Wind control

Chapter 105 The Rune of Immortals

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-12-17 1:48:30 Words in this chapter: 4069

"A collection of nine kinds of forces?"

Feng Ruo was stunned by the words of the old man Jiu Jue. He was never strange to power, and he had always been pursuing it. From fighting in his childhood to stepping on the battlefield, and then entering the immortal world, what he longed for was the powerful power

But he has never thought about the difference between these forces, because he only pursues to strengthen himself

"It's good to gather nine pure forces between heaven and earth"

The image of the old man Jiujue was suddenly bright and dark, gathered and scattered, and even his voice became unpredictable. However, he did not immediately explain which of these nine forces were, but changed the topic and said, "You must have seen that kind of rune before. This rune does not belong to our world. It is called Xianzhi. Runes are said to be the common text in the fairyland"

"Fairy Rune?"

Feng Ruo was shocked. No wonder he didn't understand no matter how he looked at it before. It turned out that those runes were so big

"I accidentally got a fragment of a piece of fairy runes, on which there were nine fairy runes. Although there were only nine fairy runes, the light of the poor old man for nearly a thousand years only realized a layer of skin má. As for my nine-day flowing clouds, it was also understood from then on, but Because I still couldn't see through the nine fairy runes, I had to take a compromise method to gather nine pure powers to replace the nine fairy runes"

When the old man Jiujue said this, he suddenly glanced at Feng Ruo and said with a smile, "You must be very strange. I'm afraid that the fairy runes you saw before are hundreds of millions, and they are different. How can there be only nine? In fact, all of them were realized by the old man himself from the nine fairy runes in thousands of years. It is not the real fairy runes, because the real fairy runes, even if you just look at them, or close to a hundred feet, your cultivation will be killed in an instant, and the old man was distracted in the middle of the middle. The strength can suppress the debris"

"You may not know that my nine-day stream of clouds arranged in Jianlu Valley is not to suppress the fire spring, but to suppress the debris under the ground of Jiuganzhang. This thing does not belong to our world. Once you are born, it will cause a great disaster. Although you are not my biological brother, now it seems that maybe One day in the future, you can master the nine-day flowing clouds. You must remember that at that time, you must re-arrange the nine-day flowing clouds, because the effect of the nine-day flowing clouds will only exist for 10,000 years. If it can't be suppressed again, it is likely that the debris will be reborn. The reason why I will stay Do you understand this image because you are worried about this matter?

Speaking of this, the old man's eyes suddenly became extremely fierce. Although he was just an image, the pressure almost made Feng Ruo out of breath

"Well, the younger generation understands, but I'm afraid that the younger generation can't fully master the nine-day flowing clouds." Feng Ruo said helplessly, because the old man Fang made it clear that if he wanted to practice the nine-day flowing clouds, he had to master nine pure powers, which was really too difficult for him. If he barely The spiritual formula only mastered the two powers of Shuimu, which is far from it

"Hey hey, can you fully master it? That's the future. Now, I'll tell you about the nine forces needed to repair the nine-day flowing clouds. In fact, it's also very simple."

At this moment, the old man suddenly smiled strangely and said, "The first power is actually your body power. You don't need to deliberately look for this power, and you will naturally have it."

"The second power is the power of the soul, which is also a necessary assessment for you to see me at this moment. Only the power of the soul reaches a certain strength, and it is possible to enter the empty space where I am. You only need to practice in a normal way, and you can continue to strengthen, but the remaining seven forces Quantity, but you need to take the initiative to find it"

"And these seven forces are the forces that constitute our six worlds, that is, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, plus wind and thunder. Now you have barely mastered the two kinds of water and wood. If you add the mysterious fire that I left you, it is three, so you only need to find the last four forces. So it's not difficult to look at it this way"

"Uh, Xuanhui jīng? Senior, do you mean the flame? Feng Ruo was a little stunned. It turned out that all this was arranged in advance by this old man

"Ha ha, that's right. I deliberately left 360 pointed spiritual stones in the cave in that cave, and arranged them into a gathering array. Over the past few years, I naturally generated a pure mysterious fire. Originally, I intended to let you refine this mysterious fire in the future. , but I didn't expect that people were not as good as heaven. The mysterious fire actually generated wisdom, and then was taken away by you, and then became a split of yours. Fortunately, it's not a big deal to practice the nine-day flow of clouds here. So, I am very optimistic about you now. I hope you can gather the last four forces

Hearing this, Feng Ruo still asked suspiciously, "Senior, I still don't understand. If I have to gather nine forces according to what you said, then am I going to practice seven completely different skills? Is this too difficult? I'm reluctant to practice these two skills now. Let's not talk about the whole seven skills, which are guaranteed to be lun"

"Haha, you can think of this, which is very rare, but when did I tell you to practice the whole seven skills? You should know that you can't chew too much, that is, I myself, before I flew up, I just practiced two kinds of skills." The old man Jiujue shook his head and laughed for a while, and then said, "I just asked you to gather the nine kinds of strength, because it is necessary to fully master the nine-day flow of clouds, but Mastering these nine forces is like arranging arrays, which must require all kinds of five elements of stones. You can't rely on your own mana to arrange them all"

"Of course, if you can really fully possess these nine forces, I will also admire you very much, but no one has been able to do this in ancient times. In fact, if you can fully master the three forces of water, wood and fire, you will have few enemies in this world, but it is difficult, because mastering is Master, but if you want to reach the extreme, it's better to focus on a force"

Speaking of this, the image of the old man of Jiujue moved violently again until it gathered again for a long time, but at this time, Feng Ruo suddenly appeared, and the image had begun to become blurred

"Because I have to answer your many questions, I have to use a lot of strength. Therefore, the time for this wisp of distraction is running out. All the complete formulas of the nine-day flowing clouds are under the gathering array. In the future, you can only think about it by yourself, but you must remember it. Live, in any case, you must rearrange the nine flowing clouds again after thousands of years. Well, after my image disappears, the whole nihilistic space will also collapse. If you can finally fly up, we may have the opportunity to see each other again in the future..."

"Goodbye, as soon as the two words sounded, the image of the old man began to be recorded layer by layer like a dry rock. When his image completely turned into nothingness, Feng Ruo suddenly woke up from his sleep, and at this moment, goodbye, the echo of the two words still echoed in his ear, so that he I didn't figure out where it was?

After recovering, Feng Ruo immediately remembered the previous dream or the real experience. Anyway, this time finally got some gains

But he immediately had a headache again. Now he already knows that the formation formula of the nine-day flowing clouds is below, but the problem is that like the pile of spiritual stones, he can't take it away in full view of the public, so he has to stay here for the time being. Anyway, this matter is not urgent

As for the continued suppression of the fragment engraved with the fairy rune after thousands of years, it is far away from him, thousands of years? It's funny. He can live until then.

Thinking of the fairy rune mentioned by the old man of Jiujue, Feng Ruo suddenly remembered one thing, that is, the stone tablet he once saw in the Water Spirit Hall of the Jiushen Palace, on which was depicting something like the fairy rune, but at that time, he was so close, why didn't he suddenly kill?

Is it true that it is also a fake fairy rune? Or did the old man Jiujue also have a share when sealing the bloodthirsty demon dragon?

But it's not right. The five sects obviously don't know the secret of the Water Spirit Hall. If they know that what is suppressed below is an extremely powerful bloodthirsty demon dragon, I'm afraid they won't find a way to crack it, so the sealed person should have another existence

"Is it the handwriting of a fairy?" Feng Ruo couldn't help thinking about it. On that day, the white-bone wooden demon in the Dead Wood Sea once said that their wooden demon family had been defeated by some very experienced monks, and he also said something about breaking the barriers of the six worlds, but which of these six worlds? What about outside the six worlds?

"Alas, the world is really wonderful"

said strangely in his heart, Feng Ruo immediately threw out these distracting thoughts, then swept out of the cave, took the phantom sword, and rushed up. Now he has temporarily dealt with the matter of the nine-day flow of clouds, and the next thing he has to do is another very urgent and very important. The matter is to find an empty and uninhabited place and test how powerful your mysterious split will be? By the way, explore his potential, such as assisting refiners. Although he has become rich now, he also needs to be diligent and thrifty, right?