Wind control

Chapter 107 Accidental Visitors

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-11-1 15:38:04 Number of words in this chapter: 4831

At this time, when they heard the news that another exile was coming, many monks who were still talking and laughing loudly under the night light suddenly snorted and gathered on the passage in and out of the castle, as if they were very interested in the new exiles.

"They are trying to attract! In this sea of dead wood, as long as the exiles have strength, they will be pulled over by the Batian and others. At this time, Qi Xiang explained for Feng Ruo, "Usually, the less time is spent on the way from the transmission array to this ancient castle, the stronger the strength."

"Oh, that's it!" Feng Ruo nodded. No wonder the six of them were not welcomed yesterday.

While talking, the big meén of the ancient castle has been opened, and the latter two figures came in one after another. Looking at their appearance, it seems that there is still room for strength. Compared with the few people sealed yesterday, it is far from each other. What's more surprising is that one of the two people's strength is only in the early stage Period.

"Haha! He is also a disciple of Zhentian Sect. I don't know what you two call him? How about joining our hunting team? At this moment, there are already monks who enthusiastically invite Taoism.

"I'm sorry, everyone, the two of us will only be exiled in this dry sea for one year, so it won't be troublesome!" At this time, the exile in the foundation period held his fist politely, but the handsome man behind him always looked around with sharp eyes, as if he was looking for something.

I heard that the exile time of these two people was only one year, and everyone's enthusiasm suddenly dropped and scattered one after another. These exiles led by the three people, who dominated the sky, basically stayed in the sea of dead wood for a long time, so they were completely two people with those short-term exiles.

Feng Ruo is not very interested in these two new disciples of Zhentianzong, because he still relies on himself in this sea of dead wood.

Unexpectedly, after the two walked around the hall casually, they came to Feng Ruo. The disciple of Zhentianzong in the foundation period asked with a smile, "Is this brother also from Zhentianzong? What a coincidence! In Yao Xing, this is the younger brother who doesn't speak. I don't know what to call him?

"Oh! It turned out to be Brother Yao, who was in Fengruo. Feng Ruo also saluted slightly, but his eyes glanced over the disciple of Zhen Tianzong, who was speechless. Because somehow, the man's eyes seemed to be very strange, but he couldn't find the problem there, and he was sure that he had never seen the two people.

"Ha! I don't know how long Brother Feng Ruo has been here? By the way, we have been out of this sea of dead wood for a long time!" Yao Xing seems to be particularly enthusiastic.

"Actually, I just came yesterday! Brother Yao, you're welcome. Please go!" Feng Ruo nodded and turned around and left. Yao Xing and Buyu made him feel very wrong, so it's better to leave a distance away.

When Feng Ruo's figure disappeared into the darkness in the corner, Yao Xing suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Is this the person? Such a straw bag in the middle of gas refining, why do you have to fight so much? I caught him and tortured him severely to ensure that he would even spit out his ancestors for eight generations!"

"It's not that simple!" The silent man suddenly smiled strangely, "I observed this person secretly for three months, and then I found the secret by chance. Speaking of which, I really want to thank Qiu yù, the self-righteous bitch. She only identified the remnant of the royal swordsmanship that had no value at all, but never knew it in her. What is the most valuable side?

At this point, he glanced at Yao Xing and said, "Don't worry, as long as you can get this secret, you will naturally be indispensable. At that time, it is not a problem to break through the realm of the golden elixir period, but the premise is that you have to be loyal!"

"Don't worry, my subordinates will be covered with their brains to repay Mo Shao's kindness, but what should we do now? That boy doesn't seem to trust us!" Yao Xing asked quietly with some excitement.

"Don't worry, he just came and didn't know the power of the sea of dead wood. In a few days, he won't refuse!"


Night, very quiet!

At least on the surface.

Now the horror beast that appeared after sunset has long passed, and the world is as quiet as a ghost field. If it hadn't been for my own experience, I'm afraid no one would have thought that just before a hot tea, the world was still shrouded in the boundless, dazzling light!

Now, there is only a round of pale crescent moon left in the dark sky, and the cold light is also true and fantastic, and I don't know whether it belongs to dream or reality!

The foot sounded, with a fine sand, and a weak creaking sound, which was a little frightening under this strange moon.

Feng Ruo exhaled gently and shook it with his right hand. This kind of night reminded him of the cold winter day without any vitality.

No other monks could be seen in the field of vision. The hunting team led by Ba Tian and other three people rushed out of the castle quickly when the beast had just passed, and then released the strange land mount, but disappeared in an instant. According to Qi Xiang, their powerful hunting teams had to run out every time. Hundreds of miles or even thousands of miles away.

In addition to these three strongest hunting teams, followed by more than a dozen self-hunting exiles, including the five Qin brothers who came here with Fengruo yesterday. Their hunting range should be within dozens of miles.

If Feng Ruo was the last one to walk out of the ancient castle, his unhurried attitude made the two monks guarding the ancient castle beautiful.

It's very quiet and cold. This is what Feng Ruo felt after moving forward hundreds of feet.

Through the pale moon, you can faintly see a faint silver light flashing on the sand dunes in the distance. It must be the so-called spiritual sand.

However, the three hunting teams, including Ba Tian, obviously disdained to collect these spiritual sands. They have stronger strength to hunt those high-level spiritual beasts or collect various spiritual stones.

Of course, Brother Qin and others have to find a way to collect these spiritual sand, and if they are lucky, they can also meet the inferior spiritual stones. This is the magic of the dead wood sea. There is no heaven and earth, but there will be all kinds of spiritual stones and spiritual sand in this boundless sand sea!

Feng Ruo did not collect those Lingsha. The reason why he walked out of the ancient castle was to be familiar with the environment here, and to test the difference between ordinary sand and Lingsha in the sea of dead wood.

Because he always thinks that those Lingsha should not be much different from ordinary sand grains, but they have been changed for some reason.

Squat up, Feng Ruo picked up more than a dozen sand grains from the ground and put them into the box containing the wooden spirit stone. Now he only needs to wait. After a few hours, the truth will naturally be clear.

However, just as Feng Ruo was about to stand up, he suddenly frowned slightly, because at that moment, an extremely faint light flashed at the big mén of the ancient castle, which was formed by the moon to the pupil.

"Someone is observing themselves?"

Feng Ruo guessed this possibility at the first time. Although there were still two guards in the castle, they were in the castle, and the moonlight did not shine on them at all.

"Is it Yao Xing and He Yu?"

As if nothing had happened, Feng Ruo continued to move forward slowly. According to the experience gained from Qi Xiang, near the ancient castle, there is generally only the weakest dead wood scorpion, and this kind of dead wood poisonous scorpion will be hidden under the Lingsha because it absorbs the heaven and earth gas in the Lingsha.

In this way, as long as Hu Lun doesn't leave, or leaves too far away, there will be no danger.

And Feng Ruo is not going to hunt the dead wood poisonous scorpion now. According to his plan, if his wooden spirit stone is really a spiritual crystal and can turn ordinary sand into spiritual sand, then he naturally does not have to risk hunting.

In the next period of time, it is best for him to break through his cultivation to the later stage of refining, so that in the case of a significant increase in the total amount of mana, he will find a way to buy the advanced spell wrapped in green silk - ten feet of green silk!

As long as he can learn this advanced spell, the chance of life-saving will definitely increase significantly!

In addition, it is the sword spirit of the wood. Unfortunately, this dead wood sea, not to mention the spirit wood, even if there is no grass, even if he wants to absorb the innate wood evil, there is nothing he can do.

However, the dead trees in the sea of dead wood are everywhere, so Feng Ruoso wanted to have a try. If the dead wood here can have innate wood evil, then for him, this is really a blessed place.

He walked nearly a hundred feet forward again. Feng Ruo stopped in front of a dead tree and looked around carefully. After confirming that there would be no dead wood poisonous scorpion nearby, he put his hand on the dry trunk with some nervousness.

"What?" After touching the trunk, Feng Ruo was stunned for a moment, because the touch of the dead wood was actually a little similar to that of the castle. Previously, because of the dim light, he didn't care much about how the castle was built, but now it seems that the castle was transformed by a giant tree?

This idea did not affect Feng Ruo's action. He directly entered a mana into it, but what disappointed him was that this mana did not receive any response, just like a mud cow into the sea.

Just as Feng Ruo was about to stop this useless move, his mana suddenly sensed a strange but familiar bō movement. Unfortunately, the bō movement only flashed by, and then it never appeared again. Until he consumed nearly 30% of his mana, there was still no movement!

"Strange? Is it your own illusion?" Feng Ruo was a little reluctant to think about it, but now he can't try any more. After all, this is not a safe place. If the mana is consumed too much, the consequences will be very serious.

"It's okay! Since this kind of bō movement can occur, it has finally gained some gains. Let's try again later!"

(Thank you for your reward and support! Haha! I strongly recommend it. Let's be a little proud first! Of course, this is the support of brothers and sisters! Lazy birds won't let you down!)