Wind control

Chapter 56 Colorful Eggs

(Haha! Debt-free and light!)

The whole canyon is extremely huge, but there is no iron-winged demon bird. For this Fengruo, it has long been known from Qinglanxuan. It turns out that the golden-winged demon bird is almost like a god in the group of iron-winged demon birds. In the place where it lives, no iron-winged demon bird dare

Of course, if it is the call of the golden-winged magic bird, it is another matter!

To be precise, this time, it was just to try their luck, because Qingyun had secretly dug a secret path near the nest of the golden-winged demon bird, which could let the two gods unconsciously touch into the nest of the golden-winged demon bird!

Otherwise, with the strength of the nine-level golden-winged magic bird, the two of them can't break in at all. Even without the large number of iron-winged magic birds, the golden-winged magic bird alone is not something they can deal with!

And even if there is such a secret way, whether it can succeed or not is another matter, because God knows whether the golden-winged magic bird is nearby?

So even Qing Lanxuan understands that this is completely a matter of luck!

The canyon is extremely deep, and the knife-like cliff is at least several hundred feet high. Fortunately, it is difficult to seal the two people at this point. After moving forward against the steep rock wall for more than half an hour, Qing Lanxuan, who led the way in front of him, finally stopped. After looking around, he was careful. Remove a piece of moss, and then a hole that can barely accommodate a person to climb in and out is exposed!

"Quick! Keep up!"

Looking back and greeting Feng Ruo, Qing Lanxuan took the lead in getting in, which was as flexible as a loach!

"You have a good memory!"

Feng Ruo in the back slandered and also got in. At the same time, he couldn't help but secretly despise the old man Qingyun. I really don't know what kind of mind he was in those years. Since he found the egg of the golden-winged demon bird, he directly took it away. Why did he leave the secret behind, which

But I think the old man is also a lazy guy, because after all, the eggs of the golden-winged magic bird will have to hatch for 500 years!

Due to its age, this narrow channel has long been covered with dust, and what's more, there is an incomparable smell. The further forward, the stronger the smell will be. Even if you close your breath, you can smell it.

Naturally, this is not the bird dung of the golden-winged magic bird. Most of them are other things in the passage cut by the old man Qing in those years.

At this time, Qing Lanxuan in front of him suddenly stopped, causing Feng Ruo to hit her elastic calf, but before he could praise, the voice of Qing Lanxuan sounded in his mind, which was directly transmitted by her mind, but this magic power can only be used by those with strong souls.

"Oh no! Unexpectedly, there are rotten insects in it! I remember that you can control the flames and go to the front and burn them for me!"

"Why me? Don't you have a fire dragon charm in your hand? If you throw one out, everything will be fine!" Feng Ruo's current soul has also become very powerful due to the Xuanhuo split, which is enough to exert this magical power!

"You are so stupid. The fire dragon charm is too powerful. In such a small place, why do you want to turn the two of us into coke? And it's not far from the nest of the golden-winged demon bird, and a little sound will disturb it!"

"But how can I get there! You're in the front!" Feng Ruo said casually, but a seductive picture floated uncontrollably in his mind, tt-t-tt! Climb over, in such a narrow place--

"Of course you are--" In the middle of the words, Qing Lanxuan in front of her suddenly fell silent, but she was so smart that she immediately smashed Feng Ruo's beautiful plan completely!

"Double the width of this place with the magic sword. No, twice. You can't climb over here. You're so stupid!"

"Ah! Use the magic sword?"

Feng Ruo really wants to cry without tears! Such a good opportunity passed by him!

I have to say that the old man's magic sword is really sharp. It's just half a cup of hot tea. Feng Ruo is just like cutting tofu, according to the requirements of Qing Lanxuan, he has cut out a more spacious passage.

There was nothing he could do. Feng Ruo, who came to the front to open the way, had to vent his resentment on those rotten insects the size of fists and release the Xuanhuo split. Only in a moment, this litter of thousands of rotten insects were completely burned to ashes!

After cleaning up these corrupt insects, Feng Ruo has been opening the way in front of him. God knows what the old man thought in those years. This passage is several miles long. Fortunately, the perseverance of the two of them is not bad, otherwise they really can't hold on!

And Feng Ruo has another worry, that is, once they are found by the nine-level golden-winged magic bird, how can they escape? In such a narrow passage, you can't even think fast, and it's a nine-level spirit beast. How can you escape if you can go up to the sky, the earth, you can go into the sea and drill mountains?

"Abominable old man!"

Although he was nervous, Feng Ruo still had to hold his breath and crawl forward little by little. Finally, when a cool breeze passed his face, he was surprised to find that the exit was not far away!

"Don't make a sound. The exit of this passage should be located in the deepest part of the golden-winged magic bird's nest. Outside is a space of about 70 or 80 feet. The eggs of the golden-winged magic bird are in the center, but this exit has not been fully opened. You have to check first to see if the golden If not, hurry up and rush out!"

At this time, Qing Lanxuan came back again.

"I see. Don't move first. Get ready to escape. If you are noticed by the golden-winged magic bird, I should be able to delay it for a while!" Feng Ruo didn't want to think about it.

"What are you talking about? I don't have the habit of leaving my friends and running away. Don't worry, I have made a lot of preparations this time. Even if I am found out, I can escape!" Qing Lanxuan is as confident as ever!

"Hmm! I'll believe you again for the time being!" After a moment of slander, Feng Ruo approached forward with a very light and light action. Not far in front of him, there was a hole only the size of a palm, which should be used to observe the movement of the nest of the golden-winged demon bird. God knows how the old man used to make it?

After a long time, Feng Ruo finally slowly moved to the front of the hole, slightly narrowed his eyes, and then looked over!

At first glance, Feng Ruo saw an egg the size of a water tank and the whole body was colored. If he hadn't prepared in advance, he really couldn't recognize it, because at first glance, the egg was really incredible. It was always emitting a beautiful light. At the same time, it was an extremely fierce wave. The movement is also contained in it!

However, if Feng Ruo only saw this one, as for the second one mentioned by Qing Lanxuan, there was nothing at all. I think there should be something wrong. After all, there is no need for her to deceive him on this issue.

In addition to this colorful egg, Feng Ruo repeatedly inspected it, but did not find the trace of the golden-winged magic bird in the cave, which made him relieved, because according to Qing Lanxuan, the volume of the golden-winged magic bird was as big as a dark cloud, and he could not hide its body at all.

Don't miss the opportunity! While Feng Ruo used the magic sword to chisel through the entrance of the passage, he informed the following Qing Lanxuan to get ready. Now that the golden-winged magic bird is not here, it is naturally a good opportunity for them to act. At that time, they just need to put the colorful giant egg into the storage belt, and they can slip away!

The important thing is not to harvest, but to escape safely. The key is to save your life!

Soon, the channel was completely opened by the magic sword in Feng Ruo's hand, and he and Qing Lanxuan immediately rushed in!

Feng Ruo stayed aside to guard, while Qing Lanxuan rushed directly to the colorful egg!


But just when Feng Ruo thought that everything was fine and could slip away at any time, Qing Lanxuan was blocked by a transparent barrier!

"Damn! This damn stinky bird actually knows how to arrange the ban!"

Qing Lanxuan was also anxious at this time. The sword formula waved, and a sword spirit rushed out of her palm like lightning, but the transparent prohibition seemed to be quite smart, directly flying her flying sword to one side!

Feng Ruo, who was beside him, also rushed up with the magic sword waving, but what he never expected was that the magic sword, which had always been unfavorable, was useless this time, because the transparent prohibition obviously had a magical ability to remove his strength, so the magic sword in his hand could not touch the ban at all. Naturally, it can't be broken on top of the system!

"No way! This kind of prohibition is extremely smart, and it is impossible to fight hard. It must be broken according to the law of the formation! But I can't do it in half an hour, and the golden-winged magic bird has already come back!"

Qing Lanxuan shook his head in pain, and finally made a difficult decision, "Feng Ruo, it's too late. Let's go! It's stupid to know that you can't do it!"

But Feng Ruo didn't seem to hear Qing Lanxuan's words, but just stared at the colorful egg solemnly!

"Feng Ruo!" Qing Lanxuan shouted anxiously and was about to pull him away, but suddenly he saw his hands condensed into a string of strange seals in an instant, as if he were cracking the invisible prohibition!

"Feng Ruo?" Qing Lanxuan whispered in an incredible voice, because from her perspective, this prohibition is very clear, and even she has to take at least half an hour to break it. How can Feng Ruo be?

But this thought only wandered in her mind for a moment, and a snowflake-like light quietly sprinkled, and then saw Feng Ruo turn his head proudly and smiled at her brightly, "Fortunately, it's not to disgrace your life. Do it quickly!"

"You--" At this moment, I was surprised, happy, and an inexplicable emotion surged into my heart like a tide. Somehow, at this moment, Lanxuan's mind was full of sunshine-like smiles.

"This ghost-headed guy doesn't seem to be ugly!"