Burning Shinto

Chapter 265 Spiritual Secret

The killed Tianhuo spirit beast only happened for ten breaths. In this short time, not to mention other Tianhuo spirit beasts, even black electricity did not have time to react.

Qin Yanwu grabbed the fiery core in an instant, didn't look at it, and directly put it into the space ring, so it was not the time to relax.


Seeing that his companions were killed, the other four fire beasts suddenly roared, and the whole area trembled violently by the roar.

They are extremely angry. Although they only know how to kill and swallow, they are all born from heaven and earth at the same time. Although they can't speak to each other, they have brotherly feelings.

At this time, the death of their companions was like the loss of a loved one, which made them sad and angry.

Crazy! Angry!

At this time, only the four fire spirit beasts are left with madness and anger. They are bound to kill all the human beings in front of them and avenge their companions.


Four roars shocked the sky, and the red light was shining around. The red flame covered the original purple sky. The sky here was like blood stained with blood, but with amazing heat energy.


When the trees around come into contact with the heat energy, they do not appear to burn, but evaporate directly from the inside, and all the nutrients are evaporated at this moment.

Qin Yanwu's eyes were also condensed. He didn't expect that killing a fire spirit beast would cause such a big reaction. In his opinion, he miscalculated the invisible friendship between the fire spirit beasts.

The three Tianhuo spirit beasts in the battle with Black Power suddenly shook, burst out amazing power, suddenly shocked their respective opponents, and immediately merged with another Tianhuo spirit beast. Then they aimed at a target and launched a terrible offensive at the same time.

And that target is Qin Yanwu.

"Big brother!" The black electric heart twitched. If Qin Yanwu was attacked by four heavenly fire spirit beasts, it would definitely be nine deaths.

Qin Yanwu suddenly felt a terrible sense of death crisis, which is an absolute sense of death. If he is really hit by the joint attack of the four heavenly fire spirit beasts, he will be disabled.

"Combined! Yu!"

In the face of danger, Qin Yanwu's fingerprints changed rapidly, and the formation of the three-talented puppet array also changed at this moment. The three fierce puppets returned like lightning, and then made a resistance posture, forming a triangular shape.

This is the defense array in the three-talented puppet array, which is the opposite theorem to the attack array just now. Its role is to focus on absolute defense, give up all attacks, and protect the people who use the array with all their strength.

"Spirit Wall!"

Qin Yanwu knew that even if he used the absolute defense array of the three-talent spirit puppet array, he may not be able to resist the joint attack of the four heavenly fire spirit beasts, so he even exerted the soul wall, and he did not dare to be careless at all. After all, this is a matter of life and death.

The soul wall comes out with the sound, covering the whole defense range.

The joint attack of the four-headed fire spirit beasts has attacked in the blink of an eye. They united and violently hit the target, like a meteorite that hit down, and the attack is still with the terrible mysterious power of fire, and the purple fog in the air is instantly burned by the mysterious power of this fire.


Under the huge impact, the shock wave suddenly spread around, and the 100-meter radius was like an earthquake, with violent earthquakes, and the ground kept cracking outward.


Qin Yanwu was affected by this huge impact. His whole body fell three inches on the ground, his upper body and clothes were broken, and his mouth overflowed with blood.

The joint attack of the four heavenly fire beasts is so horrible. I'm afraid that even if the other side is against each other, it will be peeled off. If it hadn't been for Qin Yanwu's absolute defense array of the three-talent puppet array, coupled with the assistance of the soul wall, I'm afraid that he would not only spit blood, but fly backwards seriously.

"How dare you hurt Brother Qin!" When Xiaotao saw that Qin Yanwu was injured, he immediately screamed, and his whole body burst into terrible power and swept around.



A giant crocodile with a foot of more than ten meters appeared in the air, and the giant crocodile roared up to the sky and shook the earth.

At this time, Xiaotao was angering and stimulated the power of the beasts in his body, and his combat power soared in an instant. Although outsiders seemed to be still a third-level mid-level martial arts master, he was afraid that even Zhou Jing could not be defeated at this time.

"Thousands of beasts destroy the world!"

With a shout, Xiaotao's whole body rose into the air. After that, the giant crocodile roared again, and countless shadows of warcraft appeared in the sky, and the roar resounded around.

Then, Xiaotao punched out and directly bombarded the four Tianhuo spirit beasts that were still jointly attacking Qin Yanwu.

A huge sense of oppression followed, and the four heavenly fire spirit beasts showed panic in their red pupils for the first time. In the face of the countless shadows of warcraft, they will give up and continue to attack even if they are unwilling.

The four heavenly fire beasts quickly turned around, united, and hit the virtual shadow of the warcraft group led by the giant crocodile.


The two sides collided violently, and under a loud noise, as if the sky was dark, which showed how horrible the power of the explosion of the two sides was.

"I can't spare you, big brother!" Black Power also attacked suddenly at this time.

I saw him roaring out with black thunder, and his whole body was surrounded by black thunder, like a god of thunder and lightning.

"Black God Thunderstorm!"

With a roar, the black electricity came out of lightning before the four fire spirit beasts reacted, and suddenly bombarded a thunder fist at the nearest fire spirit beast. This punch contains an extremely domineering mutant black thunder, which is much stronger than the ordinary power of thunder and lightning, and is extremely destructive.


Lei Fist instantly hit the fire spirit beast, and the other three fire spirit beasts reacted at this time. They never thought that these two people who didn't pay attention to them at the beginning would burst out such a terrible power.


The fire spirit beast was suddenly detonated and broken into two parts.

If it is one-on-one under normal circumstances, even if the black electric punch is strong, it is not enough to kill the fire beast. At this time, the reason why he can do this is that the other party is not free to defend against Xiaotao's attack at all, that is to say, he hit this punch without any defense, let alone the sky. The fire spirit beast, even if Fang Tong is bombarded under such an unprepared situation, will be blown up.

After the killed fire spirit beast howled, the energy around it began to condense quickly, and in an instant, it condensed into a heart core of fire again. Zhou Jing behind him looked at the opportunity, quickly passed by, and captured it back.

Black Power did not attack again, but quickly walked in the direction of Xiaotao. As a result, the latter had been exhausted by the use of "thousand beasts to destroy the realm" and fell down.


Black electricity caught Xiaotao and quickly checked Xiaotao's condition. It was found that the latter was not only consumed and unconscious, but also had a crack in the bones of the two small hands. Obviously, during this confrontation, Xiaotao could only barely resist the joint attack of the four fire beasts under the outbreak.

Qin Yanwu came over quickly and said eagerly, "How's Xiaotao?"

"Don't worry, although some bones in the hand are cracked, it is not enough to worry about Xiaotao's recovery ability. You can recover after a period of time." Black electricity said indifferently.

"That's good. I miscalculated the strength of the Skyfire Spirit Beast." Qin Yanwu was relieved when he heard this, and then said ashamed.

"It can't be blamed, big brother. No one expected that they would still have such a blow." Black electricity comforted.

Zhou Jing came to everyone at this time, then handed out the heart core of the fire spirit and said, "Young master, this is what was condensed after the death of the fire spirit beast that day."

Qin Yanwu nodded slightly and took over the fire spirit core. Instead of looking at it again, he looked at the remaining three heavenly fire beasts again.


The three heavenly fire beasts once again found another companion dead. Suddenly, they howled all over the sky. In the howling, there was more anger. They saw their red pupils looking at Qin Yanwu and others. There was a madness in their red pupils, as if they were going to do some crazy move.

When Qin Yanwu saw the crazy eyes, a sense of uneasiness suddenly appeared in his heart.

At this time, the firebird mark suddenly trembled, and the word "melting spirit secret" came out, followed by a description of the secret art.