Wind control

Chapter 278 Fishing in troubled waters

It is also because of this that Feng Ruo did not intend to escape immediately, but to see if he could fish in troubled waters and collect a few stone.

Of course, Feng Ruo is not too bold to be afraid of death to do so. In fact, he has two very good reliance. First of all, the Heavenly Stone Mine should be in the ground fire at the bottom of the sea. In this way, most monks can only collect on the periphery in a short time, but Feng Ruo With this kind of concern, he can completely control the Xuanhuo split into the ground fire to explore directly!

And this is why in the past, Feng Ruo would choose to go to the secret library of the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce on Nanfeng Island to sweep the autumn wind, but gave up the higher-value patching stone.

As for Feng Ruo's second basis, he relies on the general trend, because now the action of the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce to block the news has been a complete failure. At this moment, someone must have passed this important message back to the immortal world.

It is almost foreseeable that in the future, the major forces in the immortal world will flock like sharks that smell blood. In this chaotic situation, it is most suitable for fishing in troubled waters!

And today, Feng Ruo just intends to explore the situation from afar, because he clearly knows how powerful the power of the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce is. Among other things, just encountering masters such as Huang Jiuhe and chasing souls is enough to make him die!

However, Feng Ruo also has to thank the unlucky soul-chasing, because if it hadn't been for this guy who is neither a man nor a woman, he would never have thought that the small blue tower would need a lot of innate wood to open!

You should know that in the past, it was not that he had not tried to input the innate wooden evil, but all of them had no response to the cow playing the piano.

Now Feng Ruo finally has a basic understanding of this small cyan tower. First of all, whether it is really the legendary Tongtian Tower or not, one thing is certain, that is, the cost of opening this small cyan tower is extremely high, and it must require a large number of innate wood to input at the same time to be effective, and this effect is in Lumby's defense and mana recovery.

And Feng Ruo also guessed that this is only the initial stage, because the total amount of innate wood evil now is still pitifully small. If he can continue to increase the number of innate wood evils, maybe there will be different discoveries.

However, this attempt can only wait until you return to the sea of dead wood in the future, or if Feng Ruo seizes the opportunity to cultivate innate wood evil from the dead spirit wood!

In addition, if we use this small cyan tower and so on, then the small black tower that Mu Feixue gave to Feng Ruo before should need to be opened by innate water, but this kind of thing is still very unreliable for Feng Ruo at present!

In a word, those two small towers are really useless for Feng Ruo now!

Therefore, Feng Ruo still has to focus on refining his own flying sword and continuing to practice Aoki Liuyunzhan and Muling killing array. If possible, the practice of broken gold Liuyunzhan also has to seize the time!

At this time, as Feng Ruo carefully walked forward hundreds of miles, he had to stop. Although his current position was still hundreds of miles away from the Butianshi vein found that day, this distance should have been the area guarded by the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce.

Don't look at the nearby sea, which is thousands of feet deep, but for the monks, there are not many obstacles, especially those monks with powerful souls. Once they are found to have any clues, it is impossible to escape!

And Feng Ruo can also guess that for the extremely rare existence of Butianshi mineral veins, the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce may send masters above the Lingying period to come to the town, so you must be careful.

However, although it is hundreds of miles away, Feng Ruo has not found it at all, that is, the sea creatures in the nearby sea are extremely rare. He sneaked under the sea for so long that he did not find one. This situation is probably because the people of the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce had hunted a large number of people not long ago. Close.

In addition, the surface of the seabed also has a thick layer of black mud, covering everything. This is caused by the eruption of the ground fire a few days ago, which shows how terrible the power of the eruption of the fire is.

At this moment, after confirming that there was no danger around him, Feng Ruo quietly took out a five-grade sword weapon, and then quietly excavated it in place. His move was to facilitate him to release the Xuanhuo split into the Butianshi vein when he had the opportunity.

After all, his body can't stand the terrible high temperature of the ground fire. What's more, under the supervision of a large number of masters of the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce, his body does not want to sneak in, so in this case, he can only hide his body in a place that is not far away, but it should be hidden enough, not After the exploration of those monks, he should avoid the tracking of those marine spirits. He doesn't want his body to become a delicious meal for those marine spirits!

It is precisely because of this that the hiding place excavated by Feng Ruo needs to be carefully arranged. Fortunately, this is an endless sea with a vast and boundless area than the land, coupled with more than a thousand feet of sea water, the monk's sight and soul are greatly affected. Otherwise, if it is on land, he is really a little worried!

After chiseling down dozens of feet in one breath, Feng Ruo completely destroyed the back channel and disconnected from the surface of the seabed. In this way, under the thick gray mud, unless a monk just did the same thing as Feng Ruo nearby, it was difficult to find Feng Ruo. The traces left behind.

And this is only the first disguise of Feng Ruo. Next, he took out thousands of pieces of white jade specially used to build the courtyard where monks live. This thing is widely used in the immortal world. It can be used to arrange arrays and build various buildings, because they have a good effect of isolating aura, in case The aura in the courtyard of the monks spread out.

At the same time, this kind of white jade is also a good thing to cover the whereabouts. For example, in the current environment of Fengruo, if it is to arrange a magic array or a covering array, it will inevitably leave a faint fluctuation, and this weak fluctuation is difficult to escape the reconnaissance of the monks, so

Of course, this does not mean that these jade can replace those complex occultation arrays, mainly to see under what circumstances that method is the most effective.

At this moment, after blocking all the surroundings of his body with white jade, Feng Ruo sat down on his knees with satisfaction and said words in his mouth. With the continuous development of the formula, almost all the mana in the meridians in Feng Ruo's [body] began to slow down the flow, and even His golden elixir also began to be covered with a fog.

This is leaving the sea of dead wood. The old man Qingyun taught Feng Ruo several secrets to change the shape and cultivation of his body. He is now converting his cultivation to the lowest state. For example, he can completely make his cultivation look like a gas refining period through this secret technique.

However, the effect that Feng Ruo needs now has no manapower at all, or even no vitality, because this time he wants to attach all the souls to the Xuanhuo split, and the body does not leave the soul at all, so it is absolutely not allowed to make any mistakes. In case someone finds his horse's feet, he can't even !

In this case, there is nothing more reassuring than a dead body.

At this moment, with the completion of the secret skill, Feng Ruo's whole body has become withered like a failure. It looks like a guy who is about to fall into death. Not to mention the magic power, the weak breath is intermittent.

"Hey! The old man Qingyun's ability is not bad! This kind of secret technique is really amazing!"

After sighing, Feng Ruo attached all the souls to the Xuanhuo split with satisfaction, and then carefully reduced the whole Xuanhuo split to the size of his fist. As for the heat released, he was also completely recovered. In this way, in addition to looking like a flame, his Xuanhuo split Jane. It's no different from a ball of red seaweed in the sea!

Of course, Feng Ruo did not intend to do so. You should know that water and fire are restrained by each other. This is nature. No matter how powerful his mysterious fire split is, in this vast sea, if it is released wantonly, it will also be extinguished in a blink of an eye, so it must change its form and become a heat wave !

After dealing with all this, Feng Ruo carefully floated along the gap left before and floated out of the surface of the seabed, and then floated slowly towards the Butianshi mine hundreds of miles ahead.

At this moment, unless he is met head-on by a master in the Lingying period, Feng Ruo does not have to worry about being seen through, and once he succeeds in entering the fire in front of him, then he will really do whatever he wants and is fearless!

However, Feng Ruo still underestimated the power of the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce. Just as he approached the entrance of the fire, he was immediately bounced back by a transparent light mask!

"Damn! The action of the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce is so fast that a large defensive array has been arranged here in less than three days!"

After Feng Ruo was stunned for a moment, he couldn't help complaining to himself. He had seen such a large-scale defensive formation in the Purple Moon City of the Five elements world. At the beginning, even thousands of high-level spiritual beasts had to hit them desperately for a few hours before he managed to attack, not to mention him now.

What's especially terrible is that whether he is trying to attack or crack it, he will startle the people in the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce, which is not what he wants.

"Tut-tut! I still underestimated the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce! Such a large-scale defensive formation should be completed in such a short time by the host of a array master!"

sighed in his heart, and Feng Ruo immediately manipulated the Xuanhuo to retreat to the side. Now, he has to slowly wait for other forces in the immortal world to come to see if he can find the opportunity to fish in troubled waters!