Wind control

Chapter 724 Green Demon

The remnant sun is like blood, and the palace is silent.

In the desolate weeds, Feng Ruo sat cross-legged silently, and a touch of sun shone through his body, leaving a long shadow.

The surroundings are very quiet, and it seems that you can even hear the sound of countless dust and boiling under the setting sun. All of this has formed this strange world, the abandoned deep palace, maybe boring, perhaps tragic, but more, forgotten!

When the darkness came slowly and the first bright star in the night sky lit up, Feng Ruo suddenly opened his eyes. Those eyes, which were comparable to the bright stars in the sky, looked at the night sky, and a smile quietly bloomed at the corners of his mouth.

The time is not long or short. From his day to now, it has been exactly three years. During this period, with the luck of the big mouse, he can enjoy the treatment of absorbing the spirit of immortals all the time.

In the past three years, the fairy spirit in his body has increased by more than five times than when he just flew up. These fairy spirits can also mean that he can be completely transferred from the Seven Star Palace to the Golden Stone Town, and then from the Golden Stone Town to the Seven Star Palace. Such a round and forth is enough for him to support 20 times!

Of course, compared with other first-class immortals, Feng Ruo's current fairy spirit is still not good enough, which is equivalent to about half of the original.

However, this is already very good, and Feng Ruo is also very satisfied, because it is enough for him to have a certain self-insurance ability. Among other things, if he injects all the fairy spirit in his body into the Qingcheng sword, then the Qingcheng sword, which is originally the top spiritual treasure, must have a high probability of becoming The semi-immortal weapon that is infinitely close to the fairy weapon!

Similarly, if Feng Ruo integrates these fairy spirits into his innate spiritual veins, he may form a real fairy vein! And this kind of fairy vein, even among the earth immortals, can't be asked for it! This is also why Jingmo was not worried about Feng Ruo's development in the nihilistic world at all, because he had a far more foundation than most immortals.

May I ask, how many monks in the micro world have an innate spiritual vein? Even a one-in-a-one cultivation genius like Mu Feixue and Qing Lanxuan only has a congenital spiritual vein, but Feng Ruo has four whole! If he hadn't been forced by the situation, he would definitely have the fifth innate spiritual vein.

If the existence of the innate spiritual vein is a watershed between the monks, then the immortal vein is the watershed among the earthly immortals, while the innate spiritual vein is the foundation of the immortal vein. Although Feng Ruo is extremely embarrassed now, as long as he is given enough time, his achievements will be unlimited!

Feng Ruo understands this very well, so even if he is qualified to be a mining boy or an alchemy boy at this moment, he still does not choose to give up the position of cleaning boy, in order to absorb the thin fairy spirit, because this is the foundation of his next development.

Although Feng Ruo wants to elevate the Qingcheng Sword to the level of a semi-immortal weapon, he also understands that the risk of this kind of thing is too great. After all, he has only a little fairy spirit, and success is enough. Once he fails, the consequence is likely to destroy all the spirituality of the Qingcheng Sword, which The city sword was completely abolished.

This consequence is unbearable for him, so he will not use the spirit of immortal spirits to quench until he is ten times as sure. What's more, he feels that the Qingcheng sword still has enough space to improve, such as merging the broken golden sword, and adding some tenacity and In short, he has to be fully prepared to take the last step.

However, the small town attack and defense war every three years is a headache for Feng Ruo, because he knows very well that although his Qingcheng sword has great potential, the effect may not be very good against those demons. As for playing against other first-level immortals, he can't even imagine that it is not that his Qingcheng sword is too bad, but There are too many immortals, who can soar to the nihilistic world. Everyone will have a quality or high or low spiritual treasure in their hands. Of course, these spiritual treasures are not as good as Feng Ruo's Qingcheng sword, but the problem is that these first-class immortal spirits are strong enough, so in the first three years, it is easy to These spiritual treasures can be refined into a semi-fairy artifact of different quality!

This alone is far from comparable to the Qingcheng sword.

Therefore, in order to cope with the small town attack and defense war every three years, Feng Ruo had to make some changes to use the fairy spirit stored in his body to improve a certain innate spiritual vein!

According to reason, the four innate spiritual veins in Feng Ruo's body, the wooden attribute spiritual vein is what he is best at, because he has been playing with the congenital wooden evil for the longest time, but the attack power of the wooden attribute is very weak, especially when there is very little fairy spirit in Feng Ruo's hand at present.

Then the rest is the innate golden spirit vein and the innate fire spirit vein. The attack of the golden spirit vein is the strongest, but there are many problems, that is, it is not easy to control, and you have to invest more fairy spirit to be effective.

Therefore, after weighing over and over again, Feng Ruo still decided to use all the fairy spirit to strengthen the innate fire spirit vein. This fire spirit vein is not only very strong in attack, but also has a great advantage in speed. If you can't beat it, you can escape. It is the most ideal combat concept of Feng Ruo at present.

After making everything ready, Feng Ruo stopped hesitating and immediately began to slowly input the fairy spirit accumulated in his body for three years into the innate fire vein. Because the time of the attack and defense of the town was getting closer and closer, he had to find a way to get a few fairy crystals to buy some items.

The part occupied by the innate fire vein is Feng Ruo's right arm, which is also the place where the purple fire melted in those years, so there is no risk or anything. He simply injects the fairy spirit into it.

But this process is simple to say, but in fact it is not like that. How does the spirit of immortality exist? It is the foundation of the existence of the whole nihilistic world, and even those powerful golden fairies and even demons have to absorb. The strength of the power contained in it is purely imaginable!

So just for a moment, Feng Ruo's whole right arm directly turned into a bear purple flame, and the clothes on his body were burned clean in an instant. At first glance, the scene was as terrible as it was!

Feng Ruo was also extremely shocked in his heart. He did not expect that just a little fairy spirit could trigger such a big movement of purple fire, but after the shock, he was extremely happy. Is there anything better than this? The stronger the reaction of Zihuo, the better the degree of integration!

With the continuous injection of the spirit of the fairy spirit, the reaction of the purple fire became stronger. In a blink of an eye, it expanded several times, even to wrap the whole person.

However, Feng Ruo doesn't care about this at all, because now the purple fire is a part of his body, which will at most cause him some trouble, and will not really hurt him. At this moment, his attention is focused on the changes inside the purple fire.

At this time, if you look carefully, you will find that it is constantly changing. In the purple fire, there are gradually some silver star lights that are only the size of rice grains, but are as bright as stars. The starlight is extremely dazzling, and the threat fluctuation emitted is even stronger than the purple fire!

This is a small part of the mutant purple fire that integrates the spirit of the fairy spirit!

Unfortunately, these silver star lights only appeared less than 20, so they had to be interrupted, because the fairy spirit in Feng Ruo's body has been completely exhausted!

With a "wow", the originally powerful purple fire was like a phantom, which disappeared without warning and turned into Feng Ruo's right arm again. There was nothing wrong, as if nothing had happened.

But only Feng Ruo knows that his fire vein has changed. Although it is not obvious, it is enough to double his attack power!

With a slight movement of his mind, a moon-like purple flame machete appeared in Feng Ruo's hand. This purple flame machete is not much different from what he condensed in the past, but there are some silver stars on it, but even so, the attack speed and attack power of the purple flame machete will be doubled, even With it, the rapid teleportation ability of his purple fire wings has also doubled.

"Hey hey! In this way, you should be able to have a little self-protecting ability in the offensive and defensive war!"

Feng Ruo said to himself, and then put away the purple flame machete again. This seven-star palace is not a good place to test its power.

Just as he was about to enter the ancient tree hole again to restore the fairy spirit consumed in his body, his heart suddenly moved, and then he took out the jade charm, which symbolized his identity. The jade charm had become completely different from the past. The previous soft light was completely replaced by a blood light, which looked amazing. Heart-pounding.

Input the divine mind into it, and a message suddenly came to Feng Ruo's mind.

"Three days later, the attack and defense of the town officially began. The notice is as follows. At present, there are 97 earth immortals in Jinshi Town, including 19 second-class earth immortals and seventy-eight first-class earth immortals. At that time, there will be nineteen second-class green demons, and seventy-eight first-class green A fairy crystal, every time you kill a second-class green demon, reward 100 fairy crystals, those who avoid war, will be fined five hundred years of hard labor!"

When Feng Ruo finished reading this message, a lifelike picture appeared in the jade charm. In the picture, there were two blue-gray, ferocious monsters, which was an introduction to the two kinds of green demons.

According to the introduction, Feng Ruo also learned that this green demon is the lowest-level demon among the demon clan, and its strength is equivalent to the first-level or second-level earth immortals. It is also the largest number of soldiers in the demon clan. It is the most disgusting and easiest cannon fodder to kill!

However, this kind of cannon fodder is very difficult for Feng Ruo!