Wind control

Chapter 282 Rune

Before that, Xue Gujue used the nine-day flowing cloud array that had not yet become a fire, and Feng Ruo was extremely shocked, because according to reason, the old man Jiujue did not teach Xue Gujue the real nine-day flowing cloud array to Xue Gujue. So, by what method did he do this?

But at this moment, Feng Ruo suddenly understood that it was the nine runes that played a fundamental role. You know, the old man Jiujue was the nine-day flow cloud array that he realized from the nine immortal runes. Although Xue Gujue did not get the true formula, he could study from this direction, and finally Only then did it form that kind of nine-day flow cloud array, which is already quite good.

From this point alone, Xue Gujue is also a natural talent. I really don't know why the old man Jiujue said that he was not qualified to practice Jiutian Liuyun Juezhen?

Is there anything inside that he doesn't know?

Feng Ruo's thoughts flashed in his heart one by one. At the same time, he also vaguely speculated that the real key to the nine-day flowing clouds were in the nine runes based on them, because the reason why the old man created the nine-day flowing clouds was to go to the nine immortal runes.

After all, according to the old man Jiujue, the power of the nine immortal runes is so terrible that no one in the world can resist the monks, and even he has to press it in the fire spring under the peak of heaven with the nine flowing clouds.

With the current realm, of course, it is far from enough to understand such a high level, but he might as well learn Xue Gujue's method, which is to imitate nine fake basic runes for himself. In this way, even if he can only display the power of ten times of the nine flowing clouds, it is enough for him to In the world of immortal cultivation, he still didn't believe that he had the true sword formula left by the old man Jiujue in his hand. Is it not as good as Xue Gujue?

Of course, and more importantly, this is the only chance for him to escape from the soul imprisonment of the Qingqiu people now!

According to Xue Gujue's method, Feng Ruo should be able to condense two runes, namely, wooden runes and metal runes. Unfortunately, now his soul is imprisoned, not to mention the body, even the Xuanhuo split can't be touched.

So after thinking about it, Feng Ruo also had to try the soul power of one of the nine powers, because according to the old man Jiujue, his nine-day flowing cloud array is composed of nine pure forces, namely, gold, wood, water, fire, wind and thunder, as well as the body and soul of the monk.

Among these nine forces, the first seven forces, that is, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder, are external forces, while the body and soul are internal forces, which are inherently possessed by monks, but precisely because of this, it is too easy to get, but it is even more difficult to grow. Therefore, in the Instead of being easy to practice, it is the seven external forces of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder.

So at the beginning, although the old man claimed that Feng Ruo had four pure powers, he still did not try to practice the body and soul.

But in this situation, he has no choice.

Receiving the mind, Feng Ruo began to meditate on the formula about the cultivation of the soul in the nine-day flowing cloud array. Compared with the previous simple to the extreme Aoki Liuyun Zhan and the extremely complex wooden spirit killing array, this array of cultivating the soul is no longer two extremes, but seems to be extremely mediocre, The extreme seal of the spirit killing array is very uncomfortable.

It is hard for him to imagine that the old man who creates two extremes will also create such a stable and regular formation.

However, Feng Ruo did not dare to be careless and careless, because no matter what, the old man Jiujue successfully survived the heavenly disaster, achieved Mahayana, and finally broke through the barrier of the six worlds and soared, so it was not his turn to question in this regard.

However, gradually, Feng Ruo also found that this formula for cultivating the divine soul is not simple at all. Although this formula is not as traceable as Aoki Liuyunzhan and Muling killing array, or attached to the power of innate Musha, it has its own uniqueness.

First of all, the formula for cultivating the soul can make the soul continue to strengthen with continuous cultivation, which should be what all monks especially hope for.

Secondly, according to these formulas, in order to reach the highest level, it is necessary for the original nihilistic soul to condense into an entity, which is somewhat similar to the six realms of the sword.

Third, and the most critical, that is, after the soul is condensed into an entity, it forms a rune, that is, the existence of the nine fairy runes!

In the same way, the other eight forces should eventually form corresponding runes!

Of course, the nine runes formed by this method cannot be compared with the real runes of the nine immortals, because even the old man who survived the disaster can't do this.

Originally, according to the old man of Jiujue, it took at least countless years of hard work to form the corresponding soul runes. However, after getting inspiration from Xue Gujue, he had another compromise, that is, he first tried to condense a rune with only a little fur for himself, although It was a little radical, but it did not violate the overall intention of the nine-day flowing clouds, so it went to the nine fairy runes.

But even so, this matter is not done overnight. Fortunately, it seems that Feng Ruo still has a buffer time, because up to now, the strange platform in the fire has not been destroyed. The Qingqiu people want to crack it, but it is not that simple. This only needs to look at the Jiushen Palace Mountain Gate. You can know it in the Xuanzhen Water Hall below.

What's more, the layout of the Xuanzhen Water Hall seems to have left a way to live for the Musha demon dragon. At least at the beginning, the split of the Musha demon dragon could go in and out, and the abundant water aura there could also make the sealed Musha demon dragon not be too miserable.

But here, it is completely different. If the Jinsha demon dragon is really sealed in the platform, then this Jinsha demon dragon must be tortured. The infinite fire here alone is enough for it to drink a pot, and there may be other more terrible punishments on the platform.

In this case, the defense force here must be extremely powerful. Feng Ruo even doubts whether those Qingqiu people can really crack it?

In particular, there is also an endless city to take care of this sealed place. The difficulty of cracking is no less than killing the Jiushen Palace and opening the Xuanzhen Water Hall!

It is precisely because of these many points that Feng Ruo can practice in the imprisoned soul at ease.

In this kind of practice, Feng Ruo almost forgot the existence of time, and Qingyou, the Qingqiu man who caught him, did not disturb him again, and seemed to have forgotten him.

And Feng Ruo is also so happy. Now, after continuous cultivation, his soul power is also increasing little by little, and he even has the illusion that he can break through the outside confinement and rush out.

However, Feng Ruo did not do so, because the illusion is always an illusion. Even if he can break through the confinement, he still can't escape from the palm of the Qingqiu people, so he must refresh himself, wait for the opportunity, and get out with one blow!

In order to prevent the Qingqiu people from being alert, Feng Ruo is trying to hide and compress his soul power in his own way. Although he doesn't know if it is effective, it's not a big mistake to be careful!

Time passes slowly like this, but the power of Feng Ruo's soul is getting stronger and stronger. Now although he can't condense a rune for himself, the overall strength is at least twice as strong as before!

The first reason for such an effect is that Feng Ruo already has a very good foundation. You should know that Feng Ruo's physical qualifications have never been very good. Even after many transformations and improvements, even Mu Feixue was not optimistic about him before the advanced golden elixir period.

However, corresponding to the physical qualification, Feng Ruo's soul qualification is far greater than that of most monks. For example, from the beginning, when he stepped into the immortal world, he could easily master the difficult skill of mental characterization, which many monks with very powerful souls could not master.

This is also the real reason why Feng Ruo was able to devour the geocentric mysterious fire and turn it into his own mysterious fire split. Under the circumstances at that time, if he were other monks, even if his cultivation was higher than Feng Ruo, he would not be able to subdue the geocentric mysterious fire!

It is not surprising that Fengruo's soul will grow rapidly because it has a unique advantage in the soul and a special cultivation formula.

Of course, there is another most important factor, that is, Qingyou has no chance to pay attention to Feng Ruo during this period of time, otherwise he will never be allowed to practice so calmly.

Because since Qingyou and others fled into the ground fire, they thought they could temporarily avoid the owner of the endless city in white, and then wait for the arrival of reinforcements!

However, Qingyou, Xue Gujue and others still underestimated the real power of the endless city. It turned out that before the white city owner launched an attack, he had already launched his magic power to stop all the information of Qingyou and others for help, and then launched a must-kill attack after being arranged!

Even the monks who escaped in advance that day did not escape, and they were all captured by the monks of the endless city on the periphery.

In this case, Qingyou, who fled into the ground fire, Xue Gujue and others naturally became a trapped orphan army. Qingyou has the fire of demons, so he can persist in this raging fire, but the owner of the city in white is not an easy person, and he also has the magic power to blade fire, so both Zhongda fights.

Fortunately, the owner of the city in white did not want to destroy the platform seal inside, so the strength of the attack was not very strong. In addition, the sea water could not be used in the fire, so the two sides were deadlocked.

In this case, how can Qingyou have time to manage Feng Ruo's small actions?