!

Finally, on the last piece of green crane paper, Feng Ruo successfully carved a popular array with his heart!

Without hesitation, he folded this green crane paper into a paper crane according to the method of the old man in Xuanyi, but this was only half successful. The last step was to inlay the five elements stone!

The so-called inlay is not the kind of putting the two together roughly, but requires magic power to transfer the power in the five elements stone to the paper crane, just like Feng Ruo refined the flame power in the five elements stone to the long knife.

This link requires enough mana from the implementer, not only one side of the living five-element stone, but also a part of the mana to protect the paper crane from damage, which is much more difficult than refining weapons!

But the more like this, the more challenging Feng Ruo feels! After a short rest, he began the inlay of the five elements stone!