Wind control

Chapter 106 Thousands of Mountains and Rain

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-11-1 15:38:03 Number of words in this chapter: 4707

A bright light quietly flashed in the dark quiet room, and then the soft light completely enveloped the quiet room inch by inch. The whole process lasted for at least several breaths. If someone was here, he would be extremely surprised.

"What? Is it really strange?" Feng Ruo looked at the wooden spirit stone in his hand strangely and looked around the wall around the quiet room. He had seen the light emitted by the wooden spirit stone before. Although it was soft, it was not like now, as if the light had been swallowed up by something, so the previous tishness appeared. A different situation.

However, Feng Ruo did not find anything wrong with the wooden stone, and the surrounding walls seemed to be normal.

"Is it the illusion that your eyes have been in the dark for a long time?" Feng Ruo could only find an excuse for himself, so he quickly took out sixty-four wooden five-elong stones from the storage belt and laid a positive and negative mountain array around the quiet room. Although this place does not have the assistance of heaven and earth, it is thought that this positive and negative mountain array should still play more than 60% of the defense effect. .

After arranging all this, Feng Ruo began to hold the wooden spirit stone to operate the Aoki spirit formula, and what made him feel at ease was that in this environment without the spirit of heaven and earth, the aura in the wooden spirit stone did not decrease at all.

In just a few hours, the mana in Feng Ruo's body has been completely restored. After he stopped the operation of the Qingmu Lingjue and put away the wooden spirit stone, he suddenly found a very strange thing, that is, there was a little aura in his quiet room, although the aura was so weak that even let People should ignore the past.

But this reiki does exist!

Feng Ruo's first reaction was that the Muling Stone leaked out. In shock, he quickly took out the Muling Stone to have a look, but what puzzled him was that the aura in the Muling Stone had not been reduced at all, and even the aura he had consumed when he operated the skills had been replenished!

"What's going on?" Feng Ruo suddenly jumped up. This matter is amazing. Don't see that he can secretly absorb the aura from the wooden spirit stone, but if there is a trace of aura in his quiet room, doesn't this make people think that they have a high-level spirit stone?

"It's strange that this aura should not come from the wooden spirit stone, so where did it come from?" Feng Ruo put away the wooden spirit stone, adjusted his mood to the calmest state, and carefully looked at the source of this weak aura.

Until half an hour later, there was an incredible god on Feng Ruo's face, because this weak aura disappeared!

"Is this place really weird?" Feng Ruo, who was full of doubts, could only sigh and said that he had to give up looking for the source of this strange thing. Anyway, it was good that aura could disappear automatically.

After estimating the time, there are still about two or three hours before sunset, and Feng Ruo is not in a hurry to go out. In fact, he has already made up his mind that he must go out for daily hunting, even if there is no harvest. In this way, he can explain why he can have enough mana every day.

In addition, Feng Ruo is really not worried about hunting four-level spirit beasts. How can he miss this kind of training of his mind?

After thinking about it, Feng Ruo took out the two abandoned spiritual sands. To be honest, he was still curious about this kind of thing that was no different from ordinary sand.

"What?" But when Feng Ruo took out the two abandoned Lingsha, he suddenly jumped up again like a ghost!

Because he suddenly found that these two spiritual sands, which had been abandoned for a long time, were full of heaven and earth!

"This--" Feng Ruo thought he was very calm, but at this moment, he was really moving and strange, and he couldn't help breathing.

"Wow! It's really Lingsha, it's true!" After a long time, Feng Ruo came to his senses. After confirming that this was not his illusion, he immediately thought of a key question. Before that, he put these two almost negligible abandoned sands into the box containing wooden spirit stones for convenience. That box was specially made by him with several pieces of hundred-year spirit wood. In this way, it can greatly reduce the leakage of aura.

But now, these two abandoned spiritual sands have regained the spirit of heaven and earth!

"It must be related to the wooden spirit stone! Could it be that--" Feng Ruo opened his mouth, and Qi Xiang's previous introduction swirled like lightning in his mind.

'... In addition to this spiritual sand, the sea of dead wood also has two things that can supplement mana, the spirit stone and the spirit crystal. Needless to say, the spiritual stone is a divine object that can be called the creation of heaven and earth. It is said that as long as you have this thing, you can never worry about the lack of heaven and It exists in the legend, and no monk has ever been able to find...'

"Lingjing! Lingjing!" Feng Ruo read it silently in his heart several times. He had an impulse before, because the special of the wooden spirit stone seemed to be too similar to the spirit crystal described by Qi Xiang, but Qi Xiang could not say the characteristics of the spirit crystal, so he didn't think much about it, but now, this wooden spirit stone can actually restore the abandoned spirit sand. At the beginning, doesn't this mean that there is a great relationship between the two? Because if it is a real spiritual stone, it can't have such a magical effect.

Suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, Feng Ruo put away the two spiritual sands, and then got up and left the quiet room. Now he must find a few abandoned spiritual sands to test. If the wooden spiritual stones can really bring these spiritual sands back to life, then he will really make a lot of money!

He stumbled out of the dark passage. Feng Ruo first closed his eyes for a moment, because the light in the hall outside was too bright, even with his current strength, he had to adapt to it.

However, when Feng Ruo opened his eyes again, he was immediately stunned. At least fifteen or sixteen nv in this hall were staring at him with different expressions. Needless to say, this is the hunting team of thousands of mountains.

"What are you panicking about? Is there a ghost behind it?" At this time, the nv sitting at the head of the hall casually asked. Listening to her voice, it was Qianshan last night.

However, at this time, she did not wear the depressing black suit, but wore a light purple long skirt, her hair was lightly untied, and she was a little lazy and half leaning on the spacious and comfortable seat. A slender hand like blue yù was taking a fresh fruit from the yù cup in front of her. Sakura was slightly open, He took a small bite and looked very enjoyed.

"Uh-no ghost, it's just too dark!" Feng Ruo smiled, but his heart flashed the lazy amorous feelings of the moment before Qianshan. Now even he has to admit that this nv person is very interesting.

"Puff!" Feng Ruo's words immediately caused a few nv's laughter, and even Qianshan couldn't help laughing.

"It's raining, it's okay to be idle, just put a few luminous beads on that passage! Anyway, there are a lot of things. It seems that our guests are afraid of the dark!" Qianshan was obviously in a good mood. He said something casually and continued to enjoy the spiritual fruit.

"Yes! Sister Qianshan!" The nv son, known as the falling rain, was the cold nv person who had placed Feng Ruo before. At this time, she answered very reluctantly, and then strongly signaled Feng Ruo to get out of here with her eyes.

Feng Ruo just pretended to ignore this look, and then bowed to the nv, and then left along the edge of the hall.

"Hmm! Falling rain, I think it's more appropriate to call it falling ice!"

Walking through the long passage, when Feng Ruo came to the spacious hall yesterday, he found that it was actually very lively. Under a huge luminous pearl in the center, dozens of monks were gathering there to talk loudly about something. Listening to their words, it seemed that they were exchanging their own immortal objects.

Feng Ruo had nothing to change, so he just looked around and found that he could not find the abandoned Lingsha on the ground, so he stood quietly and watched.

Just a moment later, Feng Ruo understood the rules of these people. These people didn't seem to need anyone to host them, so they looked coaxed, but in fact, everyone was extremely clear, and they were all bartered and never used low-grade five-ecut stones to give Feng Ruo a sense of feeling. It feels like the low-quality five elements stone has been devalued here.

After looking at it for a while, Feng Ruo was a little tasteless, because all these people changed were all kinds of immortal cultivation materials that he had not even heard of, and there were no magic weapons he wanted at all, and he didn't even see the spiritual stone.

"Little brother, are you also ready to go hunting after sunset?" At this time, a familiar voice suddenly sounded aside. Feng Ruo looked back, but it was Qi Xiang.

"Oh! It turned out to be Brother Qi. Is your injury much better?

For this Qi Xiang, Feng Ruo still has a good impression, so he also feels very kind when talking.

"Hehe! It's okay. There's nothing we can do about it. If it's somewhere else, it only takes a few days to heal, but here, it needs Lingsha to slowly recover!" Qi Xiang sighed with some emotion.

Hearing Qi Xiang's words, Feng Ruo thought about it and handed over the two spiritual sands that had been restored as before, "Brother Qi, this is what I just exchanged, and I just returned it to you!"

"Little brother can't! My injury will heal in a few days. You can keep these two spiritual sands by yourself for a rainy day. If you haven't gone out hunting, you won't understand the preciousness of this spiritual sand!" Qi Xiang shook his head and refused.

"Hey! I understand. Don't worry, brother. I have recovered my mana now. These two Lingsha still have the greatest effect on my brother. Maybe you can go out to hunt one day earlier!" Feng Ruo smiled and couldn't help stuffing the two Lingsha into Qi Xiang's hands.

"It's okay! Just think that I owe my little brother another favor!" This time, Qi Xiang did not refuse.

Feng Ruo was about to ask Qi Xiang what he needed to pay attention to when he went hunting when he suddenly heard someone shouting in a loud voice, "No way! Today, someone was exiled again. The strength of these two people is really good. They actually arrived an hour before sunset, which is much better than the six garbage yesterday!"