Wind control

Chapter 281 The depths of fire


With a shout, everyone involuntarily released their own flying sword and desperately ran in the opposite direction, because everyone knew that if they were hit by that huge impact force, unless they were masters of the Lingying period, there would be no reason to escape.

At this moment, Feng Ruo outside naturally saw the power of destruction, but he didn't have time to escape, because his Xuanhuo split was not as good as the original flying sword of those Jindan monks. The only way was to escape down into the fire, because according to the words of the white city owner just now, She doesn't seem to want to mine the Butian stone mine here, so in theory, she will not let this terrible force destroy the ground fire.

At this time, the sea water, which had calmed down, began to collide violently again. Although the powerful impact force had not yet arrived, it had turned upside down, making the decline of Feng Ruo's Xuanhuo's split much slower!

Just as Feng Ruo was so anxious that he was about to die, a delicate hand suddenly reached out without warning, and grabbed Feng Ruo's Xuanhuo split to the size of a fist, and then his whole soul was also imprisoned in an instant.

"Feng Ruo, long time no see! I didn't expect you to avoid my lock in this way. It's really a natural talent! If you hadn't happened to appear near you this time, it would not be easy to lock you!"

It was Qingyou, a native of Qingqiu, who caught Feng Ruo's fire. It was also very unlucky to talk about it. If he hadn't been brought to this neighborhood by the power of the dark tide, it would be impossible for Qingyou to lock him, but now it's good to collide with Qingyou. With the powerful Come out.

At this time, after catching Feng Ruo, Qingyou quickly dived down, looking at her weak, without any cultivation, but in this fierce sea of anger, she was as free as a fish, and reached the depths of Haiti in a blink of an eye.

And here, there are countless black strange rocks. The temperature of these black strange rocks is extremely high, which completely boils dozens of miles of seawater nearby. Obviously, this should be the place where the ground fire erupted that day.

Along with Qingyou, Xue Gujue also fell here, Yu Feng and more than a dozen masters of the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce. At this moment, Qingyou waved casually, and suddenly a layer of black flame appeared on everyone, and then stepped in with the gap of the black rock with the towering loneliness and others.

After hiking hundreds of feet down, you can't hear the shrill roar on the sea, but the temperature here is getting higher and higher, and even the sea water is evaporated here in an instant, thus forming an extremely strange situation. One side is boiling seawater, and the other side is dry. Compared with rock cracks with extremely high temperatures.

Everyone doesn't care about this temperature, because the black flame released by Qingyou seems to be able to isolate the temperature from the outside world.

After walking down about a thousand feet, a large sea of fire finally appeared in front of him. This was the real ground fire, but Qingyou and others did not stop at all and walked in directly. At this time, they saw how horrible the black flame released by Qingyou was, and they could not be completely protected from this. The impact of the ground fire, especially the Qingyou, is so simple, as natural as a leisure walk, and the fierce ground fire around her is like a breeze blowing on her face.

After being in the ground fire for a long time, an extremely spacious huge platform finally appeared in front of everyone. The platform was completely surrounded by the ground fire, but there seemed to be some kind of prohibition on the platform, making the ground fire inaccessible.

In addition, this huge platform does not seem to be formed naturally, but was built here by the monks with great magic. The whole is round, but an average of five raised spires are built on it, which looks extremely strange, but if it is seen by the previous monks, it will be all crazy, because this huge The large platform is full of inlaid three-color stone!

At this time, after approaching the platform, Qing You, who was leading the way in front of him, smiled and said, "Okay, everyone, let's wait for the reinforcements here. Thank you very much this time. Otherwise, it's really difficult to find the seal location of this Jinsha Demon Dragon!"

"Hey! The envoy is flattered. All this is due to the wisdom and magic power of the envoy. If it hadn't been for the envoy's magic power, we would not have been able to break to the depths of the fire. Who would have thought that this was actually the sealing place of the golden demon dragon? This is simply inconceivable!" Then Yu Yu complimented with some flattery.

"Well, you now have your own immortal fire protection. You can adjust your breath without fear of any fire. The strength of the white city owner is quite strong, and you may be forced to chase it. Before the reinforcements of your ethnic group arrive, you'd better be careful!" The green faintly ordered, but his eyes swept over Feng Ruo, who was completely imprisoned in her hand.

"Say, where is your ontology? My patience is limited. Don't force me to use the soul search technique!"

These words are directly sent to Feng Ruo's soul through a similar way of sound transmission, and the effect is like a thunderbolt, which makes Feng Ruo miserable!

"Da Damn it! Who are you?" Feng Ruo had already regained his composure at this moment, and he also guessed that it should be the Qingqiu people who caught him, but he couldn't figure it out. The Qingqiu people turned back too fast. Could it be because he found the seal of the golden demon dragon?

"Hmm! Who am I? You little ant are not qualified to know at all. If the owner of your clan hadn't taken a fancy to your body and wanted to reshape your body, do you think you deserve to pay attention to my Qingqiu clan? Tell me where your body is, and I may let you survive for a while!"

"Hmm! If you want to kill, you can kill, and if you want to search for souls, you can search for Gui. Where did so much bullshit come from? What's so great about you, Qingqiu people? Come and kill me!"

Feng Ruo roared. He also thought a lot about it a lot just now. First of all, this Qingqiu man is not the Qingli, and as soon as he caught it, he asked where his body was. That is to say, his body that can control the congenital Mushi and the congenital Jinshen is very important to that Qingli, just like As people inadvertently leaked, Qingli was really trying to get his body, and maybe he wanted to take it instead!

This is of course a bad news, but it is also a relatively good news, because it is easy for Qingli to seize Shefeng Ruo, but why didn't she do it? She wanted to cultivate and protect herself with all her heart. Naturally, she wants to make Fengruo gradually stronger, and it is best to achieve it. What she calls the standard of the divine body.

And that is to say, before Qingli found a better way to cultivate the divine body, she still didn't want to turn against her face, at least on the surface.

However, according to the previous words of the Qingqiu people, Feng Ruo can clearly guess that because he wanted to mine the Butianshi mine this time, he inadvertently separated the soul from the body and cut off the vitality of the body. As a result, he accidentally got rid of the Qingqiu people's usual locking, so this Qingqiu talent He would be so angry that he even grabbed himself at all costs.

But even so, this Qingqiu man did not dare to do anything until he got Qingli's real order, and this gave him time to breathe!

So, in this situation, of course, he won't care about the threat of the Qingqiu people!

And as Feng Ruo expected, Qingyou did not dare to really search for the soul of Feng Ruo, so she just sneered and said, "Don't think that I dare not pinch you to death. I have ten thousand ways for you to survive and can't. Also, you ant, listen to me, wait until the golden demon dragon After the dragon's seal was broken, the owner of the clan naturally had a way to reshape a better god body. At that time, you little bug had no use value. Apart from being trampled to death, can you come up with any other better way to die?

Hearing this, Feng Ruo was silent. Now he can be sure that Qingyun's original guess was indeed correct. There were indeed monks who tried to release the Musha demon dragon to break through the barrier of the six worlds. Now the location where the Jinsha demon dragon was sealed is found, which will undoubtedly make these people's plans go further!

And if this time, if the Jinsha demon dragon in the platform is really released, I'm afraid that the whole immortal cultivation world will fall into a huge chaos, and the most covered people are naturally the Qingqiu people!

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo couldn't help but hate himself. He should have told Qingyun about the Qingqiu people for a long time. In this way, as Qingyun, he should be able to remind the senior officials of the five sects to take precautions early, but now it's too late for him to regret it!

With a sigh, Feng Ruo still cleaned up these thoughts and distractions. Although he has been arrested, there is no danger at present, but this kind of thing he doesn't like to sit and wait for death the most, so he must want to do it and escape.

However, the strength of this Qingqiu man is really too strong, especially the confinement of his soul, which is simply extremely poisonous, so that he can't contact his Xuanhuo split at all. Otherwise, in the depths of the ground fire with pure fire around him, he can completely advance his Xuanhuo split. So as to get a chance to escape!

"Unfortunately, my own nine-day flowing cloud array has not yet practiced to the level of the soul, otherwise, this kind of soul's imprisonment should not be afraid at all!"

Feng Ruo thought so, but his mind suddenly flashed the situation when Xue Gujue used the so-called nine-day flow of clouds. In the middle of his mind, a spiritual light flashed through his heart like a miracle!