Wind control

Chapter 978 Five-color clouds

Although he knows that this is a waste of his own cultivation, if there is no way at all, he does not exist at the level of a master with great wisdom. How can he create a set of skills suitable for him in the first day? The only thing he can do is to keep looking for the rules and summarizing his experience. Even if he hits his head, he has to continue to grope forward.

Every six hours, Feng Ruo will mobilize a percent of Zishuiling to start a new round of transformation. This cheng of Zishuiling is his essence and blood. His power, his old capital, and a reincarnation will be lost incarnation. This is absolutely prodigal behavior, that is, he is, he is now rich. , soaked in the stone spring again, otherwise if you are other immortals, you will have to vomit blood after so many reincarnations. No one can bear this kind of loss.

The first link is always the easiest. The mutual transformation between Zi Shuiling and Aoki Sha is not difficult, but the next few links are terrible. In this process, a wisp of cloud-like five-color light keeps drifting out of Feng Ruo's body, and then it is guarded outside. It is quickly absorbed into its carefully selected 500 Lingsha.

The number of five-color clouds after the failure of this practice is not large, but among these five-color clouds, the five forces of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are extremely even. They merge with each other and are perfect. Because of this, they are favored by Shaling and specially used to quench its five hundred spiritual sands. If these five Being refined in this way for a long time is no longer a simple earth attribute. Instead, it has five attributes, which is very horrible. Maybe it will really make five-color sand by it.

Feng Ruo is not depressed. Anyway, the fat water does not flow to other people's fields. He practiced with this rough skill once, and he quickly recovered. After recovering completely, he continued to toss like this!

Although this kind of cultivation has greatly lost a lot to Feng Ruo's cultivation, his harvest is not absent, that is, the originally very weak red gold evil and Xuantu evil. They are all slowly increasing. This enhancement is not grown alone, but transformed from the three forces of purple water spirit, green wood and purple fire, so although the growth is slow, it is much faster than normal cultivation.

In addition, Feng Ruo is also constantly adjusting. Constantly learning lessons, he made up his mind this time that he would never do anything else without polishing and shaping this rough skill.

Day after day, year after year, there has not been much progress in the improvement of this grass creation method. On the contrary, the sand spirit has made a lot of money. Its five hundred spiritual sands, which are specially left to absorb the five-color clouds, have become more and more colorful. Each one is crystal clear, full of spirituality, and the light emitted by each sand. It has faintly turned into a faint five-color light, which looks extremely magical. If you take out one casually, it is estimated that it can be used to create a fairy soldier embryo, and it is of excellent quality.

If it's just like this, what's even more surprising. These five hundred Lingsha actually took a step to control the balance of each other's life. The five hundred Lingsha can be completely integrated into one, and the power exerted. According to Sha Ling said, it is not a matter to seriously injured a six-level earth fairy!

This makes Feng Ruo very angry, damn it! How is this possible? With his current strength, he has just been able to compete with a six-level immortal. This sand spirit has only absorbed some colorful clouds. How can it be more exaggerated than myself, and it is only five hundred spiritual sands.

In the heart, Feng Ruo studied it carefully, and then suddenly realized that the five hundred Lingsha of Shaling were already the new five-color sand. No wonder it was so powerful! The hardness of each of the spiritual sand is very terrible, perhaps not as hard as the star sand, but sooner or later it will be comparable.

Inspired by these five hundred spiritual sands, Feng Ruo finally found that his previous practice skills were wrong. In fact, there was no need for him to waste those five-color clouds on the one hand. If he used these five-color clouds to quench his body, Feng Ruo even suspected that he did not need to advance to the golden fairy realm, and he could

Before, he practiced purple water spirit and turned the bones of his left arm into a crystal shape. The nature should be like this, but this five-color cloud is better!

, because these five-color clouds are the essence of his practice! In the past, it was regarded as a waste, but in fact, the five-color Yunxia is the mana power cultivated by his skills!

Understanding this, Feng Ruo regretted it so much that Bai Bai was picked up a great bargain by Sha Ling!

He changed his rough skills again, so that the five-color clouds condensed in his body instead of spreading it out. After just trying to practice once, Feng Ruo was almost moved to tears, because the appearance of just a little five-color clouds made him have an extraordinary feeling, as if at the beginning Practice a wisp of mana for the first time in Qingyun Mountain!

There is no doubt that this is the result he wants. No matter the poor Shaling who continues to ask for the five-color clouds, Feng Ruo is immersed in this joy.

Yes, he uses the five forces of purple water spirit, green wood evil spirit, purple fire evil spirit, ssage earth evil spirit, and red gold evil to transform one by one. A certain number of five-color clouds will appear on a Sunday. These five-color clouds are equivalent to the mana in the body of the monk. The immortal spirit in the The quality of Yunxia is far higher than that of immortality!

No wonder Shaling's 500 Lingsha has changed so much in just over a decade. That's the reason!

It is certain that if Feng Ruo uses this five-color Yunxia to stimulate the Qingcheng Sword, the power of the explosion will be at least three times that of the use of the fairy spirit. This is also because the Xuantu evil and the red gold evil are not powerful at present. If it can be the same as the three forces of purple water spirit, green Double!

Five times! Who can imagine such power?

"It turns out that the nine fairy runes can still be used like this, which is really endless!"

Feng Ruo sighed that the reason why he stubbornly wanted to gather the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire and earth before was actually to master the nine immortal runes, but he didn't expect that there were such benefits. No wonder Haotian Laoer, just mastered the five immortal runes, could cross the sky! This kind of five-colored clouds is too domineering and fierce!

However, why can't we see the records of these five-color clouds from those ancient classics? Feng Ruo felt that he should not be the first to master such a force, because whether it is a demon clan or a human, the continuous practice of the skills and continuous cultivation are all around the seven basic forces of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder. The monks are just that the strength is too weak, while immortals like the earth immortals are Immortal veins with various attributes, ordinary third-level earth immortals, can have one fairy vein, and fifth-level earth immortals can probably have two fairy veins. When it comes to the ninth-level earth immortals, they can have three or four fairy veins. For example, Jingshan, he can have four fairy veins.

By analogy, the golden fairy, and even the higher-level Xuanxian, must be able to think of the situation that Feng Ruo has encountered so far. As long as the five forces of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are combined, they should always get the five-color clouds. At most, the quality of the five-color clouds cannot be more

So, what's going on?

Feng Ruo was puzzled, so he finally put the matter aside and made a deal with Lao Long at worst.

Seeing that there was still half of the hundred years Lao Long said, he calmed down and continued to practice himself. There were still many loopholes, but he had begun to show his sharp skills. As for the Shaling who wanted to continue to pick up cheap ones, he was directly ignored by him.

In a blink of an eye, the hundred years agreed by Lao Long had arrived. Feng Ruo thought that Lao Long would forget this matter, but he didn't expect that he did not even delay the extra time of a cup of tea and appeared next to Shi Zhongquan with a smile.

However, after Lao Long looked up and down at Feng Ruo a few times, he suddenly seemed to see a ghost and said in shock, "Kid, you won't have any chance in the past hundred years, will you? How can you have a small half immortal golden body? It's impossible. No matter how powerful Shi Zhongquan is, he can't do it to this extent!"

Looking at Lao Long with shining eyes, Feng Ruo smiled. Yes, he didn't expect that the five-color clouds were so perverted for only a few decades. The wall of his left hand and the bones inside the small half of his chest were all converted into five-colored bones, which was more hard and horrible than his left arm before. In time, if all the bones of his whole body are condensed into five-colored bones, then if he encounters the existence of Jingshan again, he may not be able to beat him, but the other party will never kill him!

This is Feng Ruo's plan. Regardless of the rest, let's talk about his own defense, but this also leads to the fact that there are not many five-color clouds accumulated in his body now, let alone a little to help Shaling, so Shaling always looks wronged.

With a "clap", he came out of the stone spring and put on a black robe in an instant. Feng Ruo smiled and said, "Old man, I should have asked you first, right? Where have you been in the past hundred years? Didn't you save Qing Anlan?"

"Hey! Don't mention it, the little girl is extremely slippery. Since she escaped, there has been no news for more than a hundred years. I can't find her even with a lot of hidden power. Of course, the people in the Ziyao Fairyland have returned in vain. It is said that the Qingling was so angry that he was seriously ill afterwards!" The old dragon strangely look at Feng Ruodao.

"Oh? Well, don't look at me. You were also clear about the situation at that time. I really didn't agree on other contact methods. It's better for her to hide. It's better not to show up!" Feng Ruo sighed. ( To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket. Your support is my greatest motivation.) RQ