Wind control

Chapter 279 Dark Tide

Just as Feng Ruo patiently hid in an inconspicuous corner and waited for the opportunity. He didn't know that he had avoided a life-and-death disaster because of this, because he separated all his souls and turned the body into a state of death with the secret skills taught by Qingyun. This was originally what he had done to prevent him from being discovered by the monks of the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce and some marine spirits.

But this state makes the tracking of Qingqiu people completely lose its effect.

At this moment, in the camp of the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce, Qingyou, the clan sent by Qingqiu people to monitor Feng Ruo, was almost to death, because she did not intend to monitor Feng Ruo, but wanted to rush over and put Feng Ruo under house arrest. After all, this is an endless sea, and some places even with them. These Qingqiu people with immortality are also very afraid. In case of being sealed and getting into those places, his life will die, but his value is a great loss.

But what Qingyou never expected was that she had just arrived at the endless sea, and before she could do it, the damn little ant had completely disappeared from her locked surveillance!

"It's impossible. Is it a mistake? There has never been a child of Fengruo on Nanfeng Island, including the three cities and five towns near the Diewu Mountains. I have fully investigated, and this person has never appeared!"

It is the disciple of the old man Jiujue who is speaking at this moment. In front of him, she is a lively woman in blue. She doesn't seem to have any cultivation, but if she knows the characteristics of Qingqiu people, she will know their horrors!

"Hmm! How can I make a mistake? If the letter is sure to use some kind of secret technique to change the body and cultivation, and continue to investigate, no suspicious person can let go. It would be better to kill 10,000 by mistake than one! Don't worry, I will personally sit here to help you guard here, but you only have a three-month deadline!" Qingyou shouted coldly. This time she was really angry because she had always been locked by her in person, but now she disappeared under her eyes. It was simply a kind of naked challenge for her. Similarly, it was also a huge crisis for her!

She can even imagine that if she can't find Feng Ruo in the end, how she will be punished by the clan. Don't see that their Qingqiu people claim to be immortal to the outside world, but in fact, they also have weaknesses and will also die, but this weakness has not been mastered by the human immortal world!

"Yes, please rest assured. We will do our best to search for this person!" The disciple of the old man Jiujue said calmly and retreated, but his drooping eyes were a little disapproving.

As time goes by, more and more monks come to hear the news, because the patching stone is too rare, not to mention that such a patching stone mine has been found now!

Therefore, not only major businesses, but also many small and medium-sized forces, and even many monks are calling for friends. In just a few days, the number of monks gathered in the sea near Nanfeng Island has reached nearly 10,000!

It's just that the five sects have nothing to say about this matter, but symbolically send some disciples to inspect it. Of course, this is also a matter of reason, because the five sects are now focusing most of their power on exploring the newly discovered water boundary. So, in terms of such a huge thing as the five major sects, it is nothing to be a beneficial stone vein!

Without the participation of the five sects, there is no doubt that some small and medium-sized forces and scattered monks can't compete with the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce, at least they can't be forcibly occupied.

In this case, Feng Ruo's original plan to fish in troubled waters became an empty word. After waiting patiently for seven or eight days, he finally found something was a little inappropriate, because although there were many forces and monks who came to get a piece of the pie, but under the pull and blow of the Yinyuan abandonment meeting, basically There is nothing to do, and even many monks choose to join the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce as a temporary trade escort after finding that there is no chance to take advantage of the fire.

So nowadays, although the sea area around the Butianshi vein is still very chaotic, the overall situation will basically not change!

For this situation, Feng Ruo could only smile bitterly helplessly. He did not expect that the five major sects would choose not to participate, and the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce, which had been very powerful before, actually changed its strategy,

While pulling over and hitting, it turned out to be a successful solution to this crisis!

After waiting for a few more days, Feng Ruo still chose to give up, because although he couldn't get the heaven-mending stone, at least he got a nine-level inner elixir, which was also very good to refine his own flying sword!

But just as Feng Ruo manipulated his Xuanhuo split to return to the place where he hid in his body, he suddenly found something bad, because I don't know when, a wave of dark tides came from the depths of the bottom of the sea in the distance without warning!

Because he is in the depths of the sea at this moment, he feels more clearly about this wave of dark tide, on the contrary, if he is on the sea. You may not be able to detect this dark tide.

Feng Ruo didn't care about it originally, but after a while, when the speed and impact force of the dark tide suddenly increased, he was shocked, because although there were many dark tides in the endless sea, there were few such a big change in a blink of an eye like this, so there was only one reason. That is, there are sea creatures pushing in the dark!

Just between Feng Ruo's stunned spirit, the scale of the dark tide actually expanded again, and there was no sign of stopping. In just two or three breaths, the tide, which was still a few hundred miles away, had hit the position of Feng Ruo!

At this moment, almost the whole seabed is boiling. Although there is seawater in all directions, it is precisely because of this that the impact brought by the dark tide is particularly terrible!

This kind of horror is not the storm of the Yangtze River, nor is it the shocking waves on the sea, because although they are amazing, they can't fill all the space after all, and can also make people have a way to escape!

But in this endless sea, what this dark tide brings is endless suffocation. There is no escape and no escape. I can only watch the force completely tear itself to pieces. Under this amazing force, the whole endless sea will roar with it. Thousands of miles is nothing, tens of thousands of miles are nothing. What is hundreds of thousands of miles?

Under the impact of this huge dark tide, maybe it's just a blink of an eye, and this impact force has reached thousands of miles away!

Screaming, anger, roaring, the power of this impact will become stronger and stronger, more and more uncontrollable!

Until all the obstacles in front are torn to pieces!

In the face of the huge impact force of this dark tide, Feng Ruo has no time to dodge, let alone escape. It's just that in an instant, the huge impact force almost scattered his Xuanhuo. Fortunately, at this time, he is in the place where the dark tide has just exerted its strength, so he has only one impact Bo, and it's not too strong. If he was still hiding near the veins of the Heavenly Stone hundreds of miles away, but this impact is enough to completely annihilate his Xuanhuo split. As for his soul, without the protection of the Xuanhuo split, it will be torn into countless pieces!

Of course, Feng Ruo is also uncomfortable now. Although he has withstood the first wave of impact, the dark tide is still advancing crazily, so he has also been involved and become a part of the whole huge dark tide!

At this time, Feng Ruo can only leave his fate. At the same time, he is secretly glad that his body is hidden in the ground dozens of feet deep. Otherwise, in the face of such a huge impact, I'm afraid he can't even keep a little scum!

This is what Feng Ruo felt in the bottom of the sea more than a thousand feet. At this moment, with the surge of the power of the dark tide, a wave like a high mountain quickly surged up on the sea!

At this moment, the whole nearby sea was full of dark clouds and huge waves. This sudden change caught most monks off guard. Among them, experienced monks fled desperately in the opposite direction. Some came to this endless sea for the first time and were completely scared and didn't know what to do, and some were bold. God, I think this is an opportunity, but take advantage of the chaos to hit the Butian Stone Mine controlled by the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce!

For a while, the sea area with tens of thousands of monks turned into a mess, and even the senior management of the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce sitting here could not be suppressed!

But this is only the beginning. When the first wave of the dark tide appeared in the true sense, the waves of huge waves like high mountains on the sea were completely pushed to the sky in an instant. At this moment, it seemed that the whole endless sea had been subverted!

All the monks were stunned. No one thought of what kind of power could rush the countless sea water up to the sky, but they no longer had a chance to think about all this, because in the face of the impact force of the huge arrow, all the monks below the Jindan period bled in an instant, and the whole person was The impact force burst into a mess of mud!

Even those Jindan monks seemed to be hit by the front of a mountain, and immediately suffered different internal injuries!

But they also have to take a chance, because the force of this impact is completely aimed at the defensive array arranged by the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce. Otherwise, this force can definitely kill most of them in an instant!

After the first wave of fierce, crazy and violent impact forces passed, the defensive array of 50 miles laid by the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce was also annihilated like flying ash, leaving no trace at all.

Then, the countless seawater pouring down from the sky above ten thousand feet fell again. This is not ordinary, a small amount of seawater. If the seawater really falls, the impact formed will never be weaker than that just now, and this impact force can even be affected. Millions of miles away!

And under this impact force, there will be few monks who can save their lives!