Burning Shinto

Chapter 52 Yuan Lingzhu

After the high price of 25,000 top-grade Xuanjing was shouted out, it immediately caused bursts of exclamation in the venue. This frighteningly high price was really shocking.

Mo Xiong's face was pale, and his eyes looked coldly in the direction of Qin Zhenyu. He knew in his heart that the price he quoted was absolutely difficult to add to the other party.

Qin Zhenyu glanced at Mo Xiong, and there was no anger on his face as the latter expected. He still smiled, but it was a little more sarcastic.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and shouted again: "26,000!"


When Qin Zhenyu shouted out the price, the people in the venue did not shout, but a sound of inhaling cold air echoed in the venue.

"Awesome, it's really awesome. The head of the Qin family dares to raise the price."

"26,000 top-grade Xuanjing, I have never seen so much money."

After a moment of silence, the people in the meeting began to talk in a low voice.

"Dass! These two old guys are really addicted!"

The head of the Yang family, which is also one of the five major families, can't help shaking his face. If he is asked to take out so many Xuanjing, it will be no problem, but this is already one-fifth of the family's liquid assets.

"These two old guys seem to want to get this mysterious martial arts and have one more chance of winning in half a year." The head of the Ling family on the other side also exclaimed.

On the high platform, looking at the two people who were competing, the beautiful smile was a little seductive, but she was happy in her heart.

Although this "Dragon Rift Land" has a high level of spiritual level, it has restrictions on cultivation. After identification, it is initially estimated that the reserve price of this mysterious martial arts obtained from Duobao Pavilion is at most 10,000 high-quality Xuanjing. Even if it is auctioned to the limit, the price is only more than 15,000, but at this time, because The fight between the two masters directly caused the price of this mysterious martial arts nearly doubled, and it was difficult for anyone to calm down such huge profits.

However, after all, Fengrao is used to big scenes. Although the charming little face is a little red, not many people notice it.

Mo Xiong's face was the most wonderful at this time. First, he was green for a while, and then he turned red with anger. Especially when he saw Qin Zhenyu's mocking face, he was completely forced to endure the outbreak. If others had dared to provoke him so much, that person would have been a corpse.

"Qin, you like more than money, don't you? I will accompany you, 27,000." Mo Xiong shouted angrily, but he didn't add 5,000 at once.

As soon as the new price came out, the whole audience seemed to be immune. Instead of exclaiming as before, they looked at the fight between the two families with interest and looked at who had more money than, and there was a feeling of rising.

Qin Yanwu, who was beside him, was surprised to hear that Mo Xiong still dared to bid. Although the other party has rich financial resources, 27,000 top-quality Xuanjing is not a low price. If there was no life-and-death duel six months later, Mo Xiong and his grandfather would not have shouted so much.

But fortunately, in the vein of the Warcraft Forest a few days ago, the first time he got as many as 80,000 top-quality Xuanjing. Even if he continued to fight, Qin Yanwu firmly believed that Mo Xiong was definitely the loser.

"Ha ha, old ghost Mo, I'm really sorry. My grandson likes this mysterious skill, and it will be his birthday in a month. Since it is an internal gift, naturally I won't let others touch it. I will add another 3,000 to the price of the owner of the Mo family." Qin Zhenyu touched Qin Yanwu's head lovingly and immediately said with a smile. Suddenly, he added 1,000 more deaths, that is, 30,000.

Qin Yanwu was very happy when he heard this. A high-level mysterious skill was used as a birthday gift, which was extremely expensive.


As soon as Mo Xiong heard the price, the armrest of the chair was suddenly pinched by him who was so angry that he was almost furious. At this time, Mo Xiong's whole body trembled involuntarily. Obviously, he was extremely angry at this time.

"Good, good! Mr. Qin, you won. After a moment of anger, Mo Xiong finally suppressed his anger and said word by word.

"Ha ha, this "Dragon Split Terrain" was filmed by the owner of the Qin family." Fenglao smiled and took down the Xuanji martial arts book in a beautiful box.

"There are 30,000 top-grade Xuanjing in this crystal card." Qin Zhenyu gave the money casually and took the box.

When Fengrao passed by Mo Xiong, she didn't care about the other party's cold eyes. She was not afraid of others. After receiving the 30,000 top-grade Xuanjing, he was so happy that he turned around and walked back to the auction platform in a graceful posture.

Qin Zhenyu glanced at Mo Xiong with a sneer and sneered in his heart. He handed "Jiaolong Split Terrain" to Qin Yanwu beside him and said, "Use it well. Grandpa expects you to beat the other party like a dead dog in half a year."

"Grandpa, don't worry." After receiving the box, Qin Yanwu was very happy.

At the Mo family's VIP table, Mo Hao saw this scene and exclaimed in a low voice, "Grandpa!"

"Shut up and rest assured that this auction is not over yet. At the end, the more precious things are. This old man has spent so much money to buy mysterious skills now. Next, he is naturally not qualified to compete with me." Mo Xiong cursed in a low voice, and Mo Hao could only keep silent.

"Ha ha, the spiritual advanced mysterious skills are only the highlight. The following is the bottom auction of this auction, which is also the last item auctioned in this auction." With a charming smile, he immediately pushed out the last auction item in person.


The moment the red cloth of the auction item was taken away, there was a low sound around, and the auction item emitted a dazzling light, like a little light in the dark, becoming the only focus of the whole auction house.

What appeared in front of everyone was a baby's fist-sized bead, which was crystal clear, and there was some gas flowing in the beads, and bursts of mysterious fluctuations were emitted from it.

"What is this?"

"I've never seen this kind of thing, and it's simply a fascinating feeling."

"It must be a good thing. It must be more expensive than the mysterious skill just now."

When it comes to the price, countless people suddenly sink in their hearts. Knowing that since this thing is called the bottom of the box, the price of the last auction item must be higher.

"Guys, this is the last item auctioned by Duobao Pavilion at our auction. This crystal bead is called 'Yuan Lingzhu'. It does not belong to the ranks of mysterious weapons, but is a foreign treasure. Presumably you also know the meaning of the foreign treasure in the Tianwu continent." With a smile on his face, he walked around the auction table with the bead called "Yuanling Pearl" to let everyone see it clearly.

There is a kind of thing called strange treasure in Tianwu mainland, that is, strange treasures, which does not belong to the ranks of mysterious weapons. It is said that it is naturally produced by heaven and earth, that is, after countless years, it suddenly emerges from somewhere and has a strange effect.

The quality classification of foreign treasures was also decided later. Like Xuanqi, it is divided into five qualities: Fan, Ling, Wang, Huang and Sheng, but it is not subdivided, because it is already difficult to classify the quality, let alone subdivided.

Strange treasures, even if they are only ordinary, are extremely rare. They are much more expensive than the advanced magic skills of the spiritual level, and the strange treasures are suitable for almost anyone to use. They are omnipotent.

At this time, the last auction item of the auction turned out to be a strange treasure, which is undoubtedly the heaviest painting at the end of the auction and will also bring an extremely rich profit to the auction house.