Wind control

Chapter 723 Dust

Feng Ruo was stunned for a moment, looked at the middle-aged man and found that the other party was also the strength of a first-class immortal. The only difference was that the strength of this person was estimated to be stronger than that of Mu Zheng and Wan Yan. Without saying anything, Feng Ruo walked over and sat opposite the middle-aged man very naturally.

"Ha ha, Fu Kuan actually flew to this Ziyao fairyland more than ten years ago. At present, he is in charge of making runes in Yuyuan. Today, he just came to Jinshi Town to sell some semi-finished fairy charms made below. When he saw Taoist friends, he knew that the foundation of cultivating immortals was quite weak I want to give some advice to my Taoist friend. I don't know what's going on?

"Pointing?" Feng Ruo glanced at Fu Kuan opposite a little strangely, and then suddenly realized, "You mean, you suggest that I should buy some semi-finished fairy charms to protect myself?"

"Yes, Taoist friends clearly see that although my fairy charms are only 1% of the power of the real fairy charms, the same way, the fairy spirit that needs to be stimulated is also very small. This is absolutely suitable for the current situation of Taoist friends. You know that the attack and defense war every three years is coming. Do you want to Are you going to fall if you have just ascended?

Fu Kuan said with a smile, as if he had extra confidence in the words!

"Attack and defense? What do you mean? Can Fu Daoyou make it clear? Feng Ruo was a little surprised. This was the first time he heard about it. I remember that Jingmo didn't tell him about it!

"Hehe! In fact, this is nothing. After staying here for three years, every new fairy will be forced to join the three-year offensive and defensive battle. This is said to be unique to our Ziyao fairyland. Because this Ziyao fairyland is the closest fairyland to the demon clan among the nine fairyland, it has always been under great pressure, and The truth pursued by Ziyao Tianjun is to support the war with war, so we are unlucky. This so-called offensive and defensive war is a kind of assessment carried out in advance, or it can also be called training. I think you must be very strange, Taoist friends, why we can go only 24 places around 3,000 miles around Jinshi Town. Right? In fact, this is the battlefield of offensive and defensive warfare!" Fu Kuan said helplessly.

"What? Isn't this the location of the Flying Hall? Feng Ruo was surprised.

"Of course not. This is just Jinshi Town. You have seen the drunken old man before. That is the manager of this Jinshi Town. He selected you from the Ascension Hall. Of course, it is not right to describe it by selection, because Jinshi Town ranks among the 100 towns in Ziyao Fairyland. It's the last one. Generally speaking, it's the worst strength, and the most garbage soarers will be arranged to Jinshi Town. Now, you understand, come here. We'd better throw aside the so-called title of earth fairy. Only when the strength reaches the level of the third level of earth fairy can we be truly recognized. Otherwise, forever They can only be the hard labor force in the small town, if you can survive in the offensive and defensive battle!"

"As for the offensive and defensive warfare, have you ever seen those mountains and forests on the periphery? Have you felt a strong threat there? Yes, that is the source of the offensive and defensive warfare. Every three years, a varying number of demons and warcrafts will rush out of the mountains and forests. They will attack Jinshi Town in groups, and What we need to do is to defend and defeat them. In this process, the drunken old man will not join. If the town is broken and waiting for the fate of all of us, it is death. On the contrary, it is a rich reward!"

Speaking of this, Fu Kuan took a mouthful of spiritual tea meaningfully. It was not until he estimated that Feng Ruo had almost understood his words that he continued: "So, Taoist friend, it is absolutely a great luck for you to meet me today, because the semi-finished fairy charm in my hand is absolutely It is the most favorable in the whole Jinshi Town. Although the power is a little poor, you should know that the lowest price of the semi-finished fairy charms sold in the previous market requires three fairy crystals to be bought. Now the Japanese and Taoist friends are very happy to meet, so as long as one fairy crystal, you can buy a semi-finished fairy charm How's it going?"


Feng Ruo touched his nose with some embarrassment. To be honest, he had to admit that the guy opposite Fu Kuan's level of deception was still very high, which was simply pressing step by step. Every move hit Feng Ruo's weakness. If Feng Ruo had fairy crystals in his hand at this moment, he might really buy some Fu, but the problem is that he even owes half a fairy crystal at this time!

"Well, this, Fu Kuan Daoyou, what you said is a good word, but I'm sorry, I just flew here and haven't earned Xianjing yet!"

"Hey hey! It doesn't matter!" Unexpectedly, Fu Kuan seemed to have guessed that Feng Ruo's cyst was shy for a long time. He waved his hand generously and said boldly, "How can I not know the situation of Taoist friends? After all, I also experienced this situation at the beginning, but how could I embarrass Taoist friends? Well, I don't know what kind of position you hold in this town? If Taoist friends can't get fairy crystals, they can exchange some collected minerals, collected elixirs, or refined semi-finished elixirs, etc. Each of us lacks this thing. "

"Ea-mineral deposits? The elixir? Semi-finished elixir? I didn't!" Feng Ruo replied honestly.

"What do you have, Taoist friend? You can't be without a position. No one in this town can stay honestly!" Fu Kuan was a little excited, because he knew that there were some soarers in this town who had some enviable positions. Did he have bad luck today?

"Well, I only have dust, do you want it?" Feng Ruo replied very seriously.

"What what? What did you say?"

"Dust is the dust cleaned from the Seven Star Palace, such as fake replacement, to ensure freshness!"





Feng Ruo leaned against the pillar of the teahouse and laughed. Thinking of the extremely wonderful face of the guy named Fu Kuan at the last moment, he immediately thought it was really funny. How could this matter be so funny!

"Alas! I'm a poor man!"

After laughing, Feng Ruo couldn't help sighing. Other soaring people can temporarily take some collected minerals, or other items to exchange some things to enhance his strength, but what he can do is only dust, the dust of the Seven Star Palace. Now he has also found out that the Seven Star Palace is this gold. The most garbage and useless place in Stone Town is said to have been the palace of a big man, but that was not long ago. The task of Stone Town is to maintain and clean it regularly. This is the origin of the so-called cleaning boys.

However, there is no one who is willing to do this. Not to mention a little oil and water, he can't complete the task at all. Therefore, the Seven Star Palace is an extremely unlucky place in the hearts of many ascists, so after hearing that Feng Ruo is a cleaning boy, that Fu Without saying a word, he turned his head and left. He didn't even pay attention to the cup of spiritual tea that was agreed to invite Feng Ruo. Fortunately, this tea stall could be owed on credit!

"I said, you really need to change a place. The damn place in the Seven Star Palace is really unlucky. Even if you are a mining boy, you will be more moist than there. Why don't you come to my tea stall and be a buddy?"

The speaker is a second-level fairy. He has been in this Jinshi Town for nearly 10,000 years. There is only one reason. When he encounters a bottleneck, he can't break through the third level. Fortunately, he is lucky. He not only survives in the offensive and defensive battles, but also gets the appreciation of the drunken old man, so he He opened such a simple tea stall in this golden stone town.

However, this guy is still very good at cooking spiritual tea. According to him, he can even cook the legendary fairy tea with some confidence, but unfortunately there are no ingredients, so he has never been able to do so.

"Forget it!" Feng Ruo said a little depressedly, which is really funny. Who would believe that the second-class immortal can only be trapped in a slap-sized town to buy tea?

"Is Fu Kuan a liar just now?" Feng Ruo changed the topic and asked.

"It's not a liar. He is a boy who makes runes. The semi-finished fairy runes made are also effective, but the power is very poor. Generally speaking, the semi-finished fairy charms sold in the market have about half the power of the finished fairy runes, which is relatively standard. If it is the best, there will Power, but that kind of best semi-finished fairy charm is rare!"

"Oh? Then can I be a talisman boy?

"You, haha! Forget it, your little fairy spirit can't work at all. Without enough fairy spirit, how can it be made into a semi-finished fairy charm? To be honest, you may have some hope to be a mining boy!"

"A little hope..."

Feng Ruo touched the beard stubble on his chin funnyly. It seems that he should go to the Seven Star Palace to clean the boy. At least he can absorb the spirit of immortals without interruption. Maybe he can protect himself in the offensive and defensive battle three years later.

Farewell to the tea stall owner. Feng Ruo wandered around the Jinshi Town roughly and chose to send it back to the Seven Star Palace. There was nothing he could do. He was now completely shy. Even if he found something good, he could not buy it. Instead of being entangled and depressed, it was better to go back and absorb the spirit

The two rounds of transmissions have exhausted all the immortal spirit accumulated by Feng Ruo. He had no choice but to meditate for more than a dozen hours before he fully recovered. After that, he no longer hesitated and immediately began the long and monotonous absorption process through the tree hole of the ancient wood.