Wind control

Chapter 157 Shocking Change

(Sorry, the previous chapters are missing a hundred. Thank you for reminding me. Hey, I remember the name correctly!)

As the transparent prohibition was broken, the colorful egg was no longer separated from the two of them, and the unruly momentum in it could be clearly felt.

"It's really good. It has such power before it's born. It's hard to imagine how terrible the adult golden-winged magic bird will be!"

Looking at each other, Feng Ruo and Qing Lanxuan can see the same shock in each other's eyes!

"Put it away quickly. I guess the nine-level golden-winged magic bird can already detect our existence!" Feng Ruo urged quickly that although he also expected to get a powerful combat mount, he would not be able to snatch it with Qinglanxuan at this moment.

"You don't want it? Don't regret it!" Qing Lanxuan seemed to say half jokingly, and then carefully put the colorful egg into the storage belt.

But at this time, a thunderous chirping suddenly came from the outside, and the sound surged in from the outer space like a huge wave. Feng Ruo was like a ricketyling boat in the waves. In front of that huge force, he had no ability to struggle, no room to escape, as if he had been Just like holding your neck, there is no light and no air, which is more uncomfortable than death!

"Feng Ruo! Protect your heart and run away!"

Qing Lanxuan's strength and experience against the enemy are undoubtedly much more than Feng Ruo's, so the sudden sonic attack power here has not been affected too much. On the contrary, Feng Ruo suffered a hidden loss!

In a hurry, he quickly ran the mana in his body several times, and Feng Ruo recovered from the previous horrible state! But at this time, he found that he had been thrown into the passage by Qing Lanxuan!

"This self-righteous idiot!"

He scolded secretly, but Feng Ruo did not turn around and fled, but ran out directly!

"Feng Ruo, you are crazy! I can delay the golden-winged magic bird for a moment. At that time, I have my own way to get out. You can't run out and die!" Qing Lanxuan said anxiously!

"Less the nonsense! It's too late to escape now!"

Feng Ruo almost roared and shouted, what they are facing now is a completely furious nine-level golden wing demon bird, even if they can escape from the passage, so what? In the face of that terrible speed, the two of them can't escape at all, so it's better to sacrifice their lives here!

It's not that Qing Lanxuan doesn't know this, so she stays here to contain it, but if so, there is almost no hope for her to survive!

"I will try my best to contain the golden-winged magic bird for a period of time, and then you can attack safely in the back. Whether you can leave alive depends on whether we can kill it!"

At this moment, Feng Ruo's thoughts are unprecedentedly clear, and the movements in his hand are as fast as shadows! At the same time, a large number of medium-grade five-eprint stones were also thrown out by his unique method. In just a few breaths, the nine overlapping nine-star arrays also fully appeared!

This horrible array speed is definitely the fastest since Feng Ruo practiced the array, but at this time, he didn't have time to appreciate it. He just punched his feet fiercely. Only in an instant, the defensive forces of the nine positive and negative nine-star arrays were completely attached to him, which was exactly what he realized in the sea of dead wood A way to increase your defense in a short time!

At this moment, the whole person is like a huge silver ball of light, rushing directly to the front! Because there, a huge dark shadow of nearly a hundred feet in size has been quickly crushed up like a mountain!

The shadow is the nine-level golden-winged magic bird!

Feng Ruo's speed was very fast, and the speed of the golden-winged magic bird was also amazingly fast. As soon as the giant claws like a towering tree pressed forward, it smashed Feng Ruo down. The terrible power suddenly made the whole huge cave shake!

However, Feng Ruo did not smash this huge claw into meat sauce. Countless silver lights flashed, and the nine positive and negative nine-star array attached to him broke out in an instant, which not onlyhong the giant claw that hit him, but also shook the huge body of the golden-winged magic bird!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qing Lanxuan, who was already ready to go in the distance, immediately launched an attack!

"The secret of roaring the sky through the clouds!"

With the shouting of Qing Lanxuan, a gorgeous and dazzling sky-blue sword light suddenly lit up from the cave, and then expanded infinitely, almost filling the whole spacious cave!


Where the blue sword light passes, the surrounding rock wall turns into powder in an instant! At this moment, even the huge body of the golden-winged magic bird seemed to become vulnerable!


Perhaps aware of the horror of the sky-blue sword light, the golden-winged magic bird immediately gave up its attack on Feng Ruo, and its huge wings suddenly waved forward!

Surely, a huge transparent mask completely blocked the blue sword light that day!

"Damn! It's forbidden again! Is this the talent of the golden-winged magic bird?

Almost didn't think about it. Feng Ruo directly sacrificed the flying dragon shield and rushed towards the golden-winged magic bird! Because he knows very well that neither his phantom sword nor the Liuyun sword can break the defense of the golden-winged magic bird at all, and the Xuanhuo split and the Zhu magic sword need to be used at the most critical moment. Now only Qing Lanxuan can hit the golden-winged magic bird, so he must create the most favorable conditions for her!

If it had been before, Feng Ruo was not confident that he could shake the golden-winged magic bird. After all, the realms of the two sides were too far apart. Even if the golden-winged magic bird stood still, Feng Ruo may not be able to hurt its hair!

But now with the Dragon Shield, although Feng Ruo can't hurt it, he can make a slight change to the small pattern on the battlefield!

Through the moment when the golden-winged magic bird applied the prohibition, coupled with the previous prohibition to protect the colorful giant eggs, it can be confirmed to a large extent that this prohibition is a little different from the prohibition of human monks!

If it is now the prohibition arranged by human monks, the best solution for Fengruo is to directly crack the ban itself, but now, Fengruo is sure that the ban of the Golden Winged Magic Bird should be sustainable, that is to say, it can be strengthened at any time!

Therefore, the best way to crack it is to shake the body of the Golden Winged Magic Bird!

At this time, the defense effect of the nine positive and negative nine-star array on Feng Ruo's body has been about half an hour, but he can't take care of these. The mana flows all over his body in an instant. At the same time, the cloud boots under his feet suddenly generate a huge force, ejecting Feng Ruo'

The target is the huge claws of the golden-winged magic bird like a towering tree!

The dragon shield suddenly became larger in the rapid ejection, and at the same time, countless red lights flashed, and a fog-like flying dragon broke out of the dragon shield! It roared like a volcano and bombarded the most vulnerable part of the golden-winged magic bird's claws!


After a loud noise, Feng Ruo was bounced out, which almost integrated the power of his whole body, coupled with the blocking rebound power of the dragon shield itself, it could not be shaken!

What's more terrible is that the golden-winged magic bird has obviously turned part of its attention to Feng Ruo, lifting a giant claw and smashing it down like lightning!

This time, Feng Ruo was scared to the sky. Before, he was able to resist this huge claw, because he still had nine positive and negative nine-star array defense forces on his body, so he could be unscathed. But now, when he stepped on it, he would probably be trampled into meat mud!

urged to step on the cloud battle boots, Feng Ruo can only escape hard, but his heart is also more and more anxious, because after all, Qing Lanxuan is only the early stage of Jindan, and there is still a long distance from this strength equivalent to the golden wing magic bird in the middle of Jindan. If the talent of this golden wing magic bird is

Once her Xiaotian's formula is broken, then the two of them are really going to die here!

When he thought of this, Feng Ruo suddenly gritted his teeth, took off the dragon shield, and directly collided with another giant claw of the golden-winged magic bird. He didn't believe that this guy would grow a third giant claw to support his body!

Almost at the same time, Feng Ruo also unfolded the Phantom Sword, the sword formula is in the front, and the dragon shield is in the back! This time he will fight to abolish the Phantom Sword and deal with it!


The sword formula formed by the Phantom Sword stabbed the giant claw of the golden-winged magic bird in an instant. Due to the special shape of the phantom sword, it was not bounced off by the body shield of the golden-winged magic bird, because compared with it, the phantom sword is like a weak grass, and it is

However, just when the Phantom Sword touched the claws of the golden-winged magic bird, Feng Ruo's flying dragon shield also roared and smashed it!

Unbiased, it is exactly the position of the phantom sword hilt!

If such a huge force is gathered to a point, he doesn't know how strong the impact force formed is. He only knows that this is his last method. If it still doesn't work, he can only give up his own body and use the Xuanhuo split and the magic sword!

But in that case, Feng Ruo's body will be trampled into a thorough meat sauce by the giant claws of the golden-winged magic bird. At that time, even if the immortals come, they will be helpless!


It sounded like the sound of gold and iron. Feng Ruo's phantom sword was broken into two pieces in an instant under the attack of two huge forces, but despite this, the part of the broken sword was only less than four or five inches, and it was being squeezed out little by a more powerful force!

"Ah, ah, ah--"

At this moment, Feng was completely risked, because not far behind was another giant claw of the golden-winged demon bird, and he didn't even have time to take out the magic sword!

The only thing he could do was to smash the dragon shield in his hand at his broken sword!


At this moment, Feng Ruo smashed out nearly 20 in one breath. He really wanted to thank the half of the phantom sword for holding on. Otherwise, he really had no strength to use it!

When the half of the phantom sword was finally smashed into the most vulnerable part of the claws of the golden-winged magic bird with brute force, it was obvious that the huge evil bird like a hill trembled uncontrollably!

Then, a huge force suddenly fell from Feng Ruo's back!