Burning Shinto

Chapter 266 Helpless!

After reading the explanation of the "secret art of melting spirit", Qin Yanwu's face changed greatly.

This so-called "Spiritual Secret" is the exclusive secret art of spirit beasts. After this secret operation, the spirit beasts can merge with each other and transform into a new independent individual.

The strength of the spirit beast after the fusion will increase significantly. According to the firebird mark, once the three heavenly fire spirit beasts in front of them perform the fusion magic, the new spirit beasts will have the strength of the seventh-order martial arts, which is three levels higher than before.

However, the fusion secret has a fatal shortcoming. Although it can help the spirit beasts greatly improve their strength after merging, because the spirit beasts are condensed by the energy of heaven and earth. After condensation, they are an independent individual. Once integrated, this rule will be broken. Then in an hour, the new spirit beasts will be fused. It will self-destruct and turn into a core.

That is to say, the effective time of this secret art is one hour, and once it is used, there is no way out. This is a terrible secret art of exchanging life for life.

Qin Yanwu's face changed dramatically. He knew that if the three fire spirit beasts were allowed to use the secret art of melting spirits, they would have no chance of winning, and even if they escaped, they might not be able to do it.

"You can't let them use spiritual secrets!" Qin Yanwu said secretly.

If it were someone else, he might just think that the fire spirit beasts would become more crazy because they lost their companions again and would have no other ideas, but Qin Yanwu has the existence of the firebird mark. Although this mark does not know the origin, he seems to know a lot of unknown things.

This gives him the first opportunity and can better prevent the fire spirit beast from exerting spiritual secrets.

"Uncle Zhou, look at Xiaotao, black electricity and I can't let them perform secret skills." Qin Yanwu shouted.

When Zhou Jing heard this, he quickly answered and retreated with Xiaotao in his arms. Then he took out a water spirit crystal from Qin Yanwu and introduced the mysterious energy of the water inside into the latter's body in a gentle way. After absorbing these energies, the latter's breath gradually stabilized, and his originally pale smiling face also began to turn red. .

Seeing this, Zhou Jing smiled and continued to introduce the energy of Shuilingjing into Xiaotao's body.

At this time, Heidian listened to Qin Yanwu's words and nodded heavily. Although he did not know what the secret technique the latter said was, it must be a very terrible move.


Qin Yanwu shouted, and the two launched a fierce offensive.

The three fierce battle puppets attacked the Skyfire Spirit Beast again. The latter did not seem to expect that the other party would react so quickly, because they thought that few people knew the fusion secret art and could not react at the first time.

Therefore, before the three heavenly fire spirit beasts have time to perform the spiritual secret art, they have to attack Qin Yanwu and black electricity, as well as three fierce puppets.

It takes a certain amount of time to melt spiritual secret art. Although it is not long, Qin Yanwu and others suddenly took action at this time, which has effectively prevented the Skyfire spirit beast from exerting the secret art.


Qin Yanwu turned over, and the halberd broke through the sky and came out.

"Split drill!"

It rotated 500 times in an instant. No, it should be 700 times. With Qin Yanwu's current ability, he has been able to turn 700 times in an instant. It seems that there are only 200 times left, but if the spinning and burst drill does not rotate more, the power will increase accordingly. This is 200 times, and its power has increased with the real king. The power of intermediate-level mysterious skills is about the same.

The harsh sound of breaking wind sounded, and the broken cloud halberd with the terrible power of the bursting diamond killed one of the Skyfire spirit beasts.

The fire spirit beast quickly reacted, roared, and hit its body like a cannonball.


The two sides collided with each other and did not last long. Qin Yanwu was suddenly hit and flew backwards.

Although the power of the spinning burst drill is very powerful, the real combat power is at most similar to that of the second-order martial arts master, and the fire spirit beast had the strength equivalent to the fourth-order martial arts master, and there is still a certain gap between the two.

However, Qin Yanwu naturally knew this. He still attacked directly because he was ready for the next attack early.

As he flew backwards, a dark shadow quickly swept forward, and the shadow was full of black thunder and lightning, which was the black electricity that attacked later.

"Black God thunderstorm!"

is another terrible thunder fist. This time, it is still caught by the other party and bombarded unprepared. The effect can be imagined.

The fire spirit beast quickly reacted and grabbed it out, and the heat energy came to its face. Although it reacted, it was a pity that it was much slower than the speed of black electricity.

"I want to help, but there is no way!" After Qin Yanwu flew upside down, his fingerprints were connected, and the three fierce fighting puppets were ordered to pester the two Tianhuo spirit beasts who wanted to come to rescue their companions.



At this time, there was a explosion, followed by a tragic howling.

Hearing the sound, the body of the sky fire spirit beast bombarded by thunder was torn, and lava-like blood kept rolling out of it.

But the spirit beast is an energy body. As long as it is not a fatal injury, it can grow again.

However, Black Power has already been prompted by Qin Yanwu. Naturally, it is to seize the opportunity to urge the mysterious power in the body again. The violent black thunder force gushed out again, and then another "Black God Thunderstorm"!

Before the fire spirit beast could recover, it was hit by the thunder fist again. This time, it was no longer able to fight back. Its head was instantly bombarded by the thunder fist and died directly. The energy of the body quickly condensed into a fire spirit core.

With a black electric sound, he grabbed the heart of the fire heart back.


After the black electricity took away the core of the fire spirit heart, two loud noises broke out not far away, and the remaining two fire spirit beasts rushed away the entanglement of three fierce battle puppets, and then instantly pulled a long distance.

"It's not good!"

Qin Yanwu was shocked by the surge of Qi and blood at this time, and his hands were paralyzed. At this moment, looking at the appearance of the two fire spirit beasts, he knew what they were going to do.

Heidian quickly tried to stop it, but it was too late.

The smaller the number of fusion of spiritual secrets, the faster the speed will be. Just now, it was three heavenly fire spirit beasts. It takes a certain amount of time to merge, but at this time, it is only two ends, and the shortest time required, and it only takes ten breaths to complete it.

If the Skyfire Spirit Beast could think of the fusion of the two ends first, the current war situation will be greatly rewritten. Unfortunately, they do not have this level of intelligence.


An amazing heat wave scattered around, and two fire spirit beasts collided with each other, and then began to merge like a whirlpool. After a moment, one was still red, but a completely different atmosphere of the fire spirit beast appeared in front of him.

This Tianhuo spirit beast is even larger, five meters high and ten meters long, emitting terrible energy fluctuations all over its body. Obviously, the strength of the fused Tianhuo spirit beast has been greatly improved. Now I'm afraid it is not much worse than the sixth-level martial arts master. At least, it is the same as that. Be awesome.

"Bad! I didn't expect to be integrated by them. Now we can't fight against this situation. Qin Yanwu shook his head and said.

"Firebird Mark! If you have the ability, come out to help, or we will be miserable now. I'm afraid we will be hunted down. Qin Yanwu secretly complained.

Not to mention now, even under normal circumstances, he is chased and killed by a strong man equivalent to the sixth-level martial arts master. With Qin Yanwu's current strength, he will die. What's more, they are all consumed now. In this case, they can't escape the pursuit.

You should know that the Skyfire Spirit Beast is condensed by the energy of heaven and earth, that is to say, it can absorb a large amount of energy of the same attribute, and there is no way to fight against them. Once you can't kill them in a short time, the final result will be killed.

Therefore, an hour does not seem to be long, but for the Skyfire spirit beast that can constantly absorb energy, Qin Yanwu and his current state are bound to die.

Qin Yanwu pleaded bitterly to the firebird mark, but the latter did not move, which made him very annoyed: "He knows how to enjoy himself and doesn't give anything. Well, you will disappear even if I die!"


It seems that because of Qin Yanwu's vicious words, the firebird mark trembled violently and seemed to be very angry with the latter, and then gave a way to avoid this death.

"Damn it, I was asked to die with the fire spirit beast at the cost of self-detonation of three fierce fighting puppets. These are three fierce battle puppets!" Qin Yanwu complained for a while, and the three fierce puppets were valuable. They were destroyed all of a sudden, saying that they were not heartbroken.

"Good! You are cruel! Your mother! Self-detonation is self-detonation, and life is more important than this! It's helpless!"

Qin Yanwu gritted his teeth and knew that only this method could solve the current dilemma at this time. Thinking about it, he had no choice but to make a decision.