Wind control

Chapter 106 The Wizard

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-12-17 1:48:33 Words in this chapter: 4568

? Melt the Xuanhuo split into the phantom sword, and then return the sword to the scabbard, meaning to the essence. When Feng Ruo reopened his eyes, everything he saw was a little strange. In this time, he was used to seeing everything around him with the vision of the Xuanhuo split

Stamp up and as soon as Feng Ruo was about to leave, he heard a nv voice not far away and said, "This brother, please stay"

Looking at the sound, I saw a beautiful nv in a water blue long skirt and looking generous standing in the distance. Seeing him looking over, he immediately nodded and smiled slightly. Although this nv posture is not that kind of amazing beauty, it can give people a very reassuring feeling. Even if it is only the first meeting, it is easy to give People's favor

"Are you calling me?" Feng Ruo's eyes swept over the waist card on the nv, but he was the brother of Jianxinyuan

"Brother, I'm sorry to bother you. My name is Fu Jin. I joined Jianxin Academy three years ago. Can you do me a little favor?" That nv is a little reserved

"A little busy?" Feng Ruoyile, this kind of thing he encountered for the first time, "Okay, if it's a piece of work, I have no problem"

"Well, thank you, brother. I have begged a lot of people, but no one is willing to help." Fu Jin was a little overjoyed and cheered, but then smiled at Feng Ruo with some embarrassment. "But don't worry, brother, I won't delay you for a long time, and I can also Task "

"You still have something to do first" Feng Ruo couldn't help asking. If it's not a troublesome thing, then he doesn't mind helping this group of sisters of Jianxin Academy

"Well, that's it. I found a spirit fox in the cloud valley not long ago. It's really beautiful, very jick, and fun. I really want to subdue it, but it's too much. My sword flight is not good enough, and I don't want to hurt it, so I can't catch it at all Fu Jin's voice is getting smaller and smaller. Obviously, she also feels that this kind of thing is called "a small thing, which is actually very unorthodox

"In the Valley of Clouds? Catch the fox?" Feng Ruo frowned slightly. If he remembers correctly, Yungu should be close to the Diewu Mountains

"Yes, brother, you must help me. I have been working for many days, and no one paid attention to it, but I like that spirit fox so much. "Fu Jin is a little pitiful

"Well, what's the level of that spirit fox?" After thinking about it, Feng Ruo still agreed. Anyway, he now wants to find a remote place to try the power of the Xuanhuo split. What's more, it's all the same. It doesn't matter if he helps.

"Well, I don't know. I just think it's fun." Fu Jin is a little embarrassed

Hearing this, Feng Ruo was really speechless. It was just a spirit fox, which actually turned the little girl upside down. Isn't it the legendary fox demon is a man? Is it possible that it is a............

"Well, I don't have much time, so I'll go out immediately. Do you have any questions?"

"Well, I have no problem, but I still have two companions. I don't know if I can be together?" Fu Jin asked tentatively

"You casually nodded and then went to the layman, while Fu Jin greeted two men and one nv three people to follow closely

When he came out of this underground cave, Feng Ruo met an acquaintance, the cold roaring sky of Heming Courtyard. At the beginning, they once patrolled the dry wood sea together, and the relationship between them was neither bad, and behind the cold roaring sky was Ye Luo, which had not seen for a long time. Now he Still in the early stage of foundation

After everyone had a cold noise, Feng Ruo knew that the cold roaring leaves were also ready to go to the Cloud Valley near the Diewu Mountains to do the task

"Ha, this is just right. Let's go together. There are many people and it's more lively, but this time, if you don't slip away halfway. In the sea of dead wood, I ate sand for three years." The cold roared day laughed familiarly. In those years, the army of wooden demons in the sea of dead trees did Three years

"No problem" For Leng Xiaotian's proposal, Feng Ruo agreed painfully. Anyway, the purpose of his trip was also very easy

In the joke, everyone released their sword weapons one after another and flew all the way to the imperial sword under the peak of heaven, while Feng Ruo returned to his yard first to bring the white má ghost bat and silver armored sky spider. After all, there is a distance from the peak to the cloud valley. Although he can now fly with the sword, he will It's almost consumed

Under the peak, everyone changed to a flying mount and flew in the direction of Cloud Valley

There are four people in Leng Xiaotian's party. In addition to Ye Luo, there are also two brothers in the third courtyard in the early stage of foundation construction. If these two people are recognized by Feng Ruo, they are two of Ye Luo's four companions at the beginning

Ye Luo can no longer see the angular arrogance at the beginning, but it is replaced by a kind of depressing calmness. Except for the beginning of the cold noise, he no longer speaks, and even the smile is not seen at all

For this, it is not easy for Feng Ruo to ask the reason. On the contrary, Leng Xiaotian took the initiative to tell the reason. It turned out to be related to the exorcism task that Ye Luo and his four companions did two days ago?

Because recently, there have always been monks missing inexplicably near the Diewu Mountains, which makes people doubt whether the monsters in the Diewu Mountains come out to do monsters, and Wanxian City and Zhentianzong have jointly assigned a difficult task to exorcism. The rewards of this task are extremely rich, not only have high-quality magic weapons, Set, as well as a high-grade elixir, and up to 50,000 mén contribution

Originally, the upper limit of the number of people for this task was not less than ten people, but Ye Luo and other five people also received a lot of exorcism tasks this year, so they did not pay much attention to it. They just took it down at will. Unexpectedly, when passing through the cloud valley, they were suddenly attacked by several very powerful monks Unexpectedly, Ye Luo's two companions fell on the spot, and even Ye Luo himself was seriously injured, so he had to escape back

So, as soon as Ye Luo's injury recovered this time, he couldn't wait to find his cousin Leng Xiaotian to help revenge

After listening to the story of Leng Xiaotian, Feng Ruo understood why Ye Luo's expression was so depressing, but he vaguely felt a little strange, so he turned to Fu Jin behind him and asked, "Sister Fu, haven't you also been to Yungu a few days ago? Is there anything wrong with it?

"Ah? No, I found the spirit fox outside the cloud valley, and then chased it into the cloud valley until it got into a dark place. I didn't dare to enter it myself, so I was looking for help everywhere "

"Oh" Feng Ruo nodded and asked Ye Luo next to him, "Brother Ye, are the people who attacked you San Xiu or Menpai?"

"It should be that there are six people in total. It seems that their strength is in the early stage of foundation building, but the action is extremely fierce. The whole process is not a word, just a desperate attack. In addition, I can't see anything wrong with it." Ye Luo seriously recalled

"I'm afraid it's not that simple for everyone to stop first. We have to go back first"

Heng Ruo suddenly stopped the white má ghost bat, solemnly

"Why did Brother Feng say this? Do you know something?" Seeing that Feng Ruo stopped, Leng Xiaotian and others also stopped, but there were some doubts.

"This matter is difficult to say, and I can't explain it in detail, so I want to go back to find a friend of Cangyue Commercial Bank to inquire about the news. "Feng Ruo shook his head and said, in fact, when he heard that there were monsters near the Diewu Mountains, the first thing he thought of was the magic fire Control the monks to work for it, so if this is the case, the six monks who attacked Ye Luo may have something to do with the magic fire

However, Feng Ruo himself also felt something wrong, because according to his estimation, the goal of the magic fire is to go to the snow pond in the cold mountain area. Even if he hates him, there is no need to make everyone known. What's more, 20 years may not make the magic fire recover

But even so, Feng Ruo also felt it necessary to ask Li Dan of Cangyue Commercial Bank, because he has been closed for many years, and he doesn't know how Li Dan reported the situation of the day and how Cangyue Commercial Bank dealt with it. Therefore, Li Dan should be the person who knows the situation of the magic fire at present, but G Before he knew the real situation of the monster in the Diewu Mountains, it must be very dangerous to go forward so rashly. He didn't want to see his people almost be completely destroyed again

"Is it really such an exaggeration? Brother Feng is too cautious. We have to hurry up. Otherwise, there is nothing we can do if we are escaped by those people. "The cold roar is a little disapproving. In his opinion, it is just six outlaws in the early stage of foundation building. It is not worth mentioning at all. Even without Feng Ruo's help, he can clean up the People

"I think it's better to be like this. If you go back to find your friend to understand the situation, how about we go first?" Maybe he didn't want to be embarrassed, Ye Luo suddenly said

"Well, be careful. If there is anything wrong, immediately return to "Feng Ruo can only say it helplessly, and then turn around and ask Fu Jin the four people, "What about you?"

"We also follow these brothers to clean up this shameful attacker as an experience, you, Fu Jin? And you are on your way to catch the spirit fox. Maybe you can meet it this time." Then the nv who came with Fu Jin immediately rushed to say

Fu Jin looked at Feng Ruo with embarrassment. Just as he was about to say something, Leng Xiaotian said aside, "No problem. If you meet the spirit fox that Sister Yan likes, I promise to help you catch it"

"That's it. I'll catch up with you. Remember, be careful." Feng Ruo did not hesitate too much, and immediately urged the white má ghost bat to fly towards the peak. Now that this matter is likely to involve the magic fire, he can't stay out of the matter

I'm really sorry. I drank a bottle of wine last night, but when I opened my eyes this morning, it was already eleven o'clock in the morning. It's really sad. To be continued