Wind control

Chapter 979 Royal God

Although he didn't believe it, Lao Long also had no choice but to take Feng Ruo. Moreover, he came to Feng Ruo for this matter. After slowly turning around Feng Ruo twice, Lao Long said, "Do you know why I asked you to soak in this stone spring? It's really because I see that the power in your body is complicated. With your skin, I'm afraid I can't stand it, so I let you soak here for a hundred years. With the foundation of these hundred years, I will pass on a set of the best skills of the dragon clan. As long as you can practice this skill successfully, it will be enough for It's a painstaking effort, but now it seems that I have made a look. You boy can not only easily solve this problem, but also go further. With this, your future achievements will definitely surpass me!"

Lao Long said very emotionally and solemnly. Feng Ruo naturally would not be poor with him at this time. At that moment, Su Rong bowed his hand and said, "Thank you for your cultivation. In fact, the main reason is still this stone spring. If there is no such spring, I can't make such a breakthrough!"

Lao Long took a look at Feng Ruo and said, "Take over the dragon scale in your hand!"

That dragon scale was still obtained from the endless sea of Cangwu World. It has always been of great help to him and saved his life several times. However, this dragon scale was almost abolished last time because it wanted to save the old dragon, and it still maintains the color of gray.

Feng Ruo didn't know what Lao Long meant, but he still obediently put the dragon scales on his hands. After receiving the dragon scale, Lao Long looked sad. After rubbing his hands for a long time, he threw it directly into the stone spring. After a long time, he sighed to Feng Ruo, who was a little confused: "Well, this is also the fate of heaven. Everyone's fate. Although you have not been able to get the inheritance of my brother, I have already said that you are deeply blessed. Naturally, there is a way to get out of trouble, and you have won the friendship of the Dragon family. Then, naturally, it will be fine."

Hearing this, Feng Ruo was stunned for a while. However, without waiting for him to ask, Lao Long has already told the reason, "Do you still remember what I said before? This cloud cave is the last foothold of my dragon family, so only those who can enter and exit freely are highly trusted by my dragon clan. If you can marry my granddaughter, it is also a way. And another way is to make you the inheritor of my dragon family, the dragon scale on your body. It was left by the dragon god of another great power in my dragon family. Unfortunately, you have been with you for thousands of years. I don't know if you are stupid or for other reasons. You only got 20% to 30% of the power of the dragon scale inheritance, and later because you wanted to save me. The power of the inheritance of this dragon scale has been almost consumed, so I will let you soak the stone spring, so that you can find a way to combine it with this dragon scale, but I don't know that you are a different way! In this case, this dragon scale is inherited from you. It doesn't make much sense, so it's better to give it back to me!"


Feng Ruo was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Lao Long's original intention, but by the way, in the past thousands of years, he really hasn't communicated much with the inherited dragon scales, but he just kept using the power of it. It's really a shame to do so, because his strength is too complicated. After sorting He still needs to sort that out. He doesn't have time to study the inherited dragon scales at all. He deserves it. But if this happens, won't he be able to leave the clouds?

It seems that he guessed what Feng Ruo thought. Lao Long shook his head, "The rules are dead, and different situations should be treated differently. As for me, you have become a friend of my dragon family now, so this cloud cave naturally has no restrictions on you. You can come and go freely. ."


"It's very simple!"

The old dragon stretched out his finger and nodded on Feng Ruo's left arm, "In the nihilistic world, the spirit of immortals is certainly the foundation, but in addition, there is a kind of power that is over it. This kind of power is constantly chased by demons and human masters. This kind of power is called nihilities in Among them, it is called Taixu, and in the demon clan, it is called runes!"

"Although these three names are completely different, they actually refer to the same power, but there is a more distant saying, that is, the royal god, which means that if you control this power, you can turn the world upside down, control the fairy god, and go straight to the deepest secrets of the nihilism, but whether it is nothingness, too Runes, this powerful power has always existed in legends. Maybe there is a divine power that can be mastered, but no one can be sure. As far as I know, in the world, even those gods, are at most slightly involved.

Speaking of this, Lao Long suddenly looked at Feng Ruo with a strange smile, "Don't be excited. You are not qualified to master that kind of power. I don't know how you did it, but your current state is obviously a sign of getting closer to that power. If you practice for another million years, you may be able to get a glimpse of The path of all kinds of power, you say, how can I, the dragon family, let go of a person with potential like you?

Originally, Feng Ruo was very excited to hear it. He created the five-color Yunxia cultivated by this simple skill. He didn't know what kind of power it belonged to. At this moment, he heard what Lao Long said, he thought he was a blind cat and hit a dead mouse and made a fortune. Unexpectedly, it was just a little in the right .

"I don't understand. Since this power is so mysterious, why is no one practicing it? Is it true that you didn't practice the old man?

"Hey hey, as soon as I heard your words, I know that you are still too superficial. If this kind of power is so easy to get, it is a strange thing. However, the reason why this power is so magical is not that it is out of reach, but that it exists around everyone, but you can't feel it. In other words, from The mortals, then the monks, the immortals, including you and me, are actually practicing this power all the time, but no matter what level we have cultivated, we can never get the truth. It's like in a sealed room, no matter how we tosss, we can't get out of the scope of this room. Because of this, first The virtuous will name this power nihilistic or too virtual, and the runes of the demon clan probably mean the same. Their nine fairy runes actually represent the nine most basic forces in the world.

Hearing this, Feng Ruo probably understood a little. In the final analysis, this is still a matter of the realm. Although the whole nihilistic world is vast and boundless, no one knows where the end is. For ordinary immortals, no one will care, but if it is similar to Lao Long, Haotian or higher-level existence, they They will think that this vast nihilistic world is an impenetrable and imprisons their room. Their pursuit should be to break through this room.

And the power to break the house should be what they call nothingness, too emptiness, runes, royal gods and so on.

As for the five-color clouds he has cultivated, it should not belong to the kind of power that can break the house. Fengruo is still very conscious of this. What's more, he really lacks any interest in breaking the so-called house! ( To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket. Your support is my greatest motivation.) RQ