Burning Shinto

Chapter 53 Bidding

Everyone in the audience looked at the slightly fluctuating beads. Anyone wanted such strange treasures. If it hadn't been for the auction house, I'm afraid they would have been in a mess by now.

"Guests, the role of this yuan spirit bead must be what you want to know most. Everyone here knows that although Xuanjing contains mysterious energy, as long as the quality of each Xuanjing is the same, the energy inside is the same. Once it is absorbed more, it will be offset by each other, resulting in waste, and only Only those strong people in the rumor have the ability to eliminate this shortcoming. Feng Jiao smiled and introduced to the people present.

Everyone didn't know why when they heard about Xuanjing's shortcomings, but when they heard it, they could guess one or two, and those pairs of eyes were hotter.

Fengrao paused and then introduced again: "And the biggest function of this yuan spirit bead is to absorb the energy contained in the Xuanjing, but there will be no offset to each other's shortcomings, that is to say, it can maximize the use of Xuanjing without causing waste."


When I heard that it could maximize the use of Xuanjing, the whole audience suddenly exclaimed. As long as individuals knew the shortcomings of Xuanjing itself, the utility of Xuanjing led to a great reduction. Now as long as you get this so-called Yuanling bead, you can maximize the use of the energy in Xuanjing. In this way, it is the most useless product. Xuanjing can play a large role, and it is not so that it can only be used to buy ordinary things as it is now.

The only utility of this Yuanlingzhu is enough for countless people to get it, but the price of such foreign treasures will never be low. The small rich people under the stage also know that they can only watch it. In the end, I'm afraid that the five families will compete for it. After all, in terms of financial resources, in addition to the city owner's mansion and the auction house, there are only five families' wealth. The strength is the strongest.

"Ha ha, the utility of this spirit bead is coveted, but it is also flawed. First, its own storage space has an upper limit, and second, the more times it is used, the space that can hold energy in it will gradually decrease. That is to say, one day it will lose its utility and become a Ordinary beads." Fengra smiled and opened her mouth again.

The auction house has always been known for its integrity. As long as the items you take out are qualified enough to go to the auction table, they will give back the value of the corresponding items. Similarly, the auction house has never concealed the shortcomings and advantages of the same auction items, which is why the auction house is still the largest origin in Canglan City so far. One of the reasons.

Yuanlingzhu itself originally had a limit on the capacity and number of times, that is to say, this bead is a consumable, but it is not a one-time but multiple consumption. Once the times are used up, the beads will become ordinary items, and there is no longer any effect.

However, when Fengrao said these two shortcomings, there was no voice like when he said "Dragon Split Force" before. It seemed that everyone didn't care about these two shortcomings.

"That's all for a brief introduction. Since this Yuanlingzhu can be called a foreign treasure, its price will not be low, and the little woman will not hide it from you. The starting price of Yuanlingzhu is 30,000 top-grade Xuanjing. There is no upper limit for each price increase, but it must be Shangpin Xuanjing." The rich and charming voice came faintly.


30,000 top-grade Xuanjing, such a high price is the same as the final price of the advanced spiritual-level mysterious skill "Jiaolong Rift Land", not to mention that this is only the starting price. For the vast number of people, such a price is a sky-high price, which is simply difficult to reach.

The people under the stage suddenly became dumb. No one dares to call out a new price. At such a high price, they can only sit down. Of course, they are not in a hurry to leave. Although they do not have the financial resources to fight, the five families are different. The reason why the people present did not leave is to see the five families. The competition of financial resources is also a good show.

"Please start shooting." Fengra said with a smile, looking only at the VIP seats of the five families.

The heads of the five families are excited at this time. They have Xuanjing veins, and the most mined is the low-grade Xuanjing. For them, the Xuanjing of this quality can be said to be used in the warehouse. Usually, it has little effect. Even if they take it out and use it, it is only supplies those who have just finished the competition and are a little consumizing. Or used as a bright lamp. Of course, only the five families or some families with financial advantages will do this. How dare those civilians be so extravagant?

However, as long as you get this yuan spirit bead, you can use those low-grade Xuanjing that can almost be described as piled up as mountains. Although the lower-grade Xuanjing contains little energy, after all, it accumulates more. What's more, the lower-grade Xuanjing in the five families has indeed reached the point of 'less to accumulate more', and it will be wasted if thrown away. No Throwing doesn't have much effect, just like chicken ribs, and it's a pity to throw away the tasteless food.

"Thirty thousand." Just after a moment of silence, someone shouted out the price.

Everyone was shocked, because the person who shouted was not the head of the five families, but an old man sitting in a corner dressed in black.

"What's the matter with this old guy? How can he have so much money?"

"Yes, 31,000 top-grade Xuanjing, I thought only the five families present had such financial resources."

"I don't know where it came from. Seeing him sick, even if he gets this Yuan Lingzhu, he is not afraid of being robbed halfway. Robbery?

When the old man in black shouted the price, there was a lot of discussion around, guessing the origin of the old man in black.

In addition to the people under the stage, even the owners of the five families were extremely surprised. They were going to shout for the price, but they were suddenly shouted out by such an unknown old man, but they felt a little ashamed.

"Hmm! Where did the old man dare to be so arrogant? Mo Hao snorted coldly and scolded.

Mo Xiong waved his hand with a cold face, and then shouted out a new price: "32,000."

As expected, the five families began to compete.

However, just when everyone thought that the owners of the other four families would shout, the old man in black took another step faster: "33,000."


The first reaction in everyone's hearts was this sentence. Without saying them, even Fengra, who had a charming smile, frowned at this time and looked in the direction of the old man in black. She was also surprised that someone dared to have more money than the five families.

"34,000." This time, the head of the Ling family is the head of the family. Although they are also five families, the overall strength of the Ling family is obviously at the end, but as long as they get this Yuan Lingzhu, their strength will naturally rise sharply.



As soon as the new price came out, it has been flooded. The first is the owner of the Zhao family, and the second is the owner of the Yang family. Of course, the speed of this shouting is shocking.

The five families finally launched a financial competition for this Yuanling pearl. The people present were wondering who would get this treasure pearl in the end, and looked forward to how high the final price would be.