Wind control

Chapter 722 Small Town

When Feng Ruo saw this scene behind him, he couldn't help but be surprised. He did not doubt the intelligence of the big mouse at all. It was estimated that it was no different from normal human beings, otherwise he could not learn the breeze, but this guy was so respectful to the ancient wood. Could it be that the ancient wood also had wisdom?

You should know that although everything in the world can be psychic, except for human beings and those spiritual beasts, it is still very rare for other things to be psychic. Even the purple water spirit in his body is because of some special reasons that he does not dare not delay too much. Feng Ruo also hurried to the ancient wood, but regardless of him No matter how you look at it, there is nothing strange about this ancient wood, but for the sake of caution, he also learns the appearance of the big mouse, salutes respectfully, and then runs the mana to shrink his bones quickly. In a blink of an eye, he turns into a one-foot-told villain, but this is just a change in appearance There was no change in his strength. He opened the countless vines wrapped around the ancient tree. Feng Ruo immediately found a tree hole that only allowed his body to pass through at this moment. If he hadn't seen the sneaky big mouse enter from now on, I'm afraid that even if he saw this tree hole, he would not have wanted to drill in along the What I sensed first was a wisp of extremely peaceful fluctuation, just like an old man who saw the waves of the world and entered the ancient and rare years. There was no threat, but he was full of wisdom and peace. At this time, Feng Ruo couldn't even care about this fluctuation, because the big fat mouse in front of him had As he expected, the direction the big mouse went was exactly the direction of leaving the Seven Star Palace. The tree hole was extremely long, and the roots were crisscrossed, but Feng Ruo found a very strange thing, that is, the tree hole was completely natural, and there was no trace of being bitten or cut by the big mouse. From this point of view The ancient wood is still very respectful, but the more he goes on, the more shocked Feng Ruo is. He can't imagine that the roots of the ancient wood are so huge. He has walked four or five miles away, and the root system of the ancient wood still exists. In this way, the roots of this ancient wood may cover the ground of the whole seven-star palace Yes, in theory, the ancient wood with such a huge root system should be extremely tall, but in that small garden, the thickness of the ancient wood is only surrounded by more than a dozen people, the height is only more than ten feet, and most of them are dead trunks. Occasionally, a few green and yellow leaves hang on a few tender branches, which seems that How embarrassed it is, which is also the real reason why Feng Ruohui did not notice the ancient wood before. At this time, the big mouse in front of him suddenly stopped. Feng Ruo's divine thought could obviously sense that this guy became cautious, and it seemed that there was a disaster of extinction at any time, and that direction was exactly the seven stars. Seeing this scene near the edge of the mountain forest outside, Feng Ruo no longer covered his figure and ran over directly. When he approached the big mouse for more than a hundred feet, the big mouse found him, but strangely, the guy just took a slight look at him and ignored him. He seemed to be sure enough to think that Feng Ruo did not dare to do anything to him, and in fact it was exactly like this, because when Feng Ruo approached the big mouse more than ten feet, that is, when he got closer and closer to the edge of the Seven Star Palace, an extremely dangerous feeling appeared in his heart. This danger was indescribable. He had no doubt that as long as he At this moment, Feng Ruo was completely sure that there was indeed a very dangerous thing hidden in the mountain and forest. No wonder the drunken old man determined the range of activities of these ascended immortals within a radius of 3,000 miles. It turned out that with their strength, they could not even break out of these 3,000 miles and took a deep breath. Feng Ruo carefully looked at the situation around him. This is not the ground, and there are still countless tree roots, but there is a palm-sized exit in front of him. Through this exit, he can obviously feel a wisp of extremely weak fairy spirit, but at the same time, the threat is also introduced from this exit. There are also several identical mice next to the big mouse. At this moment, they are all hiding behind the root of a tree, carefully absorbing the fairy spirit outside. The meticulous and rigorous appearance is enough to prove that they can also feel the threat outside. Feng Ruo hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to try it, because Since these mice can absorb the spirit of the fairy spirit, there is no reason for him to do it. Now he has seen through it. His job as a cleaning boy has no future. With a few mice making trouble, he can never clean up the whole seven-star palace, so it's better to absorb a little fairy spirit and then change his job. Be the lowest-level mining boy to make this decision. Feng Ruo immediately minimized his fluctuation, and then carefully moved his body, which was only a foot high, and moved towards the exit. As he got closer and closer, the threat in his heart became stronger and stronger. If it hadn't been for his strong soul, he would be strong. Let yourself calm down, I'm afraid that he had already turned around and fled, because the threat was really terrible, as if death would happen at any time. Finally, Feng Ruo still approached the narrow exit and sensed the thin and pitiful fairy spirit, but the exit position was occupied by the big mouse family, so he had to He chose a relatively poor position. It's not that he doesn't want to compete with the big mouse family, but after this series of things, he can no longer underestimate these big mice. What's more, if it weren't for these big mice, he was afraid that he would never be able to absorb the spirit of immortality. From this point of view, they Feng Ruo was not in a hurry to absorb the meager fairy spirit immediately, because he had to calm down his mind and shield the threat that existed all the time, so that he could absorb the fairy spirit to the greatest extent and adapt to it for an hour. Only then could Feng Ruo reluctantly throw the death-like threat aside and began Absorbing the wisp was already very thin, and most of the fairy spirit was shared by the big mouse family. However, he was really satisfied at this time, because no matter how thin it was, it was better than not to pass exactly five hours like this. Two mice in the big mouse family suddenly turned away, as if they had been absorbed. There was a bottleneck, and in this way, he finally made room for Feng Ruo a suitable position. He was not polite at all and directly occupied the past. Anyway, for the sake of this matter, he will not find trouble for the big mouse, but the necessary interests still have to be fought for. Feng Ruo's move did not affect the big mouse family. Because although the spirit of the fairy coming from the exit is thin, it is still enough for them to absorb. Perhaps because of the lack of strength, every time they absorb it for a period of time, they must leave here to digest it, but for Feng Ruo, there is no problem. Although he is not a qualified immortal, but It was just suitable for absorbing the fairy spirit. His absorption lasted for three months. It was not until the fairy spirit in his body could not be tolerated that he returned according to the original way. On this trip, it was hard to imagine that he would return to the Seven Star Palace. Feng Ruo did nothing and immediately began to meditating, because of the past three In the moon, he just absorbed the spirit of the fairy spirit, but did not practice. After all, the deadly threat hangs on his head at any time, and he dares not practice deeply even if he kills him. What if he goes crazy?

For three days and three nights, Feng Ruo transformed all the fairy spirit he absorbed into his own power. At this time, the fairy spirit in his body had tripled compared with the previous one. The reason for such a large increase was entirely because of the fairy spirit in his body before. There was too little spirit. With relatively enough fairy spirit, Feng Ruo finally had a little confidence, but he was not in a hurry to go to the tree hole to continue practicing, because he felt that it was necessary to go to the golden stone town. After all, the information and information given in this jade charm were not very comprehensive. Although he said he wanted to keep a low profile This fairyland has a general understanding. In this way, in case of anything, it is better to take out the jade charm in advance, find the transmission picture with the divine mind, and directly input a wisp of fairy spirit into the location of the golden stone town. Suddenly, the golden stone town in the picture is shining in an instant, and the inside is A scene suddenly rushed into his mind. Without waiting for him to recover, he suddenly found that he had left the Seven Star Palace. At this moment, he was in a street completely paved with blue stones.

sighed secretly that this kind of transmission really opened his eyes and put away the surprise in his heart. Feng Ruo began to slowly look at the surrounding environment. At first glance, everything here, including buildings and streets, was no different from the former mortal town, but when he swept it with his mind, he was surprised. I found that here, even a random stone on the roadside, placed in the micro world, is a priceless treasure, because it can be refined into magic weapons. As for the blue stone under his feet, it is a very unique material, which is not only very hard, but also very resilient. If it is used to refine war armor, it is absolutely the best and on both sides Those ordinary-looking houses are built with all kinds of the best materials, and even the trees that can be seen everywhere in the town are extremely rare trees in the micro-world. "Ha ha, is this Taoist friend just soaring and coming here for the first time?"

Feng Ruo is still looking around. At a very simple-looking tea stall next to the street, a middle-aged man smiled and said, "It's fate to meet, Taoist friend, why don't you sit down and have a cup of spiritual tea? It's my treat"